MacBook Pro :: Cracked Screen Repair?
Jun 24, 2010
One of my employes dropped something on my new MacBook pro it dented the outside and cracked the screen. I was checking to see if anyone new the cost of repair. Also would it help any to by AppleCare I know it doesn't cover accidental but i am just checking on what I need to do.
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Jul 3, 2009
I took my MacBook Pro on holiday with me to do some work whilst away, and I have acquired an unwanted crack down the side of my screen.
It doesn't cause any problems with my viewing as the majority of it is offscreen on the black boarder, however whenever I catch a glimpse of it in my periphery it breaks my heart a little bit- no-one wants a huge crack on the thing they love the most.
Shall I get it repaired? If so, how much, where would be best/cheapest?
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Apr 26, 2009
I have a 2,1 White MacBook from 2007. Early last year, 2009, my casing cracked on the palmrest. I know this is an extremely common problem and the repairs are fully covered by Apple, regardless of warranty. My case also has a few of the hairline cracks near the exhaust vent and hinge.
I have yet to have these problems repaired. At first I just didn't feel like going to an Apple store. Now that the MacBook casing has changed to the unibody design, I wonder if the future repair will be affected for better or worse.
I have AppleCare for four years, until 2011.
Does anyone know how Apple is fixing these casing problems in 2010 now that the unibody MacBooks are out? I expect it is very likely that Apple has plenty of the old hardware on hand, but I would like to think I could get a very nice uMB upgrade for free, even if I need to wait longer to get it.
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Jul 7, 2009
i tried to make a post that was long and detailed but it did not take for some reason so i will try to make this one short and to the point.
bought a new MBP 2.5 (about 4 months ago) right before the 2.66 with the price drop was released.
had various issues and had to swap it out 3 times which my new local store had no problem doing. so i finally got a machine with no defects and working perfectly. was very happy.
the other day i had it sitting on the coffee table on with the screen open, i picked it up to move it a few inches and heard a loud CRACK. now my screen goes back further than it should and it slightly tilted to the left. the gap between screen and body is slightly larger on the right side than the left.
i had planned on purchasing apple care towards years end as i have done with the last 6 machines i have owned in the past. i am going to take it into the genius bar for replacement or repair but am afraid they are going to say i broke it somehow... i treat this thing like a baby and there is no reason the hinges should have cracked from just picking it up and moving it while open. it is still working, but i can not deal with the thought that the hinges are now weakened and are definitely going to break eventually (sooner than later now that this has happened) not to mention the gaps between screen and body and being a bit crooked. also, if i open it past 90 degrees, it falls all the way back to the point where it finally catches, which is a lot further than it used to retract. the hinges are definitely more loose and not as tight as they should be. i have never had more issues with a model in my life until i bought this unibody.
so what are your thoughts? what i am really worried about is them saying i broke it somehow and not honoring the repair or replacement (which is not the case) or when i do purchase applecare towards the end of the year that this will be noted and if not fixed properly or replaced then they will not honor the repair if it actually completely breaks. as i think it will eventually if i do not have something done about it ASAP. (if it is noted on the account when i bring it in today or tomorrow) i have never picked up one of my macs with screen opened to have the hinges snap (being only a few months old)
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Apr 10, 2012
My macbook pro screen just cracked in two different spots basically where my fingers were touching it as I was rying to close it, The screen and the base were very hot, will this be covered by Apple ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 29, 2010
I am going to buy my first mac when they release the arrandale MBPs. I will get the 13", I was wondering about applecare, lets say I cracked my screen on the corner and I can see everything else fine, but not the corner, how would they fix it? Send me a new one, or change the screen? I guess, what I am trying to ask is, if I break it, but it is still usable; will they replace it or fix the broken part?
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Sep 7, 2009
I need to get files off of my damaged Macbook and I'm not sure how to do it. Is there a way to transfer files from my macbook to another computer? The damage is to the screen of my macbook and it is severe- you can only see the top left of screen, the rest is cracked/blacked out. Is there anything I can do?
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro 2.16 Core Duo, and I'm wanting to install 10.6, but about a year ago, I cracked my screen to the point that I cannot make anything out on it, and haven't replaced it. Instead, I have just been using it in clamshell mode, which has worked out fine so far. My problem is that I cannot get the 10.6 install to show up on my external monitor.
I searched around, and could only find one other similar thread that just ended with the author putting it in clamshell and having it work fine. When I boot to the install and close the screen, I just get a grey box on my external display with a black bar on either side of it. I can't seem to find any other resources, so I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point.
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Jul 16, 2009
I have broken my Macbook screen it was either glasses cleaner (I use this to clean the screen) or I accidently flipped my Macbook over for no reason and I guess the force of when it flipped over back onto my bed might of caused it to. I'm really annoyed about this and it's not even my Macbook it's my friends. I am fine to pay $$$ to get this fixed as that is not really a problem for me tbh (When I get paid) but I was post up some photos and if you give me some advise on what it could be and how it could be fixed then I will be very pleased. (From the photos you will be able to see that the damage only appears when the laptop is switched on and when I touch the screen it does not feel cracked but if you look directly down on it then it looks like their is a separate layer, like from where the broken bit of the screen is and the working bit is.)
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Nov 29, 2010
Had my iphone 3gs for around 4 months now, it recently stopped turning on for some reason. I've tried everything but when I woke up this morning to turn on my phone it just didn't start... it looks beat up around the edges, is missing the volume button on the side, and has a crack, HOWEVER it has no water damage. The only reason it's so beat up is because I skateboard and I keep my phone in my pocket and for some reason the plastic doesn't hold up too well... The sensor is 100% white though and its not really my fault it broke they just built it .I think they might replace this is if I go and complain about it not turning on and seeing if they can fix it, if they can't hopefully they will give me a new one.
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Jul 24, 2009
My iMac (which was bought in september of 2006) fell around 2 months ago and cracked on the left side of the screen. It wasn't such a big problem until blue vertical lines began forming around the crack and now spreading. Now I don't know what to do, would it be cheaper to get it fixed at an Apple store or can I replace the screen, and if so where would I be able to buy an LCD 15" screen?
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Jan 17, 2010
My dad has given me a cinema display, 20 inch, about 2 years old. Looks good however, i'm only able to keep it if i can fix it. When someone packed it up into the box they have squashed the box pushing the plug into the screen causing it to pierce the screen slightly and cracking it.
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Jan 24, 2010
i was in a car accident where my macbook was in a case, in a bad in my back seat. and it shattered the screen. of course my care protection plan wont cover it. so i have a external monitor that i am trying to use to navigate the computer. with the correct adapter.
i was hoping there is a way to detect and use the monitor....
this would be extremely easy if i could actually see the computer screen on my laptop... but the entire thing is solid white because of the crack. so i need keyboard shortcuts, or some way to control my computer using my macbook pro connected through firewire.
i wish i would have set up the file sharing, and remote management sharing before the accident. would have come in handy now. but i didn't.
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Sep 29, 2008
My little brother threw a toy at my macbook and cracked the screen. Was wondering if any of yall knew a good place to have this repaired.
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May 19, 2009
A bit of background:
Back in January I slipped on some ice and regrettably the LCD on my Blackbook did not survive. I have been making due with my computer plugged into a video out (A real pain to do work on) but I really want to get the darn thing fixes. I was really stupid and did not get the Apple Care (which likely would not cover this repair anyway).
Upon taking the laptop to Apple they quoted 800 to replace the unit with a refurb since it was well out of warranty. Everything but the LCD works just fine so I was wondering about getting a replacement screen and doing the repair or sending it out to another company.. My question:
1) What is your opinion on doing this (I cannot replace the whole laptop and I have a 2.16 C2D), is it really worth it? Is this a big repair job?
2) What price should I be looking at. These guys have the screen for $150 but I don't know if they are any good nor do I know of anybody who will do this. Is it something that can be done on my own (i would have a friend assist me). I am not bound to one vendor, but I have never had to do out of warranty repairs on a mac before so I don;t know where to go.
3) Any advice on where I should get the screen at or do business?
4) Am I just wasting my time?
THe reason I ask is that I really cannot afford a new machine right now, but if I can fix the screen like new for around $200 that would be much better. Any advice would be grateful.
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May 3, 2009
I attempted to repair a macbook screen for a friend. She spilled coffee near the top of the screen so I figured wiping the inside clean would do it. I was able to disassemble the screen with no problem but had to take out the plastic sheets behind the LCD and clean them. All went well until I had to put them together with the LCD. I think I got them out of order and can't find anywhere that tells me what order they go in. I know the hard plastic one goes up against the back of the LCD and the others I am lost with.
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Nov 4, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Safari/533.18.5)
Any solution when New Macbook Air 13" goes Blank (white)?
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Dec 15, 2010
I was walking into my friends house the other night with my Macbook Pro in an Incase sleeve and it fell out of my hands and onto the concrete. I assume it landed on the edge of the screen and bent it inward. The screen and everything work properly and the issue is only cosmetic but it's driving me crazy.
I have an appointment at the genius bar tomorrow but would like to know how much Apple would charge for repair beforehand. If anyone has experience with this please chime in.
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Sep 2, 2006
I have never witnessed anything such as this on a Mac before, so I'm completely at a loss. It's hard to replicate this problem, as it seems to be totally random--sometimes it'll happen when coming back from sleep, but more often, it just happens in the middle of regular tasks. While I'm using the computer, the screen will suddenly go black for several seconds, and I simply have to wait for it to return.
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Jul 5, 2009
the screen has about 6 stuck pixels! 2 are big and the others are quite small. The notebook is covered under AppleCare until 2011. So if i take it to the Apple reseller near me, will they repair it???(they helped me out with my Mac mini before)
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Nov 25, 2009
My precious! I dropped it on a cement floor and it landed on the corner. Now, the screen on that side of the MBP is separating from the aluminum clamshell it is connected to.
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Aug 11, 2009
I got the SSD version and I started it up, everything went great. It was late because I got home late and I just updated the OS and apps while I browsed the web. Once the update was done I shut it down.
Next day I turn it on and its stuck on the startup screen.
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Sep 24, 2010
I'm planning on running bootcamp win 7 on my MBP. Would it possible for me to use a cracked version win 7 successfully? or does it have to be authentic? Just trying to clear up this issue before I start anything.
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Nov 6, 2010
The plastic part connecting the screen and the keyboard in my MBP has a crack! i don't know were it comes from, i have never droped it or mishandled my computer in any way. Will a repair be covered by the warranty?
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Jul 7, 2010
A few days ago I posted about a bit scratch that appeared out of nowhere on my brand new iPad, now this: Spilt tiny quantity, maybe 3 ml, of coke onto the case of my mbp and little of it drained into the bottom edge of the trackpad. It became unresponsive and made only a dull click for the next 15 mins. Whilst tapping harder to see if I could get a click out of it (it ofc happened whilst doing something important) the glass of the track pad cracked beneath my finger. Wasn't even tapping that hard.
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May 7, 2009
So my macbook's wrist pad (right side) has been cracked for awhile now. Started out with a small crack, then growing almost 4cm and then snapping off part of the plastic. I tried superglueing it back on (im resourceful ) but it didn't hold. Now I have a 4cm long piece of plastic missing from my wrist pad, and crusty superglue residue left where my wrist goes.
The left side is starting to crack as well, although, not as bad.
Figured I would ask here before I take it to the apple store:
What will all need to be replaced? Will just the wrist pad be replaced or is it attached to the keyboard
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Oct 9, 2009
My MBP recently had a bunch of problems with the logic board and speakers. I brought it into the Apple Store (on Monday) and they gave me the option of them sending it into a repair center, or them repairing it locally in store. I requested that they sent out just because I was curious to see how long it would take. To my surprise, my MBP arrived, fixed and as good as new on my doorstep today. That's amazingly fast for sending it out to a offsite repair center. The repair center is in Philadelphia. I live in Maine. You do the math. When I've had things repaired locally in the Apple Store it's taken weeks to repair instead of days because they need to order the parts.
Anyways, the point of this thread was to suggest to people that they choose the offsite repair option. It's amazingly fast, and it saved me a trip to the Apple Store (they shipped my MBP directly to my house).
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Jan 12, 2010
Let's start a thread of damaged but working MBPs! I'm sure this has been done before, but let's start a new one. Cracked, dented, damaged screens... Let's see some pics. Who has the worst damaged but working MBP?
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Jul 26, 2010
i've had my top case replaced three times already and it's broke again. it only takes a day or two to get it replaced at my local authorised repair centre, but is it worth ringing apple and trying to get the machine replaced? i mean, there's no point in replacing the machine with the same model because it'll just happen again, but i can't imagine apple giving out one of the new machines though.
for reference its a 2.2GHz white macbook bought in november 2007 and the top case was replaced the first time around jan/feb 2008, and then twice in 2010. obviously the applecare runs out in november of this year so want to get this sorted out asap.
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Aug 16, 2010
My macbook won't turn on anymore it just gets stuck on the apple logo with the spinny thingie, and I've tried everything to get it to work (safeboot, etc etc). The fans are EXTREMELY LOUD too. I also have a crack on my hinge. I'm thinking of getting the hinge replaced by a secondary person, other than apple. But in the apple care warranty it says:b. Limitations. The Plan does not cover:
(i) Installation, removal or disposal of the Covered Equipment, or installation, removal, repair, or maintenance of non-Covered Equipment (including accessories, attachments, or other devices such as external modems) or electrical service external to the Covered Equipment; (ii) Damage to the Covered Equipment caused by accident, abuse, neglect, misuse (including faulty
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