My updates of Flashplayer and Silverlight are not working. They worked as of yesterday morning, but by afternoon said I needed to update both, and now it is not allowing me to watch any type of videos/media on internet.
I am trying to install the new updates for Aperture and iPhoto. When I tell software updates to check for updates, it tells me all my software is current. I know there is a new version of Aperture and iPhoto because I installed them two days ago on a different computer.
I recently purchased a Mini Displayport to HDMI adapter and 30' HDMI cable to connect my iMac to my 42" Panasonic TV. It worked at first, and then suddenly didn't. I believe I upgraded from OS 10.6.7 to 10.6.8 in between it working and not, could that be the problem? I know the problem is not the cable as I tested it with my XBOX. I don't have a way of telling whether or not it is the adapter itself though though. When it plug it in, there is no blue screen on the iMac like there was at first. When I click 'Detect Displays' nothing happens.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12Gigs RAM, Late 2009 21.5"
When I check for software updates only itunes and random other updates show up but not security updates or safari update. When i check installed updates I realized my last security update was 2011-004 and I still have safari 5.0.6.
My fire wire 400 ports have stopped functioning, and my 800 is now having problems....I'm getting a protools message telling me there is a problem with my firewire.
How do I get my imac to recognized the 4G memory upgrade I just inserted (from 2G factory)? It isn't running faster and the "about this mac" still says 2G.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Vintage 2008 imac
I've bought new Thunderbold 27' display and connected it as a second screen to my iMac. Video works fine but I've just discovered that all ports of that display are not functioning, i.e. USB ports are not working, and I can't see its camera and speakers from my iMac. Is it possible somehow to get it working? Especially USB would be very wonderful.
So a while back I had final cut pro installed, and eventually deleted cause I no longer needed it. I used AppCleaner when removing to try and make sure I got it all.
Well every time I do a software update it wants to install "Pro Applications Update" and "Prokit Updates" Which are updates for final cut pro and its related apps.
Any idea how I can stop it from wanting me to install these updates for something I no longer have?
iMac was purchased in Dec (version 10.7.3 operating). Yesterday I installed Adobe Suite and today I went to open Photoshop and it says I need Javatime, I click to install and it says "software update quit unexpectedly". I tried updating version in iTunes and same thing happened. In numerous applications it will not allow updates. Â
I assume something in the software became corrupt with installing the Adobe Suite. Â
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Imac core 2 duo running snow leopard 10.6.8. Tells me about uploads (airport, java and itunes, I think), then downloads, then cannot install due to "unknown error". Always. Even if I try one at a time.
It seems that I cannot download Application Updates or even new Applications from the Web using Safari.I have been able to get around this by using Firefox to do it.
When I try to run software updates, the updater progress bar starts, and the software updates window appears in the background, but after about 2-3 minutes both the progress bar and the software updates window disappear. This also happens when I try and update iTunes.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Intel 2.0 gHz duo core
I cannot get any software updates to work on my new imac. The .dmg files do not work due to a warning coming up and the reason being "invalid checksum".
Post updates for some applications other than Aperture it now won't properly export RAW. Get a 'no longer support AWR files message. Do I need to reset something in 'Preferences'? In addition some of the 'view' selections would not respond until a restart, after which the same message occured. Need info as to why RAW will not export (tried to get to the desktop, a burn folder anything with 19 photos unedited).
Where I can find driver updates for my ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT? How can I check to see what driver version I have? I am running 10.6.8. 2x2.8 Ghz Quad Core Intel Xeon.
I need to update my itunes in order for it to recognize my iPhone as a device. To update my itunes I need the new OS X version. I click the apple icon on the upper left of my screen and click "software update." It searches for software updates, but it concludes that there are no updates available. Any clue why I can't update this Mac?Â
I can't get the Firmware updates or any other software updates.I have an old MacBook (2006) which doesn't have an intel chip! and it keeps saying this: The Installer could not validate the contents of the CoreFP package.
macbook 1,1 efi and smc up to date, battery not being charged, up to today magsafe led flashed amber green, now solid green but menu bar says battery not charging?
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 1tb HDD, 1 gb memory.
i just receive my imac from apple store after they fix my HDD , my imac is using version 10.6.8 and have 2.66 GHz intel core i5 prossesor also have memory 12 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 , i had problem before with my imac and i sent it to apple store to fix it , after they fix it ( they said) i wont have any problem anymore with my imac , and when i try it at home, i used migration assistant to get back my old data to my fixed imac, and now everytime i try to update my imac from software update on apple icon, they can downloading the updates but when i click instal and restart my imac can not installing the updates, keep getting error instaling update on my imac.
A couple of days ago I checked for updates for my Lion - I was in particular looking for the Java update to fix the recently reported security issue - and selected 2 items including the Java update for downloading. I checked the size of the items and they added up to be less than 200MB in total. But as soon as the downloading started, the total size suddenly became 1.4G!!! There was no obvious way for me to check exactly what I was downloading and de-select any unwanted updates. I didn't want to stop the downloading because I did want to make sure I have the Java update.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I manage a lot of WordPress sites, and during the rare occasion I move a site from one server to another, requiring a change of DNS numbers, I find that my MacBook Air, iPhone and iPad will see the change in a browser almost instantly yet my iMac may not see the change until as much as 24 hours later. I have cleared browser caches with no joy. Everything is running from the same WiFi router. So, what's the issue with the iMac. Is there a cache in the iMac airport that needs to be cleared?Â
my macbook pro (late 2011) is powering down without warning. I'll be writing an email and w/o warning, it's off. I'm unable to turn it back on with the power button unless i hold it down for a slow count to 10. Fyi - machine is 100% charged when this happens. Two days ago, I did SMC and PRC resets with Apple Care. I needed to do both of these again yesterday on my own.
i am facing below probelm on my mac ... i have done all the ip setting on my mac Error is software update can't check for updates because of a network problem mac.
I can't open my iPhoto because I downloaded OS X months ago. I am sick of the App Store icon showing I have two updates - iPhone and iMovie - that I can NOT update. Also I am blocked from getting into iPhoto to boot!!!! Here's what's on the screen when I try to update these programs.Â
Update Unavailable with this apple ID. This update is not available for this Apple ID either because it was bought by a different user or the item was refunded or cancelled.  I purchased this computer and did not return, cancel, or refund one thing in it. We could not complete your request.There was an error in the App Store. Please try again later. (null) how I contact the App Store?
My epson workforce 845 printer stopped printing. When I go to print it says printer in use. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers. I still have error.Â