I've had my G5 and my Dell 24" now since May and just stumbled onto this over the weekend.
Normally wide screen movies play default with the top and bottom blacked out following industry resolution standards. When you play a full screen movie the sides are blacked out.
I JUST found out that you can adjust the Video Zoom in either format to fill the screen.
You also have sound EQ options in the same menu.
Simply double click your upper left screen to show the DVD player menu
go to Window and scroll down to
Video Zoom
Video Color
Audio Equaliser
You can also lock the aspect ratio
Now I can finally watch my wide screen movies widescreen/ full screen and it's awesome!
The EQ is also helpful if you want to bring out the dialogue boosting the voice frequencies.
I can't seem to get DVD Player to retain and use saved zoom settings for all disks. I have a Standard Def TV and don't like large bars at the top and bottom of the screen, so I use "Standard Display - Widescreen Mode" so I tried to Save the opreset and clicking the "Use for All Disks" check box. When I insert another disk, the zoom reverts to "Normal" (unzoomed) mode. I've tried deleting the DVD Player plist file, but that has no effect. I also tried unchecking the "Video Zoom" box under DVD Player Prefs (Previously viewed tab/Always use Disk settings), but that doesn't let the preset be used for all disks. Basically, the Save Preset option seems useless unless you view the same disk again.
I just "upgraded" to Lion and have noticed some annoying quirks. I can no longer zoom in Movies on DVD Player and am stuck watching movies in widescreen. Is there any way to reinstall an older version of DVD Player? Are there any alternate programs to watch DVD's (not converted, full versions) which allow zoom?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm having a problem with iMovie 09. When I export a movie, the video will "zoom" which I don't want to have happen. Here's two pics of what's going on.
i can not zoom in and zoom out in the finder's windows with the folders as in snow leopard i was able to make the folders bigger with the zoom pinch in and out but i was unable to do with it in mac lion
For some reason, when I go to listen to a band's music on MySpace, the player will load and play the music, but it won't show the song titles, and the little visualizer thing on the player all moves as one big blue block, rather than looking like a waveform. I downloaded the latest version of Flash, and I'm having this problem with both Firefox 3.5.5 and Safari 4.0.4.
I have a weird problem that I'm hoping to solve. I have the most recent revision of MacBook Pro 15" with a Core i5 processor in it. I use it mostly in a desktop configuration with a 24" Apple Cinema Display.When I boot the MBP without the cinema display, there are large horizontal lines that appear after boot, and there's nothing I can do. Sometimes they are alternating black and white lines, sometimes different shades of blue. Sometimes shades of red. In all instances, I cannot do anything except force power off the laptop.
I switched out monitors at work yesterday and now my video out on my mbp is no longer working. I even tried the old monitor and it's a no-go. I do not have another mini-display port to DVI adapter so I hope it's that rather than the computer.The screen will do the "to blue" flicker as normal when you plug in a 2nd display - but nothing shows up on the second display.
I Tried many Video Players... but the best one i've ever used so far was "windows media player classic" (shame on me)
I never found any other media player to just PLAY Videos, fast and without 10 Hours loading time(like nice player...) I want to just watch videos FAST, I don't need more features than...
Playing all video formats (like VLC) , and a playlist...
Newbie wants to understand why dvd player cannot launch video dvd. I have been to the apple store genius bar, where the problem has not been solved. It appears to be a software problem, since external HD running OS X 10.6.3 reads disk. I would rather avoid formatting HD drive. Can I selectively reinstall some software, such as DVD Player, from the original 10.6.1 installer disks? I have a Macbook 2.13 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB HD.
How do I set my default video player to VLC Media Player instead of using Quicktime? I want all my video files to open always with VLC Media Player. I know you can right click on the video and select it to open with VLC media player from now on, but with over 400 videos, that can be very time consuming!
When recording video in PhotoBooth mst of it is not captured. For example, say I record a video for 3 minutes, the clock will say 3 minutes, and once I hit stop the resulting video file will be around a minute long. This is happening with all recordings, however I do not have such problems when using video capture in iMovie.
If I bought the cheapest iMac at base model right now, in a month or two could I buy more RAM for it? Then could I later buy a better video/graphics card and get that put in And could I have these things done by official Apple peoples. Not that I care much - I'd just like to know if official people do this.
I have about 2GB's worth of mpeg-2 video files and I am looking for a program with a lot of different format options and that can handle a huge amount of files.
I can sort most issues and using Macs don't really have any but I'm stuck on this one and Applecare, being Sunday, is only accepting phone calls about iPhone at present.I have a brand new 2010 MacBook Pro 13" (2.66 GHz - yes I know I'm a sucker for the extra MHz) and am having some strange issues with video and the display.whilst watching a video in full screen. At first I thought it was the file, but it happens with numerous files (not DVD though) and whether played in QT or VLC or Front Row. That picture was taken in Front Row and please excuse the iPhone shot but I couldn't make Grab work.
Don't say VLC. VLC chokes this machine to death. 95% CPU usage. Frame rate is one per second. AVI files need to be played. Are there any codecs I can use with Quicktime v6.5? Or how about a different player? Quicktime seems to run smoothly on this machine. .MOV files play nicely. DVDs play fine. Can't do flash unfortunately.
I have a slightly older Macbook Pro, on OSX 10.5.8.I have a bunch of video files on a wireless networked hard drive and the directory mapped to my desktop for easy access.I also have VLC installed for video playback.All the files are *.m4v.
When I click to open one of these files it starts copying the whole file over the network to my iTunes, and insisting on opening from iTunes.If I click on File -> Open With -> it shows iTunes as the default.I can click on File -> Open With -> VLC and this works just fine.But how do I change the default video player?All I want to do is stream it over my internal home network, I don't want copy the darn file every time I want to play something.
Just got from Best Buy where they told me that my 17month computer (logicboard) has to be replace. I;m trying to access my files other than the one shares thru my XP computer but with no luck.
i had vlc as my default player for video files when i first installed it but then when i updated it to version 1.02 its not the default for any file. i know there is a way to make it the default player for individual file types, but i would like it to be the default for ALL video files. i have looked in the preferences but couldnt find anything. How can i do it
I'm thinking of buying myself a Sony BluRay player for Xmas, is there currently any solution so that I can hook it up to the iMacs video-in port whilst working successfully?