Whenever I am on facebook or on the internet and I click to donload a file it downloads to my downloads folder but then the second it finished preview pops up with the picture open. How do i stop preview from doing this?
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I am a new Mac user (had my macbook for 2 weeks, loving it, but still learning how to use it). I am really annoyed by Preview app. Anytime I save a photo in my Download folder, it automatically opens it with Preview, whether I want it or not. When I quit Preview, it still opens the next time I download a photo. I can't find anywhere in Preview options such option to disconnect automatic opening of photos. How do I turn it off please?
My computer has recently started auto dimming when in darker rooms of the house, i know its an issue with the light sensor because I've held a flashlight to it and it instantly brightens, however, i have unchecked the "automatically adjust brightness" box in the system settings and it continues to dim it's self even when unchecked and brightness is on full. It isn't the result of any recent updates, as there haven't been any in some time and it's only started in the last two weeks.
Up until a few months ago my MacBook had no problem opening PDF's. Now, for some reason it stopped.I have un-installed and re-installed Adobe Reader a number of times and no luck.
I am getting a little frustrated. Everytime I start my computer Word, Excel and other programs open. I have tried the following which hasn't helped.Â
1. I went into system preferences into User/Groups, logins and deleted all items. Â
2. Hovered over the word in the menu bar at the bottom of the screen, clicked options, unchecked open at login. (I have been closing down the application before loging off) Â Â
Other than that I am not sure how to stop these from opening.
When I import pictures from my camera, preview and finder automatically rotate them right-side up. Cool feature. However, when I go to send them via mail, they're not rotated. How do I turn off this feature so when a picture, it is what it is.
Just upgraded to a macbook pro and every time i turn on the laptop about four or five programs open. how do i stop this from happening? I have looked in the system preferences and have not been able to find anything?
When I start my computer up, programs such as excel, word and powerpoint and calender will open up automatically. One day it will open up powerpoint and excel and other days just word and excel, its very random. I tried to find the setting to stop this and cannot
Is it possible to AUTO PRINT when opening a PDF with a specific file name?
I ask this as I always have to print invoices that are PDF's for my business that are saved as file name orders.pdf
Is it possible to automate the system so whenever I open a PDF file titled orders.pdf that it prints everything on the pdf without me having to click print?
Just thought it might shave of a little bit of time each day and teach me something new on my iMac.
I have a second internal harddrive, which I only rarely use, but it mounts every time I boot. What do I need to do to stop it from auto mounting at boot?
One way is to edit /etc/fstab, but I'm not sure what exactly I have to do.
When I surf the web, I click on interesting links every once and a while, sometimes they end up being files and Safari automatically downloads it, how do I make it ask me before it goes downloading wildly?
How do I get image files to stop auto-saving in Quicktime format?
When I save an image file, it saves in QuickTime format. I don't have PhotoShop. I have preview, or digital camera software. The QuickTime thing is creating problems for me and I don't know how to change it. It seems to keep reverting.
I use Virtual Response, an email software program (terrible, but that's another story) used by PR people. It will only let me upload a logo as jpg, tif, gif. I received one that's .eps... I found online freeware that will convert .eps to .jpg, but it always saves the .jpg as QuickTime format, which the email software refuses to upload.
Preview is not opening anything. Merely double click an image, or clicking Preview to open it makes my computer lag severely for up to 2 minutes. Is there any way I can uninstall and re-download it, or fix this problem? Not sure if this is related, but opening my Applications folder has the same effect, but not for nearly as long or severe, maybe just about 20 seconds. It seems opening ANY folder with "Preview" in it results in freezing up. It's starting to get really annoying, but I've downloaded a replacement image viewer until the problem is fixed.
When I want to add both the name and location of a place for a Calendar event's location (say, the name and address of a restaurant), Calendar and/or its integration with Maps will auto-complete the address. But when it does, it removes the name, and only fills the address.Â
Almost every time I then try to manually enter the name, it still changes it to address-only when I save it.Â
What I want it to look like:
Restaurant Name
123 Address Rd
City, ST 00000Â
But what it auto-fills:
123 Address Rd
City, ST 00000
United StatesÂ
How do I get it to stop auto-changing it, and to accept my changes the way I want them?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Haswell Core i5 2.9GHz, 8GB RAM
Recently the preview program has stopped working. I cannot open PDF files or image files, i.e. jpeg. The only thing I can think of that I've done recently is installing a program called "MailRaider." I just uninstalled it using a program called "Appdelete."
I tried this suggestion from the apple discussion forum that did not work:
Go to the finder, find one of the PDFs you can not open. then click on that PDF one time. go to the file menu, chose get info from the file menu. the inspector window that pops up will include a section on open with. expand that section and click on the open with menu and chose preview. then click the "Change All.." button.
all PDF should now open with preview. you can repeat this process with jpegs, gifs, tifs, pngs, extra as needed.
What else can I try? Do I need to reinstall the preview application? If so, how do I do that?
i was wondering if you can open 2 different previews to view the same pdf. i have alot of pdf books and i want to be able to have the question and the section from the book open instead of scrolling all day back and forth. i have tried using safari to open the 2nd window but using safari temps me too much to just search the web instead of do my homework.
when i click on a pdf in firefox, it opens it in preview, but i also find the file in my downloads. i like how the pdf opens in a separate preview window, but it's a hassle to have to keep deleting the file from downloads after i view it.
When I turn on my computer, I am automatically logged-in to Apple mail. I want to be asked to enter my password before new emails appear. How do I stop the auto login feature?
I've seen it many times around on internet, but it is driving me ABSOLUTELY MAD. After importing audio/video on iTunes (plus copy into iTunesLibrary), the file automatically starts playing. It is annoying me more and more, I can not seem to turn the function off. iTunes seems to be defaulted nowadays to start autoplay after importing music or video into iTunes~?
1. There are albums on my iPhone that don't appear in iTunes after sync. I want to delete them.Â
2. The album in question has a song that is alphabetically at the top of my All Songs list and plays automatically every time I plug my phone into the USB in my car.Â
3. I want to stop the auto play and delete albums I don't want on my iPhone before I go INSANE!!!!Â