MacBook Pro :: Install Firmware Update Prior To Or After Clean Installing Os X Lion?
Jul 5, 2012
Just bought a new SSD I plan to swap into my MacBook pro (mid 2010 6.2). I plan on clean installing osx Lion and thought I would try to make the installation go as smoothly as possible by updatingthe firmware, if needed, on both the new drive and the MacBook pro.
-Model: MacBook Pro 6,2 (mid 2010) - 15" i5 2.4ghz
-Current Boot ROM: MBP61.0057.B0C
I'm wondering if I need to wait until os x Lion is installed before I install this update? Perhaps it will automatically via "software update" after Lion is installed. It looks like the fix is pertains to osx Lion functionality, so maybe it would've already been downloaded via software update if Lion was installed as opposed to snow leopard which is what I have currently.The article says " If you are unsure whether your computer needs a particular update, simply download and open the update installer. The installer will alert you if the firmware update is already installed or not needed." Which update installer are they referring to and where can I get it? I thought it'd be better to update the firmware prior to installing the os, but maybe that's just an old habit I picked upnwhile using windows.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), mid 2010 6,2 15" 2.4 core i5
After the update, my MacBook Pro is extermely sluggish. Prior to the update, I was zipping along like most happy MacBook Pro owners. After the update, I constantly see the dreaded beach ball when doing almost anything with the laptop, Safari pages take longer to load, etc.
It's almost as if the udpate had the opposite effect and actually throttled down my WD 500GB HDD performance to a large degree.
Like I said, prior to the update all was good. I've been searching to see if there is a way to revert back to the previous firmware to validate that the update caused the problem but I haven't been successfull in finding anything yet.
I've installed Thunderbolt firmware update 2.1. Now, When I've started again my computer, Macbook Pro with retina display and Macbook Air doesn't work. I've tried install this update with Snow Leopard and Lion system.
I am planning to clean install SL on my macMini. I've applied firmware updates as they became available under the "Check for new software" (under the apple). Will I have to reinstall the firmware updates, and how do I do that and how would I know which had to be updated?
MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 2.8 does not install. I was prompted several times to install and restart (MacBook Pro late 2008) and authorised it each time. In every case, the update was proposed again when Software Update checked. I have OS Lion latest version installed. What to do about this bug?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), photos in Sony Cyber-Shot .jpg
I'm nervous to install the Firmware update 1.3. As I've heard from a lot of people the update has crashed their mac. I know it has to do with the fans and temp. My Mac book pro is running at 135 F at 2000rpm is this ok? Is it too overheated. Should I install the firmware I'm so nervous to install it just in case it breaks. Here's the rest of my specs...
Model Name:MacBook Pro Model Identifier:MacBookPro3,1 Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed:2.2 GHz Number Of Processors:1 Total Number Of Cores:2
I get this error: "unexpected error occurred (0); unable to upgrade firmware". They refer me to this site: [URL]. I just bought this late 08 MBP and I have a bootcamp partition running Windows XP Pro 32Bit on a NTFS partition. Why is this so complicated? Macs have always been easy on me until this. They tell me to do a full reinstall but I don't understand how this will fix the problem since I don't know where this comes from. It says to go check my "Partition Map Scheme" and I have a "Master Boot Record". It says I need a "GUID_partition_scheme". How come I don't have a "GUID_partition_scheme"?
I've just finished a clean installation of Snow Leopard on My MacBook Pro. I've got a cd, called "Applications Install Disc", from which i was supposed to install Iphoto etc. But when i start installing, it says "Installation Failed". It says that an unknown failure has occured. Now i can't install these programs, and it's pretty sad.
Have an iMac MA877LL that I needed to replace a hard drive on. After the drive is replaced and I run the install from the disk that came with the computer. I get can not install on this computer. I can see the drive from the install disk utilities, partition it (1 Partition, Journaled.) can run verify and repair on it, no problem found. 
I bought an oldish MacBook 13' Unibody (late 2008) and when I got it one of the first things I did was to install Mac OSX Lion.Â
Everything was working fine, until I applied an update that made the trackpad stop working (it only accepts clicks, no touch is recognized).Â
This is the "Trackpad Firmware Update" from the automatic updates.Â
When starting this firmware update it appears a window with a status message, cancel and Update buttons. After clicking the update button, it starts installing, appears to complete, status changes to "Finishing...", and Update button comes back active at some point. Â
After that I have tried (unsuccessfully):downloading and installing the update directly from Apple Support [URL] thing, but using the 'root' accountleaving the computer on overnight to see if actually "finished" the processReset PRAM PVRAM - [URL] - [URL] palm pressing over 30 seconds on the trackpad (read this on another thread...?)Â Â
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MacBook 13 Unibody (late 2008)
to two blue screens.. I was told to Re install.. "archive and install" to be specific .. Snow leopard.. In a tragic fire i lost alot of things.. one of which was my key code to abletonlive.. If i archive and install snow leopard again to fix my boot up problem.. Will it ask me for a keycode for abletonlive?.. Or will all my applications run as they did prior to having my boot up problem, after archive and install is ran with snowleopard again
My Macbook unfortunately got a bit wet the other night for the second time in it's history. I really haven't had the time until today to get into the whole disassembling and cleaning/drying. While doing so I happened to break off one of the temperature sensor connectors that is attached to the logic board. I assume with this broken off my Macbook will now overheat, if it were to even work after put back together. I'm really not looking to spend $1500-2000 on a new Mac, and I refuse to go PC. If I were to go and order a new logic board on ebay for roughly $200-300, and a new cd-rom (since it's been broke for a good while now) what are the chances of it working?
What all is involved with putting a new logic board in? I have my whole Macbook apart now and I'm not worried at all about assembling it if I were to go and order a new logic board. Will I have to install a new OS after this? Also if my memory cards are still good, which they look to be just fine, will I be able to access work I've had on my Macbook prior?
All in all this seems like a cheaper route, though I'm just not sure if it's worth it...
What I ant to do is copy everything from my desktop (MacPro) running snow leopard to my laptop currently running lion (macbook Pro). I tried migration assistant but everything looks the same. I have hardly any space left so it did transfer but no idea where or how to combine.
Can i wipe it and start over and copy all files and apps from desktop?
I'm trying to update my Macbook Pro to the new 10.7.4 I have downloaded the update twice (no interruptions during download) and when i click to restart the computer to install the update, the update dosent install. I keep getting an error message saying the download is corrupted, when the update tries to unpack to install. Â
I bought my MacBook Pro in January and quickly discovered that most Adobe products don't work on Lion. I'm looking to sell and have a prospective buyer when I realized that I wasn't sure how to do a clean install of Lion for a potential buyer. Do I need to buy a copy of Lion from App store in order to do a clean install for a new buyer? Is there a way to clean the HD of my user profile and info without reinstalling Lion, or do I need to do a clean install? How do I do a clean install if necessary?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Mid 2009 MBP here. Original disk was failing so I replaced it with a Seagate Momentus XT and Lion refused to install. Formatted the drive correctly and made sure it was GUID partition. Even went as far as removing a memory module because I had heard that having more than 2 Gigs could cause issues during installation. Also made sure that the drive had the latest firmware. Â
Flash forward and I returned the drive and got a Western Digital Scorpio Black and have the same problem: Stuck at 21 minutes. Â
Currently installing with a 10.7.3 USB drive. I've tried numerous times with a 10.7.0 disk as well as the original Snow Leopard restore discs that came with the machine. Is the mid 2009 just incompatible with these drives?
Superdrive Firmware Update 3.0 fails each time, /Applications/Utilities/SuperDrive asks me to quit all apps and try again which I did but of no. I also retried with a reboot.
I installed the latest update 10.7.4. After the nice progress bar finished, I just get a nice Apple logo and a spinning wheel of death. Rebooting gives me a new progress bar and a new spinning wheel of death. OPTION-start does not really help, since there is no DVD drive on the MacBook Air Core2 to reboot from.Â
I updated Efi firmware, but force quit twitter to install. Now system won't come on, it just shows grey screen with the spinning wheel loading. I am running lion 10.7.3.Â
It shipped wth Lion. I want to basically re-image it now and start again but was wondering if there is any way around having to download the 4GB install package?
How do you do a clean install of Lion downloaded from the App store. I downloaded and it installed but never was there a time of the installation it gave me an option to do a clean install.