MacBook Pro :: Audio Latency When Plugging In Headphones?

Jan 2, 2010

I have an issue that happens with my Macbook Pro. In certain applications, if I plug in my headphones - or unplug them, switching to speaker - from that point on the rest of the audio that the application outputs is delayed by about half-a-second. Now I could be talking-out-of-my-ass here, but this seems to *only* happen with applications that would be accessing the audio hardware through a more basic layer than the standard CoreAudio methods. For instance, it occurs in REAPER and Parallels, but not in Quicktime or iTunes. I find that if it does happen, if I can get the application to close the hardware and reopen it this fixes it. For instance, in Parallels I switch to a dummy output and then back, and it's fixed.

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MacBook :: Kernel Panic When Plugging In Headphones

May 28, 2009

I've noticed this happening for the past few weeks. Basically if I'm watching video on any flash website like YouTube, and I plug in headphones, I get a kernel panic. So as normal I hold the power button to shut it off. However, when I turn it back on, it will beep 2 times, then 3 times, and continue to beep until I turn it off. When I power it on again, it won't beep but it sits on the blank screen before the Apple logo shows up and basically nothing happens and my fans start to go loud. I did this about 3 times before it loaded to the Apple logo loading screen and finally booted properly. After it crashed I removed the headphones, and nothing except the magsafe charger is plugged in.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Headphones Play New Mail Sound Alert Upon Plugging In

Mar 30, 2012

When I plug in my headphones or speakers to my macbook mac mail makes new mail, sent mail sounds for about a min. This only started happening the past couple weeks.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Plugging In Guitar - Audio In / Out Port

Jun 30, 2012

I'm trying to plug my guitar into my MacBook Pro 13 inch mid 2012 model. It says the port can be used as an audio in as well as out but when I go to preferences, sound then try to look for the "Use audio for" tab it's not there. Although I probably will be buying a USB interface soon, I just want to know why this isn't working.

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)

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MacBook Pro :: Plugging In External Firewire Audio Interface Raises Temp?

May 12, 2010

Today I connected my Mackie Onyx Satellite Firewire audio interface to my 2.4 Ghz 13" Macbook Pro for the first time. After it had been running for a while, I looked at iStat Pro, and it reported a CPU temperature of 67C, which is about 15 to 25 degrees hotter than this machine usually idles. Now I've looked around a little bit and found that it's a known issue and associated with the Agere Firewire chipsets. Is there any solution for this? Does it make a difference if you use a daisy chain setup with an external hard drive in between the computer and the audio interface, or a repeater cable, or anything of that nature?

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MacBook :: No Audio For Headphones?

Jun 10, 2012

I have no audio for my headphones??  I see a red light inside that blinks   is there a plan besides applecare for repair, My applecare plan just expired

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Audio After Removing Headphones?

Apr 7, 2012

Basically, I'm using a Macbook with Snow leopard (version 10.6.8) and in the last week or two (though it couldn't happened previously and not been noticed) whenever I remove my headphones from the macbook and go to listen to some audio, the mute and volume up/down buttons on my keyboard do not respond to changes in the volume.  

So when I'm in itunes the only way to change the volume is by pressing pause in itunes itself and to use the slider, the keys F10, F11 and F12 to change them don't do anything. It's the same when watching youtube videos - the audio can only be muted through the button on the website and not through the audio buttons as I can do usually.  

This problem goes away when I restart the macbook. Obviously it's not a massive issue, but restarting after finishing with my headphones just to have easier control over audio is annoying, and I was wondering if anyone else has this problem or has dealt with it?

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Why Won't Audio Work With Headphones Plugged In

Mar 8, 2012

I've had my mac for a couple months short of a year. A few weeks ago, I needed to record a quick idea for a melody my guitarist and I had. I was aware that the I/O jack were one and the same in the 2011 MBP model, so I changed my settings to allow me to use it as an input jack. No problem.The problem, though, is that I can't use it as an output jack anymore. Audio plays fine through the built in speakers but turns into static when I change the I/O setting to output and plug my headphones in. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Detecting Headphones But Audio Isn't Working

Aug 30, 2014

my MacBook Pro audio from the headphone jack just decided to stop working. The weird thing is, in system preferences, the computer is detecting that I've plugged in headphones. I can even control the volume and click play/pause from the control on the headphone wire, just no audio.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Air :: Does The Headphone Socket Support Audio In Via IPhone Headphones

Nov 21, 2009

I could answer this myself tomorrow morning by trying it out on my fianc�e's new MBA but it's in the bedroom and she's asleep. Chances are I'll forget by tomorrow so I figured I'd ask here.

My Unibody MacBook Pro (Rev A) can use the microphone in my iPhone headphones when they're plugged into the audio out port. The volume controls on the headphones also work. Is this also true for the audio out socket on the MBA?

If yes then it should be pretty easy to make a mono audio input source by hacking an old set of iPhone headphones. I'll probably just get some kind of USB audio in adapter but this could always be an option.

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OS X :: Audio Out From Two Jacks - Rear Output And Headphones Simultaneously

Dec 4, 2009

I have speakers plugged into the rear audio output, and headphones plugged into the front. I was wondering if it were possible to have audio play from both simultaniously...

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Hardware :: Creating Optical Audio Input For Tritton Headphones

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to find an audio optical connecter that will help me use my Tritton surround sound amp and gaming headphones on my iMac. Is there a way to do this where you can get a optical audio converter to connect to macs so that you can connect the optical cable for the amp into the imac?

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OS X :: Headphones Broke Inside Imac Audio Jack - How To Reapir

May 6, 2010

there are 2 lines on headphones, it broke from the first line, so both lines are inside?

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MacBook Pro :: Is There Low Latency RAM Available

Oct 28, 2010

Like the high performance one offered by OWC for the macbooks? Anything like that out there for the MBPs?

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MacBook Pro :: Volume Up / Down Latency - No Sound

Sep 26, 2010

I have a late '08 MBP hooked up to a new 27" ACD, using a bluetooth apple keyboard and magic mouse. It's been working fine in all respects until I woke it up today. Everything is fine except the volume. If I tap volume up or down on the keyboard, there's serious latency (5-10 seconds) between me pressing the button and it showing the volume moving. Secondly (and more importantly), there's no sound at all (no matter what volume it's set at). I've already directed the sound through the monitor's speakers (like I said, everything was working just fine). I've tried rebooting, double-checking the sound settings, and disconnecting/reconnecting the bluetooth keyboard.

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Software :: Logic Express Unable To Output Audio To Speakers / Output Is Fine In Headphones

Sep 18, 2009

For some reason, I can't get Logic Express 8 to output audio to my Mac's attached speakers. It outputs fine through my M-Audio interface, though, but I'd just like to listen without headphones.

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MacBook Pro :: Unacceptable WiFi Latency And Jitter

Jun 13, 2010

Over 250 ms to the router sometimes. It does the same thing at my house. My PowerBook would get a steady ping with less than 5 ms latency.

Hardware: 13 inch MacBook Pro, 2.26 Core 2 Duo, No 3rd party upgrades.

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Applications :: WoW + Mac = Latency?

Apr 24, 2010

I have been having really bad latency issues with WoW, and Blizzard posters don't help much. I'm having on/off latency issues, reaching up to 5000 ms. I have tried:

-Flushing the DNS.
-Deleting WoW temp flies (Cache etc.)
-Decreasing MTU(572 at one point).
-Moving WoW folder to a different user (admin).
-Power cycled modem/router
- Bought a new modem.
- Updated mac hardware (software update)
- Firewall configuring

I use a Linksys router to connect to the internet. 2 macs on the same internet can play RuneScape simultaneously without issue( latency persists even when I'm the only one on). The router/modem is only shared with my home.

Mac version 10.5.8 Leopard

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Hardware :: Plugging VHS Player To MacBook Pro?

Feb 23, 2009

I have videos on a VHS tape I'd like to watch on my MacBook Pro. First, does the macbook pro have a video input able to receive a VHS signal? Secondly, how does the Mac display the video on the screen. Do I need a specific software?

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MacBook Pro :: Plugging A Laptop In Continuously

Feb 5, 2012

I am planning to purchase a macbook pro. I will be using it at home mostly but wanted the option of taking it out if I need to. The salesperson told me not to plug the laptop in more than two days at a time. He said it's better to use the battery even if it's at home.

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MacBook Pro :: Awful Static When Plugging Into Speakers

May 24, 2010

Just received my new 15" i7 Macbook Pro today, and I like it a lot, but I'm having one major issue. I get awful static when I plug it in to my speakers via the headphone jack. I had no issues with the speakers on my previous Macbook (from around 2007). I even used the speakers just this morning with the old MB. The static comes whenever a sound is played, whether iTunes, a system sound etc. If there is no sound for a few seconds, it goes away, but immediately comes back the next time there is a sound. The static is fainly present using my Sennheiser headphones, and also with the built-in speakers. But t he sound is horrendous with external speakers. I've seen a lot of people with similar issues while searching the web, but no real solutions. Does anybody know?

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Hardware :: Bad Latency With Performance MX

Aug 5, 2010

I recently purchased a logitech performance MX and i'm somewhat reluctant to keep it because I have been getting bad latency issues with it. I purchased it on eBay and it stated that it did not come with the original rechargeable battery. The problem occurs when I leave the mouse alone for a few seconds and I go back to it, the cursor just stays there for 2-5 seconds then jumps on the screen. However, this problem does not occur when I have it plugged into the USB charger (basically acting as a wired mouse). What should I do? Do I return the mice on ebay? Do I use it wired? Do I get a new battery?

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MacBook Pro :: Why Plugging / Unplugging Headphone Give Beachballs

Oct 18, 2009

I'm having a weird problem on a two-week old 13" MBP. When I plug in headphones whatever sound was playing, if any, will stop for 10-15 seconds and during this time the volume keys on the keyboard are unresponsive (along with any keyboard keys that operate hardware things...backlight for keyboard, display brightness, although the dashboard and expose keys work). Same goes if I unplug the headphones. If I'm in iTunes, I get a beachball isolated to iTunes during this. When iTUnes recovers from the beachball it "realizes" that it should have actually been playing for the last ten seconds and catches up. I fresh install snow leopard a few days ago. Why would plugging/unplugging headphones (they are the ones that came with my iPhone 3GS) give a beachball in iTunes?

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MacBook Air :: Plugging Into Wrong Port - Computer Screen Goes Black

Dec 15, 2010

I was BBMing while trying to plug in my headphones with my pheripherals, and I accidentally pushed it (not very hard) into the USB port. The tip of the headphone jack connected with the little connector ball at the bottom of the USB port. The screen went black and I instantly hit the power button on instinct, so I don't know if it shut off. Did I do something very bad, or is that normal? I'm not sure if that's even considered an electric shock or what.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Latency After Apple Software Update?

May 22, 2012

I resently updated my macbook pro to the latest software version of Lion (10.7.4). Ever sence then i have experiened a serious amount of latancy somewhere between my signal and my DAW (Pro Tools 10) that I can't get rid of! I have tried lower buffer size, turning on low latency monitoring and tried different audio interfaces. None of these options seems to make a difference. I also have the latest update of Pro Tools. I have also tried reinstall pro tools. No effect. I estimate the latency to be around 25-30ms. 

Pro Tools, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Flash Drive Stopped Showing Up Completely After Plugging It Into And Ejecting It From PC

Dec 10, 2014

After ejecting it from a PC, I went to plug it back into my Mac Air and it's not showing up anywhere. The files I need cannot be found through Spotlight, it's not showing up on the desktop or disk utility or the sidebar. I've tried it on other laptops so it may just be my flashdrive. I have the latest OS (Yosemite, 10.10.1) and a 13in, mid 2012 mac air.The flashdrive is a Sony 32gb URL....

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Hardware :: Using Airport Extreme With High Latency / Slowness

Mar 19, 2009

I have an Airport Extreme router being used with my cable modem service. It seems like after about 12-18 hours of use the router slows to a crawl. The only way to fix the issue is to do a hard reset by pushing the reset button and reconfiguring it.

I'm using firmware version 7.4.1

Here is an example: Latency 10 minutes ago was 800+ ms, speeds were 2m/300k ... I just reset it the router, now latency is back down to 7ms and speeds are 14.2mb/2mb

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OS X :: Snow Leopard And Wireless Latency / Slow Ping?

Sep 5, 2009

After upgrading to Snow Leopard (SR MBP), I've experienced unusually high and unpredictable latency from the airport connection. The Ethernet connection works fine (consistent and short ping times to the wireless router), but the airport connection's ping times vary wildly. A different MBP (unibody) on Leopard does not have this problem with the same router (so it seems unlikely that the router is at fault), and I did not have this problem before my upgrading. Programs such as Skype that require a steady stream of information are now unusable. Does Archive and Install work for downgrades?

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Hardware :: Macbook Pro 13" External Display - Flashes Blue After Plugging In Mini DisplayPort Adapter

Mar 1, 2010

I have recently bought a 13" Macbook Pro and wanted to hook up an external display (an oldish acer 19"). I have a Mini Displayport to DVI adapter hooked up to a DVI -VGA adapter which leads to the display. I haven't got it to work yet. I have followed advice about closing the lid and using usb mouse and keyboard with no luck. The only thing that happens is that the screen on the laptop flashes blue for about a second after plugging in the Mini DisplayPort adapter.

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OS X :: Autorun Finder When Plugging In USB Stick?

Aug 3, 2009

Just wondering if there is any setting somewhere, somehow. It probably hardly improves my productivity, but just wondering...

I remember this was proposed to you when you plugged in a USB-stick in Windows. Wonder if its also possible here.

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