OS X V10.7 Lion :: No Longer Zoom In Movies On DVD Player - Stuck On Widescreen
May 2, 2012
I just "upgraded" to Lion and have noticed some annoying quirks. I can no longer zoom in Movies on DVD Player and am stuck watching movies in widescreen. Is there any way to reinstall an older version of DVD Player? Are there any alternate programs to watch DVD's (not converted, full versions) which allow zoom?
MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
In a Finder window, if I'm looking for photos (for example) and I click on the thumbnail view, I cannot enlarge the thumbnails like I used to with the pinch gesture. Has this been disabled in Lion 10.7? Is there a way to allow it again? The 'Pinch to Zoom' gesture has been allowed in System preferences and it works with every application, just not in a Finder window.
Model Name: iMac Model Identifier: iMac11,2 Processor Name: Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 3.6 GHz Number of Processors: 1
Superdrive recognizes all disks, even movies. DVD player is set to open when a movie is inserted so everything works up till that point. The movie never actually loads and when I click play the windows reads "Supported disc not available". I use iSkysoft DVD Copy Pro to back up my DVD media. When I attempted to do this yesterday DVD copy pro would not load the movie. I used VCL and the movie played fine then tried DVD Copy Pro and it loaded the disc. But DVD Player still doesn't load the movie. I booted in Win 7 and Win media player played the DVDs fine.So far I have:
• Tried several DVD media and all read fine but DVD player does not load movies. Note, I have only inserted US region DVD
• Repaired permissions
Repairing permissions for “Lion” Permissions differ on “Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/Frameworks/iPodUpdater.framework/iPodUpdater” ; should be lrwxr-xr-x ; they are -rwxr-xr-x .
i can not zoom in and zoom out in the finder's windows with the folders as in snow leopard i was able to make the folders bigger with the zoom pinch in and out but i was unable to do with it in mac lion
I had a bunch of movies that took with my digital camera that were always imported into iPhoto when I transferred my pictures into it. I used to just be able to click on them in iPhoto and the movie would open up and play. Now it seems that my movies are gone and all that I have of my movies is the first frame as a picture and nothing else. Their file extensions used to say .mov but now are .jpg. I've tried changing the extension back to .mov but no movie is there and the file sizes are not what a movie should be. I'm running Snow Leopard on a 13" Macbook Pro with newest version of iPhoto. I have quicktime X and Quicktime 7 installed.
I've had my G5 and my Dell 24" now since May and just stumbled onto this over the weekend.
Normally wide screen movies play default with the top and bottom blacked out following industry resolution standards. When you play a full screen movie the sides are blacked out.
I JUST found out that you can adjust the Video Zoom in either format to fill the screen.
You also have sound EQ options in the same menu.
Simply double click your upper left screen to show the DVD player menu go to Window and scroll down to
Video Zoom Video Color Audio Equaliser
You can also lock the aspect ratio
Now I can finally watch my wide screen movies widescreen/ full screen and it's awesome!
The EQ is also helpful if you want to bring out the dialogue boosting the voice frequencies.
Digital movies play just fine on my camera, a NIkon Coolpix but once I import them to either quicktime or windows media player they do not play smoothly. Any ideas why or what I can do to correct this?
Info: quicktime or windows media player , Windows XP, camera digital films won't play
When I last used my computer (4days ago) everything was fine! now it gets stuck in zoom and there are no "x" on my tabs. So now the only way I can close a tab is by command w and I have to close the window to get out of zoom. I've read you have to reset safari to fix it but then I also have read that doesn't work and you lose all your saved web pages.
I can't seem to get DVD Player to retain and use saved zoom settings for all disks. I have a Standard Def TV and don't like large bars at the top and bottom of the screen, so I use "Standard Display - Widescreen Mode" so I tried to Save the opreset and clicking the "Use for All Disks" check box. When I insert another disk, the zoom reverts to "Normal" (unzoomed) mode. I've tried deleting the DVD Player plist file, but that has no effect. I also tried unchecking the "Video Zoom" box under DVD Player Prefs (Previously viewed tab/Always use Disk settings), but that doesn't let the preset be used for all disks. Basically, the Save Preset option seems useless unless you view the same disk again.
I recently purchased an Official Apple Mini-display port to VGA adpter for use with 2011 unibody MacBook Pro and Samsung Syncmaster 2232 BW external monitor. When plugging everything in and going into displays, I am presented with the attatched display, with no option for any 16:10 resolutions, everything non widescreen down from 1600 x 1200. I've tried SwitchResX with no avail, and don't know what else to try? This is my monitor and its Native settings are 1680 x 1050?
I'm unable to play AVI movies in the QT player that comes with Snow Leopard. Is there a QT plug-in somewhere which adds the capability to play AVI movies (with sound), in the standard QT player from Apple?
I just purchased an Apple ATI Radeon 5770 Graphic Card Upgrade and installed on my Mac Pro (Early 2008) system with a 30" Cinema Display. I had no problems installing the card and there appears to be no problems with the graphics except I can no longer view any of the HD movies that I purchased from iTunes over the last few years. I receive an error that my monitor does not support HDCP. All of the ITunes HD movies and TV programs were viewed without problems with the nVidia 8800GT that came with the system was installed. Apple provided no notice that purchasing a graphic card upgrade would also need to replace my 30" Cinema Display to view the HD movies that I had purchased through iTunes. I had planned to purchase a new display later this year.Â
Info: Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPad, PowerMac G5; PowerBook 17
I just recently got my mac. Its been s struggle but I love it! Few problems though. Firstly, how do I put movies from my computer onto a dvd? Make up a dvd that can play in a dvd player. Its a blu ray player, im not sure if that makes a diff, think I just have to check what types of files it plays and change them accordingly. So how do i burn a movie onto a dvd?
Other question, Im having a problem with my wireless internet. My macbook works fine everywhere else and nobody else i live with have any problems. Just my computer in my house. The internets REALLY slow. I rang NTL and they said its your computer, so rang apple and they did some tests and said its your network so I rang NTL again and they gave me a number for netgear, the people who make the router. They were NO help, you can't call them from a mobile phone and I dont have a housephone. Is there anything I can do?
I've burned a movie to DVD, which plays on my Mac, but not on a Philips DVD player which is connected to my TV. How can I write movies to DVD which WILL play on a DVD player?
My DVD player on my Imac is not longer working...I put a disk in of some video and it stopped responding and then would not eject...I rebooted and held down the eject key and eventually got it out..but the DVD player no longer works...
I recently copied a few movies from my phone to my laptop home screen. Now when I try to remove them from the screen to a folder all I can move is a copy of the movie while the original stays on the home screen. I have tried to cut and paste but all that I can do is cut, no paste.
Suddenly a couple of movies on my website no longer play in Safari. When I try to play them I get an error message that says "Plug-In Failure". Both movies play fine in Firefox and Chrome. The movies in question are at [URL] (12 seconds long), and [URL] (20 minutes long). I am running OS X Lion 10.7.3. Safari version 5.1.3. I'd like to know if others can play these movies, in the same OS and the same version of Safari. And if so, what are your settings.
QuickTime Player (we have version 10.1) seems to play movies at a minimum movie size of 480 pixels wide. Smaller movies (say 80, 200, etc. pixels wide) get enlarged to 480 pixels wide when played, making them blurry. Movie Inspector confirms the original size of these movies (of various formats) and that the current player window size is 480 pixels wide. They can't be viewed any smaller (either by the window resize handle or from the View menu).We frequently make moves from slices through small sub-volumes of 3D reconstructions and it doesn't seem that this latest version of QuickTime Player can be used to view these small-sized movies any longer. Am I missing a preference or checkbox somewhere in QuickTime Player?
about 3 or 4 days ago while surfing on YouTube I suddenly noticed that I can no longer press anything on the player anymore, no matter where on the flash application I press, it always just pauses the video. Even when I go over the volume control or the play button, they don't highlight in red anymore.
This is very annoying since I can't control the volume, fast forward, rewind, set higher resolution, click the google ads away... nothing works It just pauses the video when I click.
I emptied the cash of Chrome and restarted my Mac but nothing works.
I tried Safari and YouTube still works properly there.
I am using the latest version of Chrome (Beta 5.0.342.9).
Just got a brand new MacBook Pro 15" a week ago with the standard specs. I have noticed whenever I'm playing a video that's bought or downloaded from iTunes, a pixel on the up-left corner of the screen starts flashing between blue and black like crazy, at first I thought it was a physical defect, but when I stop playing videos the stuck pixel disappears. I ran a number of test and confirmed it wasn't the screen's problem. All the firmwares are up to date by the way.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes 10.6.1 (7)
I have an external drive to store all my movies since I have no room on my iMac. I'd also like to watch my movies on other computers and I was wondering if there's a movie player that can be installed on the external drive to watch some movies like (.mkv) and so on.
Hello. I am looking to sell my old iBook (for parts) but first want to wipe it clean. Unfortunately, part of the reason I want to get rid of it is because the cd player doesn't work anymore. Therefore, I am unable to 'c' boot from the original OS X disk and erase the hard drive. Is there another way to wipe all personal info from my computer, leaving only the operating system?
I'm using Mac Mini with a Logitech keyboard with a built-in trackpad as HTPC. Therefore, I need a keyboard shortcut for zooming in and out in a browser (any browser). No pinch to zoom on Logitech. Ok, regularly, there is cmd plus / cmd minus to do this. On the english keyboard layout, these keys are next to each other and next to backspace. And it works. However, I am from the Czech republic and therefore using Czech layout. In it, minus is mapped as the first key left to the right shift. And it works for zoom out. BUT, the plus sign is mapped on the numeral 1 and hitting the cmd button alone changes it from plus to the number 1! So there is no way for me to hit the combination of keys cmd and plus.