Safari :: No Longer Support My Online Banking
Apr 30, 2012No longer support my online banking
No longer support my online banking
what is the best apple program for online banking + downloading to computer.I am currently using quicken but when I purchase a macbook air I am considering upgrading to something better if there is such a program.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Some web site no longer support Safari 5.1 is there an upgrade I can get or use?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
I noticed that there is a problem with e-banking and the newly updated Safari. I can get into my face page but I cannot open the e-checking portion of the bank's e-bank page. The bank told me that they have had many problems with Safari since the update. I opened up FireFox and everything works OK. Is the general concensus, from what I have read, the problem is JAVA? I have resetted and thrown away the cookies persuant to by bank.
View 14 Replies View RelatedCan any tell me where to find online chat support? Can't find it easily on the apple website.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Apple on Monday announced to users of its public beta that new features have been added to the Web-based service, including the ability to play Keynote presentations online, as well as new options for public sharing and private online storage.The details came in an "important service message" sent to users by Apple on Monday. The changes require users run the latest version of iWork, 9.0.5, released last week.
View 15 Replies View RelatedPost updates for some applications other than Aperture it now won't properly export RAW. Get a 'no longer support AWR files message. Do I need to reset something in 'Preferences'? In addition some of the 'view' selections would not respond until a restart, after which the same message occured. Need info as to why RAW will not export (tried to get to the desktop, a burn folder anything with 19 photos unedited).
Aperture 3, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I lost my iweb and had order replacement DVD from apple after talk with support team. When I install its say "you cant open the app installing mac os x because power pc app o longer supported"
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
You can't open the application PlistBuddy because PowerPC applications are no longer support. THE INSTALLATION FAILÂ YAMAHA 01X mLAN i can fix the. Imac10.7.3 i5.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 01X MLAN DRIVE HELP
Is there a good, free accounting or banking program for Mac?
Mac Pro, iOS 5.0.1
I am trying to open .pdf files on the web . I receive a blank, blacked out page.
MacBook Pro 17, Mac OS X (10.6.6), Apogee Duet Sibelius 6 Symphonic Orchestra & Choirs
When attempting to transfer money between accounts at my bank I click the Submit button and get the error: "The page must be fully loaded before this form is submitted." There is no error number or code given. The message is apparently generated by my bank's web server. The page is fully loaded. I don't get this error when I use IE on my XP PC unless the page is really not fully loaded.
View 1 Replies View Relatedcannot open online pdfs through Safari
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
How do I use another browser besides Safari? I have not been able to access my online bank account and the bank tells me that it is a Safari issue that the Mac people have been working on. I recently upgraded to Lion.
IMac, Mac OS X (10.4.5)
I want to block adult content while online using Safari on iMac. Is there a built in choice within Safari?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
When I try to open a pdf online, I get a black screen with the address showing at the top of the window (where it should be). I can open pdfs on my iMac with no problem. I can also open the online pdfs with FireFox without a problem. I think this started happening after I installed the latest version of Adobe Reader. I'm running 10.6.8.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
Anyone else here use Ally Bank in Safari? The purple bar winds up blocking account information and looks even more out of "alignment" on the account screens once logged in. When I adjust the size using the + and - adjustments, other page elements appear wrong. I have the most updated version of Safari (4.0.4) and OS X 10.6.2 on my iMac. (1680 X 1050) [URL].
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can't use Safari as my browser for an on-line training program. What other browser can I use and how do I get it?
MacBook Pro
Safari crashes frequently while I'm streaming video online. When the error report message appears, I type a comment, and when I try to send the report to Apple, I get the message that the report cannot be sent at this time; try later. Later never works. It's like Safari has been prohibited from communicating to Apple.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I have 2 Macbooks, when I switch them on one immediately gets online while the other (newer Macbook) takes over a minute the initial time?
Starting about a month ago Safari doesn't open website pdfs. It goes to a new tab/window and returns a black screen. My system is up to date with the latest updates for Apple products as well as for Adobe products. Is anyone else having this issue or know a solution. If I use Firefox it opens the pdf so I have to assume it is something with Safari.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When Yahoo and Safari write new versions of software do they support each other?
iBook, Mac OS X (10.4.6)
I get this error message when attempting to use AutoFill for signing into online accounts such as Amazon. I know that AutoFill uses information from Address Book to fill out the form - that's why I have a card in Address Book with my name and email address on it - but I'm still getting this error message when attempting to use AutoFill.
View 2 Replies View Relateda friend showed me this game a couple days ago called curveball. since first playing i have become extremely addicted. on my windows laptop, I used to save flash games and movies that ireally liked to my computer by accessing them in my temporary files folder and by copying them to another location. i have tried to do a similar thing using safari and IE, but i can't figure out how to do it...
View 19 Replies View RelatedWhile I'm in safari and I try to watch certain videos or play online games it says missing plug-in
I'm new to Mac's and was going to fill out a form on a bank site. The site wouldn't let me because my browser wasn't secure enough. Are they planning on updating the browser to support this kind of encryption? What do you guys do when you run into this? Install Microsoft Internet Explorer for Mac's?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am farily new to macs in general and am confused about one thing. In windows, you can always update the browser regardless of your windows version. OS X 10.2.8 is not all that old but I cannot update safari to 2.0.4 like in 10.4.7. Is support for 10.2.8 discontinued? Am I forced to use firefox if I want an up to date browser? BTW, this is on an old Beige G3 so 10.2.8 is the highest OS.
View 12 Replies View RelatedIs it me or Safari 5 on Windows has no support for the <video> element? I did an HTML 5 test on this page [URL:..] and it scored 165 but it scored none in video. I tried Vimeo on HTML 5 and videos wont play. Is it simply disabled? If it is where can I enable it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to navigate a website that does not support Safari. What other browser are available to me if I am running OS X.4?
Safari, Mac OS X (10.4.11), What other browsers are available?
a)What version of Safari DOES support community Toolbar? b) If I don't want community toolbar how do I remove this message? c) What is Community Toolbar?
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