Hardware :: LaCie Little Big Disk 200GB Options In My System
Jan 3, 2008
I purchased a LaCie Little Big Disk 200GB. It's an external HDD with two 2,5" 7200RPM hdd's paired as a raid 0 system.Great on paper, horribly risky in practice.So, *stupid me* started using this disk as a backup device for some important data. Of course the disk has started to malfunction. When I plug it in, there's this terrible clicking noise and it no longer mounts.I have already voided the warranty as I opened it up thinking/hoping it was a faulty connection.
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Jul 6, 2009
I have a 1 TB LaCie Big Disk Extreme 2 that is actually made up of 2 500GB drives. It failed on me. I have most of it backed up but there are a few things I would like to recover. I tested another power cord and it didn't work. So I talked to a few people and they said that if I bought a new seagate controller board that matches my 500GB drives identically I would be able to get the data off one drive at a time. There is some good and some bad. When I tested the new controller board on each drive (one at a time only because I only have one new controller board) they both started up normally! Success I thought.. but no.. Both Leopard and XP said "drive needs to be formatted" or "initialized".
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May 5, 2009
I installed AirPort Extreme for my iMac to replace an old wireless router. Now my external LaCie 'Time Machine' backup drive doesn't show up in peripherals when I try to reinstall it. (It went away somehow) It only tries to lead me to the wireless Apple product.
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Oct 20, 2010
Does anyone here have personal hands-on experience with hacking a Lacie Ethernet disk? I heard it's possible to make them run as a extremely cheap server.
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Jun 9, 2012
I connected Lacie Backup Disk and used Time Machine to select the disk. But then a warning popped up telling me to eject the disk properly next time before disconnecting it, even though I never disconnected the device. Now time machine does not even recognize it.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 19, 2010
After some warning signs in the last few weeks (not ejected properly, drive icon disappearing from desktop) my Lace BigDisk Extreme 1TB Drive is now seemingly gone forever. No backup.
Not ejected properly warnings were inappropriate as I never unplugged it ... icon disappearing - I simply pulled to power supply pin out of the back and re-inserted it and it came back. Now it-s gone. Lacie has sent a new power supply to me but it did not solve the problem ... the power supply brick light blinks very faintly .. when I pull the p/s pin out of the drive, the power supply brick lights up solid green.
This type of failure seems to be a common occurence. Anyways, I need to recover the data if possible. My options seem to be:
1. Pay a data recovery service $600.
2. Buy the current version of the Lacie that I have and swap out the disks, so that I can at least get to the data. I believe that the current version is the:
d2 Quadra Hard Disk 1 TB eSATA/FireWire800/FireWire400/USB 2.0 .. does anyone know for sure?
3. Buy some other lower priced enclosure with usb or firewire interface to get to the data (but I don't have a clue what to buy)
Does anyone know if either options 2 or 3 will work and which would be the least painful to deal with? I'm not a hardware guy
Lastly, I cannot get the screw off of the back of my dead Lacie drive .. it appears to be a small phillips head but it turns out it's not. What tool do I need to get it off? Or is it opened up some other way?
If anyone could guide me thru the steps to recovery it would be much appreciated!
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Jan 8, 2011
I want to exchange files between MacPro and Pc windows 7 64 bit. In Mac I have partitioned my LaCie 4big Quadro with 1 partition FAT32 DOS, GPT principle. Here Mac has no problem to copy my files to this partition, but my Pc cannot read this partition. The Pc recognizes the LaCie without problems in the Disk Utility, but cannot read it. I also cannot give this disk any name ((F: etc) in the pch disk utility.
I have seen en earlier thread on the seme topic, but not the problem when the pc cant read it.
suggest two partitions, one fpr Mac and one for Pc. OK - but how do I copy files from one to another.
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Sep 3, 2008
I have a 1T lacie "big disk" that makes a loud whirring noise, then a clack, over and over again. It never gets itself mounted. I am thinking about pulling the disks and plugging them into a another machine, or disk enclosure. Is there any point to trying this or is the fact that I have 4 250G disks tied together to show up as a single 1T drive preclude any heroics?
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Mar 15, 2010
I bought the LaCie Little Disk 320gb about a year ago and it has been working fine till recently..
The problem that I have is that the laptop that I use (Powerbook G4) doesn't recognize the HD anymore..
I have tried all cables (both firewire's and the usb) but nothing works..
I did try it on multiple computers (macbook's / imacs and even some windows computers) not one did recognize it.
(well the windows computer I used it on did recognize it but it cant open it and Windows Explorer stops working till you pull out the HD).
The only think I can think of is that I pulled out the HD to many times without safely removing it first..
I got a lot of data on the HD and I'd (offcourse) like to get it back,
I haven't been to the store yet (going somewhere this week).
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Dec 16, 2009
I recently replaced my Netgear router with Apple's Airport Extreme Station. I had the Lacie ethernet mini disk connected to the Netgear ethernet port and it worked just fine.
With Apple's station, however, it just cannot see the mini disk. The green lights on both ends of the ethernet cable port are on. System Pref's Network shows the mini disk not connected or cable unplugged. Fiddling with it one day (mostly on the System Pref side) the disk appeared as an SMB in the Finder (as before) and I was able to access it. But just that one time only. Can't access it since.
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Jan 1, 2008
I have 2 internal Serial-ATA disks:
Both were checked (with Disk Utility and DiskWarrior) and are OK. But only one of the two disks shows in the Startup Disk list in System Preferences->Startup Disk.
PowerMac G5 / OS X (V.10.4.11)
3GB memory
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Sep 11, 2009
When I used Disk Utility to verify my LaCie disk, I received this message:
Disk Utility stopped verifying "LACIE" because the following error was encountered:
The underlying task reported failure on exit.
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May 18, 2009
I have to send my iMac 27 back to apple for replacement (flickering screen issue) and I would like to erase my personal information. How do I do that on a Mac? I have a Lacie Drive connected via Firewire 800 and have been using Time Machine for backups. I also want to make sure that I have a complete backup as well. I am new to Mac OS X
iMac 27 & MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Jan 6, 2010
My Big Disk Extreme (1TB) was working great, until the other day, while on it started making a repetitive "Click" sound. Im assuming this is somehow related to the drive spinning and whatnot, but the problem is it wont mount on the desktop, nor can i find any way to "reset" the hdd.When on, the blue light works just fine, it does not turn Orange or anything. The drive just clicks and wont do anything...
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Feb 19, 2009
Odd stufff, I have a 500 gig Lacie ext HD that my user uses on her Vista machine...
I am setting up a replacement for the Vi$ta machine, which is a 24 inch imac.
I plugged in the ext HD and nothing happened after I powered on the ext HD.
I checked disk utility and it showed up but as a 2TB size ext HD...
I unplugged the Lacie and plugged it back in and all the info showed up correctly.
But ALL the buttons under "First Aid" are greyed out so I cant verify permissions, disk, or repair disk or permissions.
imac 24 inch
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 15, 2012
I have been using my G4 MDD - 1.gHz DP with 4 160 GB HD. I recently upgraded one of my HD to a 200 GB. but my G4 only gives me 186 GB to use. I know when formatting you usually loose a couple of MB but 186 GB from 200 GB?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G4 MDD, 1 gHz DP. 1.25 DDRAM
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Jul 31, 2010
windows 7 partition is mainly for games like Call of Duty and the upcoming Mass Effect 3. Possibly microsoft office as well. How much space do you think I'll need? Is 200GB enough?
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Sep 12, 2014
I'm not doing any backup of my macbook pro, so why does it show such a substantial amount of space taken with backup?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 24, 2009
I recently purchased a 2.8 octo Mac Pro that came with a stock 200 Gig HD. I purchased a WD 640 Caviar Blue HD for a boot drive and 3x 1 Tb Samsung Spinpoints for data and backup. When I got the Mac I simply took out the stock drive, put in the WD and did a clean install off the install DVD?s. The machine performs very well when it?s running my apps, like Pro Tools, but it?s sometimes a bit fragile when performing mundane tasks like burning dvd?s while surfing safari f.eks. It tends to freeze up quite a bit. Then I noticed also that the Samsung drives I put in it are a bit unresponsive. i.e. when i move files between folders on the extra Samsungs there is a few seconds of "lag" while before I can open the folders again.
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Dec 27, 2010
I have been using the OWC mercury 200GB SSD for 4 months now and I am experiencing a lot of freezing and lags on my 2010 15" i7 MBP. I tried restoring to original MAC OS Snow Leopard but it still froze. I dont know the exact problem.
Freezing occurs mostly when I perform major task/ heavy duties on the MacBook Pro, for example, when doing some video calling on Skype, Playing starcraft 2 and some heavy games.
Anyone having the same issues? Does anyone know any problem solving solutions?
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May 25, 2012
I am not a newbie to computers so I am aware that temporary files (swap files) are par for the course. I also realize that when dealing with larger files (video, for example) swap files tend to grow larger. But I can't reconcile going from over 200 gb of available space to showing literally 0 bytes available in less than a half an hour. Granted, I am exporting a video from iMovie (about 2 hours) but to loose over 200 gb of available hard drive space to a swap file doesn't seem right. Is this really my swap file or is something else possibily going on here?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jan 8, 2010
my MBP has been really underperforming. Things take longer on my Macbook, then on my 10yr old machine with 512mb of ram and openbox. Also, firefox, has been going extremely slow, and crashing. I'm not using beta, and I have opened it in safe mode, and it still crashes.I know there must be something wrong. Both my brother and some of his friends with macs have also been experiencing stuff slowing down. So the first thing, I though it might be is that there is an update, or something like that. So I updated, but no go. It's still slow. And just the other day, I got to see this for the first time.
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Oct 30, 2010
I keep getting a sending error report when trying to email direct from iPhoto 11.
As I understand it, iPhoto pulls all address details direct from Mail so why would it falter.
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Jan 7, 2011
Is smcFanControl still the best to use to increase rpm's on fans for macs? Or is there anything new out?This iMac get EXTREMELY HOT on the top left corner it can burn your hand how bad it is.The atual temps are within limits with istat but that excessive heat on the back left top corner is concerning me. If i keep my hand on it for more then 5 seconds it will actually burn my hand.
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Apr 28, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro and have been using Microsoft Entourage to automatically connect to and download my e-mail from my college's mail server. All of a sudden my internet got really slow. I began looking around and found that it was probably a DNS issue so I added and to my DNS server list and my internet began to work nice and speedy like it use to. The only problem is that whenever I added these I can no longer access my school's mail server. At this point I am completely clueless and really don't want to have to pick between e-mail access and fast internet.
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Jul 11, 2009
When I try to start up my mac, It doesnt work. A folder icon appears in the center with a question mark, which then changes to the finder logo. (thats as far as it gets)I'll do anything to fix the problem, even if it means clearing all my files. I have no startup disk though, if that's a problem.
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Oct 29, 2009
I recently reformatted my mbp because the filesystem crashed and I couldn't repair it. Everything works fine except it beach balls a lot now and it's driving me crazy. It will beach ball quite frequently for like a minute or 2 randomly. This never used to happen until I reformatted it. I ran the disk utility repair and it still beach balls. I think its just a bad install. I have the Early08 MPB and Snow Leopard.
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May 7, 2010
i'm wanting to build a desktop hacintosh. But i also want the get pretty much the top of the line hardware. I'll also be installing windows 7 for games. I'm wondering if os x will run on core i7s, and also what specific hardware is compatable with os x? CPUs, Video Cards, Ram ETC. I have a 13 inch MacBook Pro but i am planning to sell it. I need a significant upgrade for everything i plan to be doing with computing in the next year.
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Apr 27, 2008
This feature was available in Tiger and dropped in Leopard. Actually there is a compress PDF feature (either via an applescript that can be downloaded) or using Quartz filter "reduce filesize". However, when dealing with bitmap figures embedded in the PDF, both solutions in Leopard yield very dissappointing results. Whilst in Tiger, the results were outstanding for both file size reduction and maintaining the bitmap clarity.
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Nov 30, 2007
Using the Apple Disk Utility...
What the difference between running Repair/Verify (Permissions or the Disk itself) on the hard drive or the boot volume listed in the window?
Some say just run it on the boot volume, others say run it on both.
Is there an advantage in doing both (if so, why) or should it be just the boot volume?
Power Mac G5 / 2GHz
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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