MacBook Pro :: New Water Sensors On Casing
Oct 15, 2008
The new MacBook and MacBook Pro don't just want to impress you with their fancy new fabrication techniques, unibody designs and bolstered performance: they want to make you more honest, at least when it comes to reporting water damage. According to the service manuals, the new line of MacBooks include submersion sensors, designed to indicate if the laptops have been exposed to excessive levels of moisture and/or dropped in your toilet.
Phones, including Apple's own, have been fitted with these little stickers for years, but they're a rarity in laptops. You might want to think twice before you forget to mention the "used as a prop in an elaborate college drinking game" part on your next Applecare claim. [URL]
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Feb 27, 2010
My trackpad has been messing up lately, as in its not responsive all of the time as it once was. (13in mbp). I have the applecare shipping box ready but am curious as to where the water sensors are located nearest to the trackpad to determine if any water damage has occurred. I have no clue as to whether any liquid may have accidentally gotten in there, but nevertheless would love to check or something.
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Jun 3, 2010
Is there a diagram that shows the locations of the water sensors in the 17" MacBook Pro? I don't think I ever had the machine wet (same with iPhone, though they were tripped), but I want to make sure that they are not activated before I spend money on AppleCare.
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May 26, 2010
Last night (laptop was unplugged, off but with battery in) I accidently dropped a small amount of water eg like a cap amount on the keyboard/mouse area.I wiped it off & thought nothing if it as it was a small amount.Woke up this morning, tried to switch it on but nothing. I put in the charger cable but still nothing, then I could smell some burning so quickly disconnected charger & battery.
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Dec 23, 2009
Anyone know how I can find the moisture damage sensors on a rev b? I need to get a keyboard replaced, but many moons ago a small amount of liquid may have been spilt on this thing and due to 3rd party repairers over here I don't want to take it in and then find out that I owe loads due to it not being covered. So I want to check first to make sure the sensors are not activated.
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Apr 14, 2010
So today I opened up my MBP to clean it out and stuff (it had a ton of dust... A wall of it had built up where the fans blow out)All is fine and dandy now except for one thing. Since I don't want to open my case up for the second time today (right fan wasn't plugged in all the way first time I started it up... oops x( ) I'm asking here since everything else seems to be fine.
What I did:
Opened everything up all the way down to the heatsink.Applied correct amount of Thermal paste.plugged everything back in (right fan wasn't perfect at first, but fixed and stupidly didn't double check everything else while I was in there)
And now both fans are running at 6k (full) constantly. I tried resetting PRAM and SMC with no luck. I'm about to grab my disk 1 and run the diagnosis to see if that turns up anything.Are there any plugs that I might have accidentally not plugged in all the way or at all that would cause this? Also any other suggestions if everything is plugged in correctly?
MacBook Pro 2,2 15.4" late '06
C2D 2.33GHz
2GB Ram
Also, I have iStat Menu. No apps using all my CPU (Mostly <10% usage right now) and temp is mostly <40c right now. All temps have a temperature so I'm assuming all heat sensors are fine.On a great note: My computer is so much cooler now! Even before this at 6k rpm I'd get down to MAYBE 45c if I was lucky.I also have Fan Control installed and it's not having any effect
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Sep 3, 2009
I have a Quad 2.66 Mac pro on the way and I'd like to upgrade the Ram in the smartest and cheapest way possible. Seems to me that 12gb (3x4gb) is the way to go to get a decent amount of memory out of my limited 4-slots. I've checked a few places and here's the pricing I've found.
Memory America - $476.95
Ramjet - 524.99
MacSales - 489.99
all the above specify they have a compliant "apple thermal sensor"
Then there is this ram at newegg for $374.99
which doesn't specify the heat sensor, but somewhere else on the forum some one said they popped it in an it worked well without running the fans all the time or other strangeness.
My question is can I save myself 100$ and get the Ram without the sensor and is there anyone currently running that Patriot Ram in a Quad that can shed some light.
By the way I realize getting the octo would have solved these issues, but it wasn't an option.
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Jul 14, 2009
ive read that macbooks get cracks on the casing. i have a black macbook from 08 and its had the crack since about 2 months after i got it, i didnt do it. it kind of gradually turned into a crack and then a peice came off, if i brought it to a macstore, would they fix it even though i dont have insurance? I actually have 2 cracks, one that i didnt do and one that happened by accident, would they fix it if one of the 2 cracks was done accidentaly by me?
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Feb 6, 2012
Recently, the plastic casing around the screen of my Macbook OS X has chipped, and the piece has now been lost...
Here is a rather blurred example of what I mean ^ About 5 months ago the plastic on my keyboard also chipped along the edge, and when taking it to apple, they said that it was just a design fault (this macbook is from 2009!) and they repaired it within 2 hours free of charge. I just wondered if it would be the same for the screen casing, as no other damage has happened technically. This just happened, it wasn't even an accident - I just opened up the lid and the little thing chipped off, no warning!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 5, 2012
my 2009 macbook pro screen is signficantly seperated from the casing which is now starting to affect the laptops performance.Apple refuse to fix it as its older than 1 year and they say its been caused by me dropping it? Its never been dropped and lives in two cases! WHO DROPS A 2K LAPTOP WITHOUT REALISING?Apple genius was very rude when I took it to ask for some help, being a student I cant afford the repair quote they gave me. I don't see how a global company like apple just refuse to acknowledge how this is affecting not just a few isolated cases, but hundreds.According to the sale of goods act "If the retailer or manufacturer’s warranty has run out, the shop is often quick to say there is nothing they can do before attempting to sell you an extended warranty. This is misleading. If you buy something which should last 7 years but breaks down after a year and a day, you can still claim it was of poor quality in reference to the durability aspect."
MacBook Pro
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Dec 20, 2007
My Macbook Pro slipped off my legs and fell onto a carpeted floor today. The Superdrive looks bent along with the casing. I have applecare and want to take it to the store later. I'm wondering what the chances are that they will replace this for free and what I should be expecting to pay.
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Apr 10, 2009
i noticed this morning when i plugged in a (full size, ac powered) external harddrive that there were sparks generated between the aluminium casing of the macbook and the outer metal piece on the usb plug. If i rub the usb port along the aluminium then i can make sparks.
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May 31, 2009
ive got an 18 month old white SR MacBook, recently im getting quite a few cracks on the casing on the top (around the keyboard), what can i do to stop it cracking further and how much would apple likely charge me to get it fixed? (im in the uk and there are no apple stores near me!) As you can see i nthe pics below to the left hand side of the keyboard is where most of the 'crack' has happened, the whole 'line' actually peels away and pulls off and is literally the thin piece of plastic topping, similar is now starting to happen to the right side (which may not be viewable in the pictures)
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Oct 26, 2010
I've been using intel iMac core2 duo. There are some temperature sensors to HDD, CD/DVD and CPU, etc., I think. Apple computer is well designed for thermal control and is this big advantage for technical point of view ?
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Nov 14, 2009
I've noticed that occasionally my IR sensor stops working, and no longer responds to changing the volume, skipping the track in iTunes, etc. It can be resolved by going into Security prefs, disabling and re-enabling the IR sensor. This is annoying, however, and I'm wondering if it's a known issue that might be fixed.
I noticed that when you disable and re-enable the IR sensor, the last few remote button pushes you made while it was broken come through in a burst.
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Apr 26, 2009
I have a 2,1 White MacBook from 2007. Early last year, 2009, my casing cracked on the palmrest. I know this is an extremely common problem and the repairs are fully covered by Apple, regardless of warranty. My case also has a few of the hairline cracks near the exhaust vent and hinge.
I have yet to have these problems repaired. At first I just didn't feel like going to an Apple store. Now that the MacBook casing has changed to the unibody design, I wonder if the future repair will be affected for better or worse.
I have AppleCare for four years, until 2011.
Does anyone know how Apple is fixing these casing problems in 2010 now that the unibody MacBooks are out? I expect it is very likely that Apple has plenty of the old hardware on hand, but I would like to think I could get a very nice uMB upgrade for free, even if I need to wait longer to get it.
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Sep 16, 2009
I have the 13" White Macbook but wanna change it to the original black case. I wanted to purchase it on eBay. Is that possible or not? I want to get the black one but the white macbook I have already has Adobe CS4/Microsoft Office 2008/Final Cut installed and I dont want to lose those programs because I really need them for graphic design.
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Jun 24, 2010
I have blue stains or marks on my white Macbook casing. The problem seemed to lie in faulty plastic being used, amongst other reasons and excuses given. Some people had serious staining issues and received replacement casings. My Macbook is a 2010 release, either Week 1 or 13 (hard to see on back), serial number beginning W801.
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Jan 13, 2010
I'm a happy Mac user and always have been. I recieved a 2006 13 in White MacBook for my birthday a couple of years ago, and it's been working really well. One thing I've noticed since about a half a year ago is the casing coming off. It will come off on small strips around the edges. What's causing this and how can I get it fixed? Someone told me that if you take it to the Mac store, you can have the casing fixed for free because it's a defect and that's why they moved to unibody models. Is this true? The same person also told me that they'll only fix it if it's on the side facing closest to you. If it's on the other sides with the ports and the cd player, they won't do anything about it/charge you to get it fixed?
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Jun 26, 2010
I'm in the market to buy my first MacBook pro 15" pretty soon and I want to get a case for it. Since the aluminum helps absorb heat from the internals, will a full coverage case cause it to heat up faster and ultimately overheat the laptop? Thanks.
Also has anyone ever had the X Gear Shadow carbon fiber case? Can you give me a quick review?
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Jun 26, 2010
So after doing some research online I see that Aluminum is very resistant to rusting to the fact that it usually rust after your computer die or something...
But anyway what I wanted to know if that if I use water to clean the lid would it accelerate the rusting or corrosion?
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May 30, 2012
bottle spilt in my backpack with my computer. opened it up screen had water behind the glass what now?
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Feb 26, 2009
I just bought a brand new Nvidia Macbook White from Amazon. Love it so far. One problem,and I will post a pic, there is a small nick on the top left corner of the casing of the screen. Its noticeable but otherwise the computer is great,no keyboard flex that I can see or any other cosmetic issues. Would it be worth it to go through the whole Amazon exchange for just this issue with no guarantee that the replacement would be any better?
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Oct 18, 2010
I spilled a little water on my macbook screen and I just got a paper towl and wiped it off at first but then I realizewd a little later than it had a spot and if you tilt it you can see like a scratch on the screen.Right now I have it turned off and titled upside down. Should I do this? If yes, how long should I keep it like this? PLEASE HELP ME! I am a nervous wreck and on the verge of tears because my mom will KILL ME if she finds out and I dont want it to be messed up.
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Dec 11, 2010
I have a Macbook that I was carrying in my backpack in one of those neoprene cases along with my water bottle (silly, I know...but it hasn't ever spilled prior to now!). I walked around for about 5-10 minutes at which point I noticed the bottom of my backpack was wet. I immediately opened it up and found that there was water on the bottom 2 inches of my case. I pulled my computer out and there was sort of a sheen of water on the front and back 2 inches on the side with all the ports. I then wiped it off. The screen came on when I opened it (it had not been off) but I turned it off and now I have it leaning so that if there is any water in the ports it will drain out.
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Jul 17, 2007
When I hook my laptop up with the VGA external monitor, the text and images have a wave effect to them, like they underwater.
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Dec 1, 2008
Almost had a heart attack. I was in the other room and she screamed that she spilled water on it. I ran over, grabbed it, flipped it upside down, turned it off, used an air compressor and paper towels to get whatever water out. Let it off an open overnight and everything appears fine.
She can go back to using her 5 yr old hp brick of a laptop. My MBA is off limits.
And 2 months ago she broke her ipod (gift from me) running on a treadmill.
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Sep 23, 2009
Well it wasn't actually spilled. My friend was crying on it. Its hasn't been a good today, but anyways I got a fan on it and a hot halogen lamp on it. So far its doing well. Should I leave the fan and light on the night? I have a 3 year warranty. And I would pry out the battery but I don't have a screwdriver in my dorm!
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May 7, 2012
My MacBook Air was not starting up so I sent it in for a repair. Just got a call that the logic board is corroded and there is excessive water damage. However, I have never split anything on my laptop nor has anyone else. I carry it around with me all the time. I thought at first it might be damage due to a shock as a dropped it a few months ago and it has a slight dent on a corner.
MacBook Air
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Oct 21, 2010
I have a 17"inch 2006-08 macbook pro with a big dent in the bottom casing where the dvd drive is. Can I order this part and replace it myself?
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