OS X Mountain Lion :: IPhone 5s / Keep Getting Incorrect User Name / Password When Logging In
Jun 21, 2014
Every time I try to log into my webmail from my computers or iPhone, I get an incorrect user name or password error message and haven't been able to receive my mail in my inbox. The server (Cox Communications) is telling me I need malware or spyware or whatever the heck one uses for this type of thing. I've never had to worry about that before but have recently posted items on Ebay, Craigslist and also a resume online which is about the time I seemed to start having problems with my server connection.
I have a 5s iPhone, an OSX Mountain Lion and a Lion and it is happening on all three devices
After enabling the root user and logging into that account I tried to log back into my regular user and found that everything was set back to default. No files, pictures, anything...
Going into the Users folder I can see my account and it has all of the files on the desktop and such.
How do I log back into my regular user account with all of my settings?
My IPad (1) keeps showing " user name or password incorrect" .I go to settings and all is okay ,I even deleted email account and reentered the info .How do I correct?
Is there anyway to logout a user whos logged in through fast user switching.Mrs has used the pc and left herself logged in so its running slow and annoying me, but I dont know her password.I thought maybe kill the loginwindow process but thats shown as under my account (which is also logged in)
I upgraded my hard drive from a 500 GB hard drive to a 1TB hard drive in my MacBook Pro, I reinstalled Lion and restored the data from the other hard drive. Now when I try to login to my account, it's as though my password is incorrect. I'm certain it's correct.
How do I use my Apple ID to reset my password? How do I access my account?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Mid 2010 model
In order to make my wireless internet network secure, I added a password to it today. Every other computer in the house, as well as my XBox 360, is able to connect to the internet using the password that I set up. For some reason, when I try to connect to my Macbook, it tells me that the password is wrong, yet it works with the other 3 computers in my house. What am I missing? Do I need to change my settings on Airport? My wireless router is obviously working so what do I need to do?
I have my own iCal and one for my boss. I need our appointments to show up in different colours so that I can tell at a glance which are mine and which are his. Currently our appointments show up on the same calendar, on top of each other, and both are coloured red.
I have an iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011) running ITUNES version
2 days ago ITUNES got locked up and would not quit - even attempting a force quit which did not work. I then tried a reboot of the Mac which gave me another opportunity to force quit the app which was successful..
Ever since then ITUNES appears not to be working with my mobile device IP4S. I tired the IPAD which seems to work.
I know Mountain Lion isn't released, but I know Apple has published quite a bit of specs and requirments already. So my question, which I havent found an answer to...as it sounds a little rare. Would it be possible to send video and audio (think Netflix app, Apple Video app, etc.) from an iPhone to an Airplay Mac running Mountain Lion? I don't have a tv, don't really need one as my 27" LED dispay is just fine. But at times I'd like to send video at times from my iPhone to a Mac. One main reason is Netflix Silverlight messes with some software I have, rendering Netflix streaming impossible on the Mac. I have seen a Mac desktop app that will do this—Reflection app—but I beleive there is a lot of compression that effects quality.
I Am getting increasingly frustrated that iMessage is working on my iPhone but not on iPad or MacBook Pro. I have tried settings system preferences, taking jabber off etc but still no joy.
I am trying to print via wireless from my iPad (3rd generation) and iPhone 5 to my new canon MG3520 -- but it seems I have to set this up first to use with airprint? How to do that---?
OK I set-up the LAN (first connecting printer to the MacBook Pro running 10.8.5) via USB and then removed the USB cables so that now the iPad and the iPhone can select the printer - but it just prints blank sheets of paper and says there is an error each time.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion, Also a Mac SE running 6.0.4 - not upgrading that!
My son is using my old macbook pro 13-inch and he went to login using the correct security info but keeps getting denied. and clicking the question mark only leads to the computer recommending the very same password that he is using with no other options to request a change password option. the computer may still be running mountain lion, though possibly mavericks. definitely not yosemite.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
We are running 10.5 server and 10.4 client machines. 4 servers with accounts 2 work and 2 do not. Everything seems to be set up the same on all. The error we get is "The home folder for the user account is located on an AFP or SMB server. Contact your system administrator for help." Logging onto server by Go - Connect to server works fine. But I can't log on to a client machine to get on the network.
Initially, the trash container worked as expected: Items would go directly to the trash and stay there until I emptied it.
I don't believe I did anything to cause what it does now but I don't like it: If I move something to to trash, I am prompted to enter my password (which I really don't like) and no items are held in the trash (what I used to call the recycling bin--which I kind of liked having).
As for troubleshooting, I have changed the preference settings under "Finder" and nothing changes.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I have purchased a Bose Wave SoundTouch music system and am having major problems connecting to my Apple Time Machine WiFi facility. This WIFi works with various other domestic items. The problem appears to be associated with the Apple WiFi password. I have been using this password for several years before buying my Apple iMac without any problem. procedure for changing the WiFi password.
I trying to figure out why my macbook pro running tiger has started logging me out immediately after I log in, and what I can do to fix this.I am correctly entering the password (just in case you thought I didn't know the password) as it accepts it and logs in, starts to change the desktop background and then just as the Finder bar appears I am logged out and send straight back to the main login box. It does this for the main User (admin) account. I have tried booting in safe mode and this does the same thing. The Guest login does work however.
I had an older 2008 mac running on leoperd so I made a backup as a second user account using time machine to the macbook pro i just bout running on 10.7.4 now it wont lamme use the same password I had on my old mac to acccess the account how do I reset the password without loosing data almost my whole life store is in there I have all the cd's
I have an IPAD, IMAC & IPHONE and Mac book Air in my household. I can update apps on everything but the IPHONE. I notice that the IPHONE shows one of my old email address so my password does not work. All of my other devices has the correct email address associartedl with the app store, and icloud. How do I correct my iphone to show the correct email so that the password will work? i can find no place to correct the email address for the app store on my iphone.
I have a bunch of apps that need to be updated, but without fixing this I can't.
The first time I put in my password the screen turns gray for about a minute, and then I have to put in my password again but then it turns off, I have to push the start bottom again and then I am allow to put in my password and log in. What do I need to do?
i need to reset the passwords to log on to osx lion. how can i manage that? i don´t have any cd´s or dvd´s. only older versions. but it looks like that they don´t work on that imac. i have two partitions, one is the normal MAC hd and the other is the Recovery HD. do i have to restore the instalation ?
How can I change my account password without using my apple id credentials to do so because that doesn't work. It doesn't prompt me to change my account password after entering my apple id credentials. It will not recognize my credentials.
I realize this is probably not related to a iMAC alone but that is what I have and am experiencing problems using my email. After installing Safari 4 I began to have problems. I attempted to use my email and was prompted to provide my password. This is very unusual because I have not had to do that since I got the machine going about 5 months ago. So I type in my password or what I thought it should be and it comes back with incorrect password. I have made a half dozen attempts to locate the correct pop-up or panel that will allow me to change my password to see if this will work. No luck, arm's up in the air until I contact Apple on Thursday unless someone points this Old Man in the correct direction and I get things working tonight or when I return from work tomorrow.: