MacBook Pro :: Won't Start After Forced Quit Because Safari Stopped Shutdown
Apr 28, 2012
I was deleting items of my external drive through MacBook keeper and when I went to shut down Safari (which was open) stopped the shutdown process. So in the end I force quit the computer. When it came to restarting I get the usula apple symbol and sound when start up begins but there it stops. The spoked wheel just keeps spinning below the Apple Symbol.
Q. I stopped an update installer of some Apple software and the Finder, now crashes without showing the desktop. Only the Apple logo and a spinning Beachball which never disappears. I can start up in the Unix mode and also in the Windows mode. I have an Imac with Osx 10.4. I could reinstall the system but probably I will loose a lot of unique files and poto's. In the Unix mode I have removed the Installer file from the desktop but it didn't change the startup. I have little experience with Unix.
I recently clicked Console in utilities for the heck of it. When it stopped responding, I forced quit it and tried to move to my 1st space to use safari. Suddenly, my mac kept moving around from space to space and then back to space 1 until I shut the computer. Was I hacked and am I being followed by someone right now who is stealing my information? I have restarted twice...
My system has randomly shut down twice now in the last two days. Dual G5 2.3. I checked the console log, which I know very little about, and it said this:
localhost kernel[0]: ApplePMU::PMU forced shutdown, cause = -122
Two questions-
what's the -122 code mean?
Do you think resetting the PMU would be the solution to this?
While using safari a pop up screen shows up and forced me to shutdown my mac by pressing on the power button. Here's the report: Interval Since Last Panic Report: -13 sec
Panics Since Last Report:Â Â 1 Anonymous UUID:Â D1BB7377-1139-40F5-ACAF-924F100764C0Â Â
When I shut down this Mac, sometimes Safari quits cleanly, but mostly it doesn't. All Safari's windows close but the app itself doesn't. Checking the Safari menu the Quit command is greyed out whereas formerly it wasn't. At this point my workaround is to Force Quit Safari.
Lion 10.7.3 on a Mac Mini and Safari 5.1.3. Safari extensions in use: Ad Block, 1Password, Click to Flash.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM
Every time I try to hit command Q to exit safari, it doesn't work. I can't quit safari so my computer won't shut down. I also can't quit added tabs when I'm in safari anymore.
When I click "shutdown" on my MacBook PRO, I get a popup saying "Safari Cancelled Shutdown" then if I try to close Safari the "Quit Safari" is gray and none functional. Even if I let it set for several hours and try again it has not resolved. If I hold down the power button and force shutdown, then when I reboot it works fine for awhile then repeats the whole cycle. All software is updated.
My mac is suddenly very slow . I have been just putting it to sleep. I decided to shut it down, but Safari won't quit. When I go to File, the "Quit Safari" is greyed out. I also tried "Command Z" but that doesn't work either.
My macbook locked up; I forced quit all of the applications and now all I have is the gray screen. How do I get it restarted to find out what is wrong?
Getting a very nasty message when trying to reinstall OS on my Mac mini. During disc two it comes up with the message to turn it off by holding down the power. I have also tried to disconnect the power hold it for 5 seconds and reset the SMC. Where do I go from here. Do I need to by a new one?Thought initially it was my hard drive but I changed it and still the same message comes. Is it a kernel problem. A little hard to any "reset" or anything as I don't have any system running on it, or is it?
My G4 xserve has shutdown for the second time. The console shows: Forced Shutdown cause - 127. It then restarted. I cannot access it on my network list from any of the PCs this may be unrelated.
I have MacBook Pro and using MS Word.My word document is locked and I need to recover inserted text.Is there a way to recover the word document after I do a forced shutdown?
MS Word keeps hanging up. Any options other than 'forced quit'? How do I make it stop?Can content since last auto-save be retrieved? I've enabled Tracking Changes and Auto-Save for every 10 min. No idea what cause pin wheel to start whirling. Is this something I can wait out? or must I do forced quit and lose my work?
My MacBook Pro (approx. 4 months old) running latest version of Lion now has a completely black screen except for the spinning beach all. It doesn't respond to any keyboard input. It doesn't respond to the power button. It's been unplugged for 8Â hours, but still keeps churning.
I can't turn it on. I don't know what happened. I was just using it this morning, when suddenly it shuts down. I've been trying to turn it on, but it won't. do you have any idea what i should do?
Every time I want to shut down my late 2011 MacBook Pro, Mac Mail cancels the shut down & I have to force quit mail. I was having this problem on my old 2008 MacBook before I upgraded to the Pro (but it only started after I upgraded to Lion OSX). So what's wrong w/ Mac Mail? And is there some setting I can change? This is an annoying time suck.Â
I am a new Mac user with no prior Mac experience. I recently (1 week ago) purchased a MacBook Pro running Mavericks? (10.9.4). Out of the box the machine was lightening fast with startup and shutdown speeds PC users can only dream of.Â
I connected the MacBook to a Windows domain and that went well with no problems. I installed Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac and configured Outlook to connect to Exchange on the SBS 2008 server. Again, all went well and the system performed flawlessly. Then I connected to the server via Go>Connect to Server, so I could access a shared folder on the Windows sbs 2008 and that is when my troubles began.Â
Ever since I made that connection to the Windows server via Go>Connect to server my Mac has trouble Starting-Up and Shutting-Down. Whereas before I made the connection my Mac would boot in under 10 seconds and Shut-Down in around 2 or 3 seconds, it now takes almost a minute to boot and over a minute to shut down.Â
The connection to the server was made as follows:
Go>Connect to Server
Server address cifs://MyServerName.MyDomain.local (actual names not used in the example but it is a dot local domain)Â Â
It does not matter if I actually access any of the shared files during any given operation of the machine... it now consistently takes several minutes to Power-Up and then Shut-Down.Â
I have two network connections... one wired and one wireless and it does not matter if I use one or the other (or even both). The problem remains. It also remains if I take the machine off the LAN and travel to another location... the Start-Up and Shut-Down remain painfully slow (for a Mac anyway). PC users will think I'm knit-picking but I didn't buy a Mac to suffer the same boot shut-down times that PC users have grown to accept. Â
If not for the fact that the Start-Up and Shut-Down were so amazingly fast prior to adding the share capability I might not even ask the question but just watching the blazing Startup speed for the few days before adding the sharing has spoiled me. Â
This already happened twice. I installed torrent downloader, downloaded a movie then turned off my macpro so I can continue the download the next day. However, every time I start my macpro, I can't find the torrent downloader anymore. Is is being deleted automatically my OS? I tried to search everywhere - apps, docs, downloads etc.
I always quit out of all apps before doing a shutdown. I make sure that nothing, except Finder, is running when i shutdown. And, I do a full shutdown, not just sleep. Â
Yet, occasionally, the apps that were running before I quit out of them will restart when I turn the MacBook back on.Â
I was sitting with my MacBook Pro, when out of no where, purple vertical lines began flickering on the screen. I tried getting them to stop, then eventually just shut down my laptop. When I went to power it up again, it first popped up with the white apple screen and chime, then a gray screen dropped down with the message "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.".
I tried the Power button option first, but the computer does not come back on. When I press the Power button again, it does the same thing all over again. I do not know where the "Restart button" is, so I haven tried that. I have also tried pulling the battery and restarting, restarting in safe mode by holding the shift key at start up, and trying control-r and control-s functions. None of which worked.
Recently my macbook pro battery stopped working, i took it to the apple service and battery has to be replaced which they will do so soon. They told me i can still use it on the power cord. However when i started it up the screen has a spinning wheel and a loading bar underneath the apple logo, which it never had before, and when the bar is 1/3 done the computer just shuts down every single time at the exact same place. Â
my macbook pro won't turn off what shall i do maybe above 1 week I didn't turn off it. All the programs work with me but only safari doesn't work also i can't close it if I started to shutdown it some small box told me error in the application please close safari etc