OS X :: Safari Does Not Support 129 Bit SSL Encryption?
May 28, 2009
I'm new to Mac's and was going to fill out a form on a bank site. The site wouldn't let me because my browser wasn't secure enough. Are they planning on updating the browser to support this kind of encryption? What do you guys do when you run into this? Install Microsoft Internet Explorer for Mac's?
I just noticed when I went to log in to the Apple Support Forum to post for the first time that the login page does not display the lock for it's security credentials in the upper right corner of Safari. Is this potentially an issue given that it asks for your AppleID that is used for iTunes? The webpage url starts with "https://" but it does not display the lock.
My job has a policy requiring all laptops (all mobile devices, actually) to be encrypted. This is full encryption, requiring a username and password before it can even begin to boot into Windows. It is a 3rd party product. My question is, is there anyway to run a bootcamp partition to support this kind of business encryption? How about OS X? What about inside of a VM?
Why cant I resume the encryption. I connect the power and nothing happens. I retart with power added and I get a "Calculating time remaining" then right back to the title message. I just bought this Macbook Air and already this issue has happened and its drawing quite a bit of battery power. Also Apps using significant energy shows "Reverting from Filevault"...this does not look good on Mac
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I am farily new to macs in general and am confused about one thing. In windows, you can always update the browser regardless of your windows version. OS X 10.2.8 is not all that old but I cannot update safari to 2.0.4 like in 10.4.7. Is support for 10.2.8 discontinued? Am I forced to use firefox if I want an up to date browser? BTW, this is on an old Beige G3 so 10.2.8 is the highest OS.
Is it me or Safari 5 on Windows has no support for the <video> element? I did an HTML 5 test on this page [URL:..] and it scored 165 but it scored none in video. I tried Vimeo on HTML 5 and videos wont play. Is it simply disabled? If it is where can I enable it?
a)What version of Safari DOES support community Toolbar? b) If I don't want community toolbar how do I remove this message? c) What is Community Toolbar?
Well, Safari was acting up and being super slow, so I decided I'd try to see what happens when I turn Flash off. Well, the internet flys now. It seems SOO much faster. Its no wonder Apple doesn't support it. I really like how fast everything is now. Anyways, the point of this thread is: 1) Apple is smart to not support Flash 2) Try disabling Flash in Safari, it makes the internet so much faster.
I am trying to transition my father to OSX on a new iMac. I've tried several times to get him to commit to getting Internet but he is just not going to. However it would be useful to get the tutorial videos on Apple's Support pages for him to follow as he learns, iWork in particular, but other tasks as well. I've shown them to him in the AppleStore and he seems to like them as a method of instruction. Apple however has changed its method of streaming the video, I can't download them anymore using QuickTime and you can't access them via the Safari > Activity menu either. Why Apple is making it hard to get something they seem to want us to have, seems strange to me. How do you download the tutorials? I'd like to put them on a Flassh Drive for Dad to use at home.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iMac 27" Early 2011
Sarfari won't open when I turn on my Mac. I get the message that the Sarfari I'm using doesn't support the community toolbar. How do I go back to my old Sarfari that did support it.
Since updating Safari recently to 5.1.5, if I choose the Mail Link to This Page command, instead of opening Mail.app with a new email with the link pasted in, it launches Google Chrome and, in Chrome, goes to the email login page for Google webmail. If I choose the Mail Contents of This Page command, I get an error message stating: "Safari can't create an email message because Google Chrome.app doesn't support sending webpages from Safari. You can use the Mail application included with Mac OS X to send webpages." Safari is set as my default browser. This behavior started immediately after the 5.1.5 update.I use these commands pretty regularly and, through many version of mail.app and Safari, there has never been a glitch. Any ideas, folks? Or is this a bug introduced by 5.1.5 or some other recent Software Update? (Software updates are completely up to date and on 10.7.3.)
Apple on Monday released Safari 5, the latest version of its desktop Web browser, with a 30 percent performance increase, the addition of Bing search and secure sandboxed extensions, as well as support for more than a dozen new HTML5 technologies. The update is available for download from Apple's website or via Software Update on Mac OS X. Safari 5 is a 39.1MB update. "Safari continues to lead the pack in performance, innovation and standards support," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Safari now runs on over 200 million devices worldwide and its open source WebKit engine runs on over 500 million devices." Available for both Mac and Windows, Safari 5 includes improved developer tools and supports a number of new HTML5 technologies that allow developers to create rich, dynamic websites. The latest version of Apple's Web browser also includes Safari Reader, which makes it easy to read single and multi-page articles on the web by presenting them in a new, scrollable view without any additional content or clutter. When Safari 5 detects an article, users can click on the Reader icon in the Smart Address Field to display the entire article for clear, uninterrupted reading with options to enlarge, print or send via email. Powered by the Nitro JavaScript engine, Apple said Safari 5 on the Mac runs JavaScript 30 percent faster than Safari 4, three percent faster than Chrome 5.0, and over twice as fast as Firefox 3.6. Safari 5 loads new pages faster using Domain Name System (DNS) prefetching, and improves the caching of previously viewed pages to return to them more quickly.
Safari 5 adds more than a dozen powerful HTML5 features that allow web developers to create media-rich experiences, including full screen playback and closed captions for HTML5 video. Other new HTML5 features in Safari 5 include HTML5 Geolocation, HTML5 sectioning elements, HTML5 draggable attribute, HTML5 forms validation, HTML5 Ruby, HTML5 AJAX History, EventSource and WebSocket. The new, free Safari Developer Program allows developers to customize and enhance Safari 5 with extensions based on standard web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. The Extension Builder, new in Safari 5, simplifies the development, installation and packaging of extensions. For enhanced security and stability, Safari Extensions are sandboxed, signed with a digital certificate from Apple and run solely in the browser. The details match a support document published over the weekend that suggested the release of Safari 5 for Mac and Windows was imminent.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
The ability to download and immediately render non-standard web fonts is just one of several advancements Apple Inc. has planned for Safari 3.1, a small but significant update to its share-gaining web browser for both the Mac and Windows PCs. The release, which underwent private testing this week, will tie in a number of other enhancements, most of which have been under constant development as part of the company's WebKit open source application framework since last fall. They aim to provide Web developers a means of writing more dynamic and customizable web pages and iPhone apps, which will in turn provide surfers with a more feature-rich and enjoyable experience. For example, CSS Transforms and CSS Animations will join web downloadable fonts in allowing Safari 3.1 and iPhone users to render web pages and web apps with enhanced design messages and real-time visual effects. By applying Transforms, developers can author trigger actions that scale, rotate, skew and translate HTML boxes in real time. Similarly, Animations offer a quicker route to DHTML/JavaScript effects, such as fading out an HTML element, or increasing the border of a box when hovered over.
Another significant addition to Safari 3.1 will be support of HTML5's SQL storage application programming interface (API), which is a client-side database storage programming interface that will allow a future array of web applications to store structured data locally on a user's machine using SQL. The API is asynchronous, according to Apple, and uses callback functions to track the results of a database query. Also on tap for the new version of the Apple browser is support for video and audio tags as outlined in the draft specification of HTML5, which add native support for embedding video and audio content in web pages. Additionally, they provide a rich scripting (API) that will allow developers tailor playback controls.....
If your 1Passwords stops working you need to modify the SupportedBrowsers.plist File. This allows 1Password to work with this developer preview version of Safari. This file is located within 1Password App itself so you need to do the following: Right click 1Password and "Show Application Contents" Go to: Contents -> Resources -> SupportedBrowsers.plist Open this file with TextEdit and copy and paste the following(replace all the text in this file): OR Download the attached file and replace it with this version.
I was having some issues with safari opening and Mac Support had me reinstall my disks. I just bought my MacBook like 3 months ago so I'm still getting used to everything and since installing I have 2 issues:
1. I found my user name, which we saved, on the "previous system" folder, but how do I get the info to apply. I tried dragging the whole folder to my desktop, but do I actually have to open each file and save them?
2. What happened to iphoto. I tried to open some of my pictures from my iphoto library and it said that I did not have iphoto on my computer
I am trying to access the Apple Support Downloads page and somehow I am getting an Apple page with 404-error message. Is someone experiencing the same thing?
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), i5 2.5, 4GB, 500GB, Nvidia 330m 256
When I open Safari an error message pops: Community Toolbar. We're sorry but the Safari browser version you are using does not support the community toolbar. I'm using Safari version 5.1.5.
Why do I get the "We're sorry but the Safari browser version you are currently using does not support the community toolbar"? It pops up every time I open Safari. I have installed Lion but it is still there?
I have a blackbook running 10.6.4 with a GMA 950 that I use dual monitors with. If I use the extended desktop mode, and drag a safari window with a flash player onto the external display it will freeze and become unusuable (can't interact with it). The audio will still play through the speakers, and dragging the window back onto the main display brings back the flash functionality. This is a fairly new problem, it never used to happen before.
Safari browser version 5.1.5 (6534.55.3) does not support the community toolbar. How do I either get rid of the warning or get the browser to accept the toolbar?
Apple this month continues to plug away on a small but significant update to its fledgeling Safari web browser, most recently making improvements to the application's handling of web forms and faulty Javascripts.
The cross-platform browser update presently dubbed Safari 3.1 was first made available to the company's developer community last month. Since then, only one external revision has been spotted, arriving last week in the form of three distinct distributions.
A public beta for versions of the Windows operating system carried build number 31A15 and weighed in at 18.5MB, while versions for Mac OS X Tiger and Leopard arrived as builds 8S3021 and 9B4021, weighing in at 48.6MB and 38.9MB, respectively.
In a set of release notes reported to have accompanied the latest distributions, Apple advocated "significant performance, stability, and compatibility improvements" over the builds released just three weeks earlier.
Specifically, the company said Safari 3.1 accepts large amounts of text pastes into forms much faster than its predecessor and that the browser now logs all nasty and unsafe Javascripts to a system log file for later review. In addition, a pesky bug that prevented earlier builds for uploading photos via web forms to online auction sites has also been fixed.
The Mac maker offered no update on the browser's more compelling enhancements, which include support for downloadable web fonts, HTML5 video and audio tags, CSS transitions and animations, and a new SQL storage API.
Improvements to Javascript performance are also a significant focus of the upcoming release, which uses an unreleased version of Apple's Webkit frame work that has proven to be up to 2.5 times as fast in Javascript operations than that of the current version included with the existing Safari 3.0.4 software. [ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]