MacBook :: Sparks Generated Between Aluminium Casing?
Apr 10, 2009
i noticed this morning when i plugged in a (full size, ac powered) external harddrive that there were sparks generated between the aluminium casing of the macbook and the outer metal piece on the usb plug. If i rub the usb port along the aluminium then i can make sparks.
Sometimes I notice that when I plug my USB hard drive into my macbook whilst my speakers are plugged into the jack, I see little orange flashes while the USB cable is outside the port.
When I plug an externally powered device (printer, external HD etc.) into my MBP via USB, there are small sparks around the plug and the plugged in speaker makes sounds. I think that this also caused my external HD to die.
Safari was acting funny, kind of lagging. Then it crashed. Tried to submit the error report to apple but it would not work. Can't find the error report now, as I have already closed the window. How to find it.
I have a memory stick I use for college and I edit some work at home on my Mac, when I connect it to my Mac and then in college (PC) I get some extra files which are highlighted with a underscore before it such as documents. Anyone know how to get rid of them, I tried deleting them but they get regenerated next time I connect it to my Mac.
ive read that macbooks get cracks on the casing. i have a black macbook from 08 and its had the crack since about 2 months after i got it, i didnt do it. it kind of gradually turned into a crack and then a peice came off, if i brought it to a macstore, would they fix it even though i dont have insurance? I actually have 2 cracks, one that i didnt do and one that happened by accident, would they fix it if one of the 2 cracks was done accidentaly by me?
I am new to Keynote so am still figuring how to work my way around in it.
I am making a kid's game. They have the option of choosing a coloured 'card' to place over a text box to locate a secret word. When they choose the coloured card, I want the card to begin moving towards the text box but then have it transition into the matching slide with that colour card overlaid on the full size text box.
I have three options for each text box and there are three different slides with different text boxes.
The new MacBook and MacBook Pro don't just want to impress you with their fancy new fabrication techniques, unibody designs and bolstered performance: they want to make you more honest, at least when it comes to reporting water damage. According to the service manuals, the new line of MacBooks include submersion sensors, designed to indicate if the laptops have been exposed to excessive levels of moisture and/or dropped in your toilet.
Phones, including Apple's own, have been fitted with these little stickers for years, but they're a rarity in laptops. You might want to think twice before you forget to mention the "used as a prop in an elaborate college drinking game" part on your next Applecare claim. [URL]
Recently, the plastic casing around the screen of my Macbook OS X has chipped, and the piece has now been lost...Â
Here is a rather blurred example of what I mean ^ About 5 months ago the plastic on my keyboard also chipped along the edge, and when taking it to apple, they said that it was just a design fault (this macbook is from 2009!) and they repaired it within 2 hours free of charge. I just wondered if it would be the same for the screen casing, as no other damage has happened technically. This just happened, it wasn't even an accident - I just opened up the lid and the little thing chipped off, no warning!
my 2009 macbook pro screen is signficantly seperated from the casing which is now starting to affect the laptops performance.Apple refuse to fix it as its older than 1 year and they say its been caused by me dropping it? Its never been dropped and lives in two cases! WHO DROPS A 2K LAPTOP WITHOUT REALISING?Apple genius was very rude when I took it to ask for some help, being a student I cant afford the repair quote they gave me. I don't see how a global company like apple just refuse to acknowledge how this is affecting not just a few isolated cases, but hundreds.According to the sale of goods act "If the retailer or manufacturer’s warranty has run out, the shop is often quick to say there is nothing they can do before attempting to sell you an extended warranty. This is misleading. If you buy something which should last 7 years but breaks down after a year and a day, you can still claim it was of poor quality in reference to the durability aspect."Â
I accidentally deleted an Apple generated Genius mix. Is there any way to get it back ? To be clear,this is not a list I created by clicking on the genius icon.
My Macbook Pro slipped off my legs and fell onto a carpeted floor today. The Superdrive looks bent along with the casing. I have applecare and want to take it to the store later. I'm wondering what the chances are that they will replace this for free and what I should be expecting to pay.
ive got an 18 month old white SR MacBook, recently im getting quite a few cracks on the casing on the top (around the keyboard), what can i do to stop it cracking further and how much would apple likely charge me to get it fixed? (im in the uk and there are no apple stores near me!) As you can see i nthe pics below to the left hand side of the keyboard is where most of the 'crack' has happened, the whole 'line' actually peels away and pulls off and is literally the thin piece of plastic topping, similar is now starting to happen to the right side (which may not be viewable in the pictures)
I have a 2,1 White MacBook from 2007. Early last year, 2009, my casing cracked on the palmrest. I know this is an extremely common problem and the repairs are fully covered by Apple, regardless of warranty. My case also has a few of the hairline cracks near the exhaust vent and hinge.
I have yet to have these problems repaired. At first I just didn't feel like going to an Apple store. Now that the MacBook casing has changed to the unibody design, I wonder if the future repair will be affected for better or worse.
I have AppleCare for four years, until 2011.
Does anyone know how Apple is fixing these casing problems in 2010 now that the unibody MacBooks are out? I expect it is very likely that Apple has plenty of the old hardware on hand, but I would like to think I could get a very nice uMB upgrade for free, even if I need to wait longer to get it.
I have the 13" White Macbook but wanna change it to the original black case. I wanted to purchase it on eBay. Is that possible or not? I want to get the black one but the white macbook I have already has Adobe CS4/Microsoft Office 2008/Final Cut installed and I dont want to lose those programs because I really need them for graphic design.
I have blue stains or marks on my white Macbook casing. The problem seemed to lie in faulty plastic being used, amongst other reasons and excuses given. Some people had serious staining issues and received replacement casings. My Macbook is a 2010 release, either Week 1 or 13 (hard to see on back), serial number beginning W801.
One of an ongoing series of issues moving to Lion (whatta workout!). This one involves Mail and iCloud. Porting my MobilMe to iCloud has been problematic - I' ve been asked to do it three or four times, with each time being succesful when viewing through Safari. But now I've realized that the iCloud mail is not being picked up by Mail on my iMac (2009). I go to System Preferences to see if I can do something about it, but iCloud isn't there - just MobileMe.
So I click on MobileMe and (again) it asks me to move everything to iCloud. I do this and some error is generated (can't get it to replicate & don't recall what it was), and I can't sign in - it doesn't recognize my login, although I'm still currently in iCloud via Safari - clear as mud? Yikes. Bottom line: Mail can't get at iCloud mail to download, and sign-in seems broken. In 25 years on a Mac, I've never come across this level of Windows-like challenges.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), System upgraded from 10.5
I remember a lot of complaints about the old MBPs having problems with the aluminum denting and I was wondering if people are having the same problems with the new aluminum MBs. How are they holding up overall? Are people mostly happy with them, particularly compared to the previous models?
How to identify if it's a refurb or new?i'm going to buy a mb alum 2.4ghz from someone I met and he claims it's new, i just want to be sure if it is.maybe the box? or the warranty says it's a refurb? I don't know please tell me.
In the last month I decided that I wanted more portability for my laptop so I decided to get a new one.At first I was going to get an alum macbook but I was scared off by all the critcism of the screen quality.Then I was going to get a Rev B Air but I was tempted by the refurb A prices so I bought a 1.8/SSD rev A. Nice machine but I was not happy with the performance or the compromises (Hulu video stutter, Eyetv download of old camcorder movies stutter, ichat video stutter, lots of beach balls as I was scrolling in Safari, fans blaring at 6500 rpms with RSS screensaver, etc). I was depressed as I did not want to spend the big bucks for a MBA rev B, so I decided to look at the Alum macbook again. I read a thousand posts here and headed off to the Apple store with my thumb drive filled with all kinds of pictures in hand. After viewing many pictures at all kinds of angles, comparing with the Air, I decided the screen wasn't near as bad as the hype. So off to ebay to find a deal. It took 1.5 hours to do a 15GB time machine migration over wifi. Here is my review.
Alright, im currently decoding a dvd in handbrake, running itunes, and safari.My computer is using 99% cpu and has 2.75gb ram available(out of 4gb)The CPU temperature is 85CThe fans are running at 6220 rpm.Does this all sound about right? Should my CPU usage be 99% when im decoding a dvd, using itunes, and browsing in safari?The available ram is of little concern to me. I just upgraded to 4gb.Should my CPU be so warm? Isn't 85C pretty hot for a 2.4 Core2duo? What are the limits of this chip?Seems to me like the fans are running at max
I'm a happy Mac user and always have been. I recieved a 2006 13 in White MacBook for my birthday a couple of years ago, and it's been working really well. One thing I've noticed since about a half a year ago is the casing coming off. It will come off on small strips around the edges. What's causing this and how can I get it fixed? Someone told me that if you take it to the Mac store, you can have the casing fixed for free because it's a defect and that's why they moved to unibody models. Is this true? The same person also told me that they'll only fix it if it's on the side facing closest to you. If it's on the other sides with the ports and the cd player, they won't do anything about it/charge you to get it fixed?
I'm planning to upgrade the macbook 2.4 with a SSD drive, I'm looking for a 256Gb Samsung, I know Intel is better but I need more space than 160Gb I'm doing fine or there are better options than the Samsung?
My MacBook has consistently been giving off a hissing sound, as if air was escaping somewhere, from the front right side of the machine. I find if I press lightly in the right place, the noise all but ceases. I was wondering if there was a (safe) way to apply the same pressure permanently.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm in the market to buy my first MacBook pro 15" pretty soon and I want to get a case for it. Since the aluminum helps absorb heat from the internals, will a full coverage case cause it to heat up faster and ultimately overheat the laptop? Thanks.
Also has anyone ever had the X Gear Shadow carbon fiber case? Can you give me a quick review?
i'm looking into fixing up my white plastic macbook 13.3" and i was wondering if anyone knows if its possible to put the nicer screen from the aluminium macbook into my plastic one??
Found a small scratch on the lid of my fairly new unibody macbook. My first one But hey, it's probably bound to happen one of these days. Anyone have any bright ideas to remove it?
This is what I've tried so far in a logical step in a progressively abrasive fashion:
1. Simple glass cleaner (thought it was dirt when I first saw it) 2. iKlear Apple Cleaner 3. Klasse Scratch and Swirl Remover (German car polish) 4. Meguiar's Nxt Gen Metal Polish
i have been putting this off as i got told apple will most likely not fix it but do you think they will ill have to go to an authorized service provider as there is not apple store here. that sound is not made by it been on that stand as it does it while on the table i only used to stand to life it up for the camera.