OS X :: Snow Leopard Pictures And Review Options With A System
Jun 26, 2008
A clean installation took about 13 minutes from start to finish, which is a world of difference from the hour or so that a clean 10.5 Leopard install takes. Other then the time involved, there are very few differences between the 10.5 and 10.6 installation processes at this time.Once you're up and running, it feels very similar to Leopard. I don't know how much this will change through Snow Leopard's development, but don't expect a terribly different interface. The subtle changes to the current Aqua definitely look good though.
In the process of doing clean install from tiger to leopard and I'm running into some issue. 1st attempt - was stuck on initial "Install" screen (After I erased my HD and selected drive to install but before the Install screen changes to show the status of the install remaining) for 35 minutes. I stopped the install and restated.2nd attempt - Finally got to the progress bar, 28 minutes remaining. However, it didn't move from there. I checked the Installer Log and it kept trying to install printer drivers and foreign fonts, but unsuccessful. Finally got an error message stating install was not complete. Restart.3rd. attempt - This time I unchecked printer drivers and fonts. Progress bar stated 18 minutes, now it's down to 17 (after like 10 minutes) and according to the Installer Log I keep getting errors in stuff (Error writing caches to /Volume/...., Input/output error, Failed to enumerate /Volumes/...., Cannot prune("com.apple.user*pictureCache*"). However, according to the progress bar, it keeps moving through the processes, still show 18 minutes now.
In iTunes when I right click on a song and click "get info", then change some info, it doesn't stick. It goes right back to what I already had in there before. I then realized that this is because every file inside my iTunes music folder is set for "read only" and not "read & write". So after I change it to "read & write" all changes I make in iTunes will take. However, I have a lot of music and therefore a lot of files inside my iTunes music folder. Going into each and every folder to change its permission to "read & write" would be tedious and time consuming,
Tiger to Snow Leopard and then found out I had lost my connection to the Netgear WGPS606 Print server that for years has served me flawlessly to use my HP Photosmart 8100 printer. Apparently it has something to do with Apple having removed support for Appletalk (???) Searching the web and Netgears website I can only find the instructions for Tiger, which I already had back when I first set up the print server.
In general, reviewers are very positive about Snow Leopard, calling it a welcome performance boost with strong under-the-hood improvements. But what's really captivated everyone is the price: at $29, critics see the inexpensive upgrade as a no-brainer for most Mac users. The new 64-bit architecture, built-in support for Microsoft Exchange, and the ability to open Mac OS X files while running Windows via Boot Camp are all welcome additions highlighted by reviewers.
But in the end, it's all about the performance: Applications load faster, and the OS install frees up an average of 7 gigabytes on a user's hard drive from Leopard. That's not to say all is perfect. There are reports of applications that do not work or are glitchy in Snow Leopard. Some of the more popular software that has reportedly had problems includes Microsoft Word, Photoshop CS3 (which will no longer be supported for Snow Leopard), Growl, and CyberDuck. But as with any OS upgrade, some older applications will need to be updated in order to fully work with the new system. As has happened in the past, most software will likely see updates in just a matter of weeks to increase compatibility and performance issues.
Here are some of the review highlights:................................
I did this on my white MacBook last year, but that was A LOT of work due to removing the LCD display to apply the rainbow insert. This time www.icolours.ca offers transparent stickers that nearly fits over the Apple logo which makes it A LOT eaiser to apply. It looks GREAT and took no time to do. I ordered 3 stickers incase I screw it up, but I didn't. I use a Speck case to protect the Air and keeps it looking NEW, I recommend it to everyone. I did it at my desk at work. The pictures are taken with my iPhone.
i was wondering if this new 'inertial' trackpad gesture available on the new line of MBPros might be possible to score on a MBAir rev B/C..this is a feature which would be great to have, IMO..anyone know if this new 'inertial' gesture is software or hardware-based?
is there any software avalable for take pictures via isight when the login failed.for instance,Lets say somebody in staff people try to access/login failled macs in our office, so what i want to do is capture the image by using isight, and save it /send it to email address. But this should work in startup but hidden proces so user will not get notified.Â
I obviously didn't choose my words correctly because everyone would rather pick apart what I said and did rather than acknowledging that...Apple sent me a scratched Snow Leopard disc.These things do happen so make sure you always backup your data and always check the disc before you put it in your computer. Even if its from a company you love and trust.
With Snow Leopard being so much smaller and lighter than previous versions of OS X are there still things to cleanup after a new install? Do programs like XSlimmer still do much? If there are still things to do, are there programs updates for Snow Leopard to automate this?
i noticed that today, when i right click on a folder (to organize for example) such options appear in numbers such as N148 instead of saying arrange by or whatever. It looks this way with most options.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.5)
this will sound random but the 35 new desktop pictures that were leaked from snow leopard are not entirely there on my recently upgraded computer.notably, camo and the graffiti stuff. i just want to make sure my install didnt get boned and i am missing other more important things.
I want to use Time Machine to back up my pictures because my hard drive is full but I'm wondering if once I back up the pictures then delete them will time machine delete them off the back up too?
Just recently I've noticed this more than before... If I open a new tab, almost every time I'll get a spinning pinwheel for about 5-10 seconds, then it'll start responding again. Sometimes it'll do it for other things too, but for the most part its opening new tabs.
I picked up an 80 GB Intel x25-m yesterday and installed on my 15" i7 MBP but could not get the Snow Leopard disc to show up holding option, and tried "c" at boot.As a work around, I tethered the MBP to an iMac via firewire and installed Snow Leopard on the MBP but after, it would display the apple logo but not boot.
When I print a color picure from Preview, areas of medium color like an evening sky show bands about one inch wide. parallel to the print head movement direction. So one inch tall band will be lighter, the next darker. These are subtle differences, but ruin the print. I've contacted Epson who told me to try all the things I had already tried e.g. clean, calibrate, & align printer, new Epson brad ink, etc. They said if that didn't work it was the computer, or the cable, which I find unlikely. So I then tried printing from Gimp and Picasa, which did not have the problem, but also printed at the correcct size instead of expanding the image to fit the paper. This happens with both small images 320X231 as well as large ones 1600X1200Â
I read a comment in the community written in 2009 that said "After you choose File -> Print, under the "Orientation" section, about halfway down, is a drop-down menu. Choose "Preview" in there. After that, use the Scaling options to get it to print the size you want." I tried that but it doesn't change the size of the printed image. I also tried fiddling with the image size on the Tools menu but that didn't help. It seems like the only way to shrink the image on the paper is to change to a smaller paper size, which is a workaround.Are these bands being caused by the expansion of the image? It's being blown up about 60%.Background: Preview version 5.0.3, OS 10.6.8, printer connected directly via USB. Printer is Epson Workforce 633
i'm trying to get the file size displayed in the finder.i can right click on an individual file to 'get info' and find the size, but can the size be displayed routinely in the finder? i tried to 'view options' but 'size' and 'calculate size' are greyed out and cannot be checked.
Apple, you broked it AGAIN!! You're getting tired of hearing this but Fix The ********** Finder!!!
When I set a view option and then click "Use as default" it doesn't apply to all the folders throughout the system. This worked every time in Leopard like Billy D. Williams' Colt .45, and now? BROKED!
Come on Apple! You do a great job at making things work, such so that we have to bring ourselves to THIS! Batching about so little an issue as not applying my pretty background color to all my windows! If you're going to break something at least break something worth fixing!
I have recently installed Snow Leopard on my aluminum Macbook . I dont have a lot of GB available, so I decided to reinstall Leopard and then install Snow Leopard again for more GB. I accidentally inserted the iMac install disk 1 (Not the Macbook install disk), because I have a iMac as a home computer. When I inserted the install disk, it tells me to restart my computer. I click Restart. But, after trying to boot, it comes up with the white screen. This lasts for about 15 seconds. After 15 seconds, my Macbook restarts again! It keeps repeating to restart over and over again. After about 15 restarts, I tried and ejected the disk and restarted my Macbook without the disk and see if it cancels the installation. When I boot it up with no disk, it cant read my HD anymore!
I want to have both options of doing a Clean Install or an Upgrade of leopard to snow leopard.Which DVD on Amazon should I buy?Can you point me to a link/info ? And I also bought my macbook pro in late june 2009.
is there a way I can have both OS's running at the same time, with Snow Leopard on the left monitor and Windows 7 on the right monitor, all running out from one computer rig (Mac Pro)?I've heard of ppl using Synergy to run dual monitors with dual computers and sharing one keyboard and mouse. I want to do the same EXCEPT run it all out of 1 computer.
The system extension "/System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext" was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product's vendor for an update.Â
I have run disk permissions repair and disk repair, but these errors still come up when I turn on computer.Â
My system (imac, OSX 10.6.8) froze today. Moving the mouse or using the keyboard did not ask for my password. I had to turn the power off/on. Fortunately, I didn't loose much. Two questions: What happened?If it happens again, is there a less drastic solution than cycling the power?