ITunes :: Stop It From Being The Default Video Player?
Jun 13, 2012
I have a slightly older Macbook Pro, on OSX 10.5.8.I have a bunch of video files on a wireless networked hard drive and the directory mapped to my desktop for easy access.I also have VLC installed for video playback.All the files are *.m4v.
When I click to open one of these files it starts copying the whole file over the network to my iTunes, and insisting on opening from iTunes.If I click on File -> Open With -> it shows iTunes as the default.I can click on File -> Open With -> VLC and this works just fine.But how do I change the default video player?All I want to do is stream it over my internal home network, I don't want copy the darn file every time I want to play something.
How do I set my default video player to VLC Media Player instead of using Quicktime? I want all my video files to open always with VLC Media Player. I know you can right click on the video and select it to open with VLC media player from now on, but with over 400 videos, that can be very time consuming!
i had vlc as my default player for video files when i first installed it but then when i updated it to version 1.02 its not the default for any file. i know there is a way to make it the default player for individual file types, but i would like it to be the default for ALL video files. i have looked in the preferences but couldnt find anything. How can i do it
I searched the forums and couldn't find anything on it. I recently reinstalled Quicktime, now everytime I download an .MP3 file to my desktop or wherever, it has Quicktime as the default MP3 player..... Even when I right click it and do Open With... and select Always Open With (iTunes) it just selects that one file to open with iTunes everytime. I was seeing if there was a way to make iTunes my default MP3 player for all mp3s..... It seems to only be occuring with newly downloaded files. All my older MP3's still open in iTunes.
I am trying to burn music and now my default player is Spotify, but I want it to be iTunes again. How do I switch this back? I am operating on the 10.7.4 Macbook Air.
I've seen it many times around on internet, but it is driving me ABSOLUTELY MAD. After importing audio/video on iTunes (plus copy into iTunesLibrary), the file automatically starts playing. It is annoying me more and more, I can not seem to turn the function off. iTunes seems to be defaulted nowadays to start autoplay after importing music or video into iTunes~?
I can't find a definitive answer on how to make VLC my Default audio/media player. At the moment itunes is opening all my music and placing it in its library which I don't want to happen.
Everytime I double click on a QT file, it opens with Quicktime Player rather than Quicktime Pro 7 (which I also have). Can I change the default settings so it opens with QT Pro 7?
I Tried many Video Players... but the best one i've ever used so far was "windows media player classic" (shame on me)
I never found any other media player to just PLAY Videos, fast and without 10 Hours loading time(like nice player...) I want to just watch videos FAST, I don't need more features than...
Playing all video formats (like VLC) , and a playlist...
Newbie wants to understand why dvd player cannot launch video dvd. I have been to the apple store genius bar, where the problem has not been solved. It appears to be a software problem, since external HD running OS X 10.6.3 reads disk. I would rather avoid formatting HD drive. Can I selectively reinstall some software, such as DVD Player, from the original 10.6.1 installer disks? I have a Macbook 2.13 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB HD.
I've had my G5 and my Dell 24" now since May and just stumbled onto this over the weekend.
Normally wide screen movies play default with the top and bottom blacked out following industry resolution standards. When you play a full screen movie the sides are blacked out.
I JUST found out that you can adjust the Video Zoom in either format to fill the screen.
You also have sound EQ options in the same menu.
Simply double click your upper left screen to show the DVD player menu go to Window and scroll down to
Video Zoom Video Color Audio Equaliser
You can also lock the aspect ratio
Now I can finally watch my wide screen movies widescreen/ full screen and it's awesome!
The EQ is also helpful if you want to bring out the dialogue boosting the voice frequencies.
I was about to install the new ATI video drivers from AMDs website for the 4800 series together with the Catalyst Control Center, however the sites FAQ and the installer itself "reminded" me to completely remove any old video drivers before attempting to install the new drivers. Well, the problem is that I can't find anything related to video card drivers in the software management / uninstall menu...
Is it safe to just install the fresh drivers and the CCC without removing the old ones ?
Don't say VLC. VLC chokes this machine to death. 95% CPU usage. Frame rate is one per second. AVI files need to be played. Are there any codecs I can use with Quicktime v6.5? Or how about a different player? Quicktime seems to run smoothly on this machine. .MOV files play nicely. DVDs play fine. Can't do flash unfortunately.