MacBook Pro :: Plugging A Laptop In Continuously
Feb 5, 2012
I am planning to purchase a macbook pro. I will be using it at home mostly but wanted the option of taking it out if I need to. The salesperson told me not to plug the laptop in more than two days at a time. He said it's better to use the battery even if it's at home.
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Feb 23, 2009
I have videos on a VHS tape I'd like to watch on my MacBook Pro. First, does the macbook pro have a video input able to receive a VHS signal? Secondly, how does the Mac display the video on the screen. Do I need a specific software?
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May 28, 2009
I've noticed this happening for the past few weeks. Basically if I'm watching video on any flash website like YouTube, and I plug in headphones, I get a kernel panic. So as normal I hold the power button to shut it off. However, when I turn it back on, it will beep 2 times, then 3 times, and continue to beep until I turn it off. When I power it on again, it won't beep but it sits on the blank screen before the Apple logo shows up and basically nothing happens and my fans start to go loud. I did this about 3 times before it loaded to the Apple logo loading screen and finally booted properly. After it crashed I removed the headphones, and nothing except the magsafe charger is plugged in.
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Jan 2, 2010
I have an issue that happens with my Macbook Pro. In certain applications, if I plug in my headphones - or unplug them, switching to speaker - from that point on the rest of the audio that the application outputs is delayed by about half-a-second. Now I could be talking-out-of-my-ass here, but this seems to *only* happen with applications that would be accessing the audio hardware through a more basic layer than the standard CoreAudio methods. For instance, it occurs in REAPER and Parallels, but not in Quicktime or iTunes. I find that if it does happen, if I can get the application to close the hardware and reopen it this fixes it. For instance, in Parallels I switch to a dummy output and then back, and it's fixed.
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May 24, 2010
Just received my new 15" i7 Macbook Pro today, and I like it a lot, but I'm having one major issue. I get awful static when I plug it in to my speakers via the headphone jack. I had no issues with the speakers on my previous Macbook (from around 2007). I even used the speakers just this morning with the old MB. The static comes whenever a sound is played, whether iTunes, a system sound etc. If there is no sound for a few seconds, it goes away, but immediately comes back the next time there is a sound. The static is fainly present using my Sennheiser headphones, and also with the built-in speakers. But t he sound is horrendous with external speakers. I've seen a lot of people with similar issues while searching the web, but no real solutions. Does anybody know?
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Jun 30, 2012
I'm trying to plug my guitar into my MacBook Pro 13 inch mid 2012 model. It says the port can be used as an audio in as well as out but when I go to preferences, sound then try to look for the "Use audio for" tab it's not there. Although I probably will be buying a USB interface soon, I just want to know why this isn't working.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)
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Oct 18, 2009
I'm having a weird problem on a two-week old 13" MBP. When I plug in headphones whatever sound was playing, if any, will stop for 10-15 seconds and during this time the volume keys on the keyboard are unresponsive (along with any keyboard keys that operate hardware things...backlight for keyboard, display brightness, although the dashboard and expose keys work). Same goes if I unplug the headphones. If I'm in iTunes, I get a beachball isolated to iTunes during this. When iTUnes recovers from the beachball it "realizes" that it should have actually been playing for the last ten seconds and catches up. I fresh install snow leopard a few days ago. Why would plugging/unplugging headphones (they are the ones that came with my iPhone 3GS) give a beachball in iTunes?
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Dec 15, 2010
I was BBMing while trying to plug in my headphones with my pheripherals, and I accidentally pushed it (not very hard) into the USB port. The tip of the headphone jack connected with the little connector ball at the bottom of the USB port. The screen went black and I instantly hit the power button on instinct, so I don't know if it shut off. Did I do something very bad, or is that normal? I'm not sure if that's even considered an electric shock or what.
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May 12, 2010
Today I connected my Mackie Onyx Satellite Firewire audio interface to my 2.4 Ghz 13" Macbook Pro for the first time. After it had been running for a while, I looked at iStat Pro, and it reported a CPU temperature of 67C, which is about 15 to 25 degrees hotter than this machine usually idles. Now I've looked around a little bit and found that it's a known issue and associated with the Agere Firewire chipsets. Is there any solution for this? Does it make a difference if you use a daisy chain setup with an external hard drive in between the computer and the audio interface, or a repeater cable, or anything of that nature?
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Dec 10, 2014
After ejecting it from a PC, I went to plug it back into my Mac Air and it's not showing up anywhere. The files I need cannot be found through Spotlight, it's not showing up on the desktop or disk utility or the sidebar. I've tried it on other laptops so it may just be my flashdrive. I have the latest OS (Yosemite, 10.10.1) and a 13in, mid 2012 mac air.The flashdrive is a Sony 32gb URL....
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Mar 1, 2010
I have recently bought a 13" Macbook Pro and wanted to hook up an external display (an oldish acer 19"). I have a Mini Displayport to DVI adapter hooked up to a DVI -VGA adapter which leads to the display. I haven't got it to work yet. I have followed advice about closing the lid and using usb mouse and keyboard with no luck. The only thing that happens is that the screen on the laptop flashes blue for about a second after plugging in the Mini DisplayPort adapter.
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Jan 10, 2011
also, their all .avi video's. and i'm really confused! also, quicktime isn't letting me play .avi videos for some reason! and vlc won't download for me. and i'll put them on a USB but they wont download on my computer!
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Jun 22, 2014
I have 4GB of RAM on my (aging) MacBook Pro and use a very useful app called Memory Clean to maximize the RAM from time to time.Â
Recently, my laptop has been getting slower and slower to the degree that even opening windows in Finder brings it an almost complete standstill. When I checked the RAM it had decreased to under 10MB.Â
What I've found is that I can run Memory Clean and the more I run it, the more is freed up and the quicker the laptop runs (up to 2GB+ being available). However, within minutes it is plummeting again and so I have to rerun Memory Clean. Suffice to say, the laptop as a whole seems to be struggling.Â
What can I do-and is this a hard drive failing issue or something else?
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Dec 29, 2009
I have seen this question answered before but can't find it in the archives. Almost immediately after starting to use the laptop the fan starts running and doesn't quit until you put it back to sleep or turn it off. Any ideas on why this is happening and is it harmful to the computer in the long run?
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Sep 3, 2010
I have a late-2006 MacBook (2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo Merom) that has been serviced several times. It�s had the fan replaced twice: once in the summer of 2007 because it completely failed, and once in the summer of 2009 because it had been making clicking noises. The logic board was replaced last November because of some minor issues with the headphone jack, along with the LCD which had some gray dots starting to appear.
I�m not sure how long it�s been doing this, but the fan seems to be running way faster than would be normal. The fan never seems to run below 5000 RPM, and once the CPU warms up, it seems to run continuously at 6200 RPM (the maximum speed). smcFanControl (set to Default fan speed, the minimum) usually reads the temperature as being between 145 and 155 degrees Fahrenheit. I took the keyboard off yesterday to clean dust out of the fan, but it didn�t seem to do much. I�m pretty sure this isn�t a software issue, because the fan also seems to run a lot when the MacBook is booted into Windows 7, although I�m going to try booting it from the OS disc and an external hard drive just to be sure. I�ve tried resetting the SMC, and I�m pretty sure I tried resetting the PRAM a while ago. The only remaining thing I can think of is that when the repair tech replaced the logic board, he didn�t apply the thermal paste properly (the optical drive was replaced even though it was working when I sent my MacBook in, two hinge screws were overtightened, and the bezel was not installed properly).
Are there any other things that could be causing my MacBook to not cool properly? If booting from another copy of the OS doesn�t change the fan speeds, I�m thinking about taking the heatsink off this weekend and applying some Arctic Silver.
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Feb 3, 2012
Macbook won't start and continuously beeps
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Feb 17, 2012
Safari 5.1.3 was continually crashing, so I installed Google Chrome. I want to delete Safari but I'm not sure if my computer will let me.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 9, 2012
This morning, when I got into work I restarted my Late-2010 MacBook Air (128 GB HD, 1.86 GHZ Core-2 Duo, OS X 10.7.3) while holding down the "option" button as I normally do to access bootcamp and load Windows 7 because I need to use Excel Macros during the work day. Â What was unusual, however, was that it immediately started beeping loudly when I held down the option button and continued to do so without ceasing. It beeped 3 times, stopped, beeped 3 times, stopped etc. Â
The fans started running pretty quickly and I held down the power button and it finally shut down. I restarted and held down the "option" key again, booted into Windows 7 fine, and have since rebooted into OS X as well without issue. It's the first time that I've heard this beeping except when I installed a firmware update a few weeks back. I've done a bit of research and it sounds like it's indicative of a RAM issue but want to see if anyone knows for sure. I think it's strange that it did it once but hasn't again despite numerous restarts and also strange that it happened immediately upon hitting the "option" key when the screen went dark, as I always do.Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Late 2010, 1.86 GHz Intel Core 2
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May 27, 2012
My macbook, version 10.5.8, started crashing today. There was an update for Adobe Flash Update that popped up earlier today (I think it wanted to install a debugger), I X'd it out because I was doing something else (bad mistake), and now Safari crashes continuously every time I log in. I've tried to download things to my laptop to fix the problem, but Safari crashes before the download can even get halfway through. I've even tried to find the flash update for earlier, but either I can't find it or Safari doesn't stay open long enough for the update to download. The strange thing is, this is only happening on one account on my laptop– the one where the Adobe Flash Update popped up on. The other account on my laptop has Safari working fine (but it's not the account I want to use). Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 3, 2012
Ever since I upgraded to Lion (and doubled my RAM) it seems like my 2009 Macbook's motor ( for lack of a better term)Â seems to run and run until I put it to sleep. Is it all coincidental? I make sure it is vented. Doesn't seem to make a difference. And of course my Apple Care just expired.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 25, 2014
I have a Macbook Pro 13in. from I believe 2008. Last night I was watching Netflix, with no other applications open, and within 2 minutes my computer shut down. I thought it was due to the fact that my computer was believe 7% battery life, but because I had it plugged in, I tried to reboot. It turned on for a few seconds but then shut off again. I tried a few times more later through the evening, but nothing worked and the same thing happened. Throughout the night my Macbook would turn on by itself (with the start up noise) and then shut down by itself continuously. It would repeatedly do it 3-4 times, give it a break, then do it again. I have been able to log on twice fully to my personal log on page, but it shuts down after a few minutes. I have tried resetting the SMC, PRAM, etc, but nothing works. I'm hoping I just have a bad battery because I have used the same battery since I purchased the computer.
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Jun 7, 2010
Hi guys, I have a 2.26ghz Macbook and when i start it up the chime keeps repeating over and over again until i get sick of it and hold the power button to force shut it down, sometimes it will start up fine after that and boot right up and sometimes it keeps repeating again, then i just leave it for a few hours and try again and it will usually work. Also over the last day or so i've been getting a mixture of the repeating chime and the blank white screen with no apple logo and grey spiral. Other than this problem the computer is running flawlessly, does this sound like a hardware or software problem?
I've already tried reseting the PRAM and SMC, I've ran the hardware test which came up clean, checked the drive with disk utility and eventually reformatted the HDD and reinstalled Mac OSX but still no change. I'm not running any extraordinary software just google chrome, Skype etc. so that shouldn't have any thing to do with it.
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Apr 14, 2012
When running a lot of different applications (OpenOffice, R64, Microsoft Office, iTunes, etc.) on my MacBook Pro (2.2 GHz Core i7, 8 GB RAM), Finder freezes continuously. Most of the time it'll restart quickly, or in the best cases, it will eventually start working again after a few minutes. This is extremely annoying as I use my computer for work and constantly have to wait in order to access files. I've tried deleting hidden files in directories among other things, but nothing seems to do wonder.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 16, 2012
My Macbook 2009 continously disconnects itself from the airport and wifi. After it disconnects it takes about an hour to get it to work again. It is not my router because my iphone is still connected to wifi when this happens This also only happens at my home router.
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Aug 3, 2009
Just wondering if there is any setting somewhere, somehow. It probably hardly improves my productivity, but just wondering...
I remember this was proposed to you when you plugged in a USB-stick in Windows. Wonder if its also possible here.
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Jul 28, 2010
Since the day I got my MBP two months ago I have always had it hooked up to a small HP HD monitor via HDMI. The other day I tried hooking it up to my 32 inch HDTV and now I am experiencing a weird problem. The TV and the Mac recognize each other but the screen continues to flash/blink every second (almost like it is loosing conenction). I check the cords and everything is fine which I assumed because everything is fine when I'm connected to the HP monitor.
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Mar 14, 2012
I have the macbook air 11" with mac os X lion and I want to set the control zoom option to go continuously with pointer how do I do that? I did it on the regular white macbook running mac osx leopard in the trackpad preferance pane. How do I do it for mac osx lion?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I need help with zoom option.
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Apr 8, 2012
My mac book is not starting up. It gives a "beep beep beep" sound continuously.
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Apr 10, 2012
my macbook has twice now filled up it's memory trying to recover a message on the mail program from two years ago. everytime i turn on the mail program and enter my password, try to sync up my mail to my gmail account it begins recovering one specific email, over and over and over and over eventually filling up my hard drive. i have used disk utility twice to check my permissions and then repair if necessary as well as run the disk repair portion of disk utility. do i have a virus? is there a botnetfly larvae growing under my skin?
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 2, 2009
How do you plug an Esata cable from an ext hd to an imac? Or is this even possible. If not how many firewire cables can you plug into an imac?
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