App Store :: Cannot Update Apps On Iphone Because Email Is Incorrect
Apr 9, 2012
I have an IPAD, IMAC & IPHONE and Mac book Air in my household. I can update apps on everything but the IPHONE. I notice that the IPHONE shows one of my old email address so my password does not work. All of my other devices has the correct email address associartedl with the app store, and icloud. How do I correct my iphone to show the correct email so that the password will work? i can find no place to correct the email address for the app store on my iphone.
I have a bunch of apps that need to be updated, but without fixing this I can't.
I want to update an app on my iphone but my daughter's email comes up. I don't know her password how do I restore my phone to my identity. I've tried changing the settings etc. But whenever I try to download something it still flashes her email up. Why do they make these things so difficult or am I being totally thick?
My Iphone 4S is not accepting my apple id and password. It is defaulting to my old apple id and password which has been disabled. I tried changing it and it will not let me.
Error "The file “DMAccount.h” couldn’t be saved in the folder “Headers”" after 10.7.3 update. While app update download starts normaly the error msg pops up every time right at the end of download process and it starts all over (dnld-error-dnld-error... ("Try again", she asks me)).
just upgraded to snow leapard and got new app store on my dock but bought some apps and do not know how to load them to the iphone. I usually would sync them through itunes but they are not in there.
I have purchased many apps in the last year or two with my iphone using apple apps but when I try to find those apps for downloading to my macbook air, they're not there. It makes it seem as if I need to repurchase them again using the same account. Is there something I need to do to find them?
When every I click install in iTunes Store for an app for my iphone it says downloading [apps name] but does not downloads it. This is happening for all apps I want to download.
Ok we all love apps but every single day, I'm faced with updating at least two of my apps when I turn on my phone, then same thing all over again on my IPad , ohALANd wait there are 6 more on my desktop..can they not just automatically update and sync across all devices?
since updating to the new security requirements I cannot update my existing apps...i receive the cannot connect to the iTunes store note. However, I can use the store app to search,select, connect to the store and download new apps.
I've had this problem ever since upgrading to Lion quite awhile ago. Each update of Lion promises to fix various bugs, but this one just won't go away. Why is it that applications I've just updated (and which show in Finder as the current version) continue to show as needing updates in App Store. It doesn't matter what I do, delete caches, deleting plists, etc, every time I go to the App Store to check on NEW updates, it continues to show me the ones I've already updated, and it becomes my task to sort through the list looking for those updated since the last time I checked The only way I can tell is by update date. If the date is "today", then I know I haven't got the update.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2010 Hexacore 3.33, 3 MBP, i7 imac
I recently switched my iPhone account to a new computer, and I can't figure out how to make my computer recognize my apps on my phone. I have a new email that i use for my iTunes stuff and it works, but on my phone it doesn't recognize the new email and it shows the old email and asks for the password, but even my old password doesn't work. I'm so frustrated How can I make my phone change the old email to the new one? The only problem is for the App Store.
When I try to update applications from the Mac App Store, I continouly get a message coming up saying an Unkown Error has occured and I should try again later (4).
I can't update my apps because I can't change my apple ID. I installed most of the apps using an old apple I'd. Do you have to update using the ID you installed the app with?
I'm unable to update the applications I've purchased through the Mac App Store. I've tried numerous workarounds (listed below), but to no avail. I've got a MacBook Pro (early 2011) running Lion 10.7.4. When I initially click either the Update or Update All (I've got multiple apps needing updates), I get error 13 after entering my Apple ID and password. I'm prompted yet again for my password for each app (why?), but then I get error 100, saying that I need to try again later.
Here's what I've tried, which have not worked for me:
* Removing Library/Caches/ * Removing Library/Preferences/ * Clearing cache and cookies from Safari, and restarting Safari * iTunes workaround by d/l'ing a new app, then getting the T&C form doesn't apply: I don't get that form since I agreed to the latest version before this issue started. * Removing the file in Library/Cookies/ pertaining to the App Store doesn't exist for me, so wouldn't apply * Rebooting my machine * Deleting an app from my machine (only tested with a free app I don't use often), then trying to Install it; this worked back with Lion 10.7.3, but no longer works with 10.7.4.
I saw another workaround which involved creating another user on one's machine, but that seems over the top to have to get Mac App Store updates to work again. Are there any other workarounds where I could update my apps?
Running into the following problem. When I try to update some of my purchased apps, I get an error message stating that I need to sign into the account that I used to purchase the apps. I only have one Apple ID and use it to purchase apps. Now, I cannot perform any updates on these apps. I am worried that if I delete the apps and try to install them again through the Mac App Store, I will not be able to do so as I feel that the mapping between my account and the apps has been lost.
Info:iMac 20", MacBook, iPhone 8 GB, iPod Nano 3G, Mac OS X (10.5)
The app store has an update option next to some of my purchaced apps, but when I click update it says that they were purchased using another account. The problem is that I have only used one account on my Mac ever so it makes no sense. In the updates tab it says that all apps are up to date, but in the purchased tab it has an update option next to some of my apps. Can someone help explain this?
The app store on my Mac Mini (2.7GHZ I7 running 10.7.4) tells me I have 3 apps that need to be updated. Whenever I try to update them, I get an error message that reads " We could not complete your request. There was an error in the App Store. Please try again later. (13). I've gone online and saw that some people were fixing the problem by erasing some kind of hidden cookie. It seems to be somwhere in /library/Cookies file but I don't have a file in my library labeled "cookies". I also saw another post where they tried to delete it in terminal, but that had no effect for me.
How can I update apps after changing my Apple ID password? I was just required to change my Apple ID password and now I am not able to download updates to apps I already have installed.
I recently bought a used macbook. Everything works great, except that when i try to update my apps, this old user keeps popping up. My iCloud id is used throughout the MacOS, but when i try to update my apps, the permission is reverting back to the old user's iCloud account.
I receive this error every time I tell iTunes to download the updates to my iPhone apps. Funny thing is, I only get the error once, if I click Update All again it goes through without a problem. This has been going on for almost 6 months through multiple versions of iTunes, iOS and a whole new iPhone setup from scratch.
I got the wrong epost adress in appstore update, It's an unknown adress for me or my acquintances.I've tried to log off and on again, from both the appstore and the Itunes store. This doesn't work. It's no problem when buying apps from the appstore, but it's mayhem when updating my software.