OS X :: Will The Genius Bar Replace A Cracked Screen But 100 Faulty Iphone 3gs

Nov 29, 2010

Had my iphone 3gs for around 4 months now, it recently stopped turning on for some reason. I've tried everything but when I woke up this morning to turn on my phone it just didn't start... it looks beat up around the edges, is missing the volume button on the side, and has a crack, HOWEVER it has no water damage. The only reason it's so beat up is because I skateboard and I keep my phone in my pocket and for some reason the plastic doesn't hold up too well... The sensor is 100% white though and its not really my fault it broke they just built it .I think they might replace this is if I go and complain about it not turning on and seeing if they can fix it, if they can't hopefully they will give me a new one.

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MacBook :: Need To Replace Screen Due To Faulty Bluetooth?

Sep 29, 2009

I have a Aluminum Macbook. It is under Apple care. I took it in today because the bluetooth kept loosing connection and then the Mac says no bluetooth hardware found. The Genius at the Apple Store said they need to replace the screen because the Bluetooth module "may" be behind the screen as it is not on the airport card anymore. Can anyone confirm, in the Aluminium Macbook (2008) where is the bluetooth receiver?

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ITunes :: Drag And Drop To IPhone Etc Faulty 10.6.1?

Mar 30, 2012

Prior to this update I could drag an album into my iPhone then drag another and it woud simply add those songs to the list being loaded. Not anymore! Now iTunes stops loading the first album, thiknks for a bit and loads the second drag. Utterly useless! I usually drag a selection of purchased and other songs in every couple of weeks for my daily commutes with this 'new' setup it would take a week to drag in a playlist coz I have to wait for every album! 

iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.7), imac 24' 2.8 core 2 duo 4GB Ram

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Are Replacing Faulty Nvidia GPU With Another Faulty GPU

Apr 21, 2012

Apple are replacing the faulty Nvidia GPU with another faulty GPU...

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Mac Pro :: Faulty Monitor Vs Faulty Graphics Card?

Jun 30, 2012

This is what my monitor looks like when on this screen saver.Not actually that red as I'm typing now though this screen saver really shows it up.url...

Mac OS X (10.6.8), Logic 9.1.6

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OS X :: Reformatting Mbp With Cracked Screen

Sep 7, 2009

I have a Macbook Pro 2.16 Core Duo, and I'm wanting to install 10.6, but about a year ago, I cracked my screen to the point that I cannot make anything out on it, and haven't replaced it. Instead, I have just been using it in clamshell mode, which has worked out fine so far. My problem is that I cannot get the 10.6 install to show up on my external monitor.

I searched around, and could only find one other similar thread that just ended with the author putting it in clamshell and having it work fine. When I boot to the install and close the screen, I just get a grey box on my external display with a black bar on either side of it. I can't seem to find any other resources, so I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point.

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OS X :: Genius Versus Genius Mixes - Finding Difference

Oct 29, 2009

I keep reading about this new ability to do "Genius Mixes".

On my iPhone I click the Genius icon (which is too large IMHO) and it makes a playlist. Are Genius Mixes any different?

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MacBook Pro :: Cracked Screen - Repair It?

Jul 3, 2009

I took my MacBook Pro on holiday with me to do some work whilst away, and I have acquired an unwanted crack down the side of my screen.

It doesn't cause any problems with my viewing as the majority of it is offscreen on the black boarder, however whenever I catch a glimpse of it in my periphery it breaks my heart a little bit- no-one wants a huge crack on the thing they love the most.

Shall I get it repaired? If so, how much, where would be best/cheapest?

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MacBook Pro :: MBP 2.55 Screen Hinges Cracked?

Jul 7, 2009

i tried to make a post that was long and detailed but it did not take for some reason so i will try to make this one short and to the point.

bought a new MBP 2.5 (about 4 months ago) right before the 2.66 with the price drop was released.

had various issues and had to swap it out 3 times which my new local store had no problem doing. so i finally got a machine with no defects and working perfectly. was very happy.

the other day i had it sitting on the coffee table on with the screen open, i picked it up to move it a few inches and heard a loud CRACK. now my screen goes back further than it should and it slightly tilted to the left. the gap between screen and body is slightly larger on the right side than the left.

i had planned on purchasing apple care towards years end as i have done with the last 6 machines i have owned in the past. i am going to take it into the genius bar for replacement or repair but am afraid they are going to say i broke it somehow... i treat this thing like a baby and there is no reason the hinges should have cracked from just picking it up and moving it while open. it is still working, but i can not deal with the thought that the hinges are now weakened and are definitely going to break eventually (sooner than later now that this has happened) not to mention the gaps between screen and body and being a bit crooked. also, if i open it past 90 degrees, it falls all the way back to the point where it finally catches, which is a lot further than it used to retract. the hinges are definitely more loose and not as tight as they should be. i have never had more issues with a model in my life until i bought this unibody.

so what are your thoughts? what i am really worried about is them saying i broke it somehow and not honoring the repair or replacement (which is not the case) or when i do purchase applecare towards the end of the year that this will be noted and if not fixed properly or replaced then they will not honor the repair if it actually completely breaks. as i think it will eventually if i do not have something done about it ASAP. (if it is noted on the account when i bring it in today or tomorrow) i have never picked up one of my macs with screen opened to have the hinges snap (being only a few months old)

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MacBook Pro :: Cracked Screen Repair?

Jun 24, 2010

One of my employes dropped something on my new MacBook pro it dented the outside and cracked the screen. I was checking to see if anyone new the cost of repair. Also would it help any to by AppleCare I know it doesn't cover accidental but i am just checking on what I need to do.

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Mac :: When I Touch The Screen It Does Not Feel Cracked But Actually Its Cracks?

Jul 16, 2009

I have broken my Macbook screen it was either glasses cleaner (I use this to clean the screen) or I accidently flipped my Macbook over for no reason and I guess the force of when it flipped over back onto my bed might of caused it to. I'm really annoyed about this and it's not even my Macbook it's my friends. I am fine to pay $$$ to get this fixed as that is not really a problem for me tbh (When I get paid) but I was post up some photos and if you give me some advise on what it could be and how it could be fixed then I will be very pleased. (From the photos you will be able to see that the damage only appears when the laptop is switched on and when I touch the screen it does not feel cracked but if you look directly down on it then it looks like their is a separate layer, like from where the broken bit of the screen is and the working bit is.)

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Screen Cracked In Two Different Places?

Apr 10, 2012

My macbook pro screen just cracked in two different spots basically where my fingers were touching it as I was rying to close it, The screen and the base were very hot, will this be covered by Apple ?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Indication Of The Faulty GPU Or The Ribbon Connection To The Screen

Jan 16, 2010

Our non-unibody MBP is flickering bluish colors on the left half of the screen. It happens randomly, but frequently. It can be stopped by pulling the screen towards me slightly, enough to put tension on the hinge, but not actually moving it towards me. Is this an indication of the faulty GPU or the ribbon connecting the screen?

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IMac :: LCD Screen Is Cracked And Forming Blue Lines

Jul 24, 2009

My iMac (which was bought in september of 2006) fell around 2 months ago and cracked on the left side of the screen. It wasn't such a big problem until blue vertical lines began forming around the crack and now spreading. Now I don't know what to do, would it be cheaper to get it fixed at an Apple store or can I replace the screen, and if so where would I be able to buy an LCD 15" screen?

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Hardware :: 20" Cinema Display Screen Cracked?

Jan 17, 2010

My dad has given me a cinema display, 20 inch, about 2 years old. Looks good however, i'm only able to keep it if i can fix it. When someone packed it up into the box they have squashed the box pushing the plug into the screen causing it to pierce the screen slightly and cracking it.

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Hardware :: Screen Is Cracked And Can't See Anything - Detecting External Display

Jan 24, 2010

i was in a car accident where my macbook was in a case, in a bad in my back seat. and it shattered the screen. of course my care protection plan wont cover it. so i have a external monitor that i am trying to use to navigate the computer. with the correct adapter.

i was hoping there is a way to detect and use the monitor....

this would be extremely easy if i could actually see the computer screen on my laptop... but the entire thing is solid white because of the crack. so i need keyboard shortcuts, or some way to control my computer using my macbook pro connected through firewire.

i wish i would have set up the file sharing, and remote management sharing before the accident. would have come in handy now. but i didn't.

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Care - Cracked My Screen On The Corner?

Mar 29, 2010

I am going to buy my first mac when they release the arrandale MBPs. I will get the 13", I was wondering about applecare, lets say I cracked my screen on the corner and I can see everything else fine, but not the corner, how would they fix it? Send me a new one, or change the screen? I guess, what I am trying to ask is, if I break it, but it is still usable; will they replace it or fix the broken part?

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MacBook :: Unable;e To Transfer Files To Another Computer / Bottom Of Screen Is Cracked

Sep 7, 2009

I need to get files off of my damaged Macbook and I'm not sure how to do it. Is there a way to transfer files from my macbook to another computer? The damage is to the screen of my macbook and it is severe- you can only see the top left of screen, the rest is cracked/blacked out. Is there anything I can do?

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MacBook Air :: Screen With Lines Can Be Replaced By Genius Bar?

Mar 3, 2009

After bringing them both into the genius bar and setting them side by side, the genius agreed that there were faint lines visible on light backgrounds, and is having it sent off to have the whole top housing replaced. Here's to hoping that it works out..UPDATE: so despite the fact that I have some authorization from the genius bar to have my clamshell assembly replaced, I just checked the status of my order and it says "no issues detected." I'm assuming that apple is within their right to do this, but the paperwork clearly states that the lines are visible in store to multiple geniuses.

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Is There An App To Replace Itunes On Iphone

Feb 26, 2012

The new itunes10 app appeared on my iphone -- purple instead of blue-- and now it only displays songs purchased in the itunes store.Anything I have ripped from my purchased cd's do not show up in the app. Basically my iphone is now just a phone. I use it mostly for music so this is really getting annoying. No notice of this change. After many hours of trying many different things I'm really just looking to kill the itunes app. There must be another app out there to take your music from your mac and transfer to your iphone to listen to it?I already know I'm moving to an android this fall as I'm so tired of this problem child of a phone. Rim! Why couldn't they get in the game! 

iPhone 3GS, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Itunes

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OS X :: Can Replace A Wiped HD With ITunes And IPhoto Libraries On My Iphone

Oct 19, 2009

I had to send my computer to apple for a repair and it came back wiped clean.

Due to the problem it was having I was unable to back up, I found this out when I tried to and my external hd back up failed . I have everything on my iPhone that I really need, iTunes and iPhoto library. I is there anyway to take that from my iPhone and put it on my computer?

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OS X :: Way To Replace Screen On Macbook?

Jan 2, 2010

im new to this forum though i?ve been lurking around here without registering. but now it was time for my first question.i have a Macbook 13.3 with 2.4 Ghz intel core 2 duo, the white plastic one which was the last generation of this model before the unibody came i thinki was wondering which screen to buy for when i should replace it! a friend of mine was a bit unlucky on new years eve, and sat on my mac.... so my screen is now busted. when i look up the model a1181 it seems like its the right the one, but the specs i get for that model is 1.83 ghz- 2.0ghz

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MacBook Pro :: How Long Does It Take To Replace A Screen

Jun 28, 2012

How long does it take to replace a macbook pro screen?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Laptops :: Replace IBook G4 LCD Screen With PowerBook G3?

May 15, 2009

I have an iBook G4 (14-inch screen, 1.42 Ghz.) and it has a cracked screen. I also have a PowerBook G3 PDQ (14-inch screen, 233Mhz.) with a good screen. Question: Can you swap the screens even if they were made 7ish years apart?

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Mac :: Have A 2.0 Unibody Macbook - Apple To Replace Screen?

Jun 10, 2009

i have a 2.0 unibody macbook, and i have had it since november.. it had the washed out screen and slanted function keys, so the guy at the genius bar took one look, logged it and im getting a new screen and top case. i love the genius bar and apple support =]

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MacBook Air :: Creaky Hinge - Replace The Whole Screen?

Nov 2, 2009

Just sent in my 2-month MacBook Air which started squeaking in just a couple of weeks. Luckily still in warranty and they said they'll replace the whole screen clamshell for me for free.Certainly I wouldn't mind much since it's free, but is it absolutely necessary to replace the whole thing just to stop the hinge squeaking?

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MacBook Pro :: Will Apple Care Replace My Screen?

Jun 30, 2010

I have the last Aluminum 15" MBP model to come out right before the unibodies. I bought it the day the uni's came out to save some dough. Got the Applecare and all has been good until recently.Recently I have noticed some "stage lights" showing on my screen. It looks like a string of lights coming from the bottom of my screen and fading away the further up the screen they progress.

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IMac :: Yellow Corner Replace With White Screen Balance

Sep 25, 2010

i bought the 2009 refurbed 27"er and returned it 3 times due to yellow screen problem. for the 4th replacement they decided to send me the new model.

i have the 3rd and 4th replacements sitting here side by side.the 3rd replacement, which has a yellow corner is light years better than the new one.
the new screen doesn't have yellow corners...it's a perfectly consistent yellowish brown tone.
the older one has a yellow corner, but is much more illuminated and very balanced white. the max brightness of the new one is only 3/4s of the max of the old one.i tried configuring it to no avail.

are all the new models like this?it's quite a bit snappier, but the screen is worse than the last 3 that had yellow patches? it almost seems like it was a return and it shipped from cali rather than asia?

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MacBook Pro :: Drive Making Noise & Replace Screen With Anti Glare?

Jan 15, 2010

I have two problems/questions for this thread.

#1: My superdrive makes an incredible amount of noise lately. I'm not sure why it does that. It doesn't scratch any of the discs or anything, its just annoying. Should I get it fixed?
#2: I have a glassy screen. I hate it sometimes. Is it possible to get the screen replaced with an anti-glare screen?

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OS X Mavericks :: Full Screen Notification Center Widgets To Replace Dashboard And Launchpad

Jun 3, 2014

Feature request for combining the new presented notification center widgets and the old dashboard widgets and its designated space with the special F4 key.  

Feature request to consider turning the old dashboard into a fullscreen notification center with multiple columns and grid-based resizing of widgets.  

Let users decide what the launchpad/dashboard/F4 key would act like.  

The upper right corner notification center button. One click for sidebar, two clicks for full screen notifications center.  

Right now the old dashboard is pretty much useless with its ancient widgets. And launchpad is rather useless with the new Yosemite Spotlight.

OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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