MacBook Pro :: Encounter Kernal Force Shutdown When Power On Laptop?

Jun 7, 2012

encounter kernal force shutdown when I power on my laptop. happen agin 2 times Is there any way I could contact Apple helpdesk though email in singapore?Lost , only phone number on the website no email support.


Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: Anyone Encounter Loud Fan Sound Upon Power Up?

Mar 2, 2012

When I power up my iMac, I encountered a very loud fan sound in the background that I had never encountered before.This happens despite turning off and powering up again.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Force Shutdown - Lost Top Menu

Mar 13, 2012

Suddenly, while browsing, I lost the top menu in my new MBP. How do I shut down the laptop?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Will Just Go Blue - Need To Force Shutdown?

Mar 22, 2012

From time to time my computer screen will just go blue and I don't know why. The only way I am able to see everything again is to force shutdown my computer by holding down the power button. Why is my computer doing that?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: New Mid-2012 Freezes Frequently Until Force Shutdown

Jul 4, 2012

I purchased the new 13-inch Macbook pro on the day of its launch and since the first 30 minutes of use it has constantly frozen intermidiatly for apperently no reason. I've tried re-installing the OS, taking it to the genius bar(They said everything looks ok and on the repair sheet it said "UNIT IS RFB"), and resetting the SMC. I checked the kernel log and it has a tendency to throw this: 7/4/12 12:02:42.000 AM kernel: Previous Shutdown Cause: 3. Read up on this and apperently it has to do with overheating issues, but this doesn't make sense condsidering it can happen even when just doing textbased web searching(I do not have adobe flash installed). I tried ressetting the SMC, changed nothing. Some days it may only happen once or twice, but sometimes it happens so frequently that the computer is barely usable. Apperently I am not the only one having this problem, some people are reporting the same thing but claiming it to be a problem with the Intel 4000 graphics card. The model is the baseline 13-inch Macbook pro running OSX 10.7.4.

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Blue / Black Or Gray Screen And Force Shutdown

Aug 29, 2014

Macbook Pro 15 inch

OS X 10.9.4

2.4 GHz Intel Cor i7

4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 

I have had my macbook pro for just over 2 years. About a week ago it started randomly giving me a blue striped, grey, or black screen. The fan pins up and won't stop and either the laptop shuts itself off or I have to force it off. When it restarts it is very slow and sometimes the fan kicks on and won't stop and the screen just stays white after the initial apple and spinning wheel screen, so I have force shut it down and try again. Other times it eventually loads and lets me in but everything responds slowly and takes some time to open.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Suddenly Stop Working - Force Shutdown

Dec 20, 2009

Sometimes while using computer, the entire keyboard and trackpad suddenly go completely unresponsive and I can't do anything. The only button that works is the power button. It's so annoying because I have to do an emergency shutdown and I hate doing that. Is there any relief?

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Mac Pro :: Won't Restart Or Shutdown Without Force

Jul 15, 2009

So my Mac Pro (2008, 2.8ghz quad core) won't restart or shut down. It powers up just fine and has no other issues. If I want to restart it, then my only option is to hold down the power button. Here's a console log any ideas where the problem is?

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IMac :: Force Shutdown - Can't Get To Turn On

Nov 22, 2009

I was watching a movie on my iMac and this box popped up telling me to hard shutdown and restart my computer. Now I can't get it to turn on. When I press power it makes the start noise but the screen stays white. The apple doesn't pop up and it won't load. Trying to put in disks that came with my computer don't seem to work either.

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OS X :: Frequent Force Shutdown - SMART Status Not Ok

Aug 9, 2010

My macbook pro's HD is in bad shape. S.M.A.R.T status is not ok. Sometimes the OS freezes, but so far this is the main problem I detected so far. Until now. I reinstalled the OS X - clean install - to see if things got better, but no luck. Although I think the system is more stable now, the machine is unable to restart or shut down as before. I have to hold the shut down button for a couple of seconds. With this in mind, is it dangerous for the machine to do frequent force shut-downs, or it just deteriorates the HD even more?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Force Quit Mac Mail To Shutdown?

Mar 28, 2012

Every time I want to shut down my late 2011 MacBook Pro, Mac Mail cancels the shut down & I have to force quit mail.  I was having this problem on my old 2008 MacBook before I upgraded to the Pro (but it only started after I upgraded to Lion OSX).  So what's wrong w/ Mac Mail? And is there some setting I can change?  This is an annoying time suck. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), late 2011

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Can't Force Shutdown When Other Users Logged In

Mar 29, 2012

My dad has a problem with the force-shutdown operation in that when prompted for an admin account's credentials, it does not recognise/accept his credentials, even 'tho they are correct. It also doesn't accept my credentials. Like the account my dad is using, I am also an admin user. To get around this problem, we have to log out the user who is logged in and then shutdown. 

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OS X :: Had To Force Shutdown After System Freeze - Any Maintenance Necessary Upon Restart?

May 14, 2010

I have a MBP running Snow Leopard. The keyboard and trackpad became unresponsive, even though music was still streaming through Google Chrome. So I held down the power button to force shutdown. When something like this occurs, is there anything that should be done upon restarting the system again? Any general maintenance, system checks, etc? From my experience with Windows, not infrequently after similar scenarios, forced shutdown or crash, upon restart it'll automatically go into some type of disc scan. I wonder if anything similar occurs or is necessary with OSX. And lastly, when the system freezes like in my instance, if that's considered a freeze even though music was streaming all the while, is holding down the power button the only resolution? Are there no other safer alternatives to attempt first?

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OS X Mavericks :: Force Shutdown Now Only Boots Into Disk Utilities

Jun 28, 2014

I had to force a shutdown as Safari, mouse and Word would not respond. Command+Option+Escape would not work. 

Turning on now will only boot into OS X Utilities with options of:

1. Restore

2. Reinstall OSX

3. Get Support Online

4. Disk Utility 

1. Trying to restore I found my backup but the next screen lists no hard drive at all??? Can't go on.

2. Can't reinstall OSX Mavericks as when I click on the "Recovery HD" it says, "This disk is locked" 

4. Disk Utility says everything is fine 

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MacBook :: Stuck During Startup After Force Quit With Power Button?

Feb 6, 2012

I have an old "vintage" Macbook with Tiger as my OS.  I have all sorts of sleep issues with it, and recently after accidentally hitting the sleep button, I had to force quit the machine by holding down the power button because it was just (beachball) spinning when I tried to start it up again. 

I went to start it up and I get the gray screen with the apple on it and the spinning "clock hands" this goes on until I get a darker screen without apple and more spinning.  It stays there.  We've tried a host of solutions including the resetting through battery removal, we've tried to "archive and reinstall", etc.


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MacBook Pro :: Does Not Shutdown Even When Holding Power Button

May 7, 2012

Today I started to watch a video from a news site (probably using flash) and the computer started to slow down very much so I thought firefox had crashed. Then I force quit it and waited about a minute or two hoping the computer would get fast again as usual but it did'nt happen, so I tried to log out and nothing happened and then I tried to shut it down by clicking the power button and clicking in shut down.

Right after that, the computer started to shut down or log off (it was still very slow) and something happened it stopped in the middle of the process and displayed a blue screen (the same colour that appears when you connect another monitor to the mac). Then I thought of using my last resource: holding down the power button until the computer turned off but again, nothing happened.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Laptops :: Macbook Pro Random Shutdown With Power Adapter?

Mar 16, 2010

Has anyone had the following problem? My Macbook Pro is 2.5 years old and has recently been shutting down for no apparent reason while plugged and unplugged into the power adapter. I went to the Apple store a few weeks ago for an issue where the Macbook Pro would not turn back on at all. They had to replace the logic board. But after that, I now have the problem of the shutdowns. I went to the Apple store and got a new power adapter because mine was broken. I thought that would be the problem, but it isn't. I also recently reinstalled my operating system and the problem is still occurring. Does anyone have any advice? My laptop is a 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. My battery is in 'poor' condition, but according to the Apple experts, the battery has nothing to do with this issue.

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Power Mac :: Dual G5 Will Not Recognize Ge-force 6600

May 19, 2012

My Power Mac Dual G5 will not recognize my GeForce 6600 LR2A22 Video Card. I have it plugged into the VGA plug. The computer sounds like it starts up fine (chimes, DVD drive runs, hard drive runs), but does not show video. I have tried a new Battery?I have tried the PRAM tricke (did have two chimes)I have tried unplugging hard drive?Is this a video card issue (says its a brand new working card from ebay)Tried on multiple VGA monitors. 


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MacBook Pro :: How To Get Programs To Not Automatically Open When Power On Laptop

Feb 2, 2012

How do i get programs to not automatically open when i power on my laptop? I tried system preference > General and unchecked the box "Restore windows when quitting and re-opening" that didnt work.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Eject The Startup Disk From Power-book G4 (laptop)

Jun 5, 2012

Cannot eject the start-up disk from my PowerBook G4 (laptop). Can anyone help me? My screen is blank too, that's why I'm using the start-up disk.

MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Power Adapter Lights Orange When Not Plugged Into Laptop

Jun 19, 2014

My MacBook Pro power adapter lights up orange even though it is not plugged into a device. When I do plug it into my laptop it remains the same and does not charge. Due to this my laptop is now dead.

What does this orange light mean?


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IMac :: Semi Frequent Freezes - Force Manual Power Down

Jan 20, 2010

I have an older iMac, 2006 white version, running leopard. I am one of the many people who experience semi-frequent freezes which forces me to manually power the machine down. After much research it seems everyone has diagnosed the problem has hardware, specifically the graphics card running hot. I installed smcFancontrol and have ran it for four to five months. Since then I have experienced maybe 4 or 5 freezes, but the freeze occurs while doing nothing "heavy", just browsing in safari or chrome. Has there been any updated or new information concerning this problem? I have scanned the web a little and can't really find anything really recent. The most recent article/discussion i have found is roughly a year old.

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Power Mac :: G5 Constantly Prompting Shutdown

Feb 1, 2012

Lately, whenever I start it up in the morning, I will almost immediately get a shutdown prompt ("Are you sure you want to shut down your computer now" ...). Nothing on the desk is touching the power button. Whenever I click "cancel", the prompt pops back up within a few seconds. If I hit shutdown or restart, it will just startup again with the same problem. Putting it to sleep doesn't work either, because as soon as it dozes off, another prompt pops up to wake it back up. 

My company's IT guy thinks it is a power supply issue. He suggested that I unplug the cord from the machine and let it sit for 20-30 minutes (thinking it was building up too much of a residual charge or something like that). This actually worked for a period and still works most days, albeit not very reliably. 

One intersting side note is that this problem only seems to occur in the morning. After, I've messed with the power cord and rebooted a couple of times, the machine seems to just get over the issue and I can work normally for much of the day. I'd to think I have a serious powersupply issue that might cause a crash. 

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Power Mac :: Shutdown By Itself In Middle Of Any Work

Mar 17, 2012

My pm g5 it just shutdown by it self I try to leave it unplug all day and it work ok but the in the middle of any work it die on me i put a new battery it did not work push the pram bottom same thing.

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Mini :: Will Not Shutdown Only From The Power Button

May 28, 2012

My mac mini will not shutdown only from the power button?

Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Power Mac G5 :: Not Respond To Shutdown Or Restart Commands

Oct 6, 2007

I have had this problem for the last year but have worked around it by manually shutting down the system. My mac will not shutdown on command or restart during a program update or by going to the apple and trying g to restart. I have tried on numerous attempts to find a related topic but there is none to my knowledge.

Powermac G5 2.0 dual
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
3.5 gigs mem

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PowerPC :: Dropped G4 Now Laptop Will Not Power Up

Jul 20, 2009

My wife dropped her powerbook on the carpeted floor. It fell flat and not on a corner or anything. We did not think it was too bad of a fall. However, the laptop will now not power up. The screen remains dark, no chimes. The hard drive sounds like it wants to power up but doesn't. I suspect it is a hard drive issue, but is there a way to confirm prior to opening it up? I have replaced the drive before so I know I can do it again.

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Power Mac :: Transfer Contact From Laptop To New Desktop?

May 23, 2012

Can I migrate Contact List from Macbook Pro Laptop to new Power Mac desktop?

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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Power Mac :: Connect Dell Laptop From Work To 27 Mac Monitor?

May 2, 2012

I received a 27 LED apple/mac monitor --not the 2011/12 version though.I want to use with my work computer--a dell laptop.  I can't seem to find the right adaptor to connect the two.I need a dvi port converter that also connects to my vga on my laptop (so need the male end of hte vga since my laptop has the female end).I only found 1 adaptor but it ends with a dvi on a vga.  I don't have hdmi on my laptop either--tried that adaptor as well when I couldn't see on the pic when I ordered that it was hdmi not usb).  Please help.  I have read so many blogs that say it can be done.


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OS X V10.4 :: Boot Disc  For  G4 Power Book Laptop?

Jun 4, 2012

where can i get a boot disk and the utilities install software for my g4power book running os x tiger

PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.4)

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