OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Can't Shutdown Mac Because Applications Won't Quit
Apr 16, 2012I can't shut down my Mac because applications won't quit or force quit.
I can't shut down my Mac because applications won't quit or force quit.
Is anyone having trouble with Microsoft Office since installing the latest 10.6.9 software update? Suddenly I can't save a document or even quit any of the applications, though they open and can display existing documents.
Mac OS X (10.6.8), 1.83 GHz Intel Duo Core
I have my drive partitioned between Tiger and Snow Leopard. I am trying to move myself over to Snow Leopard so I don't have to keep switching. The problem is that my old apps that alledgedly will work in SL, give me an error box when I launch them. It happens with Appleworks 6 and Quicken 2007. I've installed Rosetta but don't know what else to do.When I launch either application, it says it unexpectedly quit and gives this info:Â Process: [code]
View 13 Replies View RelatedI've just bought MacBook with pre installed MacOS 10.6.1, then updated it to 10.6.2. Sometimes (approximately 1 of 5 times) it does not shutdown - there are only my wallpaper and active mouse pointer. I've been waiting for a long time, then just turned off it with holding power button. It seems I have a problem after high hard drive activity (a lot of copy, delete and move operation)
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am pretty new to the forums but I installed snow leopard on an 2008 iMac 2.4 ghz, 3gb of ram and 250gb hard drive on September 1, 2009 and had no problems shutting down.
Then on Wednesday when I shut down it goes into a kernel panic and tells me to restart. When I go into the other user account it does not do that. I have a picture of the error log that i got when I started the computer up to submit to Apple. Can someone please help.
I have reset PRam, repaired permissions, and reinstalled Snow Leopard but recovered it from a Time Machine Backup. I do not know what to do.
When my laptop shuts down if change my dock it goes back to its old self when I turn my laptop back on and the same for my bookmarks I can't change them so that they stay there?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
This is a neat one. I found out last night that I cannot restart or shut down either of my Macs if my wife's account is still logged in. In order to perform either function, I have to log onto my wife's account and log it out before it will allow me to either restart or power down the computer.
If I try to do so while both accounts are logged in, I will get the usual prompt for an Admin name and password, but then it just won't go past that screen. The prompt just keeps coming up to enter the Admin info. Anyone else experiencing this, or have any recommendations?
I did an update install on both machines. I updated our iMac with a full retail copy, and the MBP I updated with an UTD disc. Perhaps doing a full erase and install is the answer? Or do you guys think it's just something buggy in SL?
I'm running Snow Leopard. If I have a couple of Terminal sessions running and I try to quit both of them via the Quit Terminal entry in the Terminal menu, I get a dialog box with the following message: You have 2 windows with running processes. Do you want to review these windows before quitting? I don't ever recall getting this message under Leopard, so I assume it's a new feature under Snow Leopard. I want to disable this dialog. Is there a property setting for the Snow Leopard version of Terminal which controls this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have an iMac (early 2009 model) that I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard(10.6.3) from Leopard and now when I restart and shutdown, it takes almost 30 secs for both, compared to when I was running Leopard, it literally took about a second (maybe 2). I've tried verifying/repair disk permissions, clearing cache, turning off airport utility, etc. per some suggestions through Google to no avail. There are no programs running before shutdown. I'm wondering if something was included in the upgrade/updates to slow the shutdown process.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I quit iTunes the window closes and the glowing dot fades out. Then it comes straight back. Also I thought iTunes was now 64-bit? But Activity Monitor says its 32-bit.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI have a applescript that sometimes hangs (this is on a blind server). reason is that the application (JSMS, it sends text messages via my mobile phone account) can not connect to the server. it than pops a message saying so, but as a result the script does hang and interferes with other stuff.
is there a way to have the script stop (would 'try if' do this?) or alternative is to force quit this script after 10 minutes with an other script.
Info:MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition
Not sure what my wife did but I have a copy bar that states Downloading untitled download to downloads. There is a bar indicating something is happening. There is an x next to it to stop it but it will not stop. I tried to shut down my computer but it will not let me as there is something running. Is there a way to force quit like in windows with control alt delete?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Recently I have been unable to quit Safari, it starts running really slow and when I try to quit and restart nothing happens. The 'Quit' command under 'File' is greyed out and right clicking in the dock doesn't reveal 'Force Quit'; only 'Quit' shows but that doesn't work. The only solution is to re-boot the computer. This has happened a number of times recently.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iPad & iBook OS 10.6.8
this isn't a big deal but I've found that when I shutdown or restart with a few applications (even longer if there are a lot open), it sort of just waits (showing me the spinning wheel of eternity - SWOE lolz) after every application is closed (which is almost instant) at the desktop, I can only see my background picture, sometimes it does this at the blue screen occasionally, does anyone know why.
It can wait for up to 20 or 30 seconds, this is on my sig rig w/ the SSD - so I find it a bit odd.
I upgraded to Snow Leopard and a few days later when i went to shutdown my mac pro after i woke it up, i got the blue screen and progress wheel just spinning. After calls with Apple, running both long and short hardware tests, 3 snow leopard discs, a clean install, 2 upgrades, the tech gave up. The clean install was a bare bones install with no applications installed. I would now have to take it into a repair shop and pay for software tests. This is a one year old mac pro with apple care. I used Time Machine to restore to leopard, and all is ok. Has anyone heard of this problem? I'm quit happy to stick with Leopard, but am upset that an apple software problem has to be fixed and paid for by me. I assume if it was a hardware problem it would show up in Leopard.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince Tiger and even more so with Leopard, I have found the 'Force Quit' command to be a pointless white elephant.
When the spinning beachball hits it tends to make the application unresponsive and then spread to all other apps. Attempting to bring up the force quit function is equally fruitless. Of course, by the time it eventually pops up, the offending application has either quit itself (I'm looking at you Adobe CS4) or has become responsive again (I'm looking at you Safari).
Has anyone noticed any improvement in Snow Leopards?
Today, after updating to Snow Leopard, I have been noticing that when I have been working on a word document (Office 2008), when I quick (command + q), it will go to close and then suddenly crash asking me if I want to send a crash report and relaunch. Has anyone else been having this happen to them? It has happened a few times today to me. it is always when I am quitting with a document open (but saved).
View 24 Replies View Relatedsafari quit unexpectedly
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When I shut down this Mac, sometimes Safari quits cleanly, but mostly it doesn't. All Safari's windows close but the app itself doesn't. Checking the Safari menu the Quit command is greyed out whereas formerly it wasn't. At this point my workaround is to Force Quit Safari.
Lion 10.7.3 on a Mac Mini and Safari 5.1.3.
Safari extensions in use: Ad Block, 1Password, Click to Flash.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM
My computer displays grey screen and apple logo for 10 minutes or more during start up and shut down. Sometimes it refuses to shut down. This issues started after installing OS lion. What do I do?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
We recently updated from 10.4 to 10.6 and now every time I open Photoshop (4.0) it runs for maybe 30 seconds then stops and gives a message that Photoshop unexpectedly quit. I really need this program for my school work.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just ran a software update on my Apple Server that runs on 10.6.8 and got the software update quit unexpectedly.
I removed the apple.softwareupdate.plist under library preferences and empty the trash also. I ran the repair permission and it seems to repaired some permissions. I ran the check disk and the disk is OK. I reboot the server and got the same problem when I run the Software Update.
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac OS X Server Version 10.6.8
Recently, after a clean install to Snow Leopard (from Lion). I can no longer open the desktop and screen saver preference pane. I click, it hangs, I click again, and the entire system preferences unexpectedly quits.Â
I've googled and searched, deleted all of the plists mentioned in most of the threads, I've removed caches, created new admin accounts, tried logging in as the root to no avail. I've got my crash report:Process:Â Â Â Â System Preferences [1141]Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/System Preferences.app/Contents/MacOS/System PreferencesIdentifier:Â com.apple.systempreferencesVersion:Â Â Â Â 7.0 (7.0)Build Info:Â SystemPrefsApp-1750100~13Code Type:Â Â X86-64 (Native)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Having problems today and yesterday regarding spinning beach ball and inability to force quit. Resort to power button restart. Â
Both times I was online using Safari browser. Now temporarily using Firefox just to see if this happens again or not. Meanwhile wondering if it is safari or possibly because I've had iwork 09 opened while browsing.Â
Just as a test while the ball was spinning, unplugged my server connections, then plugged back in. But this wasn't the issue. In addition, checked preferences when this happened tonight.
Below are the plist files that may reference some help:Â
Perhaps no concern with the plist files, but would like any feedback. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My snow leopard when I perform an install places the following files which do not perform any recognizable function.Â
the process apple80211agent.app when Forced to quit restarts itself. I have removed the process and was wondering if anyone else has this file?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Every time I try to hit command Q to exit safari, it doesn't work. I can't quit safari so my computer won't shut down. I also can't quit added tabs when I'm in safari anymore.
MacBook Pro
Every time I want to shut down my late 2011 MacBook Pro, Mac Mail cancels the shut down & I have to force quit mail. I was having this problem on my old 2008 MacBook before I upgraded to the Pro (but it only started after I upgraded to Lion OSX). So what's wrong w/ Mac Mail? And is there some setting I can change? This is an annoying time suck.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), late 2011
Since upgrading to 10.6.1 I've found that every time i wake my MB from sleep, applications keep quitting left and right, and I get these "application quit unexpectedly" messages. It's happened with Entourage, Safari, iTunes, Dashboard. It's getting pretty annoying. I've tried resetting the PRAM but that didn't help.
Does anybody have a clue what to do?!
When I try to use this command I am sent to front row. I can force quit throught the apple menu. This began when I upgraded to Snow Leopard.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was deleting items of my external drive through MacBook keeper and when I went to shut down Safari (which was open) stopped the shutdown process. So in the end I force quit the computer. When it came to restarting I get the usula apple symbol and sound when start up begins but there it stops. The spoked wheel just keeps spinning below the Apple Symbol.
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