OS X V10.7 Lion :: Replaced Hard Drive, Now Password Is Incorrect
Jun 20, 2012
I upgraded my hard drive from a 500 GB hard drive to a 1TB hard drive in my MacBook Pro, I reinstalled Lion and restored the data from the other hard drive. Now when I try to login to my account, it's as though my password is incorrect. I'm certain it's correct.
How do I use my Apple ID to reset my password? How do I access my account?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Mid 2010 model
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Feb 6, 2012
Shared drive on Mac has incorrect Apple ID and I cannot get into iTunes using either password.
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Jun 21, 2014
Every time I try to log into my webmail from my computers or iPhone, I get an incorrect user name or password error message and haven't been able to receive my mail in my inbox. The server (Cox Communications) is telling me I need malware or spyware or whatever the heck one uses for this type of thing. I've never had to worry about that before but have recently posted items on Ebay, Craigslist and also a resume online which is about the time I seemed to start having problems with my server connection.Â
I have a 5s iPhone, an OSX Mountain Lion and a Lion and it is happening on all three devices
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Dec 4, 2009
OS X is telling me my 500 gig Hard Drive has 430 gig used. Which is about 130 gig higher than my estimation. What Size, OmniDiskSweeper and Disk Inventory X all report around 300 gig being use. How I can reclaim this approximate 130 gig? I have rebooted and repaired permissions.
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Feb 9, 2012
Last week the hard drive crashed (or so I assumed) on my late 2009 13" Mac-book Pro.I was getting the blinking folder icon at startup. After trying to boot in safe mode and several other start-up options, I booted from an OSX install disk and found that the drive wasn't appearing in the Disk Utility - this, and the fact that I had been running it at very high capacity for far too long is what led me to assume it was utterly dead.So I ordered a new drive, a WD Scorpio Blue 500GB, and installed it today. Again booting from the OSX install disk, I went to the disk utility (thinking I would format the drive before installing the OS), but new drive wasn't there either.Assuming I installed the new drive correctly (it was pretty straightforward), this is leading me to assume that I was wrong with my diagnosis.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 22, 2012
How do I reinstall Mac OS X after the hard drive has been replaced? I had an authorized Apple repair facility replace the hard drive on my IMac when the original drive died. I have the Mac OS X Install DVD which says "To start up from Mac OS X, hold down the C key as the computer starts up." I've tried that and all I get is a folder icon with a question mark on it. I'm guessing that's because I don't have the the OS installed to start from. How do I get the OS X installed?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6), dead hard drive replaced
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Apr 13, 2012
Last night I left my charger at a friend's house, so it ended up dying completely. When I turned it on again, it alerted me that my date was set to something prior to 2008, (Actually December 2000) and that this could cause problems. Also, it no longer remembered my wifi password (which I have had saved for a little over a year now, with no problems.)I also noticed that my hard drive icon was missing!
I restarted the computer, hoping that would fix my problem. When it didn't, I checked for an update and got everything updated. The date is now correct, but my hard drive icon is still missing. I did at some point back up my computer onto a portable hard drive via time machine, but it has been a few months, and I don't know if I would lose any data that I have used or obtained until this point?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 31, 2010
After replacing the first one due to a surprisingly noisy hard drive, and the replacement itself being returned due to having a massive hardware failure, I'm still not using the iMac I ordered over a month ago. Funny thing is, the second iMac had the same rumbling hard drive as the first which I was prepared to put up with. With no more than a few days of usage, it just stopped working. It's been over a week since the second was returned and the new one hasn't been shipped!
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Jul 22, 2009
iBook, G4 12", 1.2 GHz
This old unit needed a bigger hard drive, so a friend gave me a Hitachi 60 GB drive he didn't need and I installed it. He told me that it was formatted for MS-DOS and that I would need to reformat it for Mac OS. I'm pretty sure that I did accomplish that using Disk Utilities in the Installer program.
I put a OS 10.4 install disk in and tried to boot from it. My problem is I'm getting a screen alert that says, "This software cannot be loaded on this computer." I can either restart (what good is that?) or go to "Startup Disk" where I choose the install disk (or Network Startup) and click on Restart. Then I choose English as the main language and bang! - right back to the wonderful, "This software cannot be loaded on this computer."
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Jun 20, 2012
It's running the drive, but nothing happens. Replaced hard drive and laptop will not boot up. I've changed it before so I know I've installed it correctly.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 17, 2009
I just replaced my hard drive today. I booted it up and went to disk utilities to format it and all of that. When I finished I went to restore system from back up and plugged in my external hard drive and the computer said there was no history of back up from Time Machine. This was strange because before I formated the hard drive and tried to restore the information, it recognized that there was back up information. I decided I would re-install the os and try again.
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Apr 18, 2012
About a week ago, my MacBook Pro started freezing and getting the spinning wheel. When this happens, the computer is unresponsive. So, I will turn it off and on reboot, but all I get is the question mark folder. The weird thing is that sometime it will boot right up, but sometimes it wont. Even when it does boot, it only works for about 5 minutes, and then the spinning wheel occurs again. So, I bought a new hard drive, installed it and reinstalled the operating system.
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May 20, 2010
I have a 500GB time capsule that quickly ran out of space with my 27" iMac 1TB drive. I wanted to buy a Guardian MAXimus 1.5TB Raid-1 Hard Drive for $360 to do my backups. The cost was high and I decided to look into replacing the Time Capsule drive. I bought a 2TB Western Digital Green internal drive for $130 and replaced it using the Hardmac instructions. The 2TB Green drive runs near silent and is a lot cooler than the original 500GB drive. The swap was easy to do, but I destroyed the rubber mat glued on the bottom. I bought a Rosewill enclosure for $23 for the 500GB drive. I considered buying a FW800 enclosure, but that was $60 and it didn't seem worth it for a back up drive.
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Apr 25, 2012
On Sunday night I found my macbook pro ("13, mid 2010, refurbished) in a frozen state a few seconds after waking it from sleep. So I did a forced restart and then my macbook wouldn't boot (blinking question mark folder). I troubleshooted with the OSX Install DVD on my own before taking it to the Genius Bar (disk utility & TDM could not find the hard drive), and we both came to the conclusion that I should install a new drive. So yesterday I bought a new drive, did a fresh OSX install and managed to migrate all of my info from my presumed damaged drive to the new one. Everything went smoothly and the computer was in working order all night. That is until this morning when I shut it down before bringing it to work. On my lunch break I decided to fire up my newly upgraded macbook only to find that it once again would not boot, still with the blinking question mark folder. I also tested to see if I have faulty RAM and it doesn't look like it (unless both sticks are fried).
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
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Jan 24, 2009
In order to make my wireless internet network secure, I added a password to it today. Every other computer in the house, as well as my XBox 360, is able to connect to the internet using the password that I set up. For some reason, when I try to connect to my Macbook, it tells me that the password is wrong, yet it works with the other 3 computers in my house. What am I missing? Do I need to change my settings on Airport? My wireless router is obviously working so what do I need to do?
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Apr 28, 2009
I realize this is probably not related to a iMAC alone but that is what I have and am experiencing problems using my email. After installing Safari 4 I began to have problems. I attempted to use my email and was prompted to provide my password. This is very unusual because I have not had to do that since I got the machine going about 5 months ago. So I type in my password or what I thought it should be and it comes back with incorrect password. I have made a half dozen attempts to locate the correct pop-up or panel that will allow me to change my password to see if this will work. No luck, arm's up in the air until I contact Apple on Thursday unless someone points this Old Man in the correct direction and I get things working tonight or when I return from work tomorrow.:
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a 2 year old macbook that just refuses to connect to my wifi, I also have 4 other apple devices that connect seamlessly. it registers the network, it joins the net work and then fails, I have had several different error messages as follows while re entering my password I get a dropdown box saying I have changed settings, this then sends me back to the preferences to start again. and then i get error message that my password is incorrect (I can confirm it is correct) I have also been to the genius bar, and we managed a connection for the duration of the visit ( a healthy reading too apparantly)they carried out a hardwear diagnoistics check and it was given a full bill of health. I was advised to insert the reinstallation disk and carry out a reinstall - I have done this and the problem is still there. Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5)
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Mar 26, 2012
iCal can't log in to your "MobileMe" account because your password may be incorrect. Keep getting this error. Have repeatedly checked settings. Password is correct. Want this to stop.
Mac Pro
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May 4, 2012
Mail on my Pro suddenly says incorrect username and/or password. Resubmitting password does not help. Mail is fine on my iPad and Phone. I can also log into the mail's website with no issue. Until now mail has never been an issue on my Mac. I tried deleting and re-adding the account. Get the same message when it tries to verify the login during setup.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 13, 2012
I followed the steps to resetting the password but when I enter the master password it says its incorrect. I forgot my password.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 6, 2009
I'm having problems screen sharing between an iMac running Snow Leopard and a G4 iBook running Tiger. I have been trying to remotely screen share the iMac from the iBook. I enabled screen sharing on the iMac, and set a password for VNC. Then I tried two different clients on the iBook - Chicken of the VNC, and JollysFastVNC. Both exhibit the same symptoms: they claim the password for vnc access is incorrect, but I KNOW the password is correct, and I have tried several different ones.
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Jun 19, 2014
Had a breach on my gmail a couple of days ago and changed my password but then, the iCal on my Air then stopped syncing with my Gmail calender even when I checked that the password was correct. It just keeps saying: Â
iCal found a CalDav server but couldn't login with the username. Make sure username and password are correct and try again.Â
I've done the following:Â
1) Deleted off iCal and tried to reinstall
2) Tried to install as CalDav with the /calendar/dav/username@gmail.com/user/ with 443 SSL Â
Both ways don't work for me...
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May 31, 2012
I put in the incorrect username/password when asked to by iPhoto when i upgraded to Iphoto11, i want to send a photo from Iphoto, now it will not send as it states i have the wrong combination. Where oh where do i reset or input the correct details? Error message states username/password are incorrect...... but option to reset or change them or try again.
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Nov 8, 2009
I am pulling my hair since friday trying to get my MBP's time machine work with a 1TB drive connected to a early 2009 AEBS. First I spent half a day doing the first backup by connecting the hard drive directly to Mac using USB and later when I connected that drive to AEBS, time machine would not recognize the drive as the same one and I had to spend a good part of yesterday backing up my complete drive again.... and just when I thought I can rest easy knowing that my eternal dream of getting time machine work wirelessly, I saw time machine complain that there is not enough free space left to backup my paltry 103 GB worth of data on just second day.
Turns out, the Time machine backup volume (volume created by time machine on the AEBS disk) shows that the used space is 1TB.... but the size of the sparsebundle is only 103GB and my airport drive mount itself shows plenty of free space (800GB).... I have tried to search for similar problem, but I couldn't find much help... can anyone help me out here....
Btw, when I tried to repair the volume in disk utility, it says something about incorrect allocation blocks and then says it cannot repair and I need to backup and reformat the drive or something of that sort....
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Nov 7, 2010
I was looking to buy an iomega hard drive because of its portability and firewire. Here's one I found on amazon at a discount : http://www.amazon.co.uk/Iomega-500GB...9149335&sr=8-1
Everything seems fine but for something so portable and easily lost (or stolen/misplaced) as well as carrying my entire mac backup (docs, photos, videos, etc.), I think password protection or some other security feature is essential nowadays.
Does anyone know whether the imoga hard drives have password protection or not? If not, are there any other hard drives with both firewire as well as good security?
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Jun 30, 2012
My iMac has had its hard drive renewed and now won't recognise my user/admin password. Running OSX Lion 10.7.4
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 8, 2009
I am running version 10.4.11 of OS X and would like to find software that will allow for password protection for a folder(s) on an external hard drive used with my MAC. I want others to be able to access most of the files on this drive however. Setting multiple users with passwords will not accomplish what I am looking to do.
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Jan 12, 2007
The title says it all...
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Jul 2, 2014
I have this problem, and wonder what to do, is the only way to erase the HD and make a new password?
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Jun 29, 2012
Wondering if anyone knows what the security policy and process is that is followed by Apple when a damaged hard disk is replaced by Apple. Is the disk destroyed, or demagnetized. How do we know that the data on the disk is will not be accessed and copied anywhere? Is there a stated policy document available somewhere in the Apple Store that discusses this?
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