OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Can't Force Shutdown When Other Users Logged In

Mar 29, 2012

My dad has a problem with the force-shutdown operation in that when prompted for an admin account's credentials, it does not recognise/accept his credentials, even 'tho they are correct. It also doesn't accept my credentials. Like the account my dad is using, I am also an admin user. To get around this problem, we have to log out the user who is logged in and then shutdown. 

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OS X :: Can't Restart Or Shutdown In Snow Leopard If Other Users Are Logged In

Sep 1, 2009

This is a neat one. I found out last night that I cannot restart or shut down either of my Macs if my wife's account is still logged in. In order to perform either function, I have to log onto my wife's account and log it out before it will allow me to either restart or power down the computer.

If I try to do so while both accounts are logged in, I will get the usual prompt for an Admin name and password, but then it just won't go past that screen. The prompt just keeps coming up to enter the Admin info. Anyone else experiencing this, or have any recommendations?

I did an update install on both machines. I updated our iMac with a full retail copy, and the MBP I updated with an UTD disc. Perhaps doing a full erase and install is the answer? Or do you guys think it's just something buggy in SL?

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Intel Mac :: UPS Auto Shutdown With Multiple Users Logged In

Feb 3, 2012

How does this work? If I have more than one user logged in, the power goes out and the computer decides (based on the settings I have selected for UPS) to shut down, will it be able to complete the shutdown? When I do it manually I have to log out the other users.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 21" 2.5GHz i5

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Force A User To Stay Logged In / Disallow Logout?

May 25, 2012

I'm in an accademic environment, and I've got an iMac that's used as a monitoring device. Problem is, that students like to log out of the monitoring account and log into their account so they can check email/Facebook. They easy solutions (like move the machine or restrict student access) aren't viable. I can limit network logons to only specific accounts, but that doesn't stop them from logging out and trying anyways.

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Can't Two Network Users Be Logged In On One Machine

Jun 19, 2012

In a scenario where a machine is setup for multiple logins: If you attempt to log two network users in on that machine, the second user will not be allowed to log in until the first users logs out.

Mac OS X Server 10.6.8, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: Tool Or Utility That Allow Logged In Networked Admin User To Restart / Sleep Or Shutdown?

Dec 7, 2009

Is there any such thing as a tool or utility that allow a logged in networked admin user to restart/sleep or shut down a server from another terminal or workstation? It'll be kinda useful at times.. I ain't so much bothered about starting a remote system.

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OS X :: Online Movies Play Differently When Logged In, And Wife Is Logged In?

May 16, 2009

I know there is something simple I�m overlooking, but I can�t figure out what it is. There is a website (subscription) that my wife likes to go to watch streaming movies and TV. When she logs into our iMac, goes to the website, and clicks on a movie to watch, the movie opens in the websites own movie player. When I�m logged into our iMac under my user name, go to the same website and click on the same movie, QuickTime launches and plays the video in a separate QT player. The QT and Safari preferences are set the same when either of us are logged in, so why when I log in do movies play in QT, and when my wife log in they play in the websites movie player? Is there something other than preferences that may be set different? What other settings should I be comparing? BTW, my account is the Administrator account.

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Mac Pro :: Won't Restart Or Shutdown Without Force

Jul 15, 2009

So my Mac Pro (2008, 2.8ghz quad core) won't restart or shut down. It powers up just fine and has no other issues. If I want to restart it, then my only option is to hold down the power button. Here's a console log any ideas where the problem is?

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IMac :: Force Shutdown - Can't Get To Turn On

Nov 22, 2009

I was watching a movie on my iMac and this box popped up telling me to hard shutdown and restart my computer. Now I can't get it to turn on. When I press power it makes the start noise but the screen stays white. The apple doesn't pop up and it won't load. Trying to put in disks that came with my computer don't seem to work either.

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OS X :: Frequent Force Shutdown - SMART Status Not Ok

Aug 9, 2010

My macbook pro's HD is in bad shape. S.M.A.R.T status is not ok. Sometimes the OS freezes, but so far this is the main problem I detected so far. Until now. I reinstalled the OS X - clean install - to see if things got better, but no luck. Although I think the system is more stable now, the machine is unable to restart or shut down as before. I have to hold the shut down button for a couple of seconds. With this in mind, is it dangerous for the machine to do frequent force shut-downs, or it just deteriorates the HD even more?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Force Shutdown - Lost Top Menu

Mar 13, 2012

Suddenly, while browsing, I lost the top menu in my new MBP. How do I shut down the laptop?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Will Just Go Blue - Need To Force Shutdown?

Mar 22, 2012

From time to time my computer screen will just go blue and I don't know why. The only way I am able to see everything again is to force shutdown my computer by holding down the power button. Why is my computer doing that?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Force Quit Mac Mail To Shutdown?

Mar 28, 2012

Every time I want to shut down my late 2011 MacBook Pro, Mac Mail cancels the shut down & I have to force quit mail.  I was having this problem on my old 2008 MacBook before I upgraded to the Pro (but it only started after I upgraded to Lion OSX).  So what's wrong w/ Mac Mail? And is there some setting I can change?  This is an annoying time suck. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), late 2011

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OS X :: Had To Force Shutdown After System Freeze - Any Maintenance Necessary Upon Restart?

May 14, 2010

I have a MBP running Snow Leopard. The keyboard and trackpad became unresponsive, even though music was still streaming through Google Chrome. So I held down the power button to force shutdown. When something like this occurs, is there anything that should be done upon restarting the system again? Any general maintenance, system checks, etc? From my experience with Windows, not infrequently after similar scenarios, forced shutdown or crash, upon restart it'll automatically go into some type of disc scan. I wonder if anything similar occurs or is necessary with OSX. And lastly, when the system freezes like in my instance, if that's considered a freeze even though music was streaming all the while, is holding down the power button the only resolution? Are there no other safer alternatives to attempt first?

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MacBook Pro :: New Mid-2012 Freezes Frequently Until Force Shutdown

Jul 4, 2012

I purchased the new 13-inch Macbook pro on the day of its launch and since the first 30 minutes of use it has constantly frozen intermidiatly for apperently no reason. I've tried re-installing the OS, taking it to the genius bar(They said everything looks ok and on the repair sheet it said "UNIT IS RFB"), and resetting the SMC. I checked the kernel log and it has a tendency to throw this: 7/4/12 12:02:42.000 AM kernel: Previous Shutdown Cause: 3. Read up on this and apperently it has to do with overheating issues, but this doesn't make sense condsidering it can happen even when just doing textbased web searching(I do not have adobe flash installed). I tried ressetting the SMC, changed nothing. Some days it may only happen once or twice, but sometimes it happens so frequently that the computer is barely usable. Apperently I am not the only one having this problem, some people are reporting the same thing but claiming it to be a problem with the Intel 4000 graphics card. The model is the baseline 13-inch Macbook pro running OSX 10.7.4.

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OS X Mavericks :: Force Shutdown Now Only Boots Into Disk Utilities

Jun 28, 2014

I had to force a shutdown as Safari, mouse and Word would not respond. Command+Option+Escape would not work. 

Turning on now will only boot into OS X Utilities with options of:

1. Restore

2. Reinstall OSX

3. Get Support Online

4. Disk Utility 

1. Trying to restore I found my backup but the next screen lists no hard drive at all??? Can't go on.

2. Can't reinstall OSX Mavericks as when I click on the "Recovery HD" it says, "This disk is locked" 

4. Disk Utility says everything is fine 

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OS X :: How To Prevent Users To Restart / Shutdown

Apr 7, 2010

Is is possible to prevent users to restart/shutdown a computer from the Apple menu in Mac OSX? Is it possible to create some kind of a special group that will have rights to restart/shutdown computer? I have a mac here with many users. From time to time people restart the computer without any particular reason disturbing work of others. I need to find a way to prevent user from doing it deliberately.

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MacBook Pro :: Encounter Kernal Force Shutdown When Power On Laptop?

Jun 7, 2012

encounter kernal force shutdown when I power on my laptop. happen agin 2 times Is there any way I could contact Apple helpdesk though email in singapore?Lost , only phone number on the website no email support.


Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Blue / Black Or Gray Screen And Force Shutdown

Aug 29, 2014

Macbook Pro 15 inch

OS X 10.9.4

2.4 GHz Intel Cor i7

4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 

I have had my macbook pro for just over 2 years. About a week ago it started randomly giving me a blue striped, grey, or black screen. The fan pins up and won't stop and either the laptop shuts itself off or I have to force it off. When it restarts it is very slow and sometimes the fan kicks on and won't stop and the screen just stays white after the initial apple and spinning wheel screen, so I have force shut it down and try again. Other times it eventually loads and lets me in but everything responds slowly and takes some time to open.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Intel Mac :: Why Apple Force Users To Download Lion Before Changing To ICloud

Apr 10, 2012

I resent that Appple forces us to pay for and download Lion in order to switch to iCloud, a system that has many users furious. After downloading Lion, my personal cd archives from iTunes vanished, and several of my friends, on switching to iCloud, lost their mail contacts. YES - they followed the complicated instructions from Apple as to how to save everything, but so much fell apart. I had a chat with an Apple person and even she was mystified. I was going to buy an iPad but now I won't as just having an iMac is enough with so much difficult stuff going on.

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Suddenly Stop Working - Force Shutdown

Dec 20, 2009

Sometimes while using computer, the entire keyboard and trackpad suddenly go completely unresponsive and I can't do anything. The only button that works is the power button. It's so annoying because I have to do an emergency shutdown and I hate doing that. Is there any relief?

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot Edit Users In Workgroup Manager, New Users Cannot Login

Feb 13, 2012

Today when we started trying to add users to our server (we use it only for afp access at this time), we noticed that new users belonging to a group "storage" were unable to login from client machines via afp (clients both 10.7.2 and 10.6.8).  

When we tried editing the users accounts to change which groups they belonged to, it would appear in workgroup (and server preferences) that the changes would take but there was still no access. 

As a test case, we modified an existing user who had no issues logging in to belong to a diffenent group and have different sharepoint access. The changes looked good in workgroup and server prefs, but when the user logged in, he was only able to acces his old sharepoint and not the new one (and since his permissions to the old were removed, he shouldn't have access to that sharepoint). 

Also, for some reason users cannot be deleted within workgroup manager any more. The login used was the diradmin account.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Internet Sharing While Logged Out?

Mar 30, 2012

I have 2 Mac Minis (10.6.8) and a laser printer in my upstairs office, while my Cable Modem is downstairs.  I use one of the upstairs Minis to connect via wireless (to a SonicWall TZ210) and then share the connection via the Ethernet port, which is connected to a gigabit switch, along with the printer and the other Mini. 

As long as the host Mini is logged into a user, the other Mini can connect to the Internet just fine.  I had to tweak the settings on the TZ210, to allow for the shared subnet on the upstairs network, but - as I said - it works just fine as long as someone is logged into the host Mini. 

However, as soon as the user logs OUT of the host Mini, the client mini can't ping, nslookup, surf, or anything else.  It's like Internet Sharing has been deactivated on the host Mini. 

How can I get Internet Sharing to continue to function on the Host Mini when no users are logged in? 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I actually have TWO of these!

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Logged In But Locked Out Of Stuff?

Apr 19, 2012

I'm the admin on my Macbook and after I restarted it earlier am essentially locked out of everything on my HD save for the Applications folder. I keep getting the error "The folder "Documents" can't be opened because you don't have the permission to see its contents" and would like to regain access to it as I have not backed up my stuff in about a month because of a Time Machine issue. 

I don't know if it's related to this but all the prefernces have been changed to default and cannot change them in system prefrences. 

I'd just like to get my stuff back and am fine with a clean install.  I have access to 3 external drives: a 1 TB FW400 which stores my backups, a 120GB FW400 other external, and a 2TB USB one.  Could it be possible to install OS X on the 120, boot from there, copy everything on the Macbook's disk to the 2TB, and then restore from a much earlier Time Machine backup on the 1TB once OS X is sucessfully reinstalled? 

Alternativly is there a simple terminal command I can use? 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Upgrade To Snow Leopard Free For MobileMe Users?

May 27, 2012

I've recently acquired an iMac and wanted to upgrade to Lion, however I believe I need to upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard first - which could prove to end up costing a fortune! I've read recently that Apple are offering the upgrade to Snow Leopard free of charge for MobileMe users, however when I've followed a link to fill in a request form, this just takes me to the Find My Phone feature on iCloud. 


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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Safari Keeps 'force Closing'

Apr 27, 2012

My Safari keeps "force closing", and I don't know why??

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Force Quit Application

Mar 24, 2012

Not sure what my wife did but I have a copy bar that states Downloading untitled download to downloads. There is a bar indicating something is happening. There is an x next to it to stop it but it will not stop. I tried to shut down my computer but it will not let me as there is something running. Is there a way to force quit like in windows with control alt delete?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Can't Force Empty Trash

Jun 12, 2012

I can't empty my trash can as I get a message stating "This operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003). I tried using the program "Trash It" and nothing happened, not even an error message. I tried the program "Force Empty Trash" and get the message "rm: /Users/MYUSERNAME/.Trash/*: No Such file or directory" I even tried using terminal using this command: "rm -rf ~/.Trash/*" and no avail.I'm using Snow Leopard 10.6.8?


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OS X :: Does The Force Quit Command Actually Work With Snow Leopard

Sep 3, 2009

Since Tiger and even more so with Leopard, I have found the 'Force Quit' command to be a pointless white elephant.

When the spinning beachball hits it tends to make the application unresponsive and then spread to all other apps. Attempting to bring up the force quit function is equally fruitless. Of course, by the time it eventually pops up, the offending application has either quit itself (I'm looking at you Adobe CS4) or has become responsive again (I'm looking at you Safari).

Has anyone noticed any improvement in Snow Leopards?

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Software :: Leopard Unable To Force Quit From Application

Mar 24, 2008

I have some software such as mail, text edit running and suddenly it stop responding. The mouse cursor keep on spinning for a long time. What you normally do is hit Option + Command + Esc to force quit the software. After i've done so. The software crashed and ask you to send in the crashed report and everything else is very normal. But the software dint actually quite. i can still see a small indication (at the dock) below the icon that the software still running and when i hit Option + Command + Esc again. I still can see the software in the force quite dialog, it doesn't report it as stop responding. When i check the Activity Monitor, there is nothing there.

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