OS X :: Mouse Not Functioning Properly After SL Upgrade
Dec 12, 2009
Since upgrading to SL I have had a lot of mouse problems. At first my logitech mx had a loss of functionality with most of the "extra" buttons. That was fixed in a later update, but now the mouse does move pause move thing. I uninstalled the driver and that didn't fix it. I tried going back to the mighty mouse, that had the problem. I tried the demo to steermouse with no luck either. My less than a year old mac pro is basically too frustrating to use.
I have a 13" MacBook 2.4ghz Aluminium Unibody and the trackpad isn't functioning properly.
I can't highlight text, and the click is tempremental, the right click also doesn't work (yes, I've been into Trackpad System Pref. and it's fine in there)
I have a 2010 MacBook Pro 15" and randomly, just opened the screen to wake it from sleep, and about 5 minuets after being on the computer the track pad started becoming more and more unresponsive. To explain on unresponsive; at first the two finger scroll to scroll the page up was not working, then the pointer would not "follow" movement from my finger very well, and finally anytime I touched the track pad (such as just laying a finger down and not moving the finger across the track pad) It would do almost any gesture and was completly unresponsive of movement. I restarted the laptop multiple times, complete shut down wait about 10 min then start back up, and the track pad would be functional for a couple of minutes before doing above listed again. So I cleaned the track pad with a napkin while pressing down which seemed to make it work again and so far has not acted up again.
I originally posted on needing a reliable way to extend an open network so my Macbook's waning Wifi would still get some kind of service. Recently, however, my Macbook will not maintain a reliable connection for more than 5 minutes when sitting 2 or 3 feet from the base station, so buying a wireless repeater is obviously not my only concern here.
I would normally plug in the Ethernet directly from the modem, but my Ethernet jack will not respond. No connection whatsoever. I've read in other places that this is a logic board problem, which always means expensive or impossible. Is there another option?
I would send the thing in, but my warranty may have been used up replacing the hard drive when it fried.
I'm getting to the end of my rope. Is there a semi-reliable fix here? I have owned Macs all my life and have NEVER had this many problems.....
P.S. the reason I am looking for a way to maintain a reliable connection is not only for convenience. I'm working as a data entry station for a company and I need to stay connected to their network for more than a few minutes.
I bought a Western Digital MyBook 1TB external hard drive a while ago and it was working fine with my Powerbook G4 running Tiger. But when I wanted to have it connected to my Intel Mac Mini running Leopard it always has a few problems.
1. It randomly disconnects and the message for external hd not ejected properly.
2. When I try to copy a large file to it like a 500MB file it goes so slow and when it looks like it will finish I get the error code -36
3. After all the problems 1 and 2 it won't eject and when I try to unmount it from disk utility it says it can not be unmounted.
I have tried to reformat the drive for mac with the extended journaled and partitioning and erasing with boot disk procedures. Still nothing seems to work.
I don't know if this matters but I bought it at a Walmart and it wasn't mac formatted. Would I have to specifically buy a mac formatted external hd in order for it to work in leopard? Or can I some how format this to work properly on my computer. I also have an Iomega 120GB drive that I bought a few years ago from [URL] and it works flawlessly on both my PB and MM.
I just have a hard time believing that only certain hds will work for an intel mac running leopard. I thought all hds were the same and could be formatted to run on any system.
My MacBook's sleep light does not function unless I place a death-grip on the top case right above the light itself. What should I do to repair this light properly? Any articles I should know about?
I have the aluminum iMac from around 2007 and the WiFi card seems to not be functioning correctly. It seems to time out often and is non-responsive many times. When it is working, it only gets about 1/4 the speed of what my macbook is getting.
- Resetting the pmc. - Rebooting / shutting down, swapping USB ports. - Verify HD permissions - Disabling bluetooth (even tho this is wired usb mouse I've seen people mention this so just before you do!) - Plugged the mouse into a Windows 7 Machine (sorry its not mine! :-) and YES it works fine!
Also there are no drivers for this 'Imation' wired usb mouse as its plug and play and on the box its states fully supports mac os 10.x brand new.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How do I get my imac to recognized the 4G memory upgrade I just inserted (from 2G factory)? It isn't running faster and the "about this mac" still says 2G.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Vintage 2008 imac
mouse cursor not working properly, when i go to my hidden dock it will not appear unless i left click, and when i try and drag and drop whatever i pick up gets stuck to cursor and i have to power down, and when i go to the tool bar at top, and highlight a particular section the highlight does not follow my cursor nor will it change from file to edit to view etc. without me actually clicking each individual section, i have done 3 fresh installs, and run the boot cd live and still have the same problem running to boot cd live.
I have no idea what is causing this problem, i have run hardware test, both using memtest for mac and macs own internal test holding the D key down on boot, memtest ran with not errors, but the mac test came up with two seperate issues the first was using the quick test the second was using the extended test: 4MOT/1/ 40000003: HDD-1363 and the second was 4MOT/1/40000003: HDD-1429,Oh the machine is a intel based 20" imac, with the core 2 duo 2ghz processor, 2006 i believe and its running osx 10.5.
Today after I cleaned my mighty mouse (by rolling the scroll ball on a piece of paper) the Button 3 would not work properly and neither would the primary button. When the scroll ball is set as Button 3 the primary button and the scroll ball both do Button 3 actions even though in the preferences its not set up that way. I can't click anything with it, it just keeps opening new tabs in Firefox and when I click those tabs they close. And as I typed this I noticed the secondary button isn't working well either. I took out the batteries, turned off bluetooth, changed the preferences, restarted my MacBook and it's all the same.
Iv e had problems with my mac so did a clean reinstall, now my magic mouse wont scroll and my the f buttons on my wireless keyboard don't work ie volume buttons.
I just bought a macbook pro last week. Since using lion, I have noticed a problem clicking. Such as opening folders, minimizing windows, clicking the back space button etc. I click on a few folders and they open, and then I try to click on another one and it refuses to open no matter how many times I click on it unless I unselect it and try again. It is not consistent to specific folders/icons, it just happens at random.
It is as if the OS is not registering clicks consistently, like it were a hardware problem. Also my right click malfunctions at times and will either not work or will behave like it is the left click and vice versa and takes awhile to regulate itself. Keep in mind I use both a wireless usb mouse and my trackpad and this is a problem I experience with both of them. I am using the latest version (10.7.3)
I have a mighty mouse and the ball scrolls down but dont scroll up. I have tried the plain sheet of paper and rolling the ball on it until it cleans itself but its only worked for a while, now nothing seems to be working
it feels like someone else is controlling my mouse. This just started happening. My trackpad doesn't work or works sporadically. While typing the pointer is scrolling all over my screen.
Since upgrading to Lion, I have been having problems backing up to Time Machine using a LaCie external disk. Time Machine worked fine before the upgrade to Lion. The backup usually starts correctly, but after backing up around 1GB, I get the following error message: "The disk was not ejected properly. If possible, always eject a disk before unplugging or turning it off". The disk has over 80GB of space available.
Out of the blue, the eject key on my keyboard produces no results whatsoever. Also, pressing the eject button in Finder does not work, and dragging a disc to the trash does not eject it, either (it does change the trash can to the eject symbol, though). The specs for my Mac Pro are in my signature (Early 2008 2.8).
I looked up a terminal commands to this, and found the following, all of which work on my Mac Pro: drutil tray eject drutil tray close drutil tray open
I made AppleScripts for those, all of which work every time, no problem. Audio CD's eject from iTunes when pressing the eject button within iTunes as well. I have a workaround, but I want everything back to normal. Do you know of any solutions to restore functionality to the eject button on the keyboard, within Finder, and dragging discs to the trash?
I have a macbook air which I bought on ebay a few months ago - it was a few months old when I bought it. I am absolutely delighted with it in general (I was a PC user until then...) but a few days ago the number eight key stopped working. The rest of the keyboard still works fine. As far as I know nothing has been spilt on the keyboard but I suppose it's not out of the question that some crumbs or something have got in...
Anyway, I have an appointment at the Apple store in a few days, but I'd be really grateful for some informed opinion about what to expect.
For example, is this likely to require replacement of the keyboard? If so, am I right in thinking that with the Air that would involve replacing the whole upper body (if that's the right description) as keyboard, trackpad etc all seem to be one unit.
And if so, is that the kind of job that involves the machine being sent away - or are they likely to be able to fix it in store?
I just got the USB Battleship that was featured in this Gizmodo article: [URL] I plugged my printer, card reader, external hard drive, my backup hard drive into it and the drives made clicking sounds and didn't appear on my desktop. So I unplugged them and tried the ports on my MBP. It worked so the USB battleship wasn't functioning. What could be the problem? Not enough power?
Not only has my MacBook got hideous discoloration on the palmrest and trackpad, but now the keyboard and the trackpad aren't even responding! The number lock (or F6 key), and the Caps Lock key are both turned on - does this have anything to do with it? The problem started when I launched a DVD with the Apple remote (something I had never done before).
When I quit the application and reverted to the desktop, the keyboard and the trackpad were no longer functioning. I've tried everything. I've switched off the computer, I've rebooted about twelve times now, nothing works. I have to admit, this is my sixth computer in twenty years and I've never had problems of this magnitude.
My usb ports in my c2d macbook don' t seem to be working. When I plug in my digital camera (sony) or itunes phone (motorola), nothing happens. I tried both of these devices on my 2 old powerbooks and they sync fine. Anyway I can check whether my macbook usb ports are functioning?
ibook G4 running on Mac OSX V. 3.9 It has worked great ever since I bought it but in recent months it has began to act wierd. There is a constant, I guess you could call it grinding, of the motor. It often freezes and the only way to fix it is to shut it down by holding the power button. When I try to turn it on again, it gets to the gray screen with the apple and the gear and just spins and spins and spins until finally it works. Today when I turned it on after it freezing it took about 15 minutes to get away from the grey screen. When it finally did, it took me to the registration page and had me enter all my information again. However, even though everything is reset, my documents and pictures ares still there.
i'm not new to computers, i just woke up, booted my mac... next thing you know my mail app just isn't opening and i have to force quit to close it.there's nothing else to say really, could i delete it and install it again?
My updates of Flashplayer and Silverlight are not working. They worked as of yesterday morning, but by afternoon said I needed to update both, and now it is not allowing me to watch any type of videos/media on internet.
The other day I opened iPhoto from the dock only to find that when I clicked on it the icon disappeared. There is now a gap in my dock where iPhoto should be and when I rollover the gap it shows up as iPhoto, but without the image. The same then happened with System Preferences. I thought that it may have sorted itself out when I turned off my computer for the day but first thing this morning when I switched it on - the same 2 icons are gone. They still open the apps, I can quit out of them by right clicking and go into options menu etc. I attached a screen shot if it is of any use. Am using Snow Leopard also.
sleep the missing keyboard window decided to popped up, not something I'd expect from a laptop! And if you think that's bad, the mouse one appeared right after!! So I can only guess the damn trackpad packed in resulting to a non-functioning keyboard ; and to verify, the USB device has vanished from the system profiler along with the preference control panel!!! Thankfully Apple had some sense, they didn't wire everything through the trackpad as the blue-tooth and power button still functions
Keyboard illumination is suddenly not functioning. Auto-illumination is still checked in Keyboard System Preference. Manual control (F5/F6)does not function. There is now a circle with a diagonal line below the on-screen illumination graphic when F5 or F6 is pressed.
Long story short, My iMac stuffed up not long ago so I sent it to Apple to get it fixed (Apple Store Chadstone), I called them a week later, and I�ve been told that they were still working on it. A few days later I called again, they finally found the issue (sort of) and decided to replace the logic board�..anyway, I said OK, they later called me back saying they have replaced it but a new problem occurred, the audio/speaker is not functioning etc� I said well I will just take it back and fix it myself because I need it for �work�, I took it back and this is what I found so far: iMac�s serial number is gone! Oh also, on the repair report paper, it says I purchased this iMac on March 11 2009(March 11 is my birthday BTW), but I actually bought it in Nov 2008, so according to Apple Store, my iMac is now officially out of warranty.