OS X :: How To Get 3 Routers On Same Network

Oct 7, 2010

I have 3 routers that I am networking together via an ethernet cable. I know most of you are going to jump on me and ask "why?" instead of focusing on my question, so the reason is this; I would like to have a simul cast of the wireless network for G and N. some of you already know if you have a G device on an N network, the N drops down to G speeds. we have some old laptops and iphones that don't have N but we also have a ps3 and some N macbooks. How do I get all 3 routers on the same "network"? i've managed to get all computers wired and non on the internet, but i cant get them to find each other. for example my iphone cant use apple remote on itunes because my n macbook is on the N router. so they won't "see" each other

The current config is this:
dlink router(wireless turned off) -belkin N+ router [macbook,ps3,imac etc]
-linksys g routr(dd-wrt firm) [iphones,laptop,repeater] -winblows xp box
The Ethernet cables for the 2 attached routers go to their wan ports. I've tried disabling the DHCP servers on the belkin and linksys' but still nothing.

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OS X V10.4 :: Routers For G4 Powerbooks Running 10.4/10.5?

Jul 4, 2012

I am looking to replace a Apple Base Station router that has seemingly been fried by lightening. 

Are there other, less expensive options out there that are plug-n-play with PPC Macs? 

Also, can anybody recommend a good quality ethernet surge suppressor for a router? 

PowerBook G4 1.67 mHz 17", Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook :: Wireless Only Works When In About 5 Feet To All Routers

Oct 22, 2010

My wireless used to work throughout my whole apartment. It's a small one bedroom...then one day it only worked while I was in the room with the router close to my router. This also happens at my parent's house, my boyfriend's house, at coffee shops etc....everyone elses computer gets access just fine but mine cannot even see the access point. Any one have any idea what happened or how to fix it?

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Hardware :: Wireless Routers - Airport Series Better?

Jun 25, 2009

I need a good wireless router , I have considering both the air port models, if anyone know of any that are better than the airport series and enables me to do the following. Stable fast wireless for gaming and large file transferes, and wireless transfere of data to ps3 as media center. Ability to add one or more USB harddrives and printer able to read and write data from the USB harddrives and printer, both from a mac and pc. Is there anything better than the airport extreme, and what problems do you encounter when using it.

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Hardware :: Make Two Routers Dual Band

Jul 26, 2009

First, I have a SMC WGBR14-N router that operates only at 2.4Ghz. I have several different routers that are G only. Is there a way I can connect two routers and have one operate at G only and one at N only? That would make my network faster, no?

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Hardware :: Wireless Routers Banned From Dorm

Feb 22, 2010

I got this email from the manager of my dorm: Quote: This is a reminder that wireless routers of any kind are not permitted anywhere in the ***** *****. If you have one please disable it immediately because these are causing the internet for the entire building to stop working and it is very frustrating to residents who do not have internet access. This entire building does not have wireless capabilities. Every apartment is equipped with a modem for Ethernet internet access. We pay a lot of money to have Ethernet in every apartment so by using wireless routers when we don�t have wireless internet you�re not only stealing wireless from someone not affiliated with this building you�re wasting our money that pays the internet bill every month, and you�re causing the internet to go down to the entire building. ***** is working hard to identify where these wireless routers are in the building and disabling them as they find them. If you have one stop using it, or if you know someone that has one please tell them to stop using it. If you have questions about this please direct them to the IT department by calling Is there really a way for them to detect if I am using a wireless router in my dorm room? I am using an Airport Express and it is convenient because it allows me to plug my printer into the USB so my printer does not take up space on my desk. And I have a Playstation 3 in the common room with NetFlix. So do you think I should unplug it? Or are they bluffing?

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Software :: Airport Connecting To 2 Wireless Routers

Feb 6, 2009

I connect to a wireless router in work and at home, for home i just set the setting through firefox to connect "auto-detect proxy settings for this network" and it works fine, but in work, this does not work, i have to set it to "Manual proxy configuration" with an ip address the it department give me. What i would like to know are 2 things:

1) Am i doing the right thing my changing the settings in Firefox, or should these setting be configured outside of the browser?

2) How can i set this up, so i don't have to keep changing it form auto to manual each time.

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Intel Mac :: Can Baby Alarms Effect Routers

Jun 26, 2012

can baby alarms cause problems with routers if so what can be done

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OS X :: Fixing Slow Internet Connectivity With Wireless-N Routers?

Nov 1, 2008

I must admit that this posting is a last resort. However, remarkably, on narrowing the problem it seems it has to do with an unknown default setting on my Mac OS X Leopard on both my MacBook and iMac.

This week I invested in two new Wireless-N routers - Belkin and D-Link - and both fail to perform. The problem manifests itself as follows:

- When my Apple is wirelessly connected to the router, it takes a very long time to pull up any website. And unless I am imagining things, it seems to first pause when the blue progress indicator reaches just beyond "[URL]" each time. It is slow loading beyond this initial pause as well.

- When I change my security from WPA2 to WEP to None, it makes no difference whatsoever.

- When my Apple is connected to the router via ethernet, it performs very well. Each website appears very quickly and as expected i.e. no wireless connection.

- Very surprisingly, when I am using Windows via Boot Camp on my iMac, it performs very well when *wirelessly* connected. This threw me a little. This is what led me to suspect there's a default configuration with my Mac OS X that is causing the problem.

- In light of the above point, I have not yet checked to see whether wireless frequency or channel affect the download speed.

- For 2.5 years I had been using a Netgear Wireless-G router without any problem.

Might anyone know what the problem is? Or at the very least how better to diagnose it?

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Hardware :: Get AirPort Express Working With Belkin Routers?

Aug 16, 2006

I bought a Airport Express so I could stream my music through my big money home stereo system. According to the manual I could use the AirPort express to expand my pre-existing wireless network.I started working on this at 9Pm and finally figured it out by 4AM First I have the Belkin F5D7231-4 so this will work with this router & I've heard the F5D7230-4. Basically your Belkin needs to support "Wireless Bridge" or "WDS".

Configuring the Belkin:Set your DHCP Server Range to what ever you desire. I use - Save your Changes.Go to Wireless Bridge: Enable Wireless Bridging & Enable Only Specific Access Points to connect.. Input the mac address of your Air Port Express into the field and save your changes.Next configure your wireless security. You have to choose WPA "2". I repeat you have to choose WPA2. Setup your password and save your changes.For the Encryption Technique I use TKIP. I have not tried AES and can not verify it works.Save your changes and say man this is pretty easy so far.Configuring the AirPort Express to act as an expander:At this point its a good idea to take a pin and reset the AirPort Express. After it boots back up change your wireless networks and log on to it.Loadup the Airport Admin Utility.Now choose to configure your AirPort Express.
hange all the settings you see for Name / Contact / Location to your liking.Under Airport Network: Choose Join an Exisiting Wireless Network (Wireless Client)Find your Belkin under Wireless Network: It should be called what ever you named it.It will ask for your WPA2 Personal password to join the network so enter it twice.Now click on the internet tab at the top: Connect using: Wireless NetworkConfigure TCP/IP Choose to Configure Manually.Ip address you need to make it something outside of your Belkins DCHP Server Range. I used: because my range stops at 22.

Router Addy:
DNS Server:

Now choose the Music Tab at the top and configure it to your liking.Give All your options a once over and then hit update. Wait for the AirPort Express to load up and enjoy the Green Light

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Hardware :: Advanced Airport / Lan Setup - Multiple Routers

Jan 8, 2008

So I want to setup an (advanced?) network using my existing wired router (sorry, have to use this cause of my IP-Telephone and my ISP), An Airport Extreme for high-speed N wireless to my MBP and an Airport Express for music streaming and slow wireless acces for my ibook and other devices (I don't want to compromise my N-connection for the MBP). I would like to let the existing router handle all the NAT (I barely know what this is) and stuff like that and simply let the Airports act like bridges (or something along thoose lines if possible).. The reson for this is I've heard the extreme has performance issues when going through NAT-handling or using the WAN-port (is it possible to connect the existing router to a LAN-port on the extreme and still have internet acces or does it have to connect to the WAN-port?) The MBP should be able to connect to the express exlusivly for music-streaming to my stereo (if it's possible to connect to the extreme using wireless and somehow the extreme is so smart it routes trough cable to the express that would be even more awsome!). The Ibooks and other devices would connect wirelessly to the express for internet and music streaming.....

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Hardware :: Run New Time Capsule With Dual Band Or Two Routers?

Jul 30, 2009

I currently have the first generation 1TB Time Capsule which only supports compatibility mode for 802.11n. Using a slingcatcher, I get better speeds (way less video stuttering) running 5GHZ only mode vs compatibility mode. However, running 5ghz mode is annoying because my Eye-Fi card and iPhone aren't compatible with 802.11n. So I have two options. 1) Keep current Time Capsule. Buy a used Airport Extreme for $100 or UFO one for $30-$50. Connect AirPort Extreme to Time Capsule. 2) Selling my old Time Capsule. Buy new Time Capsule 1TB. Price for the older Time Capsule 1TB is only $20-$30 less than the new Time Capsule.

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Hardware :: Airport Express Works With Existing Router Or Need Two Routers

Jan 31, 2009

I have a linksys wirless router in room A next to my cable modem I have a stero system in room B connected to my tv

I would like to play iTunes music on the stero system in room B.

Do I have to buy two AirPort Express routers? One connected to the internet in room A and one connected to my stero in room B?

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Hardware :: Cohabitating Dual Band Extreme & Express-g Routers?

Mar 30, 2010

My current network in my apartment is as follows:
- cable modem
- one G airport express hooked to cable modem & a stereo
- another G airport express connected via WDS, attached to a stereo & printer

Except for the convenience of the 2 stereos for airtunes & the location of the printer, there's no need for the 2 airport express devices to be honest

While I have a bunch of G devices, I'm starting to accumulate some N devices, and for what I'm planning, I'd like to make use of the Extreme's gigabit ethernet ports in the location of my cable modem as well (which also happens to be where my TV is, going to set up some sort of media device). At the same time, I'd like to have the airtunes to both stereos and the printer connectivity without having to move either of the stereos or the printer.

I just wanted to verify that I could do what I was thinking here, the network would be structured as follows:
- cable modem
- extreme hooked to cable modem, broadcasting 2 SSIDs
- express hooked to the stereo, connected via WDS on 2.4ghz SSID
- express hooked to stereo & printer, connected via WDS on 2.4gz SSID
- any N device can connect to the 5ghz SSID but still interact (ssh, etc) with the stereos, printer, and machines on the 2.4ghz SSID
- any device on the 2.4ghz SSID can interact (ssh, etc) with the devices on the 5ghz SSID

Is this possible? And even if so, is there a better way to set things up to get what I want

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Hardware :: AEBS - Gigabit Ethernet - Range Compared With Similar N Routers?

Mar 8, 2009

Am seriously considering the new AEBS but seems some confusion over whether the ports offer gigabit Ethernet, can someone with the router confirm or deny this? Also how is the range compared with similar N routers?

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OS X :: Unable To Access Network Window / Network Settings Changed By Another Application

Dec 11, 2009

My neighbor has an IMac with OS 10.4.11 installed. When I open System Preferences and select the Network icon, the Network window comes up but it is overlayed with a message that states: "Your network settings have been changed by another application." When I click OK, this same overlaid window comes back.

The only way I can get out of System Preferences at this point is to do a Force Quit. In other words, because this overlaid window appears, I am unable to access the Network window to look at TCP/IP settings, make changes, etc.

Next I went into System/Library/Preference Panes/Network.prefPane(more info) to look at the application that appeared in the "Open with" field. It stated "System Preference." I replaced this with a new "System Preferences from the Applications Folder, but the same thing happened - even after I rebooted the computer.

Please let me know how to solve this problem so I can access the Network System Preferences properly.

Thank you.

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Software :: Unable To Connect To Network - Network Icon Missing In Finder

Dec 5, 2006

I have a home network running 3 PC's(with XP) and 2 Macs (with Tiger OS X 10.4.8). Mysteriously one of my Macs(MacMini) refuses to show a Network icon in the Finder sidebar? I have used the Go > Network menu to try to get a Network icon, but this does work. Yesterday I did a scheduled Mac OS system update, and it seems that since then I have not been able to see/get a Network icon in my Finder.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? PS - I am able to use the old 'GO > Connect to Computer' method, then type in the smb://myOfficePc, and access shared files on other PCs on the network. So networking is configured properly on this MacMini.

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MacBook :: Unable To Share Network Connection / Connected Via Ad-hoc Network?

Dec 31, 2010

I have Alltel Mobile Broadband. Up until the other day, it's been working fine. I'd set up a network on my macbook after connecting to the Alltel network, then I'd enable internet sharing. Then my iPod Touch, iPad, etc would all be able to go online.

The past couple days, however, the connection just won't share.Anyone have any idea what could be doing this and how to fix it?

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OS X :: Auto-mount A Network Drive After Connecting To A Wireless Network?

Sep 22, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to automatically connect a MacBook to a network drive after connecting to the wireless network that the drive is connected to.

Here is the situation:

I back-up my wife's MacBook via Time Machine to an external hard drive that is connected to my Apple desktop. It works great! I even have her system setup to automatically mount the drive upon log-in. Unfortunately, after leaving our wireless signal and then coming back the time machine drive isn't automatically mounted since she isn't "logging back-in". Is there an automator script that can be built to automatically connect to drive X after connecting to wireless network Z?

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Uninstall Parallels Network / Reappears Under Network

Aug 7, 2010

I've searched everywhere and have one nagging issue. After I uninstalled Parallels I keep getting two Parallels Virtual Network Connections under Network in System Preferences. It happens every time I restart, I have to redeleate them. Has anyone had this problem after uninstalling Parallels?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Network - Can't Login To Network Macs As Registered User

Feb 20, 2012

Have recently done a clean install of Lion onto a Mac Pro that was running Snow Leopard. Upgradede to 10.7.3  The Lion Mac sits on an office network of several macs running Snow Leopard and a Network Shared HDD.  In order to gain quick full access to the other computers we have been using "connect as" then inputting the macs registerred user administrator details, we were able us access to the full Mac and it's currently mounted hard drives. Since installing Lion I can see and fully access the network share which only uses guest access, see the Other macs in finder, add to their drop boxes but not connect as a registerred user to access one of the snow Leopard machines.  I get a pop up. Spinning wheel, and eventually a timeout. Can't even cancel this action as it comes up greyed out. Oddly the other macs can still log into the Lion machine. No joy so far toggling network preferrences and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a setting I have missed, So far have had not joy looking online or playing in seeing why it would now not be able to connect as before. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Slow Network - Airport Express To Extend The Network

Apr 21, 2010

I have a slow network issue. I'll try to make it as simple as possible.

1 MacBook Pro
1 Airport Extreme
1 Airport Express to Extend the Network

The network to my living room was slow, so I added the Express to extend the network. When connected through the Express, with a Time Machine backup, I'm getting about 500K/sec transfer speeds. When I move the laptop away from the Express and close to the Extreme, the network works much faster, about 5MB/sec. I don't understand why the network is so much slower when using the Airport Express as a network extender. Is the speed difference normally that much? If it's not supposed to be, is there anything I can do?

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Intel Mac :: Setup Network On 24, Have A Network Drive Installed Already?

Jun 15, 2012

Not sure even where to start. I have the Apple extreme router, WD network drive and 2 express units throughout the house. Looking to access the netwrk drive from MAcbook and TV that has internet connect through BLuRay disk.Router is behaving ok and the network drive is set up.Not sure where to from here. Any manuals available to take one through step by step?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X Mavericks :: Deleting Unused Network Name From Network List?

Jun 5, 2014

how created an unused network that is showing up on the list of networks in the building.   i need to delete it. I went to System Preferences, then Network, then Advanced but the next screen befuddled me as there was no "Wi-Fi". 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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OS X :: Preventing Network Joining - Settings Of Network

Sep 20, 2010

I'm trying to prevent my Mac from connecting to any other Network than my own. However, it always grabs the neighbors. How can I specify that I do not want to be on any other one than my own. It does not seem that there is this option in the Network Settings.

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OS X :: Ad Hoc Network Wiped Out Regular Network Connection?

Jan 7, 2011

I've searched and don't see anybody else with this problem. I tried to set up an ad hoc network on my MBP so I could use TouchAble with my new iPad. But now I can't get my MBP (or iPad) to see my home wifi network.

(TouchAble is a music performance app on the iPad that controls Ableton Live on the MBP. It works on an ad hoc network so the combo will work on gigs without depending on local wifi.)

I set up a new network ok, with a password. The iPad saw it, but before I tested it further I wanted to make sure I could reinstate my regular network. So I tried switching back to the regular wifi. No dice! The MBP sees the network, but I can't log in. It acts like the password is wrong. Same on the iPad.

Yes, the network works. I didn't make changes to the settings in my router, and my iPhone still sees it with the same password.

I tried a tip I found online and deleted the network preferences file (com.apple.smb.server.plist) and rebooting. No dice. (The system didn't write a new one, as I had expected; I had to reinstate it from the Trash). I rebooted a few times, both MBP and iPad. Nope.

What's going on here? 1) How can I get my MBP to see my network, so I can switch back and forth from the ad hoc to the local network. 2) Ditto for the iPad.

MBP is new. All systems and versions are up to date. No other funny stuff with the network--it's been stable for two years. Everything is stand-alone; this is in my home office. I'm the admin. (But I'm not a techie, so if you start talking about IP addresses and subnet masks, please be clear what I should try.)

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OS X :: Extend A Wireless Network/Participate In A WDS Network?

Jun 25, 2009

I'm extending my Airport Extreme router with an Airport Express. In the Airport Utility I am given these options:

"Extend a wireless network"
"Participate in a WDS network"

Which one should I choose and why?

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Hardware :: Using G Network As Well As Airport Extreme N Network?

Jul 8, 2009

Here is my situation. I am a network newbie. I bought a Airport Extreme (2008 model without dual band & guest networking) and have it setup with my ADSL broadband modem. I bought it so I could use the high speed N to connect to my Apple TV. It replaced a Linksys WRT54G.

My concern is this. We have another laptop in the house which only has Wireless G. It is connected most of the time to our network, so I presume that it will be slowing the speed of my Extreme to G levels.

Can I connect my old Linksys G router somehow to my network to create a seperate Wireless G network to access the internet. The older laptop can be at G speeds and my Extreme network remaining at N speeds ?

Maybe an easier option is to buy a N USB adaptor for my laptop but I don't want to buy something if I can use my current equipment.

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MacBook Pro :: When Open Network In System Preferences "Network Settings Changed By Another Application"

Apr 4, 2009

when I open my Network in System Preferences, "Network settings have been changed by another application" pops up and every time I click Ok, it pops up again, not letting me be able to access any other option in the Network window. The wireless icon has disappeared from my top bar and the only way I have managed to get online is via my ethernet cable. I have had nothing but problems since I started using my O2 Wireless Broadband dongle and I've noticed that behind the "Network settings have been changed by another application" notification, I can seen the Dongle has appeared as a new network connection option... but was never there before today (have been using the dongle for two months now)

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OS X :: Unable To Set Network Preferences / Network Preferences Changed By Another Application

Aug 14, 2009

I am running OS X 10.4.11 on a "pod" iMAC. When I open system preferences and click on network, I get a pop up window that states my network preferences have been changed by another application. When I click on the green "OK" box the pop up goes away and comes right back. This is driving me crazy because when it gets into this cycle it's almost impossible to get out of the preferences panel or even check the settings! It's like it gets into a closed loop and won't let you do anything.

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