MacBook Pro :: Remove The Show Desktop Hotkey Function From Right Shift Key?
Jun 27, 2012
When setting up my MacBook Pro I somehow made the right shift key function as a hotkey for the show desktop function. Now I can't figure out how to return it to being a shift key.
For some reason the function keys on my mac book changed, I restored them and now the shift keys have the function of showing the desktop and all windows.
I there a way I can restore the original function?
is there any way in Mac Os X to have the Shift-Delete function that you have in Windows to permanently delete a file without having it sent to the Trash first?
Everytime I hit the shift key, a white, outlined arrow (with a drop shadow) shows up on the mid-upper right part of the desktop. If I hit shift twice, it stays there... if I hit capslock, nothing.
I looked in universal access, and nothing glared out... a google search didn't turn up anything (right away).can someone quickly clue me in as to what is causing this?
I'm not sure what key function I hit by accident but everytime I use my keyboard my Mac repeats my keyboard action back to in one of those annoying computerized voices. Anyone know how I can turn this off/remove this function?
1. the Spotlight function of "Show all" does not response when I click on it. I did try it on another account on the same machine and the problem still there.
2. Right click on the Trash bin and selecting "Empty trash" does not do much. I have to go to Finder and selecting "Empty trash. Why is that?
3. In Finder if I am trying to search using the little search space at the top right as I type a couple of letters, it freezes, close unexpectedly and ask me if I want to report the error to Apple.
Are all the problem above related?
4. How can I get a new link in Safari 4 to open in a new tab and not in a new window?
Is there any way to put the screen to sleep prior to the given time in energy saver? I have it set to 10 minutes there but there are times when i want the screen to sleep right away.
what is the .DS_Store file that is on my desktop and in many of my folders? can i move it, i have tried dragging it to a different folder, but it just pops up again, and it makes my desktop look all untidy!
So, i bought a used macbook pro (2,2) 15inch 4gb ram, 320gb hd, and it is in GREAT condition, looks brand new. when i saw the laptop, i made sure everything worked, even the usb ports and all is fine.
when i came home, i formatted, and installed Snow Leopard, did ALL the updates before i did anything else. and i just noticed now when i plugged in my 1tb WD Passport it dosnt show up on the desktop, nor the disk utility, however the hard drive light turns on but when i put my hand on the laptop, it dosnt appear to be 'spinning' up.
i tried plugging in USB stick in both USB ports and it works, shows up just fine. so i dont think it could be the usb ports..
BUT when i plug the same external hard drive on my new i7 imac it shows up.yesterday, i plugged in the same drive into a friends Mac Pro, and had no problems. but i cant seem to figure this out.
I know the 'show desktop' shortcut is F11 (which means pressing two keys to show this fn+F11). Can I change this shortcut to F13? so i can just press one key to bring up the desktop?
My files are there if I look into desktop folder through the finder but In the real scenario of Desktop The files does not display on the Desktop although they are there. how do I make them appear on the desktop
I have a Lacie Porsche 160 gb firewire drive, it worked well, I ve had it a couple of years. Now when I plug it in it won't show the disk image on the desktop. system profiler finds it and I have the Lacie upgrade tool and that checks it and says it is up to date. I have tried it on two other macbooks one older, one newer all Leopards, and one imac desktop. They all found it. so it appears to be a problem with my laptop only. I did use it with time machine but it ran out of space, Using another laptop I have deleted all lot of stuff off it and tried changing its name.
My external HD won't show up anymore on my desktop nor does it get listed in disc utilities. I tried to cennect it to another mac but it doesn't show there either nor in that mac's disc utility. I happened to re-start the computer while the hd was connected and now it doesn't show up anymore. I use it for back-up via Time machine. I could re-format and do the back up all over again but then I need to find it first.
New Mac user. I opened Podcast collection in Launchpad and I cannot close the program since the back button is not active and I cannot continue since I dont know the name of a server. An ikon was created on the desk top which I cannot remove. How do I remove ikons from the desk top? Also where is the delete button/function?
their was a way to remove the hardrive label when its on the desktop? I want to just have the hardrive with nothing on it so it looks a bit cleaner. I searched all over for the answer and couldnt find it anywhere.
My little son play with my computer and I don't know how he press something and now a little black window pop up. The window give an explanation on what I click on. When I open any web page every word is highlighted. What should I do to eliminate the window?
I got my MBA about 2 weeks ago, and in 3 different occasions some windows and parts of the desktop would show display artifacts. I am attaching snapshots. I didn't recognize any specific pattern that could cause this, and the CPU was not overheating when the fact happened. Every time it was sufficient to reboot the system, and the problem disappeared. I am worried it might be a hardware issue, maybe related to the integrated graphics. Should I have the MBA replaced?
MacBook Pro; 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3; OS X 10.6.8.
The Issue is a duplicate icon of the hard drive appeared on the desktop this AM upon startup.
I don't know what caused it. It just appeared.
It seems to contain everything the start up icon contains when I open it.
I moved it to the trash, but did not erase the trash. I chickened out, so to speak. I removed back to the desktop.
I have the desktop view set to arrange by date modified. It appears approximately half way down the list of icons showing on the desktop. It seems to me that, if it is a duplicate, and by all appearances it is, then it should appear immediately after the real hard drive icon.
I have a thumb drive that if i plug it into my MacBook Air in the left usb port, it takes at least 3 minutes before it shows up on my desktop, sometimes MUCH longer. If i plug it into the right USB port, it shows up after a minute. If I plug this same thumb drive into a PC, it shows up within seconds. If i plug a different thumb drive into either USB port on the Air, it shows up within seconds.
It's a FAT32 thumb drive, and i've already tried reformatting it and the same stuff happens. I've even had disk utility check it out and nothing's wrong. I'd guess the thumb drive is bad but it works instantly if i plug it into a PC, so guessing that's not it. It's a 10.6 MacBook Air.
I have a broken screen on my MacBook air and have an external screen attached via thundbolt and hdmi connection when I boot up the unit it only shows second screen on external no dock or desktop so can not see system preferences or anything, need to find a way so then when I boot up system the external automatically comes the default screen
It can be done through terminal, its just a bit all or nothing. I would like to show the .DS files on a USB stick for example, remove them and switch back to hide without round tripping to terminal every time.
Can be done easily on a PC but not the Mac i know. Did I dream it or could one show/hide hidden files on previous OS? I know extra menu items appear with the alt but not 'show hidden'
Having the .DS files is a real pain when loading movie files onto a media player or trying to play through a SMART TV. As most (all) smart tvs only accept FAT/ ExFAT formatting the .DS files show in the menu. On media players it's worse as it prevents one playing multiple movies in order and to repeat till you hit stop. As soon as the player hits a .DS it will stop and throw up an error.
a hotkey to detect new displays? I plug my Powerbook into my TV often and don't want the little Detect Display icon in my menu bar. It would be much easier just to use a hotkey, or even if I could set up a shortcut to do it.