Mac :: Core I5 MacBook Pro Video Options
Oct 25, 2010
I have a weird problem that I'm hoping to solve. I have the most recent revision of MacBook Pro 15" with a Core i5 processor in it. I use it mostly in a desktop configuration with a 24" Apple Cinema Display.When I boot the MBP without the cinema display, there are large horizontal lines that appear after boot, and there's nothing I can do. Sometimes they are alternating black and white lines, sometimes different shades of blue. Sometimes shades of red. In all instances, I cannot do anything except force power off the laptop.
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Oct 9, 2008
I was thinking of getting a refurbed MacBook Air and as I had one before and had to return it because the logic board was fried, I was wondering if Apple has fixed these issues? Also, being a refurb would they definitely make sure its not having those heat/core shutdown issues?
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Feb 12, 2010
My PowerMac plays most small videos (640p) on YouTube just fine, as well it does an OK job at playing slightly larger videos in Quicktime. I would like to not have to worry about Flash any more. With the new 10.1 beta 2 I notice a nice boost in performance, almost tolerable. If I install a graphics card that supports Core Video will it free up the CPU? How can I tell if a card supports Core Video? As well, what cards do you recommend? Is it difficult to flash a graphics card to work with OS X Tiger in a PowerMac G4?
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Jun 5, 2010
I'm having problems reinstalling / installing OS X on a 24
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Sep 10, 2010
I have two identical Late 2008 Unibody MacBooks. I think that one of them is trying to commit suicide. The other one is completely fine, and has none of these issues. They have a 2GHz Intel Core Duo processor with 2GB 1067MHz DDR3 RAM. The HD is 150 GB and is less than half full. I get beach balls while browsing non-flash sites, and the computer is laggy in general. When I watch video (usually flash), after about 10 minutes, the video will pause, while the sound continues. After 30sec-2min, the video will fast forward to catch up, and the cycle continues. The free RAM in Activity Monitor will drop to <100MB, and the CPU usage will spike on one core of the processor, while the other core drops.
The fans are working appropriately, and the temp isn't exceptionally high. Once this starts happening, I have to quit Safari and restart to get the free RAM to drop back to normal levels (~1GB). I have tried: repairing and verifying disk permissions, resetting PRAM and SMC, Archive & Install, and finally an Erase & Install of Leopard. Nothing has improved the issue. I've MRoogle'd and Google'd to no avail. Is there anyone who can provide another solution? I'm not sure if it's my RAM, or HD dying, or both? The Apple Hardware Test says that everything is peachy.
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Apr 14, 2010
Like a lot of you, I've been holding out for the new MacBook Pro's. Today was the day. I almost sprung for the 15" Hi-Res but decided to go all out and buy the 17" with the 1920x1200 screen. I've owned pretty much all of the Mac notebooks since the PowerBook days (12", 13", 15", and 17") and there is something about the 17" that sets it apart from the rest. It is hands down the sexiest 17" notebook on the market today. I just love it.
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Jul 14, 2010
I switched out monitors at work yesterday and now my video out on my mbp is no longer working. I even tried the old monitor and it's a no-go. I do not have another mini-display port to DVI adapter so I hope it's that rather than the computer.The screen will do the "to blue" flicker as normal when you plug in a 2nd display - but nothing shows up on the second display.
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Jun 20, 2010
I can sort most issues and using Macs don't really have any but I'm stuck on this one and Applecare, being Sunday, is only accepting phone calls about iPhone at present.I have a brand new 2010 MacBook Pro 13" (2.66 GHz - yes I know I'm a sucker for the extra MHz) and am having some strange issues with video and the display.whilst watching a video in full screen. At first I thought it was the file, but it happens with numerous files (not DVD though) and whether played in QT or VLC or Front Row. That picture was taken in Front Row and please excuse the iPhone shot but I couldn't make Grab work.
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Dec 4, 2010
I see the numbers of everything from Core 2 Duo, to the slightly faster and cooler Core i3, to the supposedly faster core i5s and i7s. The benchmarks go up accordingly, but I found this does not always equate in a faster experience on most tasks.
Here's my experience so far on processor upgrade:
In one computer trade school re-certification class I am in, we are working with Windows Server 2003 on a Quad Xeon platform and it's incredibly slow.
But in a previous class we had the previous generation server edition on older Xeons, and while not fast, it was much better. On paper the newer multi-core Xeons should have made a difference, but could 2003 server software be that much more bloated than the previous Windows server edition that it would stall like that and make us wish we had the older setup?
I am going to try out the Adobe CS lab and put the new high end Dells to the test there and see if they work better than when we had an older CS version on older Xeon equipped Dells.
I don't know if this is something to do with Dell, or if Apple's increasing processor bumps/generations are going to similarly not make a difference in the speed things appear to go at, whether it's Adobe stuff, server stuff, or anything else that needs power.
I know somebody who plans on a Core 2 Duo, i5 or i7 MBP and I was wondering if the higher end processor is worth it in that case (iMovie being the main program of use).
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Apr 27, 2008
Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on moving from an iMac G5 (2GHz) to an Intel Mac Mini (a Duo or Core 2 Duo, not the Solo) for Final Cut Studio editing? I don't do a ton of editing (it's a hobby), but I wouldn't want too much less than what I'm getting from my G5 right now.
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Jul 2, 2010
Is the 8 core overkill for heavy hi-res graphic design, but low use audio and video editing?
I have no experience with the current Mac Pro's. I have a 1,1 original, but I understand that the Nehalem processor is far superior to the Woodcrest from the original.
Question is, with 3300 as the base of an 8 core, does a 2d designer really need that extra processor?
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Jan 4, 2006
I've had my G5 and my Dell 24" now since May and just stumbled onto this over the weekend.
Normally wide screen movies play default with the top and bottom blacked out following industry resolution standards. When you play a full screen movie the sides are blacked out.
I JUST found out that you can adjust the Video Zoom in either format to fill the screen.
You also have sound EQ options in the same menu.
Simply double click your upper left screen to show the DVD player menu
go to Window and scroll down to
Video Zoom
Video Color
Audio Equaliser
You can also lock the aspect ratio
Now I can finally watch my wide screen movies widescreen/ full screen and it's awesome!
The EQ is also helpful if you want to bring out the dialogue boosting the voice frequencies.
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Jun 28, 2012
I'm thinking of buying a G5 with a pci-e slot, does anyone know which cards, Apple original and PC flashable, can be used in this machine?
Mac OS X (10.5.8), Gainward Ultra 6800GT
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Apr 18, 2010
There's a lot of people wondering if the 13" MBPs would have been a lot better with a Core i3 processor, but everything has been just hangups over perceived old vs. new technology, and really the only thing the Core i3 adds is Hyper-Threading, but it doesn't have Turbo Boost, which helps the Core i5/i7s tremendously. Let's compare using Geekbench since it is cross-platform and one of the few available sources of info...
Core 2 Duo P8600 2.4GHz (~3362)
Core i3 330m 2.13GHz (~3472)
Core 2 Duo P8800 2.66GHz (~3700)
Core i3 350m 2.26GHz (~3680)
As you can see in both cases, the difference is pretty minimal indeed, and in single threaded applications, the C2D will easily outdo the Core i3 which lacks Turbo Boost and runs at lower clock rates.
And you get a 320M instead of Intel HD graphics with the new 13".
The Geekbench results from the old 15/17" to the new 15/17" are quite an order of magnitude better.
So unless people are expecting Core i5 processors in the 13", sticking to the C2D was actually a good decision, and given the differences between 2.4 and 2.53 isn't so large, one is far better buying the base 13" and then putting the money saved towards a good 7.2k HDD or SSD.
Note - I took averages of the 32-bit numbers and added them.
Note 2 - The C2D Pxxxx are 25W TDP processors, which are more efficient than the Core i3 which are 35W TDP processors. Less heat, better battery life from C2Ds.
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Apr 29, 2010
I've been debating whether or not to upgrade my 3 year old 15" Macbook Pro that has a 2.2Ghz Core 2 Duo (Santa Rosa) to the new 13" 2.4Ghz Macbook Pro. FYI... My current system also has 4GB of RAM. Since both systems are Core 2 Duo, what kind of speed bump am I going to see? Would this be a substantial upgrade?
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May 28, 2012
I'm buying a new MacBookPro but can't decide, due to lack of knowledge, wich one to choose and if there's a noticeble difference between, 15.4" MacBook Pro Notebook Computer 2.2GHz Intel Core i7 Quad-Core4GB of DDR3 RAM500GB 5400rpm Hard DriveAMD Radeon HD 6750M 512MB Graphics15.4" LED-Backlit Glossy Display1400 x 900 Native ResolutionSlot-Loading SuperDrive802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1+EDRFaceTime HD Camera, Built-in MicrophoneMac OS X 10.7 Lion (64-bit)
and the 13.3" MacBook Pro Notebook Computer 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 Dual-Core8GB of DDR3 RAM (2x4GB)750GB 5400rpm Hard DriveIntel HD 3000 Graphics13.3" Glossy Widescreen Display1280 x 800 Native ResolutionSuperDrive, Secure Digital Card SlotFaceTime HD Camera, Omnidirectional Mic802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1+EDRMac OS X 10.7 Lion
Besides the screen size, one would be considerable faster?
I use Photoshop and beeing a photographer I deal with large files.
MacBookPro 2.66GHz 4GB 1067MHz DDR3, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Sep 17, 2008
I have a Power Mac G5 2.3Ghz dual-core system (M9591LL/A) with 2.5GBs of RAM and an Nvidia 6600 PCIe graphics card with 256MBs of RAM.
I tried playing a full-screen HD episode of "The Office" on and it was extremely choppy (like 0.5fps). The sound was fine. It's still quite choppy (~2fps) in a normal browser window (not full-screen)
Is this normal? Does this video card not support it? What is the most powerful card that can be installed in this machine? I'm not opposed to buying a PC card and flashing the ROM if need-be.
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Jul 2, 2012
I've got a 27" iMac quad-core i7 running Lion and a Sony VPL-CX5 video projector. The projector is no longer support by Sony and Lion doesn't have an included driver to make it recognize the projector as a display device. I'm trying to find some sort of adaptor that the iMac will recognize as a display that will send a video or s-video (or even vga) signal to the projector.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 29, 2012
The ivy bridge processors are coming out soon (or may already be out). I have heard that macbook pro 13" models might be able to use the new processers due to their lower energy useage. I presume that I will be able to take my mac to an apple store and have it installed. Is this information true?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 8, 2011
Just in case Apple surprise us with a Sandybridge Quad core, and even if they don't I was wondering the following.
1 ) During sustained use in 3D gaming does a Quadcore with lower clock speeds beat a dual core with higher clock speeds.
2) Can the quoted turbo speeds be achieved in sustained use (ie 3D gaming where maximal load can be applied for a couple of hours).
Base Frequency 2.0GHz
Max SC Turbo 2.9GHz
Max DC Turbo 2.8GHz
Max QC Turbo 2.6GHz
Base Frequency 2.7GHz
Max SC Turbo 3.4GHz
Max DC Turbo 3.2GHz
Max QC Turbo N/A
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Jul 5, 2008
When recording video in PhotoBooth mst of it is not captured. For example, say I record a video for 3 minutes, the clock will say 3 minutes, and once I hit stop the resulting video file will be around a minute long. This is happening with all recordings, however I do not have such problems when using video capture in iMovie.
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Mar 3, 2009
If I bought the cheapest iMac at base model right now, in a month or two could I buy more RAM for it? Then could I later buy a better video/graphics card and get that put in And could I have these things done by official Apple peoples. Not that I care much - I'd just like to know if official people do this.
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Apr 19, 2009
I have about 2GB's worth of mpeg-2 video files and I am looking for a program with a lot of different format options and that can handle a huge amount of files.
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Apr 13, 2010
Although i'm hardly impressed by the prices and specs of these 'new' machines I need one so I'm buying!
Just need to know before I make the plunge. Is the i7 variant with the extra GPU ram really worth it? I would use the extra power in my work but I honestly need to know if I'd notice any difference as for a few seconds less waiting it would hardly justify the price.
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Mar 19, 2009
Just got from Best Buy where they told me that my 17month computer (logicboard) has to be replace. I;m trying to access my files other than the one shares thru my XP computer but with no luck.
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Oct 24, 2009
Normally I build my own machines, but this time around I needed final cut for some projects so I went all out and bought a nice mac pro about a year ago to use primarily as a gaming machine, with final-cut-pro video editing on the side. I've only done a couple FCP edits on the machine and as a result, have mostly used the PC side of things (via bootcamp) and play a game a few times a week on average (Team fortress 2 and FFXI etc). It's run beautifully, easily the best purchase I've ever made.Today is the first day I've had any serious issue with the machine. Having grown up building gaming computers, I am familiar with the corruption (most notably the 'green' corruption that stands out) associated with video cards. Last night I popped on a game called Dragonica that my fiance is into, she needed a hand with some boss thing, so even though I'm not super into it I hopped on. Before I knew it, the screen flickered green-colored-corruption for a second, then locked up. I restarted, thinking its probably a fluke, and before I could get all the way back in, it did it again. I turned off the machine and went to bed (had work in the morning).
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Nov 18, 2009
I wanted to know if I can replace the upper case of a Core Duo white macbook with that of a Core 2 Duo black macbook? The white one has the distinctive yellowing of the rev A macbooks, so i'd like to make it better whilst making a black/white frankenMac.
If not, can I at least replace the airport card?
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Aug 3, 2009
Just curious as to how much of an improvement in performance I would see upgrading my system as it states above, since my 2006 machine is 3 years old and getting close to the end of my apple care, figured I would trade it in and upgrade.
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Aug 3, 2010
I am looking to purchase my first Macbook Pro. I am having a difficult time deciding between a $1749 17" from Amazon that is the older 2.8Ghz Core 2 Duo and the $2298 17" (w/ student discount and tax... have to include tax) from Apple that is the newest model. The price difference is $549.
Some things I'm curious about:
1. Intel HD card? Does it really cause that much lag? How is it compared to the nVidia 9400m? I don't mean benchmarks, I mean real life performance.
2. Battery life? Is the battery life in the newest model much better than previous gen?
3. Heat? Is there a difference in heat production between them?
I don't care about gaming, so the 512 300m vs. 512 9600m is no concern.
Does the newest 17" justify the $549 price difference? Are there any other things that I should know between the two?
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Oct 21, 2009
I do alot of photography with a canon dslr, I also plan to edit short HD videos as well as some photoshop and flash animation work.
Will I benefit greatly from the Quad Core Imac over the Dual Core Imac?
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