OS X :: Preventing Network Joining - Settings Of Network
Sep 20, 2010
I'm trying to prevent my Mac from connecting to any other Network than my own. However, it always grabs the neighbors. How can I specify that I do not want to be on any other one than my own. It does not seem that there is this option in the Network Settings.
My neighbor has an IMac with OS 10.4.11 installed. When I open System Preferences and select the Network icon, the Network window comes up but it is overlayed with a message that states: "Your network settings have been changed by another application." When I click OK, this same overlaid window comes back.
The only way I can get out of System Preferences at this point is to do a Force Quit. In other words, because this overlaid window appears, I am unable to access the Network window to look at TCP/IP settings, make changes, etc.
Next I went into System/Library/Preference Panes/Network.prefPane(more info) to look at the application that appeared in the "Open with" field. It stated "System Preference." I replaced this with a new "System Preferences from the Applications Folder, but the same thing happened - even after I rebooted the computer.
Please let me know how to solve this problem so I can access the Network System Preferences properly.
In all my mac user life I have seen Macs freezing as Windows freeze. I use my macbook Pro at work and at home. It is when I join either of the two wireless signals, when I get a freeze (about 5 minutes after joining.) I looked at the system profiler >logs>system for anything significant. I can't find anything. I remember messing with network configurations to change a DNS setting. About that time things started happening. So this morning I deleted my Airport configuration and rebuild a new one at the network preferences.
this evening, a neighbor's xfinity wireless network kept flashing what appeared to be web pages on my MBPro screen. They weren't attached to any browser I was running.
I'd close these pages (ads to join xfinity) but they'd keep coming back. Then I noticed that I'd been booted from my own wireless network, and xfinity was the active network!
It feels predatory, this behavior. How can I set up our Macs to prevent this ever happening again? When I join our wifi in our home, I don't want any other signal to elbow in, so to speak.
Or, if there's some kind of interruption in our wifi signal, I don't want some other network elbowing in.
However it happened, how can I set it up such that, if I didn't authorize a wifi network, it will be prevented from joining me to it?
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10), 13", 8GB RAM
I am using a Ibook G4 with Mac OS 10.4.3 Tiger with up to date upgrades. I have been facing this problem for a month now and I have tried every possible option. It was working very fine until then for past 5 months. Problem: "There was an error joining the airport network". The problem comes only when I make my network secure. If I make it open, it works fine. I don't want to keep my network open and unsecure, so the problem keeps bothering me.
Things I have tried. 1. I have tried removing all the old passwords in the keychain and deleting all the previous networks it remembered. no difference, same error. 2. I have tried several other things suggested in different forums and articles, nothing really gave any results. 3. I finally got my OS reloaded with erase and Install option.. still the same error message comes. I have my Interferece robustness on and other PC computer connected to the same network works fine. I have even tried changing the router from Netgear to Linksys, nothing really worked.
We recently bought a new AirPort Extreme. As we already have one, we want to hook them up by ethernet, and the new one should extend the wireless network created by the old one.
I have an airport network that shares my internet and HDD wirelessly with a mini and MBP. The MBP works fine until the mini joins the network. As soon as the mini is on, the MBP can no longer access the internet or HDD but remains connected to the network.
I have tried reseting and restarting in various ways. Have even reserved MAC address for both. Am using 'share a single IP address'.
when I open my Network in System Preferences, "Network settings have been changed by another application" pops up and every time I click Ok, it pops up again, not letting me be able to access any other option in the Network window. The wireless icon has disappeared from my top bar and the only way I have managed to get online is via my ethernet cable. I have had nothing but problems since I started using my O2 Wireless Broadband dongle and I've noticed that behind the "Network settings have been changed by another application" notification, I can seen the Dongle has appeared as a new network connection option... but was never there before today (have been using the dongle for two months now)
I work in a cross platform environment (windows/mac) where we typically save common files to a shared network drive. I've found when I save a file directly from excel (as opposed to saving it locally, then copying it over) it created an invisible ._filename file in the same directory. I know it's a property/resource file for the file that I just created, but it's a little confusing for some windows users and just clutters up the share directory. Is there any way to prevent the creation of the ._filename file while still saving directly from excel?
(I'd prefer not to save locally, then move to network drive - it's cleaner for me if I can just save directly) So far, I've found that this only happens with MS Office. I've opened a sql file in textwrangler and komodo, edited it, and saved it to the network and no invisible files are created.
NOTE: this is different the the fix that apple had published regarding not creating DS_Store files - that refers to copying files from the finder to a network drive and I don't have any problems with that.
I'm using the Assistant to try to add a USB modem to my network settings. However, the option for "I use a telephone modem to dial my ISP" can't be selected. (please see attached screen grab). I've tried this under Tiger (10.4), Leopard (10.5) and, Snow Leopard (10.6). No luck in any of the last three Mac OS's.
Is there anyway to have System Preferences create network "profiles" that save more than just the name of the network and the password, but also the "advanced" settings specified by the user. At home, the IP address, subnet mask, etc. need to be entered manually, but everywhere else, I need to use DHCP to connect to networks, which clears my settings. It is getting very annoying having to re-enter these settings every day.
Today the IT department at my university set up my Early 2008 MBP to work with the library WiFi. While doing this they completely messed up my airport settings so now I cannot connect to my home network. Is there anyway I can reset the network settings to default like they way they were before? I am running Snow Leopard.
I am having trouble finding a way to make Safari use a SOCKS proxy without going into Network Settings (permission disabled). I am able to use the Terminal to connect via SSH to my server, but I can't get Safari to use the tunnel instead of the normal connection. Is there a way to do this via Terminal without root access? I would also use Firefox's internal network settings but the ability to mount DMGs is turned off to users by the network admin so I can't even install a portable version of it. Dragging to the Applications folder is also disabled. If there is a way to change Safari's settings via Terminal or a way to run Firefox without installing it, I would be very glad to know.
What are the steps needed to set the OS X Network Settings to the way they were when the computer was new? I want all the locations and settings I currently have removed and I want it the way it was. I am using OS X 10.5.6 Leopard.
I have recently switched my internet service to Knology. I have an iMac (running OS 10.6.8), it has a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of SDRAM. Both I and my wife have noticed that at times (more than it should be happening) when we try to load a webpage, it freezes and will not load or takes a long time to load. I am using Safari 5.1.2. Our modem is a Arris - 76DA cable modem wireless router combo. Is there a setting in the System Preferences or in the modem that needs to be reset? It seems to work without a problem on my wife's Dell laptop.
Somehow, recently a new error message has popped up that won't go away no matter how many times I click "OK." That means I can't modify my network settings.
Things I've tried: 1) Clear error logs with Onyx 2) Throw away com.apple.networkConfig.plist 3) Repaired permissions 4) fsck -fy
I am running an iMac G5 (just pre Intel) using OS 10.4.11. My internet is via an external modem, ethernet connected. Everything is working fine (as far as I know!) However, for no particular reason I opened "System Preferences" and on clicking on "Network" was confronted with this:- [URL]. On clicking the OK button nothing happens and the only way to get out of System Preferences is to Force Quit it. As I can't get into "networks" in System Preference, I have no idea how the settings have changed. I can't remember when I last installed any new software - it's also ages since I looked at that section of System Preferences.
I have a macbook and am trying to set up a small wired/wireless network at home. I am trying to wire my macbook through a gigabit switch with the router and a Nas D-Link 323 also attached to the switch. There will also be a PC which will be wireless and does not need access to the D-Link. I can connect to the internet ok and have the pc working wirelessly too however I am at a loss as to how to get the mac talking to the Nas. The lights are all on on the switch but I cant figure out what I need to do to get the D-Link to talk to the mac. I am using cat 5 cables. If I log into the router the D-link shows up as an attached device with an IP address and a mac address. I have a feeling that I should be doing something in the network settings but I don't know what.
What might be the reason for this? I had to look up my IP address and configure it manually, so I got it to display as "connected," but there is still no internet when I turn off airport.
I lock the network preferences panel in the System Preferences, and the 10.7.4 Lion OS unlocks them when the computer restarts or when it is shut down and turned back on. I want to keep them locked. Is there a way to stop Lion from changing your preferences without asking?
My network diagnostics remember my name, password, etc., but for some reason it won't connect to the internet the first time I try each day. I have to click on "Network Settings" and manually go through to change all the red dots to green. Like I said, I don't have to update, change, or manually enter anything; just click through the boxes. If it saves all my info, why can't I simply launch Safari from the beginning?
I have been using Ubuntu for quite a while now, but after buying the iPhone 3G I fell in love with Apple products, and now I am stuck with a MacBook Pro. I have been connecting to the corporate network via vpnc on my ubuntu, and it has been working flawless. But now I have problems to configure my MacBook's VPN settings to it will work. The only information I have is this, and this I used to make my Ubuntu work for my VPN connection:
I don't provide any secrets or anything, and still it works. Anyone with insights of how to configure the Mac VPN to connect me to my corporate network. The corporation is one of the largest telecommunication company in the world, but they have no support for Mac users.
I'm getting a message every time I open Network in System Preferences saying "Your network settings have been changed by another application". I click OK, and the box goes away and immediately comes back. It means I cannot use the Network part of System Preferences at all, because this message is caught in some kind of loop, and won't go away.
I've had my macbook pro for 4 years now with out any problems. However, a few weeks ago my airport stopped connecting for no reason. I have tried to reconnect through the network settings but it still won't work. However, if I am in the same room as my router then the airport will connect wirelessly to the internet. But as soon as I leave the room my internet signal will go out. I know its not a problem with my router because all the other computers in my house can recieve signal anywhere in the house.
Snow Leopard (10.6.8) became corrupted resulting in not being able to shut down my 1/2007 Intel Core 2 Duo MacBookPro and not being able to download numerous programs and updates. I backed-up my laptop, took it into the Apple Store where they wiped the hard disc clean and reloaded the OS. They suggested I use Migration Assistant to restore my backed up information to my laptop, but ALL of my settings from Desktop, to the Dock, to Finder, to screen savers, to Safari bookmarks, to all of my Mail inboxes, archives and smart email boxes, and to Documents and all of my files and their organization, to iTunes, to Address Book, to Calendar are GONE. Do I need to do some more formal kind of a restore from my back-up drive to recover/restore this information and "get my laptop back" or is it all lost?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), see note above
I have a home network running 3 PC's(with XP) and 2 Macs (with Tiger OS X 10.4.8). Mysteriously one of my Macs(MacMini) refuses to show a Network icon in the Finder sidebar? I have used the Go > Network menu to try to get a Network icon, but this does work. Yesterday I did a scheduled Mac OS system update, and it seems that since then I have not been able to see/get a Network icon in my Finder.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? PS - I am able to use the old 'GO > Connect to Computer' method, then type in the smb://myOfficePc, and access shared files on other PCs on the network. So networking is configured properly on this MacMini.
i recently bought an Airport Express, and i finally took it out of its box after i purchased my new stereo. I connected the audio cable to the stereo and the airport unit and plugged it into an outlet. I opened up airport utility on my mac, AX appeared and i configured it to "join a wireless network". After completing the remaining steps, i updated it.. and waited for it to restart. Now here's my problem. It comes up with an error telling me it couldn't find the device after restarting. I have Verizon FiOS as my provider.. and I know that airport express has a history of trouble with the Actiontec router. Is there anything i can do with my current equipment to get this thing to work? I do not need to extend the network.. only join to use airtunes and print wirelessly... Also, my Actiontec router and FiOS connection are through my crappy dell pc downstairs, while i am using my 24" iMac upstairs in my bedroom trying to connect this. Should i change my router's settings?