Intel Mac :: Mouse Cursor Not Working Properly
Jun 14, 2012
mouse cursor not working properly, when i go to my hidden dock it will not appear unless i left click, and when i try and drag and drop whatever i pick up gets stuck to cursor and i have to power down, and when i go to the tool bar at top, and highlight a particular section the highlight does not follow my cursor nor will it change from file to edit to view etc. without me actually clicking each individual section, i have done 3 fresh installs, and run the boot cd live and still have the same problem running to boot cd live.
I have no idea what is causing this problem, i have run hardware test, both using memtest for mac and macs own internal test holding the D key down on boot, memtest ran with not errors, but the mac test came up with two seperate issues the first was using the quick test the second was using the extended test: 4MOT/1/ 40000003: HDD-1363 and the second was 4MOT/1/40000003: HDD-1429,Oh the machine is a intel based 20" imac, with the core 2 duo 2ghz processor, 2006 i believe and its running osx 10.5.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 6, 2008
When I wake from sleep, my mouse cursor is a beachball that is NOT spinning. I can use my mouse like normal, move it, and click on things, but its still a beachball. I beleive it stays like this until the mouse is actually supposed to be a beachball (when I open a few programs at the same time and the computer starts "thinking"), then it starts spinning and after that it goes back to the normal black arror cursor.
Might be a problem from the 10.5.3 update? anyone else experience this?
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May 12, 2012
mouse is not working properly. everything was fine in the store but as soon as i got home the mouse was not working
Mac mini (Mid 2011)
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May 5, 2009
Today after I cleaned my mighty mouse (by rolling the scroll ball on a piece of paper) the Button 3 would not work properly and neither would the primary button. When the scroll ball is set as Button 3 the primary button and the scroll ball both do Button 3 actions even though in the preferences its not set up that way. I can't click anything with it, it just keeps opening new tabs in Firefox and when I click those tabs they close. And as I typed this I noticed the secondary button isn't working well either. I took out the batteries, turned off bluetooth, changed the preferences, restarted my MacBook and it's all the same.
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Jul 16, 2010
Iv e had problems with my mac so did a clean reinstall, now my magic mouse wont scroll and my the f buttons on my wireless keyboard don't work ie volume buttons.
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Mar 20, 2012
I just bought a macbook pro last week. Since using lion, I have noticed a problem clicking. Such as opening folders, minimizing windows, clicking the back space button etc. I click on a few folders and they open, and then I try to click on another one and it refuses to open no matter how many times I click on it unless I unselect it and try again. It is not consistent to specific folders/icons, it just happens at random.
It is as if the OS is not registering clicks consistently, like it were a hardware problem. Also my right click malfunctions at times and will either not work or will behave like it is the left click and vice versa and takes awhile to regulate itself. Keep in mind I use both a wireless usb mouse and my trackpad and this is a problem I experience with both of them. I am using the latest version (10.7.3)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 20, 2014
I have a few accounts on my Mac (Mavericks) that I use to train, operating my Mac with Airplay mirroring for demonstration. While in my primary account, Airplay (AppleTV3) works fine. Until recently it also worked fine while in my other accounts (all Admins).Â
About a month ago, Airplay with the secondary accounts no longer shows the mouse cursor. I can see the effects of the mouse (Dock magnifies, apps still open, etc.), but I can't see the actual cursor moving around the screen. My primary account continues to show the cursor during Airplay.Â
I created a new user account (Admin), and the new user account also is missing the cursor during Airplay. Updated all software, restored the AppleTV.Â
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Feb 7, 2012
my mouse arrow cursor changes at will - it becomes an ibeam or a hand (like the one used when pointing to a link) and then will switch back to an arrow. I use a Logitech wireless mouse with plugged in USB receiver. I turn the mouse off whenever I stop work. I changed the batteries on the Logitech mouse yesterday and it had no effect. I tried using the Magic Mouse (which I love, but which has problems of its own - it eats batteries for breakfast and it's not consistently recognized when I wake up the iMac and I have to resort to the Logitech mouse to get going so I rarely use it) to see if it did the same thing and it does. I am still running 10.6.6 and haven't added any software or done anything strange. I did update Firefox to 9.0.1 a while back, but things were fine a long time after I did that.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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May 28, 2012
I'm using iMac with magic mouse. My mouse cursor now stuck in top left corner and cannot move. I've tried to reset the pvram by pressing option+command+P+R
I also tried to power off 15 sec and restart, seems useless also. Now i cant use my imac at all.
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Jun 4, 2014
I have a Imac 27" - suddenly it seems it freeze - I can move the cusor with the pad - but clicking dosn't activate the function. I have tried to restart (power off) but still the same. I succeded once to get i alive for 15 min. then it stopped working again. The Imac 27 is opdated and less than one year old.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 22, 2014
My colleague reported me something a bit strange a creasy. They told me that the icon folder is following the cursor mouse. (It's not a joke)Â . I just experienced this right now, and I am going to explain step by step, what I did.Â
I opened Finder
I selected a folder to move it into the Favorite section (in order to access it quickly via the favorite bar)
I placed it between Desktop and Document.
While I move that folder, the folder icon appear close to the mouse cursor. This is normal
BUT when I released my button mouse in order to create the folder favorite, (between Desktop and Documents), the folder icon remind on the cursour mouse, and follow it.Â
Nothing freeze, I can mouve the mouse but it do not react to a click.Â
To "remove" the folder icon, I have to relauch the Finder (cmdt+shift+esc), or some time, it desappear after 3-4 minute.
When the icon is remove, the mouse is not working perfectly for a moment.Â
We have this problem while we mouve a pdf, or a .doc file.
My colleague work on iMac 10.9.4.
This problem happen while we want to create a favoris to a local folder or to a remote folder.Â
4/6 collabrators have this problem and there are all in the same office.
The particularity, they have all a wireless mouse, but I do not think the mouse devise cause this problem..Â
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 11, 2014
Have iMac 27" 5K. Mouse cursor changes shape irregularly without my input?? Can't find related preference settings.
iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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May 7, 2012
my mouse has stopped working. How do I turn on mouse keys through my keyboard?
iPad, iOS 5.0.1
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Jan 3, 2011
I just got a new Intel Core i7 Mac and installed MPlayer OSX Extended (Rev 13) on my computer. After installing it, it needed to "update it's font cache" and after doing this, it asked "whether or not to check for updates automatically". However, after I made my choice, the application unexpectedly quit. I tried doing this again several time to no avail. After resetting my computer again multiple times, and reinstalling the application, I finally got the MPlayer Rev 13 to open and play videos. Normally, when I open an application on the dock, the icon "jumps" and then the application opens. However, whenever I open the MPlayer app, it "jumps" and pauses and finishes the jump. Furthermore, whenever I try to go fullscreen (by clicking the screen twice), nothing happens. I have read online that there have been some cases where the borders blacken, but the video stays the same size, but in my case, nothing happens at all.
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Mar 23, 2012
Whenever i click on an email on the web (like Craigslist), instead of opening mail (yes its running) it opens a new tab in chrome (i haven't messed w/ the chrome settings) and brings me to my email sign in. I have tried quitting and also restarting my computer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), imac 17" 1.83GHz, 2GB RAM
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May 29, 2012
My Wireless mac keypad has stopped properly working. The keys sometime do not correspond to the result, or a a simultaneous duel actio, for example when the delete button is pressed the. Ursor does go backwards, but it also turns the sound up. The keyboard is properly connected to the computer, and the battery life is up in the nineties.Â
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May 12, 2012
I was opening apps today and realized that the indicator lights weren't activating. I am aware that they can be turned off, but I made sure they were on and I still have this issue. For example, here is a screenshot of my screen with Safari and Settings open, but with no indicator lights. All software is up-to-date and current.I have come to rely on these inducator lights to let me know what apps are running, and this problem is troubling to me.
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Jun 2, 2012
I bought my Macbook Pro less than a year ago and the other night I was watching a TV show in itunes and I couldn't use the track pad. I was able to finally shut the Macbook down and the next morning I rebooted it. It was still acting weird and the trackpad was jumpy and would randomly start opening windows and menus as if someone was contriolling it remotely. I used my bluetooth mouse and it seemed to work ok until tonight when I was copying some files wirelessly (or trying to) and evey time I tried to select files the cursor would jump to another screen and open a menu and then select all and open all my file folders. I was able to get that to stop openin ght ewindows but I still can't use the track pad and the machine acts like it is possesed and has a mind of it's own. I have made sure file saring and screen sharing are off and the battery shows to be normal from doing the control+battery test.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Mar 10, 2012
Wireless mouse not working and batteries ok
Mac Pro
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Mar 15, 2012
My iMac is making the most terrible noise when burning a disc, and after two or three tracks are burnt it gives me an error message and then will not burn anymore?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 6, 2009
I am using an Apple Wireless Mighty Mouse, and have been since i got my macbook about 9 months ago. I love the mouse, but i have noticed a lag in the cursor. At random times, the mouse cursor starts to lag. When this occurs, i will either clean off the lens or turn it off and back on. Most of the time, these alternatives do not work. I then just wait and it eventually turns back to normal.
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May 18, 2009
Ever since installing 10.5.7 I have been experiencing problems with the mouse cursor. On my intel iMac's primary display (but not my external display)... the mouse cursor will disappear while moving the cursor, then reappear after the movement is over, so it looks like the cursor is flickering rapidly when it's in motion. This flickering problem will happen with a normal cursor only intermittently (usually when the cursor is over a scrollbar), but it always happens when the cursor changes to a crosshairs for screen capture (command-shift-4). As mentioned above, this only happens on the internal LCD, not my external monitor.
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May 7, 2010
I'm switching over from Vista so still trying to get used to snow leopard. Couple of things that are bugging me:
1) The trackpad seems to lag slightly when I select text or re-position windows on the screen. What I mean is that when I double click and drag to select some text for example, when I lift my finger from the trackpad (which should end the select procedure) and move the cursor elsewhere, text selection still happens. The only way around this is to not touch the trackpad for about a second before I can move the mouse cursor elsewhere. Is there a way to get rid of this 1 second lag?
2) When I'm typing, and want to move the key cursor over my text, when holding down the arrow keys, the cursor still moves over text very slowly. Is there a way to speed this up?
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May 13, 2012
The last 2 days I have had the left mouse button on any Device on my MBP stop working. Tried SMC reset and it seems to work but them it happens again sporadically requiring a shutdown and I assume another SMC reset. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 6, 2010
on certain web sites my mouse cursor just disappears sometimes does this happen to anyone else. huffingtonpost is on that it happens on often.
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Jan 28, 2010
I would like to capture some videos from my screen and use them as part of a video I am going to edit. The video would be of me accessing an application, letting it run and then capturing all of this. Yet I would like it so that the mouse doesn't appear while you are doing this. Is is possible to hide the mouse cursor at will, so that it is invisible?
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Apr 18, 2010
Has anyone had this issue upon waking up the mac, the mouse cursor isn't visible yet you can still click on things. It takes a few mins before the mouse cursor eventually becomes visible.
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Jun 30, 2010
i have a 13 inch macbook pro running 10.6. Every so often (a few times a day) my mouse cursor will disappear off my screen. It still works because things are hilighted on the screen and I can still click things when i move the trackpad around with my finger, there is just no pointer on the screen. This only started happening this week and I have had this computer for about 7 months.
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Mar 11, 2009
The mouse cursor on my G4 (see specs below) is frozen. The mouse I usually use is a standard apple mouse purchased about seven years ago. I have tried another mouse (no success) and rebooted using the installation disc in the hope of a disc repair, but again no mouse cursor movement. I am at a loss as to what to do next.
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May 23, 2012
My mouse cursor is stuck on a spot on my screen. When I move it the pointer springs back to where it was stuck in a second. Can't do anything. Shut the Mini and restarted but still same problem. Cannot get to sys pref to check anything. Running the latest Lion build. Trackpad and wireless keyboard. Also tried with USB mouse with same result.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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