OS X Server :: Finder Stopped Working When Forced Updater To Quit
Jun 19, 2007
Q. I stopped an update installer of some Apple software and the Finder, now crashes without showing the desktop. Only the Apple logo and a spinning Beachball which never disappears. I can start up in the Unix mode and also in the Windows mode. I have an Imac with Osx 10.4. I could reinstall the system but probably I will loose a lot of unique files and poto's. In the Unix mode I have removed the Installer file from the desktop but it didn't change the startup. I have little experience with Unix.
I was deleting items of my external drive through MacBook keeper and when I went to shut down Safari (which was open) stopped the shutdown process. So in the end I force quit the computer. When it came to restarting I get the usula apple symbol and sound when start up begins but there it stops. The spoked wheel just keeps spinning below the Apple Symbol.
I recently clicked Console in utilities for the heck of it. When it stopped responding, I forced quit it and tried to move to my 1st space to use safari. Suddenly, my mac kept moving around from space to space and then back to space 1 until I shut the computer. Was I hacked and am I being followed by someone right now who is stealing my information? I have restarted twice...
My keyboard stopped working in Finder last week. I see a number of other discussions were going about this but either thier problem was not the same as mine or the solutions given were not available to me, such as rebooting from a disc.
MS Word keeps hanging up. Any options other than 'forced quit'? How do I make it stop?Can content since last auto-save be retrieved? I've enabled Tracking Changes and Auto-Save for every 10 min. No idea what cause pin wheel to start whirling. Is this something I can wait out? or must I do forced quit and lose my work?
My friend has a late 2008 unibody 13" macbook, and his eject key stopped working. All other keys around it work and he is able to eject discs through finder fine.
My macbook locked up; I forced quit all of the applications and now all I have is the gray screen. How do I get it restarted to find out what is wrong?
Control click stopped working and does not give me a contextual menu in the finder or any other program (including Stickies or Word) anymore.
I tried resetting Keyboard & Mouse System Preferences to default. I looked for Finder preference, or Finder preference file (it used to be "com.apple.finder.plist" according to an old 2005 forums.Macrumors post) but i could not find one.
I just reinstalled Leopard a couple of weeks ago, and do not want to go thru that again if i can avoid it.
I installed 10.5.7 yesterday. Immediately after the installation was complete, my Apple bluetooth keyboard stopped working. Went into Bluetooth system settings, and it said that there was no bluetooth hardware found... (it's built into the machine!!)...
Also, every time I start iTunes, it gives some weird error about Adobe Flash player. I'm not at home now so I don't have the exact wording of the error with me, sorry...
i cant seem to get the software updater to run. when i go to the software update it starts to run and a window pops up that says checking for new software and there is a progress bar as well. nothing happens from there, the progress bar never moves, nothing. i have tried to let it just run but even after a few hours later it still just says checking for new software.
My G4 xserve has shutdown for the second time. The console shows: Forced Shutdown cause - 127. It then restarted. I cannot access it on my network list from any of the PCs this may be unrelated.
today i found that Mail has stopped working for no obvious reason.It wont send or receive emails, but when i check by signing into .mac itself, the messages have arrived and everything appears normal.Mail won't quit either... then every so often a box with the following text appears:'Some actions taken while the account 'enter.mac address here' was offline could not be completed online.Mail has undone actions on some messages so that you can redo the actions while online. Mail has saved other messages in mailbox "on my mac" in "on my mac" so that you can complete the actions while online.Additional information: The connection to the server "mail.mac.com" on port 143 timed out.
Whenever I accidentally let the power drain on my aluminum macbook, which cause me to boot up from where I left off, everything works fine except all of my trackpad gestures stop working completely. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Is my only option restarting my computer or is there some way to reset it (without losing my preferences)?
Quicklook has stopped workingon my MacBook Pro OS 10.6.8. Pressing the space bar on a file yields nothing. Is there a way to update or reset it so it starts working again?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
during SW to my mini-mac wireless key board the keyboard stop responding. now i have left without an ability to work with my wireless keyboard. is there any why to reset the keyboard to default setting so it will come to live again..
I ran the terminal command to show hidden files and folder. I then restarted finder to expose those files.When I was done, I entered the terminal command to hide hidden files and folders. Typed in "killall Finder," but then nothing happened. My hard disk disappeared from my desktop and the light below the finder turned off.
How do I quit Finder same as other programs so that it no longer takes up RAM?Typically, when closing all Finder windows, Finder is still running in the background and taking up precious RAM. I can use Activity Monitor and quit manually, but is there a way to quit it via short cut like cmd-q?
Is it normal for the Finder to quit using the Cmd+ Q? I thought it needs to be force quit. But of late, sometimes, accidentally if I press Cmd+Q on a finder window, it quits, and does not relaunch either. So to speak, the Desktop disappears.
I recently made a program go off the dock so that it doesn't bother me, and I also played with some SSH settings in /etc/sshd_config and /etc/services (specifically, the ones mentioned in Rule #4 of Mac Geekery's Basic Mac OS X Security article) and now my computer won't shut down, saying that Finder won't quit. However, the little white arrow is not below the Finder icon in the Dock. Also my desktop items and top menu disappear. Once the "Logout timed out because Finder failed to quit" window pops up, I reopen finder from the Dock and everything comes back. I have tried manually quitting the hidden server application before shutdown, so I don't think it is that. By the way it is a Mac Book running OS X 10.5.4 which i bought new last august.
I was just messing around with Speech Commands and accidentally discovered that if, in Finder, you say "Quit this application", Finder will quit!EDIT: I should also add that if you don't have any other applications open, it will reopen right away
I already have the Quit Finder menu item, but whenever I try quitting Finder, Finder just pops back up if I don't have any other open applications. Is there a way to close Finder and have it not open back up unless I click on the icon?
I have been connecting wirelessly to the same router for about 4 months now, using DHCP, and having the settings on the automatic connection. I left the computer on, but closed, so sleeping, for about two days. When i opened it, the battery did not yet run out but the internet has not connected since.
I have full connection in internet connect to my network. Status says connected. If I have the IPv4 using DHCP, the status says that i am connected but my computer have a self-assigned IP adress. When I put in the IP manually, the Network setting give me a green light on airport and says that I am connected to the network thru airport. Needless to say, no browsers (Firefox, Safari, Netscape, or Internet Explorer) have been able to connect to the internet.
I have tried running Disk Utility for any errors, but there have been no changes.
Powerbook G4 1.67 GHz PowerPC 512 DDR SDRAM v. 10.4.11
I am having intermittent problems with MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz with 6GB RAM (yes, six GB) and a Seagate 500MB/7200RPM Snow Leopard OS 10.6.2
Mail will quit when I try to add an attachment
If I go to the Finder from another application, the Finder quits and windows disappear. If I select "new finder window" finder repeatedly quits. After 10 or fifteen times (usually I just restart) I can get the finder window to stay open.
Using Safari and selecting a file to upload causes Safari to quit. Firefox works fine.
I have done a clean install. Problems persist intermittently.
I accidentally quit finder instead of Safari this morning and now Finder will not open. I still have it in the dock but nothing will work. I also do not have the toolbar at the top either. I can still open the other icons on the dock and use them so I can get on Safari, Ical, etc. I thought I did this once before but I can't remember what I did to rectify the situation.