MacBook :: Remove The Hardrive Label When Its On Desktop?
May 4, 2009
their was a way to remove the hardrive label when its on the desktop? I want to just have the hardrive with nothing on it so it looks a bit cleaner. I searched all over for the answer and couldnt find it anywhere.
I installed a 550GB WD harddrive for my G5(1.6Ghz). I looked up info on computer and it showed drive was connected, but I could not see it on desktop, and I cannot install Tiger. Also, I had system look for network(forgot specific), now all I see when I boot up is a globe. How can I get out of this?
I have an extra internal hard drive (Maxtor) on my Apple Mac.
Recently, I have noticed that the icon on the desktop that represents Maxtor only remains on the desktop for a period of 2-3 days then disappears. I then have to manually restore it but any files saved on it are lost.
Fortunately I do not use this Maxtor drive for saving files to much but I would still like to know how to solve this problem.
System went haywire after downloading this plug in and It won't let me unistall the software. (The uninstall button wont light up on the menu screen) Now it's completely blocking me from changing labeling color.
what is the .DS_Store file that is on my desktop and in many of my folders? can i move it, i have tried dragging it to a different folder, but it just pops up again, and it makes my desktop look all untidy!
New Mac user. I opened Podcast collection in Launchpad and I cannot close the program since the back button is not active and I cannot continue since I dont know the name of a server. An ikon was created on the desk top which I cannot remove. How do I remove ikons from the desk top? Also where is the delete button/function?
My little son play with my computer and I don't know how he press something and now a little black window pop up. The window give an explanation on what I click on. When I open any web page every word is highlighted. What should I do to eliminate the window?
When setting up my MacBook Pro I somehow made the right shift key function as a hotkey for the show desktop function. Now I can't figure out how to return it to being a shift key.
Transfer his files from his old over heated macbook 2006 to his new macbook pro
WE have a external hard drive case for the old macbook hard drive and I am looking for a "quick" way to transfer all the files to his new computer from this
Some of the files are gone and we are guessing that is the heat damage and want to get the rest off ASAP
We already have a new external hard drive to back up his files
My problem seems to be having a PC and MAC exxternal hardrive that i have used in the transition from PC to Mac. I bought a 2Tb mybook essential to transfer all of my photographs to my new mac. I connected it to my pc to get the pictures, now that i have my mac i have tried to access the files. I can open and view them.But im unable to write anything on the hardrive. Even files ive opened up that were on the hardrive that i tried to save again.
So I've finally saved up for a Macbook, I'll probably get the 13" 2.26 model then upgrade the hardrive and ram myself. So;
1. Could you recommend a good hardrive and ram please, I'm in the UK. Would this be any good?
2. Bit of a vague question but, can you play any games on it? I mainly play on the ps3, but I do enjoy games such as Football manager and Empire: Total War would these run on it? If its been disscussed elsewhere links would be good
3. I'll need to put a copy of XP on to it unfortunatly and I think bootcamp is best for playing games, but if I bought parallels does this use the same partion as bootcamp or would I have to create a 3rd partition?
I was playing around with a .mac trial account and got the iDisk icon on my desktop. When I try to drag it to the trash bin the trash bin changes and says eject, but nothing happens when I release the mouse. It seems that there is no way for me to delete this icon.
I have been offered update on Adobe Reader appx 12 times now and it has been accepted and closed other programs to install. It 9.5.1 version. Now I have two pdf files on my desktop 28bea10-8739248572913388.pdf and a similar one which cannot be trashed or removed from the desktop. A sign comes up cannot be deleted therefore cannot be removed from the desktop.
I want my desktop to simply be the icons. Reason being, i am using Kobhens theme, and would like to have the name be in the icon, and not repeated below. Any way of making the name transparent or anything else?
One of the relatives were complaining about a fuzzy/colourful line over their iMac screen.. I figured it would be a display/hardware issue.. Until I remote desktop'd into the machine. Somehow, the line is showing through Remote Desktop..
Its' just on the background, and stays over the background picture no matter what (I've tried to change it, etc.) Tried to repair permissions too - nothing.
I am having difficulty removing backup files that are locked from my desktop that I transfered from a backup external hard drive. It starts to delete but whern it gets to 0 it rewrites the file. this happens evn after I answer "remove all locked files".Â
I am unable to remove the following icons from my desktop; Keys, iChat, Console, Activity Monitor. Looking for an explanation as to why this can not be done by dragging and dropping on the desktop.
Just got an 'Apple [OEM] Rom' super drive from OWC. Next: how does one install it nicely in the beige G3 case. I see plastic everywhere and am 'guessing’ there is some sort of detent or stop that you can click to slide the original drive out. But I don’t see it! So, is there some sort of tray or rack that will allow me to slide out the old and slide in the new?
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS 9.2.x, Apple SuperDrive G3 Desktop
I'm going through multiple images from an old folder and each time I want to look at them Preview loads them on my desktop. Is there a way to delete them all at once from my desktop without clicking the "x" button on each one?
Info: iPhone 3GS, iOS 5, Main syncing computer is MacBook
I want to add the icon for my Mac to the desktop, but don't know how to do so. Also, the ICal icon appears both on my desktop and in the dock. When I try to remove it from the desktop, it also disappears from the dock, which I don't want to do. How can I do this addition and subtraction?