Applications :: Video Player For A Powerbook Running 10.3.9?
Jan 14, 2010
Don't say VLC. VLC chokes this machine to death. 95% CPU usage. Frame rate is one per second. AVI files need to be played. Are there any codecs I can use with Quicktime v6.5? Or how about a different player? Quicktime seems to run smoothly on this machine. .MOV files play nicely. DVDs play fine. Can't do flash unfortunately.
I'm going on a day long driving trip with my kids later this week and I kludged together a good solution of bungee cords to hold my titanium PB to the back of a seat so I can play movies for them. I got a Sony car inverter that seems to output an appropriate amount of power for the PB. On a test drive around the block with the DVD running, the PB seemed to get pretty hot, but otherwise worked fine. Is there any reason why I shouldn't go ahead with this setup? Anything I'm likely to wreck?
I accidentally deleted quicktime player from my MBP running snow leopard and now when I try to re download the app it says I can't install it because I have Quicktime X on my computer. How do I go about reinstalling quicktime player?
i had vlc as my default player for video files when i first installed it but then when i updated it to version 1.02 its not the default for any file. i know there is a way to make it the default player for individual file types, but i would like it to be the default for ALL video files. i have looked in the preferences but couldnt find anything. How can i do it
I have many videos that I have downloaded, ripped, and captured overtime. Some of which I would like to be able to burn to a DVD for personal use or to give to family and friends. My problem comes when trying to burn a certain video file formats to a DVD, one especially that will playback on a standard DVD player. The types of files I am interested in converting to DVD-playable are: .m2ts, .avi, .mp4, .mpeg, .mkv. Again, I would like to convert these movies, then burn them to a DVD to easily watch them on my home theater system's DVD player. So I beg the question, "Is this all possible?", "What file formats are commonly used to play from DVDs on a DVD player?" and "Are there any freeware based applications to get this job done?"
What is the most versatile video converter for an Apple Mac running OSX? I have some videos that I want to put on an Archos AV500. The AV500 is a small portable video player with a 4" screen. Some of the videos were downloaded from the web. The videos are in a wide range of formats, many of which do not play on the Archos AV500. So I am looking for a video converter that is very versatile. Plus hopefully one that's also fast. Obviously a free one would be preferable to one that I have to pay for. I have tried ffmpegX and iSquint. But neither works with all files that I need to convert.
I installed 10.5 on a G4 powerbook and then decided it ran better with 10.4. Can I downgrade to 10.4 and still have all the applications installed? I don't want to reinstall a bunch of applications.
My PowerBook has been working extremely slow for the past couple of days. Restarting hasn't helped. Even though it's about 5 years old, it's never given me any trouble. Now I wanted to start FinalCutPro, and there's a popup saying: Configuration Error This software requires certain hardware or software which is missing. � 512MB of RAM.So I can't even start this program. It's really an emergency since I have to work with FCP
I have a Powerbook running OS 10.2.8 All of a sudden, my trash just won't empty - anything, locked, unlocked, anything at all. I've reset permissions, still, nothing. I did manage to empty my trash via a program called Cocktail, which I know some of you guys are familiar with, but it is striking me odd that I just can't empty the trash the good old fashion way.
I recently bought a DVI-HDMI cable to connect my Powerbook (see sig) to my Sony LCD tv. THe Sony's max resolution is 1366 x 768 (pretty much standard for HD-ready tvs). I've been trying to get my powerbook to output that resolution so I get a full screen picture on the tv. However for some reason I keep getting stuck with 1280x720, which leaves some black bars all around.
I'm using SwitchResX where I input the resolution as a custom resolution. I then restarted as the software suggests, but it doesn't let me apply the resolution.
Hey all. I have an odd question for you guys. My friend's PowerBook G4 crashed hard yesterday and she had to reinstall OS X (she lost all her stuff). She has 10.3, but she is having a hard time finding apps that will run under it. I did some research for her and found that her system should be able to run 10.5, which would make life a lot easier for her as just about all apps run under 10.5. The one problem with this is I am not sure if her system can handle it.
Here are the specs she gave me: PowerBook G4 1GHz 512MB RAM
Does anyone know if this is enough to run Leopard well?? ATM she just need something that will get online, download torrents, and play DVDs. She is a musician and she has composition software that ran under 10.3. Not sure if it will run under 10.4, but ATM she just wants the system back to "useable" condition.If she can't run 10.5, she should be able to upgrade to 10.4 right? She will have more trouble finding apps that are compatible, but at least it will run better then 10.3 does.
I need to print some stuff off of my old PowerBook that runs OS 9.2.2. The stuff is only accessible by music software running on that old Mac. My impression is that my up-to-date printer can't print from OS 9.2.2. I've got an old, portable Canon printer that I used to use with the PowerBook when traveling, but I can't get that printer to even power up. How do I print my stuff?
I need to transfer old Email messages from a Powerbook G4 running 10.5.8 to a newer iMac running 10.6.8. I can move the messages from Mail Library into the newer Mac Mail Library (via home wireless network), but when I open Mail program on the new iMac the Emails don't show up in the Mailbox I transferred them to. I can see the messages in Mail Library and even read them if I double click on the message, but I can't see them in the Mail program.Is there a compatibility issue between Leopard and Snow Leopard?
I have a 400Mhz G4 with 1GB of ram running Leopard. Works great except it does not play DVD's. When a DVD is inserted the following Error box is displayed:
"A valid video device could not be found for playback. [-70017]"
In addition, when trying to change screen savers, "Error: Can't load bundle" appears. Does anyone know of a work around for the DVD? Windows Media Player does not work and VLC will play only audio.
I Tried many Video Players... but the best one i've ever used so far was "windows media player classic" (shame on me)
I never found any other media player to just PLAY Videos, fast and without 10 Hours loading time(like nice player...) I want to just watch videos FAST, I don't need more features than...
Playing all video formats (like VLC) , and a playlist...
Newbie wants to understand why dvd player cannot launch video dvd. I have been to the apple store genius bar, where the problem has not been solved. It appears to be a software problem, since external HD running OS X 10.6.3 reads disk. I would rather avoid formatting HD drive. Can I selectively reinstall some software, such as DVD Player, from the original 10.6.1 installer disks? I have a Macbook 2.13 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB HD.
My MacBook Pro 8.1 (Mac OS X 10.7). It started when i download Mackeeper, i was late when i read all messages thru apple communities that mainly cause of running slow is due to mackeeper. Now am having problems to uninstall it, cannot be remove anymore.
I've had my G5 and my Dell 24" now since May and just stumbled onto this over the weekend.
Normally wide screen movies play default with the top and bottom blacked out following industry resolution standards. When you play a full screen movie the sides are blacked out.
I JUST found out that you can adjust the Video Zoom in either format to fill the screen.
You also have sound EQ options in the same menu.
Simply double click your upper left screen to show the DVD player menu go to Window and scroll down to
Video Zoom Video Color Audio Equaliser
You can also lock the aspect ratio
Now I can finally watch my wide screen movies widescreen/ full screen and it's awesome!
The EQ is also helpful if you want to bring out the dialogue boosting the voice frequencies.
How do I set my default video player to VLC Media Player instead of using Quicktime? I want all my video files to open always with VLC Media Player. I know you can right click on the video and select it to open with VLC media player from now on, but with over 400 videos, that can be very time consuming!
I have a 12" Powerbook G4 1.5Ghz with 1.25GB of RAM. I can't seem to figure out how to make my video playback smooth. I have tried so far playing videos from Itunes and also avi files. No matter what i try its still unwatchable.
I'm running Leopard with latest patches. Web browsing and other things are fine, its only video that is giving me problems