MacBook Pro :: Why Plugging / Unplugging Headphone Give Beachballs

Oct 18, 2009

I'm having a weird problem on a two-week old 13" MBP. When I plug in headphones whatever sound was playing, if any, will stop for 10-15 seconds and during this time the volume keys on the keyboard are unresponsive (along with any keyboard keys that operate hardware things...backlight for keyboard, display brightness, although the dashboard and expose keys work). Same goes if I unplug the headphones. If I'm in iTunes, I get a beachball isolated to iTunes during this. When iTUnes recovers from the beachball it "realizes" that it should have actually been playing for the last ten seconds and catches up. I fresh install snow leopard a few days ago. Why would plugging/unplugging headphones (they are the ones that came with my iPhone 3GS) give a beachball in iTunes?

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IMac :: Using Internal Speakers Without Unplugging Optical Out / Headphone

Nov 2, 2010

I have plugged a toslink cable between my 5.1 amplifier and my iMac, but I would like to be able to find a software that would let me switch between digital out and the internal iMac speakers (which are quite good actually!)

I know it is a Mac OS driver limitation since Windows 7 (via Bootcamp) let me choose the output. In Mac OS once I plugg something, "Internal speakers" output option disappear from sound preferences, audio midi setup, HalLAB, .... This causes unnecessary wear and tear on the audio port from constantly inserting and removing the cable to switch from built in speakers to external audio system.

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MacBook Pro :: Headphone Tip Stuck In Headphone Jack No Sound Comes Out Or Goes In?

Apr 27, 2012

i just got my macbook pro unibody, and first time i insert headphone in the jack the little piece of the head phone gets stuck in the jack. what should i do?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Beachballs When Using Firefox Browser

Oct 18, 2009

The mac I have listed below does the spinning beachball thing a lot when I'm using Mozilla's FireFox browser. It's got to the point some times where I have to hard shut down the machine by holding the power switched. I have the following installed with firefox as addons.

Office Live Plug-in 7.6.3(Microsoft)
Shockwave flash 10.0.32
Jave Embedding Plugin MRJ Plugin ver. 1.0-jep-0/.9.7.2
Quicktime 7.6.3 plugin
Flip4Mac 2.2.3
Default GECKO plugin(No idea what this is)

I also have something for a facebook plug in but it's not listed and I don't remember what it did. I just removed the Mini-istat widget, maybe that was the problem, not sure. I just uninstalled Firefox with App Cleaner and reinstalled using something I freshly downloaded. I ran all the Tech Tool delux stuff that came with the MacBook Pro Apple Care CD set. I also play COD4 and World of Warcraft, without problem. iTunes Illustrator CS3 and MS Office run fine.

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MacBook :: Application Taking Forever To Launch (Getting Beachballs)

Oct 16, 2010

I have a late 2006 MacBook (the one in my signature). It's running the latest issue of Snow Leopard (10.6.4). I have upgraded the factory RAM from 1GB to 2GB, and the factory HDD from 120 GB with a 320 GB hard drive. Lately, all my apps are taking forever to launch. Firefox took 27 bounces before stopping, and then another 10 seconds or so before the window actually appeared. VirtualBox used to be snappy and responsive, but now it's so slow I actually boot up my 8-year old Dell if I need to use Windows. It never used to be this slow.

I'm constantly getting beachballs...even simply quitting Firefox seems to be too much work. Just for kicks, I popped in the factory hard drive and WOW everything felt so much smoother. As far as I can tell, the only things that are different between that hard drive and my current one are that (1) the old one is running Leopard (10.5.6), and (2) I have created a secondary account on the newer setup for my fiance. My two best guesses at this point are:
1. Issue with the new hard drive?
2. MacBook is slightly underpowered for running Snow Leopard?

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MacBook Pro :: Just Shutoff After Unplugging IPhone

Sep 9, 2014

My MBP just shutoff after unplugging my iphone. It wont turn on or show a light on the AC adapter charger...

MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.2

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MacBook Pro :: Unplugging And Replugging Power Adapter?

Jun 1, 2010

I would like to know whether it is safe to, let's say, unplug the power adapter and then replugging it in like 20 seconds, for example, if I'm moving to a new room. Will it have a negative effect on the battery? I tried to search MRoogle but there are so many threads that it is literally impossible to find what you're looking for, sometimes.

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Hardware :: Plugging VHS Player To MacBook Pro?

Feb 23, 2009

I have videos on a VHS tape I'd like to watch on my MacBook Pro. First, does the macbook pro have a video input able to receive a VHS signal? Secondly, how does the Mac display the video on the screen. Do I need a specific software?

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MacBook Pro :: Plugging A Laptop In Continuously

Feb 5, 2012

I am planning to purchase a macbook pro. I will be using it at home mostly but wanted the option of taking it out if I need to. The salesperson told me not to plug the laptop in more than two days at a time. He said it's better to use the battery even if it's at home.

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MacBook Pro :: Unplugging Firewire Often Fixes Freezes In The Finder?

Oct 23, 2010

why that often when your machine appears to have frozen and appears to be non responsive unplugging the firewire connector results in the machine becoming unfrozen and responsive again. Albeit now reminding you that a volume has been prematurely ejected.

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MacBook :: Kernel Panic When Plugging In Headphones

May 28, 2009

I've noticed this happening for the past few weeks. Basically if I'm watching video on any flash website like YouTube, and I plug in headphones, I get a kernel panic. So as normal I hold the power button to shut it off. However, when I turn it back on, it will beep 2 times, then 3 times, and continue to beep until I turn it off. When I power it on again, it won't beep but it sits on the blank screen before the Apple logo shows up and basically nothing happens and my fans start to go loud. I did this about 3 times before it loaded to the Apple logo loading screen and finally booted properly. After it crashed I removed the headphones, and nothing except the magsafe charger is plugged in.

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Latency When Plugging In Headphones?

Jan 2, 2010

I have an issue that happens with my Macbook Pro. In certain applications, if I plug in my headphones - or unplug them, switching to speaker - from that point on the rest of the audio that the application outputs is delayed by about half-a-second. Now I could be talking-out-of-my-ass here, but this seems to *only* happen with applications that would be accessing the audio hardware through a more basic layer than the standard CoreAudio methods. For instance, it occurs in REAPER and Parallels, but not in Quicktime or iTunes. I find that if it does happen, if I can get the application to close the hardware and reopen it this fixes it. For instance, in Parallels I switch to a dummy output and then back, and it's fixed.

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MacBook Pro :: Awful Static When Plugging Into Speakers

May 24, 2010

Just received my new 15" i7 Macbook Pro today, and I like it a lot, but I'm having one major issue. I get awful static when I plug it in to my speakers via the headphone jack. I had no issues with the speakers on my previous Macbook (from around 2007). I even used the speakers just this morning with the old MB. The static comes whenever a sound is played, whether iTunes, a system sound etc. If there is no sound for a few seconds, it goes away, but immediately comes back the next time there is a sound. The static is fainly present using my Sennheiser headphones, and also with the built-in speakers. But t he sound is horrendous with external speakers. I've seen a lot of people with similar issues while searching the web, but no real solutions. Does anybody know?

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MacBook Pro :: Plugging In Guitar - Audio In / Out Port

Jun 30, 2012

I'm trying to plug my guitar into my MacBook Pro 13 inch mid 2012 model. It says the port can be used as an audio in as well as out but when I go to preferences, sound then try to look for the "Use audio for" tab it's not there. Although I probably will be buying a USB interface soon, I just want to know why this isn't working.

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)

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MacBook Air :: Plugging Into Wrong Port - Computer Screen Goes Black

Dec 15, 2010

I was BBMing while trying to plug in my headphones with my pheripherals, and I accidentally pushed it (not very hard) into the USB port. The tip of the headphone jack connected with the little connector ball at the bottom of the USB port. The screen went black and I instantly hit the power button on instinct, so I don't know if it shut off. Did I do something very bad, or is that normal? I'm not sure if that's even considered an electric shock or what.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" - Unplugging Cord Or Device Doesn't Flicker Screen When In Sleep

Sep 3, 2009

I bought this machine after selling my old Aluminium MacBook expecting simply better battery and a bit faster, but there's tons of little updates that I'm thoroughly impressed with.

- Unplugging a cord or device from MBP doesn't flicker the screen when in sleep

- Screen "fades" in after sleep instead of instantly popping in

- If I have the screen at lowest brightness, and wake from sleep, before it would flicker full brightness then go to low again, now it stays low

- Backlighting had so much bleed on old MacBook that it was painful to use, it "bled" everywhere. Now it's only the letter of the key and a small rim around the key

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MacBook Pro :: Plugging In External Firewire Audio Interface Raises Temp?

May 12, 2010

Today I connected my Mackie Onyx Satellite Firewire audio interface to my 2.4 Ghz 13" Macbook Pro for the first time. After it had been running for a while, I looked at iStat Pro, and it reported a CPU temperature of 67C, which is about 15 to 25 degrees hotter than this machine usually idles. Now I've looked around a little bit and found that it's a known issue and associated with the Agere Firewire chipsets. Is there any solution for this? Does it make a difference if you use a daisy chain setup with an external hard drive in between the computer and the audio interface, or a repeater cable, or anything of that nature?

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MacBook Air :: Flash Drive Stopped Showing Up Completely After Plugging It Into And Ejecting It From PC

Dec 10, 2014

After ejecting it from a PC, I went to plug it back into my Mac Air and it's not showing up anywhere. The files I need cannot be found through Spotlight, it's not showing up on the desktop or disk utility or the sidebar. I've tried it on other laptops so it may just be my flashdrive. I have the latest OS (Yosemite, 10.10.1) and a 13in, mid 2012 mac air.The flashdrive is a Sony 32gb URL....

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OS X :: New MBP Slow - Getting Spinning Beachballs

Aug 3, 2009

I have a new 13" 2.2ghz 2GB MBP but its been feeling really slow lately. I keep getting the spinning beach ball when surfing in safari etc. When I type sometimes it lags and videos on youtube skip at times. My old MBP (in my sig) is perfect and has pretty much the same specs.

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OS X :: Finder Not Responding - Getting Colored Beachballs

Nov 13, 2007

OS 10.5 - Cannot find Finder. I was helping a friend today. I installed Leopard for her successfully last week on a Powermac G4. I installed a LaCie d2 Quadra 500GB backup drive and today I partitioned into 3 volumes. Backed everything up with Carbon Copy Cloner. and everything worked well. At the end, I ran Software Update which installed updates for Quicktime and iTunes. That's when the problems started. First, Spotlight started indexing all the backup volumes. I tried to stop that but couldn't. Then Finder was not responding, I tried to relaunch but it did not help. All I get is the coloured beachball. The dock is there, the applications work, but no Finder.

I booted from CDs, ran Verify Disk and all was fine. Tried to run Verify Permissions, and that was taking a long time (This seems to be a Leopard problem in general). I read online that this operation below in Terminal works, but I am not sure exactly how to type it as I have not used Terminal before. I also don't know if this is the right solution. Do I type exactly as it is below or without the quotation marks. I typed it without the quotation marks.
sudo mv "/Library/Application Support/DivXNetworks" "/Library/Application Support/DivXNetworks.prev"

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Mac Pro :: Endless Beachballs And Random Freezes

Feb 8, 2010

The issue I'm having is very weird taking into consideration that I just upgraded my hardware two months ago. I have an Intel X-25M SSD as my boot drive for OSX and a 1.5TB WD HDD with my Home Folder on it. Whenever, I launch an app it never launches immediately. I get a beachball that lasts about 5 seconds. When I try shutting down the computer I have to hit shutdown about 3-4 times before it does. Otherwise, it warns me with a message thats something like this: System cannot logout of user account because Safari is still in use. (but it's closed). Launching an app from an ssd should be instantaneous. So I don't understand if it is a hardware or software issue. I reset the PRAM ... helped for about a day but I'm back to the slowdowns. Any ideas. Also when I performed a software update for iTunes, the update installed but I got this warning so I have a feeling something is wrong.

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Mac Pro :: Extremely Sluggish Performance - Repeated Beachballs

Mar 17, 2009

My Mac Pro (specs in sig) has recently been really quite slow. Opening Safari and Adium and iTunes all at once causes repeated beachballs, as does opening new tabs, switching back and forth from expose' etc. I use onyx and take very good care of my equipment, but am admittedly tech-lame about how to speed it up. It also hangs in photoshop quite a lot, and although the files are large (1-5GB) it seems to do so overly much. My own thoughts lend me to think that I need to purchase another harddrive to use a scratchdisk, but I'm not really sure.

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OS X :: 15" Unibody Mid - 2009 MBP - 10.5.7 Random Beachballs

Aug 5, 2009

I've got lockups occurring on a 15" unibody mid-2009 MBP that last for 30 seconds at a time and then magically clear up. I get a beachball during this time. Happens in various apps (safari, mail, textedit, adium, firefox, etc). Activity Monitor shows DiskIO going to zero during these lockups - seems like any app that accesses (read/writes) to disk hangs during these times. I've looked at System Profiler, smartctl, hardware diagnostics, and disk utility and all say my drive is fine. Also ran xbench and the numbers look ok.

Seems other people are also having problems in the official support forums: [URL] Has anyone else seen this? Trying to figure out if this is a general issue or a few of us have bad hardware. Apple support is giving me the usual run around.

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OS X :: Safari 5 Crashing - Beachballs On Loading Sites

Jul 21, 2010

Why or how to stop Safari 5 from beach balling and crashing? I did not have the problem with Safari 4. It done it 3 times today in about 5 minutes. I had a problem last month loading mail from ATT/Yahoo and typed a series of numbers in DNS and that fixed that now this stuff. I thought Apple was better than this. I don't have any problem with Firefox.

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Hardware :: Macbook Pro 13" External Display - Flashes Blue After Plugging In Mini DisplayPort Adapter

Mar 1, 2010

I have recently bought a 13" Macbook Pro and wanted to hook up an external display (an oldish acer 19"). I have a Mini Displayport to DVI adapter hooked up to a DVI -VGA adapter which leads to the display. I haven't got it to work yet. I have followed advice about closing the lid and using usb mouse and keyboard with no luck. The only thing that happens is that the screen on the laptop flashes blue for about a second after plugging in the Mini DisplayPort adapter.

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MacBook Pro :: Does Apple Give Military Discounts

Apr 21, 2012

Does apple give military discounts for Apple Care?

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OS X :: Safari Giving Beachballs - No Force Quit Have To Restart

Apr 30, 2009

For the last 3 days I will be in an application (safari 4,actually) and the app will give me the beachball. I have seen the beachball many times in safari 4 so I would just force quit the app. Well in doing that its still shown with the blue dot under it on the dock, aswell as in the force quit menu. I go to open another app (say iphoto or firefox) and I also get the beachball, and I try to forcequit the app, and it will not force quit. Only way to cure it is to manually restart my macbook pro. (I have a unibody 2.4 macbook pro btw_). I have repaired permissions. Deleted and reinstalled safari and ran weekly/monthly scripts via cocktail.

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OS X :: When Scrolling Through Finder Window, It Beachballs At Same Place Every Time?

Jul 21, 2009

I'm using a Mac Mini to target-disk my Macbook in order to transfer my User folder and some of my Applications. When I browse the Macbook's Applications folder via my Mac Mini, Finder beachballs every time I scroll down to a certain point (about a quarter of the way down), and I have to Relaunch. If I jump to the end of the scroll bar, it beachballs. I've tried column view, list view, and icon view, but whenever it tries to display folder content past that point, it beachballs.

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MacBook Pro :: RAM & Logic Replaced, MBP Still Broken: Will Apple Give Me A New MBP?

Nov 2, 2010

Hello everyone! Hope I can get some great advice re: Apple Care and my MBP. Here are the basics.

Bought 2010 MBP brand new in June from Apple's site and also have Apple Care extended warranty. Since the beginning it's been plagued with kernel panics, gray screen of death, and lots of buggy behavior and app crashes. Have made two Genius Bar visits.

First they said it was a RAM problem and replaced that. MBP still didn't work right. Next they said it was a logic board problem and replaced that. MBP still doesn't work right! I've called customer support, they said to do OSX re-install and gave me a case ID #. Did that, MBP still has all the problems listed above.

I have my third Genius Bar appointment this week. At this point I think most people would conclude I've got a lemon MBP. So, my question is, what are some tips or recommendations on what I need to say/do to get Apple to replace with a new MBP? I'm tired of going back for repairs to this already frankenstein machine and believe that if they could have fixed it by now, it would be working fine. Any thoughts? Thanks!

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OS X Mavericks :: Consistent Spinning Beachballs In Pages / Numbers / Preview

Aug 29, 2014

I have an early 2008 imac, running Mavericks.I can open existing Pages and Numbers documents and everything seems to work fine. (using Pages 5)But I can't open a new blank document in Pages or Numbers. (I get spinning beachball, 99%+ cpu, must force quit) Also I can use preview to open any document (pages, numbers, text, jpg), but if I try to export as pdf, it freezes using 99%+ cpu, and must be force quit. I deleted and reloaded Pages, also reloaded Mavericks. it didn't work.I replaced the containers and preference files. No difference.Fontbook did find like 100 warnings in my 800 fonts, no errors though. Other weirdness: Quicktime has lots of weird behavior - opening windows for previously viewed videos, cursor unable to operate the controls or close/minimize windows) I have to use quicktime player 7 instead.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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