OS X V10.7 Lion :: Remove Backup Files From Desktop?
Feb 4, 2012
I am having difficulty removing backup files that are locked from my desktop that I transfered from a backup external hard drive. It starts to delete but whern it gets to 0 it rewrites the file. this happens evn after I answer "remove all locked files".Â
I am just wondering how to efficiently and safely remove the old backup files from time machine? I tried once with command, but it damaged my extra-disk... Does Lion OSx have fixed that?
I'm going through multiple images from an old folder and each time I want to look at them Preview loads them on my desktop. Is there a way to delete them all at once from my desktop without clicking the "x" button on each one?
Info: iPhone 3GS, iOS 5, Main syncing computer is MacBook
I need to remove ALL Keynote '09 preference files at a Global Level, without fully uninstalling. what files need manually pulled to completely set Keynote on 10.7.x to full default?
what is the .DS_Store file that is on my desktop and in many of my folders? can i move it, i have tried dragging it to a different folder, but it just pops up again, and it makes my desktop look all untidy!
When I look at the "About This Mac" -> "More Info..." -> "Storage" it shows my Time Machine and my system Hard Drive.On the system Hard Drive it is showing Backups at 60GB.  Where do I find those backup files to remove them? Or what type of files does that include? Is there a tool to delete these files? I have looked at other systems and have not seen any backups by default on the systems so I figure they should be readily accessible to delete. Â
Do I need to back up my files before installing Lion? Photographs, Word documents, song downloads, etc. Things like that. Right now I use Snow Leopard.
Yesterday,I forgot to shutdown my computer,so it remained active the whole night...So today morning when i restarted it's not booting..Just the circle is spinning for long time.I have a bootable USB of lion..and tried re installing,but it's showing it can't install...So i tried to repair the hard disk, but it is asking to format my harddsik. So is there any way to backup some of files from harddsik before formatting? I mean form recovery is ther any to copy or abckup my files?
I was working on a file in GarageBand, I saved the .band file on my desktop, but after I quit GarageBand without saving the work, the .band file went a little weird. I tried dragging it to the trash and cmd-delete it but the message came up saying "The item Recording Final.band be moved to the Trash because it cant be deleted." Later I launched GarageBand again, and when I tried to drag the weird .band file from desktop to the GarageBand icon on my dock, the dock appears to crash, my wallpaper went gray for a second and then the dock came back up. Also when I select the file and hit space bar to do a quick look it shows up saying No Items Selected. I like to keep my desktop tidy don't want these files here blocking the way.
I am having a problem accessing any files on my desktop. I cannot delete, edit or move files there. I have rebooted and repaired permissions using disk utility. When trying to perform any task with files on the desktop, the icon freezes and gets 'stuck' to the mouse and prevents me from performing other tasks. It also prevents shut down (have to hard shut down with the power key).Current permissions for the Desktop folder are drwx
After I backup my computer onto a Hard drive using time machine, I delete certain folders off my computer, then assuming my files are on the HDD, I go back to the HDD to see the files, but the files on the Time machine back up are gone! What is happening? and how do i prevent this from happening?
After installing OS X Lion, all of my files are gone from My Documents and my desktop has been wiped clean. I also installed this on my laptop and that seems to be fine.
I have no idea why this happened but now when I open Finder, my desktop, documents, applications and everything else don't show the files I know are there. I also had several files on my desktop that are no longer showing. This is really annoying because I can't access my documents and downloads which I really need to get to right now. I can't think of anything I did to have triggered this but its been like this for at least a few days. I have a Macbook Pro and Lion.Â
I have a 500GB HD in my mini. I have a 2TB drive with about 1TB of files on it. Can I use some of the free space for backup and still use the rest for files?
I couldn't enter Time Machine backups, that is, "Enter Time Machine" from the Time Machine menu item did nothing. I tried Postini's recommendations about resetting, repairing the sparsebundle image, and tried accessing with the bundle mounted. Nothing worked.Â
What did work was Time Machine Preferences>Select Disk… and clicking Do Not Back Up. Then a new item appears in the Time Machine menu items: "Browse Other Backup Disks…" Selected that and then selected my backup. And then I was in.Â
My purpose was to delete some large movies that were taking up too much space. I went back to the Finder and opened the folder where the movies had been (I had deleted them in the Finder) then went back to "Browse Other Backup Disks…" and there was the folder in Time Machine. And I deleted the files. I was later able to reselect my Backup disk and the options were still saved.However I haven't seen the space recovered yet. I may have to read more on compressing the disk image if it doesn't fix itself soon. Â
I am manually moving files from a Time Machine backup. How do I view the user's home Library files that are in the backup? I need to move over some of their preferences and bookmarks.
Skipping all the fine details, my MBP is having insane freezing issues and I need to reinstall Lion ASAP. But I also need to backup my files since I haven't been able to backup in a month. Yet whenever I try to backup, I'm told: The backup was not performed because an error occurred while copying files to the backup disk. While Trying to repair my external drive thinking it was the problem initially, I verified and repaired that disc and still had the problem. I tried verifying/repairing my permissions for my internal drive, and I get these amounts of errors: [URL]. No idea what these mean.
My 2008 iMac bit the dust but I did consistently back up using Time Machine to an external drive. I plan on replacing it but need to get some files off the backup soon. Is it possible to connect my external backup drive to a friends iMac and copy just the files I need?
How do I delete these files. I can't do anything with them...can't put in folder, can't move to another area of the desktop. They're taking up room. Also, since I installed Lion, I've had other issues with Illustrator...crashing on opening, difficulty opening files. Is Illustrator CS3 not compatible with Lion? I also have Illustrator CS5, but haven't gotten used to it yet. I have no problem never using CS3 again, but the big question right now is how to get rid of the Illustrator temp files on my desktop.
Is is possible to share files to the desktop of a mini-server running Lion? I've done this for years with other operating systems with no trouble ... and when I drag files to other locations on the mini-server it works fine.
But when I try to drag a file to the desktop of the mini-server, I get asked for a password. I type in the password; it gets accepted. Then I get a dialog: "A newer version of do you want to replace...?" When I click "yes," I get another dialog:
I want to re-arrange files on my desktop. When I use 'drag & drop' the file I moved just snaps back to its original location. How do I get 'drag & drop' to work properly?
Running a fairly new iMac with 10.7.4 and came home to find that the finder flashes, I can't access the trash and the files on the desktop disappeared. Haven't downloaded anything (and my kids also claim not to have).
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Moved all my movies audio etc and stored on external HDD, but as I have lion and time machine it saved a local back up so that when time machine was synced it didn't miss anything.Seems sensible, so next step was to sync time machine, expecting that the local back up would disappear when it shifted to TM. It didn't...why in gods green earth is the local back up there even though TM connected the whole time and up to date? Â I've restarted, loaded all updates and verified disk. How do I get to the "it just works" part without having to Delete this double up (32GB "backups") via terminal etc....
I want to keep my school files on desktop two so they are all in the same place, and use desktop one as a place to perhaps save photos or other files not school related. When I swipe between desktops, the school files move between the desktops as I swipe but I want to keep them on one desktop all the time.
I'm getting my Mac in a week and I would like to know it I can drag files from my Leopard desktop to my Parallels desktop. All input is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I was playing around with a .mac trial account and got the iDisk icon on my desktop. When I try to drag it to the trash bin the trash bin changes and says eject, but nothing happens when I release the mouse. It seems that there is no way for me to delete this icon.