Hardware :: Wireless Routers - Airport Series Better?

Jun 25, 2009

I need a good wireless router , I have considering both the air port models, if anyone know of any that are better than the airport series and enables me to do the following. Stable fast wireless for gaming and large file transferes, and wireless transfere of data to ps3 as media center. Ability to add one or more USB harddrives and printer able to read and write data from the USB harddrives and printer, both from a mac and pc. Is there anything better than the airport extreme, and what problems do you encounter when using it.

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Software :: Airport Connecting To 2 Wireless Routers

Feb 6, 2009

I connect to a wireless router in work and at home, for home i just set the setting through firefox to connect "auto-detect proxy settings for this network" and it works fine, but in work, this does not work, i have to set it to "Manual proxy configuration" with an ip address the it department give me. What i would like to know are 2 things:

1) Am i doing the right thing my changing the settings in Firefox, or should these setting be configured outside of the browser?

2) How can i set this up, so i don't have to keep changing it form auto to manual each time.

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MacBook :: Wireless Only Works When In About 5 Feet To All Routers

Oct 22, 2010

My wireless used to work throughout my whole apartment. It's a small one bedroom...then one day it only worked while I was in the room with the router close to my router. This also happens at my parent's house, my boyfriend's house, at coffee shops etc....everyone elses computer gets access just fine but mine cannot even see the access point. Any one have any idea what happened or how to fix it?

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Hardware :: Wireless Routers Banned From Dorm

Feb 22, 2010

I got this email from the manager of my dorm: Quote: This is a reminder that wireless routers of any kind are not permitted anywhere in the ***** *****. If you have one please disable it immediately because these are causing the internet for the entire building to stop working and it is very frustrating to residents who do not have internet access. This entire building does not have wireless capabilities. Every apartment is equipped with a modem for Ethernet internet access. We pay a lot of money to have Ethernet in every apartment so by using wireless routers when we don�t have wireless internet you�re not only stealing wireless from someone not affiliated with this building you�re wasting our money that pays the internet bill every month, and you�re causing the internet to go down to the entire building. ***** is working hard to identify where these wireless routers are in the building and disabling them as they find them. If you have one stop using it, or if you know someone that has one please tell them to stop using it. If you have questions about this please direct them to the IT department by calling Is there really a way for them to detect if I am using a wireless router in my dorm room? I am using an Airport Express and it is convenient because it allows me to plug my printer into the USB so my printer does not take up space on my desk. And I have a Playstation 3 in the common room with NetFlix. So do you think I should unplug it? Or are they bluffing?

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OS X :: Fixing Slow Internet Connectivity With Wireless-N Routers?

Nov 1, 2008

I must admit that this posting is a last resort. However, remarkably, on narrowing the problem it seems it has to do with an unknown default setting on my Mac OS X Leopard on both my MacBook and iMac.

This week I invested in two new Wireless-N routers - Belkin and D-Link - and both fail to perform. The problem manifests itself as follows:

- When my Apple is wirelessly connected to the router, it takes a very long time to pull up any website. And unless I am imagining things, it seems to first pause when the blue progress indicator reaches just beyond "[URL]" each time. It is slow loading beyond this initial pause as well.

- When I change my security from WPA2 to WEP to None, it makes no difference whatsoever.

- When my Apple is connected to the router via ethernet, it performs very well. Each website appears very quickly and as expected i.e. no wireless connection.

- Very surprisingly, when I am using Windows via Boot Camp on my iMac, it performs very well when *wirelessly* connected. This threw me a little. This is what led me to suspect there's a default configuration with my Mac OS X that is causing the problem.

- In light of the above point, I have not yet checked to see whether wireless frequency or channel affect the download speed.

- For 2.5 years I had been using a Netgear Wireless-G router without any problem.

Might anyone know what the problem is? Or at the very least how better to diagnose it?

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Hardware :: Get AirPort Express Working With Belkin Routers?

Aug 16, 2006

I bought a Airport Express so I could stream my music through my big money home stereo system. According to the manual I could use the AirPort express to expand my pre-existing wireless network.I started working on this at 9Pm and finally figured it out by 4AM First I have the Belkin F5D7231-4 so this will work with this router & I've heard the F5D7230-4. Basically your Belkin needs to support "Wireless Bridge" or "WDS".

Configuring the Belkin:Set your DHCP Server Range to what ever you desire. I use - Save your Changes.Go to Wireless Bridge: Enable Wireless Bridging & Enable Only Specific Access Points to connect.. Input the mac address of your Air Port Express into the field and save your changes.Next configure your wireless security. You have to choose WPA "2". I repeat you have to choose WPA2. Setup your password and save your changes.For the Encryption Technique I use TKIP. I have not tried AES and can not verify it works.Save your changes and say man this is pretty easy so far.Configuring the AirPort Express to act as an expander:At this point its a good idea to take a pin and reset the AirPort Express. After it boots back up change your wireless networks and log on to it.Loadup the Airport Admin Utility.Now choose to configure your AirPort Express.
hange all the settings you see for Name / Contact / Location to your liking.Under Airport Network: Choose Join an Exisiting Wireless Network (Wireless Client)Find your Belkin under Wireless Network: It should be called what ever you named it.It will ask for your WPA2 Personal password to join the network so enter it twice.Now click on the internet tab at the top: Connect using: Wireless NetworkConfigure TCP/IP Choose to Configure Manually.Ip address you need to make it something outside of your Belkins DCHP Server Range. I used: because my range stops at 22.

Router Addy:
DNS Server:

Now choose the Music Tab at the top and configure it to your liking.Give All your options a once over and then hit update. Wait for the AirPort Express to load up and enjoy the Green Light

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Hardware :: Advanced Airport / Lan Setup - Multiple Routers

Jan 8, 2008

So I want to setup an (advanced?) network using my existing wired router (sorry, have to use this cause of my IP-Telephone and my ISP), An Airport Extreme for high-speed N wireless to my MBP and an Airport Express for music streaming and slow wireless acces for my ibook and other devices (I don't want to compromise my N-connection for the MBP). I would like to let the existing router handle all the NAT (I barely know what this is) and stuff like that and simply let the Airports act like bridges (or something along thoose lines if possible).. The reson for this is I've heard the extreme has performance issues when going through NAT-handling or using the WAN-port (is it possible to connect the existing router to a LAN-port on the extreme and still have internet acces or does it have to connect to the WAN-port?) The MBP should be able to connect to the express exlusivly for music-streaming to my stereo (if it's possible to connect to the extreme using wireless and somehow the extreme is so smart it routes trough cable to the express that would be even more awsome!). The Ibooks and other devices would connect wirelessly to the express for internet and music streaming.....

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Hardware :: Airport Express Works With Existing Router Or Need Two Routers

Jan 31, 2009

I have a linksys wirless router in room A next to my cable modem I have a stero system in room B connected to my tv

I would like to play iTunes music on the stero system in room B.

Do I have to buy two AirPort Express routers? One connected to the internet in room A and one connected to my stero in room B?

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Hardware :: Extended Wireless Network - Multiple Airport Express Wireless Setup

May 14, 2009

I'm working in a home/home-office environment right now which was setup by someone else and I've noticed some odd network behavior when moving about the property. Looking at the setup, the relevant portion is: Cable modem - Airport Extreme - 10 port wired switch - 3x Airport Express in different areas of the house. The configuration of each device has the Extreme and all three Express devices set to "create a wireless network" with the network name the same for all four of them. I am not a networking expert but I would have thought that the Extreme should be set to be the "master" in a WDS network and the Express should each be set to participate in that WDS network. If they're all hosting their own wireless network with the same name and the coverage overlaps, how does a PC know which one it's using? Or maybe this doesn't matter. I just know that when we move from one room to another we frequently have to re-select the wireless network to establish connectivity.

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Hardware :: Add Another Wireless Router To Existing Airport Extreme Wireless Setup?

Mar 7, 2010

I have an airport extreme base station (wireless n draft). problem is, my room is all the way in the back and i get poor reception. Can i just buy another standard $40 wireless G router and "extend" my wireless network? if so, how easy would this be to accomplish? would it be as simple as hooking up the $40 router with my airport extreme using via ethernet cable so that it extends it? update: I am looking at this router...would this accomplish my purpose? [URL:....]

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OS X :: AirPort Utility - Unable To Find Any AirPort Wireless Devices?

Aug 9, 2010

When I am on my wireless network at home, I cannot print to my printer (via AirPort).When I go to the router and connect with ethernet cable, the AirPort magically detects itself in seconds.I have Windows 7 computers running bonjour and they can print just fine using AirPort.I was able to print fine wirelessly to the AirPort but today it's not working.

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Hardware :: Keep Linksys Wireless N Router Or Get Used Apple Airport Wireless G Router?

Jul 29, 2009

I want to fully convert to the apple eco-system but can't afford the new airport extreme right now. Model number of the used airport is EbM8799LL/A

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OS X :: How To Get 3 Routers On Same Network

Oct 7, 2010

I have 3 routers that I am networking together via an ethernet cable. I know most of you are going to jump on me and ask "why?" instead of focusing on my question, so the reason is this; I would like to have a simul cast of the wireless network for G and N. some of you already know if you have a G device on an N network, the N drops down to G speeds. we have some old laptops and iphones that don't have N but we also have a ps3 and some N macbooks. How do I get all 3 routers on the same "network"? i've managed to get all computers wired and non on the internet, but i cant get them to find each other. for example my iphone cant use apple remote on itunes because my n macbook is on the N router. so they won't "see" each other

The current config is this:
dlink router(wireless turned off) -belkin N+ router [macbook,ps3,imac etc]
-linksys g routr(dd-wrt firm) [iphones,laptop,repeater] -winblows xp box
The Ethernet cables for the 2 attached routers go to their wan ports. I've tried disabling the DHCP servers on the belkin and linksys' but still nothing.

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OS X V10.4 :: Routers For G4 Powerbooks Running 10.4/10.5?

Jul 4, 2012

I am looking to replace a Apple Base Station router that has seemingly been fried by lightening. 

Are there other, less expensive options out there that are plug-n-play with PPC Macs? 

Also, can anybody recommend a good quality ethernet surge suppressor for a router? 

PowerBook G4 1.67 mHz 17", Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IMac :: How To Get Wireless To Non Airport

Dec 31, 2010

I have an imac 10.4 that i would like to put in my kids room. It is not airport compatible, nor hard lined. How can i get wireless to that imac. I have the airport extreme and express.

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OS X :: How Do I Set Up The Airport Extreme With My DSL For Wireless?

Jul 6, 2009

I don't understand something very basic about the internet...

I have been using a 2WIRE wireless box plugged into my phone line/DSL for four years. I knocked it over and it doesn't seem like it is broadcasting a wireless signal anymore, so I bought an Airport Extreme Base Station, 2007 square model used.

I don't understand how to set it up... Can't I just throw away the 2WIRE thing now? When I try to use the Airport Extreme thing, it does not recognize the internet DSL signal or something.

I just want to use the Airport Extreme as a dsl wireless router alone.

I don't want the 2WIRE thing. The 2WIRE thing is usable when I plug my ethernet cord into it, but it is no longer broadcasing a wireless signal.

How do I set up the Airport Extreme with my DSL for wireless?

Sorry this is so stupid. I just don't understand what to do at all.

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Hardware :: Airport Express - Wireless HD

Oct 26, 2010

I just bought an Airport Express (Version: 6.3) And i tried installing it via the airport utility with no success. After several tries i got the Airport Express to install successfully but the blinking light on the Airport Express was flashing yellow. I know it was working because i was able to stream music via itunes to my Sound System. Everything was working fine, even though light was still blinking. I restarted my system and now it wont read my Airport Express?I also have a Airport Extreme Station (for wireless HD purposes) which i installed myself and have had no problems with, so i know im doing this right...But i just cant get this express station to work

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OS X :: New Wireless Box Not Work With AirPort Extreme

Nov 4, 2010

We've just moved house and signed-up to O2 Broadband. They've supplied a Thomson wireless box that plugs into the phone socket. This box, however, doesn't work with my Apple TV or Airport Extreme/Airport Disk. I've tried to make my Extreme 'extend the network' but it says the network cannot be extended.

How can I ditch this O2 wireless box and get back to my Apple-based network (considering the broadband enters my house through a phone socket rather than a Cat-5 ethernet cable that the Extreme can accept)? I want my AppleTV/Airport disk back as I had in my old house!!

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Hardware :: Airport Express Add Wireless To PC?

Dec 27, 2010

Can an airport express be used to add wireless to a PC with the ethernet cable? I have an existing wireless network and I want to use the airport express rather than a usb adapter to add wireless to my PC to join the network, is this possible?

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Mac Pro :: Install Wireless Airport Card

Feb 4, 2008

I would like to install an internal airport card in my Mac pro (2008) as I didn't order the wireless BTO option and the USB adapter I tried instead didn't satisfy me. When I asked for the card at an apple reseller they said to me that this upgrade would cost a lot of money because they haven't only to order the card but they have to install the antennas as well. I went home and checked the interiors of my machine and saw three antenna cables (labeled with 1,2,3) which seem ready to be connected to an airport card. So I don't know if I have to believe this antenna thing. Are the antennas already preinstalled in every Mac Pro or do I really have to bring the whole computer to the store?

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OS X :: Using Wireless Storage Over Airport Express

Apr 20, 2009

I really like my wireless desktop but want to have access to either my self powered Toshiba HD or the Western Digital 500GB MyBook. I don't want to give up wireless printing but only have one USB port to work with. Can I use a powered USB hub to act as a port multiplier and access both my printer and HD?

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OS X :: Extended Wireless Network - How To Know Which Airport On

Dec 23, 2009

I have a Time Capsule as my main wifi router and have extended it to my upstairs using an Express.

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Hardware :: Make Two Routers Dual Band

Jul 26, 2009

First, I have a SMC WGBR14-N router that operates only at 2.4Ghz. I have several different routers that are G only. Is there a way I can connect two routers and have one operate at G only and one at N only? That would make my network faster, no?

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Intel Mac :: Can Baby Alarms Effect Routers

Jun 26, 2012

can baby alarms cause problems with routers if so what can be done

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Hardware :: AirPort WDS - Extending Wireless Range?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a linksys wireless system set up in my home right now, but am trying to extend my wireless range to a few more rooms. I have tried to set up my Airport Extreme Base Station as a remote and have the linksys as the main station, but it doesn't seem to be working. Does anyone know if this is possible (i.e. have the linksys as a main station and Airport Extreme Base Station as a remote)? One a similar note, even after resetting the Airport Extreme Base Station and connecting it directly to the DSL modem, I cannot connect to the internet. The computers connect fine to the wireless network, but the internet will not load.

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IMac :: AirPort Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi Wireless Networking

Dec 9, 2010

AirPort Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi wireless networking;2 IEEE 802.11a/b/g compatible
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) wireless technology

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Hardware :: Can't Connect PC Wireless 802.11g / Airport Extreme

Apr 26, 2005

My powerBook has no problem connecting, but the Airport Admin utility for Windows XP can't "see" the base station.

Clicking "Start" then "connect to" and then "show all connections" and then the name for my Airport network, a "choose a wireless network" screen comes up, a strength meter (all bars on) displays, and a reminder that a network key is required. Clicking "connect" on this screen shows a "wireless network connection" thingy -- but it never actually connects.

Have a Belkin Wireless G Notebook Network Card in a Toshiba 2430:(URL)

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PowerPC :: G4 Wireless - No AirPort Express Card?

Oct 21, 2006

I just got a 17" Powerbook G4 1.5 Ghz. My friend that sold it to me said that her wireless always had a really weak signal but in recent time, unless she was in the same room as the router it was really hard to get a decent connection. She said she took it to an Apple store but her Apple care was expired and they said they'd have to send it out for 5-7 days. Today I just tried it out at home, where I normally (as well as everyone else in the house) have full signal from our router, this computer gets a bar or two max.

I was adding in some more RAM to it so I figured I'd take it the rest of the way apart. So, in doing so carefully because I could not find a diagram at all that matched this computer, I found that there is not a Airport Extreme card in the computer at all. Is that right? Is the wireless built in now? (or maybe for that year). Is this a common problem that the signal fades?

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Hardware :: How Can I Disable My Airport Extreme's Wireless

Nov 29, 2006

I no longer have any wireless devices in my house and I'd prefer not to have wireless active. When I go to the AEBS admin utility, the best I can see to do is reduce the signal strength to 10%. Is there a way to shut of wireless altogehter?

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme N Not Working With PCs (Wireless)

Jul 7, 2008

I can't get my Airport Extreme to work w/ any of my PCs (via wireless). I have an Extreme N w/ gigabit and using WPA/WPA2 security. Latest firmware. My MBP works perfectly fine, so does my iPod Touch and even my printer which connects via WiFi also (hp Photosmart D7460).

However none of my PCs can connect, I already tried w/ 2 different Dell laptops a Toshiba laptop and a desktop. All are running XP and have all the updates etc. All connect and work fine to my Linksys WRT54G.

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