OS X :: Customizing Menubar - Change The Fonts And The Icons On The Menubar
Aug 16, 2009
I have seen many nicely designed desktops and most of them have customized menubars, from the different menu icons (like gmail notifier, bowtie, etc) to even the fonts and different apple icons.
I have tried to use Magnifique but, that seems to only change some of it.
My question is, how would I be able to change the fonts and the icons on the menubar? What would I need?
I was trying to change the theme and I got magnifique and crystal clear not sure witch it is but I cant see the stuff like safari for example I cant see the file, edit, view, history, bookmarks, window, and help things but there there like I can click on theme and the thing will open
after updating to 10.5.7, the battery icon doesn't seem to want to update. info is set to show battery icon and percentage.
after unplugging the mag connector, battery status indicates 100% after 1.75 hours. anyone seen this before? did not notice this happen prior to update.
Is it possible to have a kind of dropdown list of the devices (hard drives, dvd drives, usb drives) from an icon in the menubar? It would be very convenient.
I have this menubar "item" next to apple logo, it highlights blue when I mouse over it, anyone know where does it come from and how do i get rid of it?
When Safari is active, the menubar and the dock disappears. I have chosen not to show/hide dock in system preferences, and whenever any other program than Safari is active, the dock and menubar stays put. My OS is 10.7 - P.S. I have not maximized the Safari-window.
What could cause this, and how do I get the dock and menubar to stay even when Safari is active?
I've added the Eject button to my menubar, but its only showing my Superdrive, not my external. Is this correct or can I get my external HD to show up too?
I have a strange problem in fullscreen mode, on my Macbook pro 15".I LOVE fullscreen, and infact the next macbook I will get is the 11" air because of its size and because full screen is so nice to work with.Suddenly the menubar will not display it self when I move the mouse to the top of the screen. The only way I can access the menu bar is by exiting full screen (ctrl + Cmd + F) and the toggel it back on after I have used the menubar .This actually makes fullscreen mode useless and its driving me nuts, because this should not happen on Apple software. I would expect these sorts of behaviour on windows but not in osx.
I bought the Mini Display Port to HDMI & HDMI to HDMI cables to hook my MacBook Air to my HDTV. I don't want mirroring. I want my HDTV to be a separate display. I have the mirroring not ticked but when I do my HDTV only shows the background of my OS and not the dock nor the menu bar/windows.
Can you recommend a weather app for SL that sits in the menubar? I did a search on macupdate and basically came up with many that were developed (and haven't been touched since) 2-3 years ago. Any that you can recommend that work well with SL and don't use a huge amount of system resources?
I just woke my MacBook Air up after charging and I noticed that the menubar icon for the battery was full, but it was RED. It changed back to black after about 5 seconds. Has anybody ever seen this "full" RED status icon in their menubar? I am posting a screenshot so you can see.
So i learned how to make icons and customize the icons for applications. I attached a picture of my new iChat icon. It's a blue mushroom from Super Mario Bros. Now also in the picture is the red badge with the number 1 indicating i have one new message. How could i change that red badge to a coin? I have the coin image and everything.
I have been searching the internet for ways to customize my imac themes with different icons, themes, etc. I have come across some with some sites and answers but none seem to do what I want. What is the best source for this? What do you all use and how do you do it? I am running Snow Leopard.
I'm pretty interested in customizing my icons and creating sets and things like that with CandyBar, but I have NO idea as to how to change an icon or how to use CandyBar. Also, how hard is it to restore all the icons to defaults?
I just got a new 13 macbook pro and am loving it and for some reason, the icons and fonts are resizing, is it something i am doing without realizing or what?
I place document icons in my finder sidebar, and sometime later they change to folder icons. Does not matter which application they come from, it seems to happen to them all, but they are still linked to the correct documents.
All of a sudden I restarted my computer and the dock didn't show up and the fonts for the clock and battery were different. The widgets also would not show up. Also missing was some of the icons for random programs (applications, illustrator, pictures etc.) I am thinking I might have deleted some of the systems files? In safe mode the dock and widgets work and the fonts are correct however the icons are still missing.
The display on the Mac computer at my work has been changed so that all the icons are very tiny, the fonts are very large, and when I move the mouse, the entire screen moves so that most of the time a part of the screen is hidden and I have to jiggle the mouse around to read everything - I'm not scrolling, it just automatically does it without me clicking. I am not really familiar with Macs but I do know how to get to system preferences, and I can't think what option might make the screen do that. It really makes the computer harder to use - does anyone know what it is? I also didn't see where I could make the icons bigger or smaller, it doesn't seem like the Desktop/Display really does it.
I used bootcamp to install windows 7 on my MBP. Everything runs smoothly except the fonts on webpages look very odd. The letters appear to be very skinny.
I'd like to change the font of Safari itself (not the font of the web pages). I have a 27 inch monitor now and sometimes find the font of lists (i.e. bookmarks) too small.
I am on a Unibody with 10.5.6. and I would need to change the font sizes for my gf as they are causing her a terrible eyestrain.
I just discovered Tinker Tool and wanted to test the font size functions, but everytime i change them and I want to preview the size, it is saying that I would need to relaunch it in order to be able to preview - I do that, nothing happens - fonts change back to default.