Desktops :: Temperature Sensors / Thermal Controls In IMac
Oct 26, 2010
I've been using intel iMac core2 duo. There are some temperature sensors to HDD, CD/DVD and CPU, etc., I think. Apple computer is well designed for thermal control and is this big advantage for technical point of view ?
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Sep 3, 2009
I have a Quad 2.66 Mac pro on the way and I'd like to upgrade the Ram in the smartest and cheapest way possible. Seems to me that 12gb (3x4gb) is the way to go to get a decent amount of memory out of my limited 4-slots. I've checked a few places and here's the pricing I've found.
Memory America - $476.95
Ramjet - 524.99
MacSales - 489.99
all the above specify they have a compliant "apple thermal sensor"
Then there is this ram at newegg for $374.99
which doesn't specify the heat sensor, but somewhere else on the forum some one said they popped it in an it worked well without running the fans all the time or other strangeness.
My question is can I save myself 100$ and get the Ram without the sensor and is there anyone currently running that Patriot Ram in a Quad that can shed some light.
By the way I realize getting the octo would have solved these issues, but it wasn't an option.
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Feb 3, 2010
Does anyone know the maximum operating temperature inside the new 27-inch iMac? I've read that they shouldn't be operated beyond 35 degrees Celsius [95 degrees F]. But that's the ambient temperature, not the computer's internal temperature.
I ask this because I have been running iStat for years. It monitors various things, including internal temperature. I always keep an eye on this during warm days, even when I have the air-conditioning on. So it would be good to know the maximum temperature.
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Jun 20, 2009
I have seen a lot of posts about new Thermal Paste (mostly Arctic Silver 5) helping with the heat on MBA, most being positive. I have a rev B and have just bought the AS 5 but before I apply and risk the warranty I would like to see how many actually saw lower temperatures after applying it.
So if you have a Rev B and you have re-applied the Thermal Paste did you temperature under idle and load decrease?
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Jan 4, 2011
I noticed that iStat and Temperature Monitor report different temperatures for the same readings on my G5 Powermac Dual Processor System. For example as I am writing this Temperature Monitor is saying My CPU A is 46.8C and CPU B is 46.7C. In iStat it says CPU A is 55C and CPU B is 54C. Which is right!?
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Feb 19, 2009
I apologists straight away if this have been covered recently, but i need to ask.I have MacBook with Intel Core Due Processor, 2 GB ram.What is the average temperature CPU temperature for standard usage ( I know that standard usage is very arbitrary, and by this I assume safari, iTunes and let say Pages to be the only major apps running ).I use iStat pro widget and according to it my CPU temperature is 55*C. Is this too high? Lately the fan has been turning on more recently almost without any apps running so I think that there might be some hardware problem. I ran HardwareTest it found nothing.
The macbook is 2 yrs old. Do i need to get it cleaned or is there something else I should be worrying about?
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Jun 11, 2009
I have a G5 Imac and after 3 years, the bluetooth connection to a wireless keyboard and mouse constantly cuts in and out. (works for 3 minutes, then won't, then will, etc.)
I've tried the same mouse and keyboard with my macbook and they both work fine with no dropouts.
I've checked for any updates to airport and there are none.
I've tried searching here and at several other forums...I tried deleting some file people suggested and that didn't short I've tried everything I could and nothing has worked.
The only think I can think of is that the bluetooth "controller" or whatever is the engine for the bluetooth in the Imac is just plain bad. The problem is that I don't know exactly what or where it is, or if it is even replaceable?
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Mar 21, 2009
Looking for a recommendation on temperature widget. This new i5 is too hot to the touch on the top. Well I could hold my hand there but it is not fun to do so. So I want a good widget/etc that will give me an idea of how hot it really is. On a side note. I cannot hear the drive or fans in my new i5. For wow players, all options (including full shadows but no full screen bloom), it bottoms out around 27fps in heavy effects environments or fast spin in busy Dalaran.
Peaks are beyond refresh (in fact I may want to cap that). After a three hour session the top portion of the aluminum enclosure was too hot to keep my hand pressed to it so I am looking for something to convince myself I am not going to end up with a cooked iMac in a few weeks. Since my desk is in the center of the room there is no problem with air flow but I don't want to have to run the ceiling fan.
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Apr 22, 2009
I downloaded and installed Temperature Monitor and iMac Fan Control - mainly for observational purposes and not for toying around with the fan speeds and I've got some questions. Mind you, I haven't tampered at all with the fan speed settings, just installed Fan Control. Here are my readings (while browsing the internet with Safari and doing a chat via iChat):
Fan Speeds:
CPU fan (desired) 1300 RPM / (current) 1530 RPM
HD fan (desired) 2100 RPM / (current) 2099 RPM
DVD fan (desired) 1300 / 1298 RPM
CPU Heatsink: 92F
Internal HD: 108F
Internal DVD: 95F
GPU Heatsink: 107F
Are these, under the circumstances, normal readings?
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Jun 30, 2009
Been using my imac lately and I've noticed a drop in wi-fi signal. I checked iStat and it said that the airport card's temp was 62?CIs the high temperature linked to the loss in signal?
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Jul 2, 2009
My iMac is really hot! That is, when I run my hand across the outside of the machine, it is warm all over, and the entire upper portion of the back is what I would call "hot" to the touch. That is, I can place my hand there for a while, but it is uncomfortable. Is this normal? I suppose there is a specification for case temps. In a more analytic vein, iStat Nano shows component temps as follows:
HD: 58
CPU A: 57
GPU: 64
GPU Diode: 68
GPU Heatsink: 64
Ambient: 31
Memory Controller: 58
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Nov 18, 2009
I just wanted to share what's been going on with my i7 which I received last Friday. Immediately I was curious about what sort of temps I was going to be running so I installed Temperature Monitor. At idle my graphics readings hover around 40C. However, when playing Warcraft 3 my Graphics Processor Temperature Diode reaches up to 84C.
I don't really know what temps are acceptable, I was just wondering what other i7 HD4850s out there are running. To deal with this seemingly high temperature I installed smcFanControl and boosted all fan speeds by 50%. Noise doesn't seem to be proportional to fan speed at these levels so no probs there. Now I run at 64C at load and I am at peace with that.
Shouldn't the OS be increasing fan speed on its own?
Would like to know what you guys think and observe in your i7 machines
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Feb 8, 2010
I just recently bought an imac computer and my two friends who know a lot about apple computers thought that the fans and temperature might be a little high. The cpu fan at idle runs at just under 1200 rpm's, the harddrive fan runs at 1100 rpm's and the optical drive fan runs at 1000 rpm's. The temperature itself 40-44C. The other imac that they know of is a year old, so we weren't sure if there were newer upgrades that might be making the difference between our speeds and temperature compared to that one.
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May 12, 2012
Is there a very simple way to show just the ambient temperature sensor reading on an iMac? Not for geeky or engineering purposes. Just to know the temp that the machine and the human are in. iStat widget shows it but really tiny, buried in all the other data,and only if you launch Widgets.Ideally, it would just work in the background and the temperature would show up in the menu on the right side. Maybe next to the time. Alternatively, as a little floating window on the desktop.Yep, just want to see the room temperature using the iMac thermometer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 15, 2008
The new MacBook and MacBook Pro don't just want to impress you with their fancy new fabrication techniques, unibody designs and bolstered performance: they want to make you more honest, at least when it comes to reporting water damage. According to the service manuals, the new line of MacBooks include submersion sensors, designed to indicate if the laptops have been exposed to excessive levels of moisture and/or dropped in your toilet.
Phones, including Apple's own, have been fitted with these little stickers for years, but they're a rarity in laptops. You might want to think twice before you forget to mention the "used as a prop in an elaborate college drinking game" part on your next Applecare claim. [URL]
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Feb 27, 2010
My trackpad has been messing up lately, as in its not responsive all of the time as it once was. (13in mbp). I have the applecare shipping box ready but am curious as to where the water sensors are located nearest to the trackpad to determine if any water damage has occurred. I have no clue as to whether any liquid may have accidentally gotten in there, but nevertheless would love to check or something.
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Mar 5, 2010
Want to transfer data from iMac G5 to new iMac Intel 10.6. I have ethernet connection. Not sure the next step.
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Dec 23, 2009
Anyone know how I can find the moisture damage sensors on a rev b? I need to get a keyboard replaced, but many moons ago a small amount of liquid may have been spilt on this thing and due to 3rd party repairers over here I don't want to take it in and then find out that I owe loads due to it not being covered. So I want to check first to make sure the sensors are not activated.
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Jun 3, 2010
Is there a diagram that shows the locations of the water sensors in the 17" MacBook Pro? I don't think I ever had the machine wet (same with iPhone, though they were tripped), but I want to make sure that they are not activated before I spend money on AppleCare.
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Feb 4, 2010
I want to install tiger on my imac using boot camp. I want to split the drive so I can use "Snow Leopard" or "Tiger" on one mac.
When I get to the step that says "Start Installation" the screen goes black and says "No Bootable Device"
I have the Tiger disk in but nothing works.
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Jan 20, 2010
I'm new here, but not new to the Mac world. I own an intel iMac and while I was attempting to restart it on Sunday night it went into a gray screen with the box asking me to shut and restart in several languages. I did and still get stuck on that page. I did a PRAM reset and that didn't work. So I used my start up disk to get to the disk utility and my HD is fine so I used an external drive to install the OS on it and reboot from and reinstalled from TimeMachine (only problem is the last time I backed up was 5 months ago)Again I checked my internal drive and everything seems okay, but I cannot reboot from it. BTW, I've OS 10.6.2,
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Apr 16, 2010
Got a new HD with operating system pre-installed on it but it wont start-up? starts to do the chime but stops and no action? what am i doing wrong?
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Nov 30, 2014
My wife has an iMac (I don't know any other way to identify it e.g. model number), and she has this 3rd party calibration software that I'm trying to use. I am not used to a Mac, and I cannot find the display settings for the monitor. There are no buttons on the monitor, and when I go to preferences, I can only find the brightness control. I've googled this and cannot find a clear, simple answer. I have used every version of Windows (currently on 8.1 on my PC) and it's easy for me on that platform. I suppose it's just that I don't really know how to navigate Mac OS.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 21, 2009
What are the advantages and disadvantages to each setup?
Why would someone go with a Mac Pro? What are you experiences with each system?
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Aug 9, 2009
Hello a friend gave me an eMac 1Ghz, 128 Mb ram. And it won't allow me to install any Mac os 9 or X...
I have a G4 Silverstreak 800 MHz Power Pc, 1 GB SDRAM. I've attempted linking both computers via ethernet and firewire without any luck.Is there anyone here who might be able to assist me in resolving this dilemma?
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Sep 5, 2009
When I start my iMAC (OS X) there is a good chance that it WILL NOT pair with my Logitech M555b (Bluetooth) mouse. It IS set to be "discoverable." The Apple mouse's trackball was a constant problem; it had to be cleaned often. Changed to the M555b and now I'm being punished by the MAC gods for my infidelity.
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Sep 9, 2009
I'm looking for a good quality Audio Interface for my iMac, i work with MIDI only so i won't be needing tons of ins & outs for vocals, mics, live instruments etc, the only thing I'll be needing to connect is a Digital Piano (MIDI ports) and a pair of Monitor Speakers. what are the best AI brands out there for a iMac ?
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Oct 24, 2009
I'm thinking of acquiring a new iMac (the model offered this week). I would like to retain my USB PC mouse and keyboard.
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Apr 19, 2010
Have a 17" G5 iMac iSight (OS 10.5.8) that works normally for several hours and then the CPU temperature suddenly spikes and the computer shuts itself down. When I check the Temperature Monitor (application) history graph, it shows normal temperatures and then a spike. There are 3 fans and I don't know which is failing or whether there's something in the temperature sensing that's gone haywire. My only solution is to do a forced restart. By this time, things have cooled and it will work for several hours.
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Apr 20, 2010
Recently, my iMac (Intel Core) started to slow down the longer I use it. Applications take ages to launch. Sometimes even opening a folder takes a long time. I have to force quit more and more times. I also have to literally pull out the plug when it just hangs. this is especially bad when it wakes up after I put it to sleep mode.
Is this a RAM issue? I'm running on 4GB RAM.
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