I was playing around with a .mac trial account and got the iDisk icon on my desktop. When I try to drag it to the trash bin the trash bin changes and says eject, but nothing happens when I release the mouse. It seems that there is no way for me to delete this icon.
Recently the icon for the Macintosh HD appeared on my desktop. It wasn't previously there so I've no idea why it has suddenly appeared. how I can get it off the desktop.
Does anybody know why I can't change my sidebar iDisk icon? The changes show up on the desktop, just not in the sidebar. The icons for the my main drive and external drives are changed in the sidebar.
I have used CandyBar to change the icon for my iDisk. However I have run into some strangeness On the desktop, if I quit and then reconnect to the iDisk it will show the new icon for a moment and then change it back to the default purple drive with the cloud picture. yet, in the finder on the left hand side it shows the new icon. But at the top of the finder window it shows the default icon. WTF? I have tried changing it in CandyBar several times but this is always the behaviour after the changes
I am a pretty experienced Mac user but have never ran into this problem. My iDisk icon in the sidebar of the Finder window doesn't have an eject button. Any disk or other removable drive gives me the eject button but not the iDisk. I am running on the latest version of Tiger (10.4.5) and a 12" 1.25GHz iBook G4 with 1.25GB Ram. I know those stats really don't make a difference, except for maybe the OS, but just in case anyone was wondering.
I've just downloaded Safari 5.1.5 and want to create this icon on my desktop, however, I don't want it as a 'short-cut' icon but as the same icon I see on the docking station.I was previously able to do this with Safari 5.0.3.
what is the .DS_Store file that is on my desktop and in many of my folders? can i move it, i have tried dragging it to a different folder, but it just pops up again, and it makes my desktop look all untidy!
The download desktop icon went up in smoke and I can't get it back...before when I downloaded a file from email I could go on my tool bar and access the downloads...now I can only get them in finder. How can I get the download file icon back?
When I upgraded to 10.5.2 a .Mac icon was placed in the menu bar. I don't use .Mac so I'd like to get rid of it but I can't figure out how. Every other icon in the menu bar can be removed/changed via System Preferences except for the .Mac one as far as I can tell.
I had to install RayV and now that I do not need it I would like to get rid of it. I removed it under system preferences at the bottom but I cannot seem to get rid of the icon on the menu bar. I cannot drag it out and am stumped at what to do. I even manually removed the plugins from the library.
I have on the top of the screen of my mac a sign from the previous Mobileme that indicates that "no devices syncing".
How can I remove this icon from there?
When I add or edit a contact on my macbook, it doesn't update it on my iphone. It does update my macbook when editing a contacts on my iphone. Where it need to be set?
Is there anyway I can remove an application icon from the dock, even when the app is open? This particular app has an icon on the menu bar and I don't need it to be on both.
I am new to Mac and need some help. I just installed norton antivirus for my mac and the software accidentally created duplicate icons in the top right control panel. I am wanting to delete one of these but haven't been successful. I already tried the command and drag off but they don't move, they are stuck there. Any remedies to this? How can I get them off the top right control panel?
I recently installed iFlicks, which seemed to install some Scripts into Itunes and add this menu option. I have since removed iFlicks using appzapper, yet it has not been removed. I also looked in library/iTunes/ and found no folder with scripts or anything similar. My last attempt has been to install iFlicks again and uninstall, but to no avail.
I just installed Symantec Anti-Virus and it automatically puts an ugly icon in the menu bar. I already have a few things up there that i like/need and don't want the symantec button, but symantec doesn't give me the option to not display the button in the menu bar.
I would like to know if there is a way to override this? I would really appreciate being able to get rid of that little button.
I started uing Growl and Hardware growl a fiar few months ago now and have put up with the Hardware growl icon sitting in my dock ever since. But, is there any way to remove this icon? I understand that the application is running but only in the background. The dock icon serves absolutly no purpose and is just bugging me by being there.