Software :: Safari 5 With Extensions - Expanded HTML5 Support
Jun 7, 2010
Apple on Monday released Safari 5, the latest version of its desktop Web browser, with a 30 percent performance increase, the addition of Bing search and secure sandboxed extensions, as well as support for more than a dozen new HTML5 technologies. The update is available for download from Apple's website or via Software Update on Mac OS X. Safari 5 is a 39.1MB update. "Safari continues to lead the pack in performance, innovation and standards support," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Safari now runs on over 200 million devices worldwide and its open source WebKit engine runs on over 500 million devices." Available for both Mac and Windows, Safari 5 includes improved developer tools and supports a number of new HTML5 technologies that allow developers to create rich, dynamic websites. The latest version of Apple's Web browser also includes Safari Reader, which makes it easy to read single and multi-page articles on the web by presenting them in a new, scrollable view without any additional content or clutter. When Safari 5 detects an article, users can click on the Reader icon in the Smart Address Field to display the entire article for clear, uninterrupted reading with options to enlarge, print or send via email. Powered by the Nitro JavaScript engine, Apple said Safari 5 on the Mac runs JavaScript 30 percent faster than Safari 4, three percent faster than Chrome 5.0, and over twice as fast as Firefox 3.6. Safari 5 loads new pages faster using Domain Name System (DNS) prefetching, and improves the caching of previously viewed pages to return to them more quickly.
Safari 5 adds more than a dozen powerful HTML5 features that allow web developers to create media-rich experiences, including full screen playback and closed captions for HTML5 video. Other new HTML5 features in Safari 5 include HTML5 Geolocation, HTML5 sectioning elements, HTML5 draggable attribute, HTML5 forms validation, HTML5 Ruby, HTML5 AJAX History, EventSource and WebSocket. The new, free Safari Developer Program allows developers to customize and enhance Safari 5 with extensions based on standard web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. The Extension Builder, new in Safari 5, simplifies the development, installation and packaging of extensions. For enhanced security and stability, Safari Extensions are sandboxed, signed with a digital certificate from Apple and run solely in the browser. The details match a support document published over the weekend that suggested the release of Safari 5 for Mac and Windows was imminent.[ View this article at ]
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Oct 31, 2010
Since the new Air ships without Flash, this is a good time to mention these alternatives for Youtube videos. These extensions use HTML5 to play all Youtube videos, without gobbling up your battery like a buffet. Safari users [URL:...] Chrome users [URL:...]
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May 13, 2010
Video streaming service Hulu posted and quickly retracted an item on its official blog Thursday, in which the company stated that it doesn't see HTML5 in its immediate future.Eugene Wei, vice president of product with Hulu, said that his company's contractual requirements make the transition to HTML5 too difficult. The current player on the website, built with Adobe Flash, does a great deal more than stream video."We continue to monitor developments on HTML5, but as of now it doesn?t yet meet all of our customers' needs," Wei wrote. "Our player doesn?t just simply stream video, it must also secure the content, handle reporting for our advertisers, render the video using a high performance codec to ensure premium visual quality, communicate back with the server to determine how long to buffer and what bitrate to stream, and dozens of other things that aren't necessarily visible to the end user."
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Feb 22, 2010
i've been testing youtube's html5 beta on my aluminum macbook, 2,4ghz, 2gb ram, nvidia 6400m, OSX 10.5.8 after reading everywhere that it was less resource intensive than flash video, in fact, most of the things i've read said it was a huge performance boost. Nevertheless, after checking activity monitor I get Youtube with html5, around 95.0 CPU usage Youtube with flash video, around 65.0 CPU usage. So, whats the problem with my mac?? why do i get this results when lots of people are saying they get around 15% cpu usage with youtube html5 an safari 4?
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Apr 23, 2012
I'm having some YouTube trouble. When I play a video on YT, Little Snitch prompts me for "url..." at least twice before playing the video. But the video plays choppy until the entire video is buffered, and after playing about 25% it drifts out of sync anywhere from a half second to two or three seconds. It's really bad. Embedded videos on message boards etc play flawlessly.
Last night I got the 'No HTML5' message that others have been getting (as seen here) which kind of narrowed it down for me as an HTML5 issue. I am part of the HTML5 test group on YT but what made Safari suddenly stop dealing with YT's HTML5 is a proper manner?
I was one of the guys hit with the Flashback, could that have been a factor? I only noticed the problem after the two Safari updates from two weeks ago.
Info:Safari, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 1, 2012
Yesterdday 10.7.3 was released with new Safari and there is still NO fix for the Full Screen Sleep issue with HTML5 Video, whats wrong with you Apple, this bug is since Lion released with Safari,5.1 now 3 Versions later this small bug is still not fixed, but already known, i dont want to use Caffeine or such stuff, while Apple suggests the Web to use HTML5 why is the support for basic Features so bad?
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May 2, 2012
Suddenly Safari either is very slow to load or doesn't load some pages at all. I have tracked it down to be pages containing html5 canvas element.
This happens only on iMac and Macbook Air. It doesn't happen on iPad nor on Safari on a Pc. It will happen on the Mac computer both when the pages are out on the internet and when the pages ar locally stored. It's driving me absolutely mad!
I've tried emptying cache both through Safari menu and by removing Safari's Cache.db, I've reset Safari preferences, restarted, and changed DNS to Open DNS (though it seems strange it should be an issue since the problem also occurs when I run the site on localhost). Â
If I open the page directly entering the url in the adressbar it works fine, it is when I try to access it from a link on another page on the site it doesn't load. If I press reload it will load fine. The link from other pages can be either an html <a href="url"> tag or javascript window.location or window.location.href neither works. The weird thing is it worked fine until just yesterday. And it works fine on every other machine except the Macintoshes.
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May 31, 2012
How do I activate HTML5 to watch Youtube video's WITHOUT using Flash ? I have tried to find an answer but am unable to. I would prefer NOT to need to download and/or use Flash as I have read and heard that this can create security concerns on my mac. I am ABLE to play the same videos on my iPad though ( I know the iPad does not have Flash ) When I try to play the videos on my mac I get a message stating: But on my iPad, I AM able to play the SAME video.
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Jun 15, 2010
Many extensions on cannot be installed.However, extensions that I installed before, no problem, such as AdBlock, Bing, Echofon. Others, will not install, it will be stuck at installing. And Safari may lose response after a while. I initially noticed that if I try to install YouTube5 which I downloaded myself, Safari will immediately lose response.
Tried solutions:
- Reset Safari
- Run OnyX
- Repair disk permissions
- Deleting all the extensions; extensions I installed before will install, others won't
- Deleting Clicktoflash and Glims
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May 30, 2012
What in the world happened? Mac Pro 2008, OSX Lion Latest, Safari latest. went to the ~/Library folder and reinstalled them all and the settings were intact. Not sure why this happened.
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Jun 17, 2012
I had a number of extensions - now they are gone (in that they don't load and are not listed in the preferences list of extensions, though they are still in the library). Downloading and then reinstalling is not working - safari reports that they can't be installed.
Info:MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Jun 12, 2010
So far, I love:
Invisible Status Bar
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Jun 8, 2010
Is there going to be an apple downloads page?
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Jun 8, 2010
I was trying to install the gmail reader extension, but it told me that I don't have Extensions enabled. I know it's probably staring me right int the face, but how do you enable extensions? I've gone through pretty much everything I can think of and Safari help is no good at all.
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Jun 9, 2010
There are a lot of great ideas floating around of what extensions would make Safari 5 more useful. I figured it'd be worthwhile to put up a single thread that compiles a list of ideas ranked by popularity. I'll start it off:
(4 votes) Keyword search
(3 votes) Tabs on top
(3 votes) Unified Search & Address Bar
(2 votes) Alphabetized bookmarks
(2 votes) "DownloadThemAll"
(1 vote) Enhanced GMail notifier (with email preview)
(1 vote) Torbutton
(1 vote) Bookmark search in search bar
(1 vote) StumbleUpon
(1 vote) Tab-specific mute
(1 vote) Tab locking functionality
(1 vote) Center button auto scroll
(1 vote) Ask where to save each download
(1 vote) Download window overlay
(1 vote) Download status bar
(1 vote) FlashBlock / ClickToFlash
(1 vote) Bookmark syncing with FireFox
To get an accurate popularity ranking, please also vote on ideas you like that have already been mentioned.
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Jun 9, 2010
I want to use some of the great extensions showcased at but I'm afraid they'll slow down the browsing experience and start up times. Will it?
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Jun 15, 2010
Two simple questions:
1) Does anyone know when, in particular, the extensions gallery will go live? Later this summer is a bit vague. I'm waiting on a few crucial extensions (e.g., AdBlock, WOT, Xmarks).
2) Concerning the Search Bar (Bing, Google, Yahoo!), will I be able to add additional search fields via the extensions gallery (provided someone creates them, of course)?
I presently use firefox and found the 'MyCroft Project' to be absolutely invaluable. It allows me to search common websites without having to navigate to them directly (url). If I can get this added capability, I will switch over for good!
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Feb 20, 2012
Using Windows 7 Pc I open Safari under my Windows Log In which is Home and now when I try install Extension I get the error cant install, The extension that was their is not their either and it was working last week and it was there. So I clicked repair no luck, I uninstalled it and still nothing, so then I logged into the other user account in my Windows 7 Pc which is Guest or I have another one Called Party, and guess what EXTENSIONS INSTALL!!! And all is perfect. So I am lost as to how the Safari after being installed 2 times now ie re installed etc and restarted machine is not working under Home user in Windows.Â
Ps WINDOWS 7 I am on I see allot of posts on how to delete lists etc all on Macs so please remember I am on Windows 7
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Feb 27, 2012
After I have installed the evernote extension Safari shows no more extensions. The extension window is empty and if I try to reinstall extensions regardless of extension, I receive a popup window that says "An error occurred while installing the extension According to the preference setting, extensions are "on" but no extensions are listed.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 12, 2012
I'm using Safari 5.1.5 on a MacBook Pro. After using Chrome for a year I have switched back to Safari. I set up all my bookmarks & extensions and it worked great for a few days until I had to restart the computer. Then Safari opened up with only my OLD bookmarks, and no extensions! *This has happened twice now!!* Also, when I go the Extensions panel under Preferences, it says my extensions are "installed" yet they are nowhere to be found.
Is there something I need to do to SAVE my bookmarks and extensions, because there's no way I'm going to putter around re-creating them each time I reboot the computer.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 21, 2012
Since I upgraded Lion to version 10.7.4 and Safari to 5.1.7 my safari extensions won't work. These aren't exotic extensions here, we're talking about 1Password and Evernote. When I launch Safari, I get a message saying that the extensions don't work with this version of the browser. I removed the extensions and tried to reinstall only to get a message saying that there was an error when trying to install (a truly usefull message, I might add).Â
Thinking that this might be an issue with a specific extension (1Password), I contacted the developer. Over the course of a week or ten days, we went through a series of steps to try to resolve the problem. None of these steps resolved the issue, then suddenly, for no obvious reason, the extensions started working UNTIL I have to restart my computer when it was physically relocated. Upon restarting and relaunching Safari, I got the same old message -- the extension won't work. When I tried to reinstall, the "error when trying to install" message popped up.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 13, 2010
Apple has sent a reminder to its developers that the company's new storefront for web extensions will be opening to the public soon, providing an App Store-like experience for customizing and extending the new Safari 5 browser. "Submit your Safari extension today," the email says. "Selected extensions will be featured on the new Safari Extensions Gallery. We�ll soon be launching the Safari Extensions Gallery, a new destination that provides you with an opportunity to increase the visibility of your Safari extension beyond your website." The note adds, "the Safari Extensions Gallery will feature selected extensions that offer an innovative user experience. And a one-click installation process will allow users to seamlessly install extensions from a developer�s website without ever having to leave the Gallery. Have your extension considered for the Safari Extensions Gallery. Submit your extension download URL and supporting metadata today." Developers can already distribute Safari extensions on their own, and at least one site has appeared to draw attention to the browser extensions that are already available. "It remains unclear just how choosy Apple�s Safari Extension Gallery will be," writes Jonas Wisser, who maintains the Safari Extensions blog. "From the line about innovative user experiences, it seems like there�s a chance the SEG will be more selective than the App Store has been. If that�s the case, I will likely continue posting submitted extensions here to provide a less curated center for extension distribution."
How Safari 5 Extensions work Apple originally announced the coming Safari Extension Gallery alongside the release of Safari 5 at WWDC. It presents the extension feature as a way for third parties to create buttons for the toolbar or make your own extension bar, change the way web content appears or add controls to web pages. "Safari Extensions are built with web standards, so you can do it all using the power of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript," Apple's Safari site explains. "If you know how to develop web pages, then you already know how to make extensions for Safari................
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Jun 10, 2010
In my Safarti... I mean Safari 5 I don't have the ability to install any extensions. My image really is self explanatory. Has anyone had the same issue? (or a fix?!)
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Jun 29, 2010
I am having an odd problem. I have safari extension enabled, and I even have a few installed. Today though, when I went to double click on and install a new extension, instead of installing it re-downloads the extension. The extension is definitely .safariextz.
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Jul 9, 2010
I've been using Safari 5 since it was released. For some reason today I'm unable to open the Extensions Preferences without Safari crashing. I've tried reinstalling the browser but to no avail.
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Jul 30, 2010
What's your favorite safari extension? and are they secure? Cause apple said that they are done by third-party developers. So are they approved by apple?
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Aug 17, 2010
Is there a way to add file extensions supported by safari for downloading? Every time I try to DL a .7z file safari opens it as a text file. I could get around this using widget, but there must be a more elegant way of doing this.
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Mar 4, 2012
The Safari Preferences Extensions Tab just went blank. There are no buttons or check boxes to let me allow extensions.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
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Jun 18, 2012
My safari extensions window has gone blank. I have a MacBook Pro running 10.7.4, and I recently downloaded some extensions from the Apple Site. I've trashed the Library/Safari/Extensions plist folder and re-booted but this has not helped. I can install them but not manage them through the preferences > extensions window.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 6, 2012
Since 10.7.4 (I'm guessing) my Safari extensions are removed whenever I login at my office location.
I recive an error stating:Â
"Safari can't use extension XYZ because the extension is no longer Valid"....The extension is then removed. Back home I can reinstall and use as normal.Â
As I mentioned this is a relative new "feature" My company uses proxy servers, to manage Internet access. My Computer is not managed by IT, they have no permissions or control over it.
This "feature" only occures when I'm in the office. All Extensions are removed!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Mid 2009, MacBookPro5,3 2.8Ghz 8GB
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