I was walking into my friends house the other night with my Macbook Pro in an Incase sleeve and it fell out of my hands and onto the concrete. I assume it landed on the edge of the screen and bent it inward. The screen and everything work properly and the issue is only cosmetic but it's driving me crazy.
I have an appointment at the genius bar tomorrow but would like to know how much Apple would charge for repair beforehand. If anyone has experience with this please chime in.
So, I know theres a few threads about how some people's displays are slightly bent on the sides.
I'm in the exact same situation...sort of.
While mine is also slightly askew on the sides, I've decided not to bother with that, since just about every single unit I've come across is shaped more or less the same way. However, something I noticed the other day was that my display indeed also bent, however it was bent in the front!
Basically, imagine the computer in a closed position, and that you're looking at it from the front. Now essentially if you follow the area where the rubber gasket meets the unibody, it starts out aligned, then almost immediately, for lack of better words, it takes off from the ground. The biggest telltale sign is that you can clearly see light coming through the space it creates.
Since its not off by a huge amount, I figured Apple probably won't care, but since its rather annoying knowing its there, I decided to try and fix it myself. However I haven't had much luck, and I think I might have made it a little worse!
So far I've tried: -stacking some books(only about 2, light textbooks) -and flipping the computer upside down and leaving it like that for a few hours(nothing on top).
Any other recommendations?
I've attached a picture kinda showing where its at. I couldn't find a full frontal picture of the computer, so I just took a side view one off of Apple's site, and marked the approximate area where the bend occurs.
So, I screwed up a couple months ago and stuck my MBP in my backpack's padded laptop compartment within a SECOND case, only to pull it out at my destination and immediately notice this:
The way out of line upper case was like that before, but the bent optical slot was new. I guess I had too much in my bag, even though it was all clothing and, again, the laptop was inside TWO cases. Anyways, for about a month I got by getting discs in and out only when I really needed to, with various techniques to get the gap open just enough to let it slip out. More recently I opened the computer up to see what I could do. I removed the optical drive, but absolutely could not find a way to bend the aluminum back into shape. I thought it would be easy enough with some care, but there's a piece of steel, probably to support that very part of the case, glued to the case there - and it won't budge.
The situation right now is that I have a disc in the drive that I can't get out (it's gone past the point of tricking it into just barely making it), which would be okay except for a few points: (1) I can't use optical media any more, and while I don't usually do a lot of that, I do need to once or twice a month minimum. (2) The computer has to spin up the optical drive every few minutes while moving around the operating system, which takes a few annoying and unnecessary seconds. (3) I'll never be able to sell this machine in a year or so for what it's worth without this damage.
I've done about all the communication I can with Apple, including trying the sjobs@apple(..) route, which has worked in the past for other issues. I am covered by Apple Care, I'm about 6 months into the two years, the laptop is about 18 months old. I was told at the Genius Bar twice that it would not be covered, but I forgot both times to get an approximate cost, but I'm thinking expensive.
So I'm looking for a few tips...How much is the repair cost typically for a bottom case? Where is the best place to find either a new bottom case (i.e. not used), or a used one that is in good cosmetic condition (i.e. not scratched and dented)?
If I do choose to do the repair myself (likely the plan if Apple is going to charge over $400), it seems like a very extensive and somewhat risky job. I know there are iFixIt guides to get me through it, but I have had big problems in the past with messing up screws (guess I just need a better set of small screwdrivers). I also can't seem to get a decent Torx T6/4 that can handle some of the more serious case screws - I've twisted the head right off one and malformed another pretty badly. Is doing the repair myself realistic? How would you rate the risk, and any suggestions for a kit that will let me do the job as best as possible?
I have a 15" MacBook Pro that is loaded. About 1 month after I purchased it, it came out of a zipped bag onto the floor (near heart attack!). I bent a corner on the upper and lower case. It worked fine until recently (it has been awhile). I am getting an intermittent band of screwed up display. I went to the Apple Retail Store. They said it would cost about $1200 for a new case! They said they replace the entire display (it isn't cracked). Hell, I could buy a new one for close to that. They said they don't repair individual parts. How convenient.
This is after I ordered a 24" display that took three months to show up(their screw-up). It had some dead pixels to boot. The store supposedly fixed it. Not. I had to make trips totaling close to 600 miles (working out of town) to get it. They have the nerve to tell me to make a separate appointment at the genius bar when my Iphone went down too.
I have missed a lot of time for work, business interruption etc, then they have the nerve to charge me $1200! I don't mind paying fair price, but this is crap. This is fair warning to everyone, who might be thinking about buying these products, or getting service.
I have an original Unibody MBP 15". It has taken a few spills off of the bed due to very slick comforter material and is now bent on both of the back corners. Because of this, when the computer is closed it only magnetically latches on one side. I'd really like to get this fixed because the machine will sometimes wake from sleep because its lid is not completely closed.
Any clue on what the repair cost for this might be?
Also, the bottom piece (battery cover) is somehow bent as well, any thoughts on the cost of that piece? At least this piece I could replace myself.
I wonder if I could simply try to bend the back edges back into place myself... somehow that doesn't sound like it would end well.
My Macbook Pro slipped off my legs and fell onto a carpeted floor today. The Superdrive looks bent along with the casing. I have applecare and want to take it to the store later. I'm wondering what the chances are that they will replace this for free and what I should be expecting to pay.
Back in January I slipped on some ice and regrettably the LCD on my Blackbook did not survive. I have been making due with my computer plugged into a video out (A real pain to do work on) but I really want to get the darn thing fixes. I was really stupid and did not get the Apple Care (which likely would not cover this repair anyway).
Upon taking the laptop to Apple they quoted 800 to replace the unit with a refurb since it was well out of warranty. Everything but the LCD works just fine so I was wondering about getting a replacement screen and doing the repair or sending it out to another company.. My question:
1) What is your opinion on doing this (I cannot replace the whole laptop and I have a 2.16 C2D), is it really worth it? Is this a big repair job? 2) What price should I be looking at. These guys have the screen for $150 but I don't know if they are any good nor do I know of anybody who will do this. Is it something that can be done on my own (i would have a friend assist me). I am not bound to one vendor, but I have never had to do out of warranty repairs on a mac before so I don;t know where to go. 3) Any advice on where I should get the screen at or do business? 4) Am I just wasting my time?
THe reason I ask is that I really cannot afford a new machine right now, but if I can fix the screen like new for around $200 that would be much better. Any advice would be grateful.
This has happened 2 times (rarely). Basically, when I wake up the macbook pro, the screen would remain "blank". I know the screen is on because I can see the mouse pointer but the whole screen is black. I'm assuming Finder has crashed?
I don't know how to restart on the macbook (ctrl + alt + del didn't work, using option didn't either) so I just held down the power button for 4 seconds and restarted that way.
i have a 2.0 unibody macbook, and i have had it since november.. it had the washed out screen and slanted function keys, so the guy at the genius bar took one look, logged it and im getting a new screen and top case. i love the genius bar and apple support =]
what should i used to clean the aluminum unibody, when it comes to the lcd screen i know alcohol and other solutions are bad for lcd because of the thin flim layer but the macbook pro has glass so it should'nt hurt the screen to use those kind of products.
I took my MacBook Pro on holiday with me to do some work whilst away, and I have acquired an unwanted crack down the side of my screen.
It doesn't cause any problems with my viewing as the majority of it is offscreen on the black boarder, however whenever I catch a glimpse of it in my periphery it breaks my heart a little bit- no-one wants a huge crack on the thing they love the most.
Shall I get it repaired? If so, how much, where would be best/cheapest?
One of my employes dropped something on my new MacBook pro it dented the outside and cracked the screen. I was checking to see if anyone new the cost of repair. Also would it help any to by AppleCare I know it doesn't cover accidental but i am just checking on what I need to do.
I attempted to repair a macbook screen for a friend. She spilled coffee near the top of the screen so I figured wiping the inside clean would do it. I was able to disassemble the screen with no problem but had to take out the plastic sheets behind the LCD and clean them. All went well until I had to put them together with the LCD. I think I got them out of order and can't find anywhere that tells me what order they go in. I know the hard plastic one goes up against the back of the LCD and the others I am lost with.
I have never witnessed anything such as this on a Mac before, so I'm completely at a loss. It's hard to replicate this problem, as it seems to be totally random--sometimes it'll happen when coming back from sleep, but more often, it just happens in the middle of regular tasks. While I'm using the computer, the screen will suddenly go black for several seconds, and I simply have to wait for it to return.
the screen has about 6 stuck pixels! 2 are big and the others are quite small. The notebook is covered under AppleCare until 2011. So if i take it to the Apple reseller near me, will they repair it???(they helped me out with my Mac mini before)
My precious! I dropped it on a cement floor and it landed on the corner. Now, the screen on that side of the MBP is separating from the aluminum clamshell it is connected to.
if anyone else is having problems with their unibody Macbook pro screen getting washed out after a while - especially if the computer has been put into and woken from sleep. I run a 24 inch dell monitor along side my MBP in dual monitor mode, the MBP the slave monitor, with the Dell the main monitor. After a while of use, approx 2 hours, the macbook pro screen fades out/appears washed out. It seems to settle after either a restart or dimming the MBP screen to black for a few minutes. My MBP is not on a cooling stand but I'm going to get one Is this a heat thing, a firmware thing or a defective hardware? I'm running 10.5.6 and have updated the firmware/efi as per apple updates.
I've heard that there have been some differences between the older and newer Macbook screens - I'm thinking about buying a reburb unibody macbook and want to know how significant the difference is. If it's big enough I'll use my student discount to get a new mac with an iPod and then sell the iPod for the price difference, but that is a lot more work and initial money spent vs just getting a refurb. Does anyone have any experience with both?
i'm planning on upgrading from my older MBP to a 15" unibody. i'm going back and forth whether or not i want the anti glare screen or not. does anyone have one? how are the colors compared with the glossy?
Have had this macbook for just over a week, purchased off original owner who bought in Feb this year with Applecare warranty. Upgraded ram immediately to a G.Skill 4Gb kit. 4 days ago, computer randomly froze with horizontal coloured bar. Called Apple next day, the guy there told me that sometimes this happens, and that I should only be worried if this occurs ago. 4 days later, we are at this present scenario: In the last hour or so, has crashed 3 times. Programs running in common were iTunes and Safari.
Just got my new macbook pro last week, been having some problems ever since i changed my ram to Kingston 1066MHz DDR3, supposedly to be compatible with the MBP.
I have experienced horizontal lines of flickering and freeze of my entire system, which requires me to do a hard reset. I have recorded a video of it here.
I have also experienced similar type of freeze, but the screen pixels just cluster together at the top 20% of the screen, much like this.
I have ALSO experienced my keyboard totally not responding when i try to recover from a password saved screensaver!! The mouse is working fine, but the system just can't detect any keystroke input, forcing me to shutdown forcefully again!
I don't have time to send in my MBP as i need to work on it, and cannot do without a machine, any ideas how to resolve this?
May i also know which rams are compatible with Mac?
I got the SSD version and I started it up, everything went great. It was late because I got home late and I just updated the OS and apps while I browsed the web. Once the update was done I shut it down.
Next day I turn it on and its stuck on the startup screen.
I bought a new unibody Macbook pro in December and have had it linked to a Dell 2408WFP for 4 months now (dell monitor as primary monitor, macbook as slave via apple mini displayport to DVI adapter) and I am also using the dell USB ports to hook up my apple wired keyboard and logitech revolution MX mouse. Problems occurring ever since the beginning include: Occasionally the computer refuses to wake up either screen. It may flash blue and look like its going to come out of sleep (or monitor shut off) with no problems but then hangs. This is intermittent and I cant seem to trouble shoot what causes it. On top of that, more frequently, the Macbook screen looks washed out (loss of colour depth). It doesnt flash and there are no blank/white areas of screen, just very poor colour depth. This can occur even coming out of screen saver mode. It seems to correct itself with time or disconnecting the dell monitor. Main programs I always leave open are Firefox +/- Transmission. Seems to happen regardless of programs being open or not. Have updated everything that Software Update can find to update. Anyone else having these problems or have any ideas how to fix?