MacBook Pro :: Finding Unibody Casing Review And Reducing Heat Contents?
Jun 26, 2010
I'm in the market to buy my first MacBook pro 15" pretty soon and I want to get a case for it. Since the aluminum helps absorb heat from the internals, will a full coverage case cause it to heat up faster and ultimately overheat the laptop? Thanks.
Also has anyone ever had the X Gear Shadow carbon fiber case? Can you give me a quick review?
I left my mba open, with the screen saver on, not running any programs for about 2 hours. Came back and the fan is at 6200rpm and the CPU temp is 180 degrees. It hasnt been doing anything at all. I dont understand why it is working so hard. What should I do?
My wife has a MBP 2.4ghz core i5. She has Sims 3 and all the expansion packs. She uses the architectural features to build towns and houses,etc. Well it makes a steady fan noise after a while(she plays for a few hours straight). I checked the istat widget and its at 5998 rpm and 164 F with a noticeable fan noise. Not as loud as windows laptops that I can remember but loud enough to notice. Is this normal? The machine is only 2 months old. It works great and only does this when she plays Sims3(the only gaming we do on it).
When i still had my Unibody White MacBook a company by the name "The Lucky Labs" sent me this for review purposes. Let me know what you guys think of it. Just thought about sharing it with you guys and hopefully y'all would find it interesting
I wanted to use a MB in desktop mode, with a wireless mouse, keyboard, and external monitor. With the lid closed, and the external monitor as the only screen (main screen), will the MB heat up? I know it might have been an issue in early Leopard stages, but there were glitches where doing this desktop mode will cause the notebook screen to go dark and you have to reboot if you want to use the notebook's screen instead or with the desktop screen. Does this happen with the MBs now?
How does the unibody Macbook release heat? I would like to have it sit on my desk 75% of the time and hooked up to a monitor. Would heating be a issue?
A questions for all of those who have any sort of invisible shield (zagg, bse, bodyguardz etc etc) on their Unibody MBP (or MB for that matter).
Anyone having any issues with the cpu reaching dangerously high temperatures? I heard that the invisible shield is particularly bad because it insulates the aluminum on the mbp, thereby not allowing it to properly dissipate heat. This is one of the things that's preventing me from pulling the trigger on getting one.
i was wondering if this new 'inertial' trackpad gesture available on the new line of MBPros might be possible to score on a MBAir rev B/C..this is a feature which would be great to have, IMO..anyone know if this new 'inertial' gesture is software or hardware-based?
I'm purchasing the base model Mini and will be upgrading to a 7200 320 gb hardrive. I can purchase the 7200 Hitachi Travelstar today only for$69.00 Canadian. Since this is a one time thing, is this drive good enough or should I spend $30.00 to $50,00 more on a Seagate or WD. I've done a fair amount of research and read reviews but I would love to have some feedback from experienced Mini users.
I am thinking about buying a SSD to install in my late 2008 aluminum macbook. Specs are 6GB of ram, 2.4 GHZ processor, and the standard 250GB hard drive which I believe is 5400 RPMs. So my question is, is it worth it? Will I see that much of a performance improvement? I don't reboot that often. I currently am using 92GB of my 250GB hard drive. So I would probably only need like a 160GB or 200GB SSD. Also if I do get one which one would be a good one to get. What should I look for in features.
This thread is geared towards MB/MBP owners, (specifically those with the late 2008) models. Its very easy to add stain-art to the cosmetics of any laptop. Drops of soup love to introduce themselves to the trackpad and rain drops may bounce off your jacket onto the screen on a wet day. If you're like me, you're heavily bothered by the slightest imperfection and hesitant to clean it, especially the screen.
I'm looking to buy a secondary machine to compliment my primary MBP and I'm torn between a refurbished Rev A MBA 1.6/80 and a Unibody MB 2.0. Right now, my MBP is pretty much acting as a desktop so I'm looking for something I can carry with me around the house and very occasionally on trips. A family member of mine has a Rev A MBA so I'm quite familiar with what it is capable of which is 95% of the things I might use want to use it for.
I made a table of contents in Pages the other day and decided to change the colours (for example, one line orange next brown next orange next brown and so on.) but the 6th one down reverts to black every time i either click on the contents or reopen the document.
In iWork 08's Pages application, I need a keyboard shortcut to edit the cell contents. Example: current cell contains the text "new client" -- I decide I want it to read "new clients" without typing it all over again. In Excel for Windows, I would hit F2, that would give me a cursor at the end of the word "client" and I was good to go.
I'm running Lion on an 27" iMac (first i7 iteration), and have a folder on an external HDD that contains a couple of hundred subfolders.
However - when viewing them in Finder, only the first hundred or so display.
The others are there - searching the disc finds the folders and their contents and, once, the contents are located, they'll display in the expanded view.
I copied the offending folder across to the Mac's main HD, but this behaviour came across with it. This, by the way, was happening on Snow Leopard too before I upgraded to Lion.
I just got a Early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" i7 that has a broken scissor for the "x" key (I still have the black "x" key itself. Would the scissors from an late 2007 Macbook Pro 15" be compatible (I've got an old dead keyboard for it that had coffee spilled on it)?
ive read that macbooks get cracks on the casing. i have a black macbook from 08 and its had the crack since about 2 months after i got it, i didnt do it. it kind of gradually turned into a crack and then a peice came off, if i brought it to a macstore, would they fix it even though i dont have insurance? I actually have 2 cracks, one that i didnt do and one that happened by accident, would they fix it if one of the 2 cracks was done accidentaly by me?
Got my new MBP 15" with the i7 last weekend. It was beautiful and dandy for the first couple days then my battery was getting drained like no other. Checked to see if 330m was running but it wasn't and is on integrated. Some numbers, it was showing up 3:00 100% battery (100% health) with wifi on, brightness 50% casual web-browsing. That seemed too low for a battery claiming 8-9 hrs (but I expected at least 5 in real life).
I didn't calibrate when I first bought it but then I did calibrate a couple nights ago. Battery was fine and showing 6 hrs battery life on the menubar. Dandy! It wasn't draining at a fast rate anymore. A couple days later (today) the battery is acting up again, only lasting 3 hrs with 100% and casual use. It seems ridiculous if I have to calibrate it every two days. Is this something I should take to Genius Bar?
The new MacBook and MacBook Pro don't just want to impress you with their fancy new fabrication techniques, unibody designs and bolstered performance: they want to make you more honest, at least when it comes to reporting water damage. According to the service manuals, the new line of MacBooks include submersion sensors, designed to indicate if the laptops have been exposed to excessive levels of moisture and/or dropped in your toilet.
Phones, including Apple's own, have been fitted with these little stickers for years, but they're a rarity in laptops. You might want to think twice before you forget to mention the "used as a prop in an elaborate college drinking game" part on your next Applecare claim. [URL]
Recently, the plastic casing around the screen of my Macbook OS X has chipped, and the piece has now been lost...
Here is a rather blurred example of what I mean ^ About 5 months ago the plastic on my keyboard also chipped along the edge, and when taking it to apple, they said that it was just a design fault (this macbook is from 2009!) and they repaired it within 2 hours free of charge. I just wondered if it would be the same for the screen casing, as no other damage has happened technically. This just happened, it wasn't even an accident - I just opened up the lid and the little thing chipped off, no warning!
my 2009 macbook pro screen is signficantly seperated from the casing which is now starting to affect the laptops performance.Apple refuse to fix it as its older than 1 year and they say its been caused by me dropping it? Its never been dropped and lives in two cases! WHO DROPS A 2K LAPTOP WITHOUT REALISING?Apple genius was very rude when I took it to ask for some help, being a student I cant afford the repair quote they gave me. I don't see how a global company like apple just refuse to acknowledge how this is affecting not just a few isolated cases, but hundreds.According to the sale of goods act "If the retailer or manufacturer’s warranty has run out, the shop is often quick to say there is nothing they can do before attempting to sell you an extended warranty. This is misleading. If you buy something which should last 7 years but breaks down after a year and a day, you can still claim it was of poor quality in reference to the durability aspect."
My Macbook Pro slipped off my legs and fell onto a carpeted floor today. The Superdrive looks bent along with the casing. I have applecare and want to take it to the store later. I'm wondering what the chances are that they will replace this for free and what I should be expecting to pay.
i noticed this morning when i plugged in a (full size, ac powered) external harddrive that there were sparks generated between the aluminium casing of the macbook and the outer metal piece on the usb plug. If i rub the usb port along the aluminium then i can make sparks.