My MacBook Pro (approx. 4 months old) running latest version of Lion now has a completely black screen except for the spinning beach all. It doesn't respond to any keyboard input. It doesn't respond to the power button. It's been unplugged for 8Â hours, but still keeps churning.
I can't turn it on. I don't know what happened. I was just using it this morning, when suddenly it shuts down. I've been trying to turn it on, but it won't. do you have any idea what i should do?
I am a new Mac user with no prior Mac experience. I recently (1 week ago) purchased a MacBook Pro running Mavericks? (10.9.4). Out of the box the machine was lightening fast with startup and shutdown speeds PC users can only dream of.Â
I connected the MacBook to a Windows domain and that went well with no problems. I installed Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac and configured Outlook to connect to Exchange on the SBS 2008 server. Again, all went well and the system performed flawlessly. Then I connected to the server via Go>Connect to Server, so I could access a shared folder on the Windows sbs 2008 and that is when my troubles began.Â
Ever since I made that connection to the Windows server via Go>Connect to server my Mac has trouble Starting-Up and Shutting-Down. Whereas before I made the connection my Mac would boot in under 10 seconds and Shut-Down in around 2 or 3 seconds, it now takes almost a minute to boot and over a minute to shut down.Â
The connection to the server was made as follows:
Go>Connect to Server
Server address cifs://MyServerName.MyDomain.local (actual names not used in the example but it is a dot local domain)Â Â
It does not matter if I actually access any of the shared files during any given operation of the machine... it now consistently takes several minutes to Power-Up and then Shut-Down.Â
I have two network connections... one wired and one wireless and it does not matter if I use one or the other (or even both). The problem remains. It also remains if I take the machine off the LAN and travel to another location... the Start-Up and Shut-Down remain painfully slow (for a Mac anyway). PC users will think I'm knit-picking but I didn't buy a Mac to suffer the same boot shut-down times that PC users have grown to accept. Â
If not for the fact that the Start-Up and Shut-Down were so amazingly fast prior to adding the share capability I might not even ask the question but just watching the blazing Startup speed for the few days before adding the sharing has spoiled me. Â
This already happened twice. I installed torrent downloader, downloaded a movie then turned off my macpro so I can continue the download the next day. However, every time I start my macpro, I can't find the torrent downloader anymore. Is is being deleted automatically my OS? I tried to search everywhere - apps, docs, downloads etc.
I was deleting items of my external drive through MacBook keeper and when I went to shut down Safari (which was open) stopped the shutdown process. So in the end I force quit the computer. When it came to restarting I get the usula apple symbol and sound when start up begins but there it stops. The spoked wheel just keeps spinning below the Apple Symbol.
I was sitting with my MacBook Pro, when out of no where, purple vertical lines began flickering on the screen. I tried getting them to stop, then eventually just shut down my laptop. When I went to power it up again, it first popped up with the white apple screen and chime, then a gray screen dropped down with the message "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.".
I tried the Power button option first, but the computer does not come back on. When I press the Power button again, it does the same thing all over again. I do not know where the "Restart button" is, so I haven tried that. I have also tried pulling the battery and restarting, restarting in safe mode by holding the shift key at start up, and trying control-r and control-s functions. None of which worked.
My iMac 27 late 2010 does not shut down when shut down in the normal way. I have to shut down with the push button. I have tried disconnecting all the usb connected hardware still no use. Can any body help.I have OS Lion 10.7.3?
My system has randomly shut down twice now in the last two days. Dual G5 2.3. I checked the console log, which I know very little about, and it said this:
localhost kernel[0]: ApplePMU::PMU forced shutdown, cause = -122
Two questions-
what's the -122 code mean?
Do you think resetting the PMU would be the solution to this?
My computer won't turn on. Earlier today while playin music it just paused itself. I minute later it resumed. Then tonight it just shut off instead of sleeping and now it won't start. All I can get if I'm lucky is the start up chime and a super quick flash of a white screen.
My computer is a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X Version 10.7.3, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 with 4GB memory. Start-up has become somewhat erratic. Consistently, if I close the lid on the computer it won't restart when I reopen it. I'll have to hold the power button down for about 15 seconds, let up and then press it again. Sometimes restarting after a shutdown the computer will go through the long start-up I associate with a crash shutdown. Sometimes login start-up items don't start up. Sometimes I have to click somewhere on the screen to make the menu bar at the top of the screen visible. Overall, unexpected things keep happening. Although I don't think it probably relates, Chrome is my primary browser.
Whenever I take the hard drive out my laptop just stops working and it's back to normal when I put the hard drive in, is there a way for me to use my laptop without having to physically have my start up disk (hard drive) plugged into my laptop?
Macbook Pro can't start up beyond the grey start up screen. There's a spinning wheel and bar that moves to 1/4 before Macbook Pro shuts down automatically.
I have a 15.4 in macbook pro, intel core 2 duo 2.2 GHz 2 Gb RAM 120 GB HD and I bought it almost a year ago. I purchased leopard for Christmas and installed it. I also bought a western digital 500 gb mybook to use with time machine. Since around that time, my computer sporadically will refuse to turn off. Everything will run as if it is going to turn off, and then the screen goes blank and the computer stalls and will not shut off. The num lock and caps lock keys do not light up by my lap fan keeps running. To turn it off I have to hold down the power button for five seconds. I already brought my laptop to the apple store and they sent it to wherever and it still has been doing this. I also ran a series of hardware resets that the tech line gave me.
I have a MBA, and I do notice, more often than I had expected, that I'm experiencing core shutdown. I do agree with a previous post that it could, at least partially, be related to the video card/driver. If I decide to run a YouTube video while having Outlook open in VMWare Fusion, I'll usually shutdown a core. Other combinations of applications can do it too, but this combo is almost guaranteed.
My question is: Is there a time where core shutdown is good, for example, to preserve the integrity of the hardware? I don't want to go into the Genius bar complaining if all they're going to say is "Well look what you're running! Of course it'll shutdown!"
So I have a MBP C2D from early 2007 that up until recently has been running fine. The battery died long ago, so I keep it plugged into the wall which was fine until yesterday. What started happening is my MBP would shut off completely (as if the battery died) and then when I try starting it back up, it would randomly shut off at some point during the boot process (not at one specific point; sometimes it barely makes it into OSX and other times it does not).
Anyone know what could be the problem? I have not installed anything new or changed any settings that could effect the system. To me it feels like the AC Adapter isn't giving the machine enough power, but I don't know for sure.
i am unable to shutdown my MAC normally. I always have to force shutdown. The issue has started after one of the framework update. Now-a-days even the processors heats up very quickly.
i was wondering what the general consensus was for turning wifi on and off. i normally shut down my MBP during the night, and turn my wifi off as well.
is it worth to turn the wifi off at all, or can i just leave it on? Â
the reason i ask is because it would be nice to just power on and have it set up without taking the extra (5 seconds) to turn it on.
My MacBook is about a year old. It has never had a problem with power or battery issues before, but now if it is not plugged in, it will work for a little bit and then randomly shut down (even with a full charge).
After using time machine or anything plugged into my USB ports my machine will not shutdown normally, i have to hold down the power button and force the shutdown, or just sit and look at a spinning wheel.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), This also happened whilst operating
I have an old macbook 13" (2006) thats running10.6.8Â that I use from time to time and it works fine,my problem is that when I shut down or the battery runs flat it will not boot without resetting"Â pram" etc.and even that is very hit and miss, it wakes from sleep without any problem.
i am a teacher in a school where we have been told that every student must shut down each MacBook or iMac when finished. It is not unusual for 6-8 classes a day to do this. I have said putting the MacBooks to sleep would be better for them. Some of the laptops are taking 5 minutes to restart. Can't find data from Apple to support my concerns.
I have a new MBP 13". When I'm using the Mac it's mostly connected to AC. Over night it's mostly sleeping without the AC connected. My question is, if I should let it sleep at night or should I shut down the Mac regarding to maximize the battery life?