MacBook Pro :: Cracked Hinge, Loud Fan, Not Turning On The System?

Aug 16, 2010

My macbook won't turn on anymore it just gets stuck on the apple logo with the spinny thingie, and I've tried everything to get it to work (safeboot, etc etc). The fans are EXTREMELY LOUD too. I also have a crack on my hinge. I'm thinking of getting the hinge replaced by a secondary person, other than apple. But in the apple care warranty it says:b. Limitations. The Plan does not cover:
(i) Installation, removal or disposal of the Covered Equipment, or installation, removal, repair, or maintenance of non-Covered Equipment (including accessories, attachments, or other devices such as external modems) or electrical service external to the Covered Equipment; (ii) Damage to the Covered Equipment caused by accident, abuse, neglect, misuse (including faulty

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MacBook Pro :: Hinge Cracky - Makes Loud Clicking Noise

Jul 7, 2009

My 17" Macbook Pro was purchased on Feb 24th 2009 via telesales, so it's less than 6 months old. The hinge is very creaky and on the right hand side it makes a loud clicking noise when I open and close it, also the whole screen seems to creak, not just the hinge. The wall charger is in my opinion very loose, it was loose when I got it ( should have changed it then ), but I haven't really moved it that much ( maybe 10 times in the space of 5 months and this is also becoming a concern. I contacted Apple today and they told me I have 1 year of telephone support and 3 years parts and labour as I order though Higher Education.

They told me that I can go to a Apple store or authorized repair centre to have it looked at, but all the stores are 2 hours away. I asked about mail-in repairs and he said that could be set up but they would prefer if I went to a store. The question is, should I send it in and hope they take care of my Mac i.e don't scratch or mark it etc. After reading some stories about repairs, I'm a little concerned about it, and don't like anyone to touch my Laptop. Obviously I would prefer a replacement as I have work to do and I don't want to be without my Mac.

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MacBook Pro :: Creaking, Stiff Hinge - A Loud Popping Noise Coming

Nov 11, 2009

On my 13" MacBook Pro, the hinge makes a cracking noise on the right side of the computer (near the power button) when the screen is positioned all the way back.

The entire hinge also makes a loud popping noise when I adjust the screen position. The screen seems very tight, and it takes a little bit of effort to move the screen, and when the screen is moved it makes the loud popping noise.

This is probably going to make some of you guys cringe, but sometimes putting pressure down on the top of the case close to where the black hinge meets to unibody enclosure seems to stop the popping noises. Putting downwards pressure on the hinge, or flipping the computer over and putting pressure on it that way, also seems to alter how much popping noise there is.

If I mess around a bit with applying pressure on different parts of the computer around the hinge, I can usually eliminate the noise. But, the cracking noise when I put the screen all the way back is still there.

It's not interfering with the operation of the computer, it's just incredibly annoying and this is only a four month old machine which shouldn't be creaking and cracking already.

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MacBook Pro :: System Making Loud Noises / Loud Sound On Start Up ?

Aug 23, 2009

I just bought my MacBook Pro last week. When I power it up, it makes a loud noise for about a second and a half. I think it's the hard drive starting up or the disc drive. I'm not sure which one, but it's pretty loud, so I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this and if it is normal.

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MacBook Pro :: Hinge Makes Cracking Noise / Loud Popping Noise When Adjust Screen Position

Jun 6, 2009

On my 13" MacBook Pro, the hinge makes a cracking noise on the right side of the computer (near the power button) when the screen is positioned all the way back.The entire hinge also makes a loud popping noise when I adjust the screen position. The screen seems very tight, and it takes a little bit of effort to move the screen, and when the screen is moved it makes the loud popping noise.

This is probably going to make some of you guys cringe, but sometimes putting pressure down on the top of the case close to where the black hinge meets to unibody enclosure seems to stop the popping noises. Putting downwards pressure on the hinge, or flipping the computer over and putting pressure on it that way, also seems to alter how much popping noise there is.

If I mess around a bit with applying pressure on different parts of the computer around the hinge, I can usually eliminate the noise. But, the cracking noise when I put the screen all the way back is still there.Any ideas what to do? It's not interfering with the operation of the computer, it's just incredibly annoying and this is only a four month old machine which shouldn't be creaking and cracking already.

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MacBook :: Hinge Making Cracking Noise / Lubricating The Hinge?

Sep 8, 2006

I got my Unibody MacBook the first day they were available, and since late December, the hinge has gotten stiffer and stiffer, making a cracking noise when I move it after it stays in one position for a few seconds.

I took it to the Genius Bar (covered under AppleCare) but the people there wouldn't do anything about it, saying it's within normal spec and classifying it as a "user perception issue." (The slightly condescending sound of that phrase is for another post.)

Has anyone attempted to lubricate the hinge in their laptop themselves? I removed all of the bottom paneling and looked at the hinge, but didn't see how to separate it from the case easily. Would it be a bad idea to try to squirt a little silicone lubricant into the hinge to see if that helps the issue? Is there another trick I could try.My mom has a Unibody Pro with a hinge that glides nice and smoothly and it's annoying mine is no longer working properly like this.

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MacBook :: System Has Been Running Very Loud?

Oct 3, 2009

recently my MacBook has been running very loud when i only have like, 2 applications open. This started maybe 3 days ago. The 2 applications were iTunes and Firefox. on iTunes i just play music and on Firefox im on Youtube or RuneScape. It's been running fine ever since i bought it just over an year ago (playing the same applications) but now its started to get loud when i use it.

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MacBook Pro :: 13 Inch System CPU 99% Fan Loud?

Jun 3, 2012

My Macbook Pro 13 inch system is loading up 99% CPU. i have cross checked the status of my macbook usage, i didn't find any process is running out my CPU, i have reinstalled my Mac OS but the problem still here, i don't know if there are any hidden process are running or other reason cause the problem, i didn't feel the CPU Hot but i can heard the fan running very loud?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: System Completely Frozen - Not Turning On?

Oct 21, 2010

My MacBook has Recently completely frozen, I couldn't even turn it off. I then removed the battery and when I put it back in it was completely dead. I've been told that this is not down to the hard drive. I live 3 hours away from my nearest apple store.

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MacBook Pro :: Tighten Touchpad For System - Not To Sound Loud Whenever Clicked

Jan 31, 2010

I want to tighten the touchpad so it doesn't sound so loud whenever I click on it. But I can't find the correct size allen key for the battery screw. Does anyone here know what is the exact size for the screw for the battery and what type of screw driver to adjust on the touchpad? I know I can use a flat head screw driver, the main part is to get the battery out of the way.

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MacBook Air :: System Not Turning On After Hardcore Media Conversion?

Sep 20, 2010

I sold my MacBook Air to a co-worker some months back. Turns out he wanted it so he could do some hardcore media conversion - I'm talking Handbrake and DVD ripping and the whole nine. Upon finding this out, I cautioned him that there was a chance he could kill the lil bastid, he didn't listen, now he says it won't turn on. I advised him to bring it to me so I could take a look at it. Symptom is that the power button does nothing, apparently. Before I get into it, what do others think it might be? Inverter?

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MacBook Pro :: Loud Whining Noise From System - Makes Sound At Wakeup

Sep 7, 2009

It happens when the MBP wakes up from sleep. The longer it sleeps, the louder it's. Listen for it after the 1st 10 second.
MBP Whine.m4a

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MacBook Air :: System Making A Strange Noise / Loud High Pitch Whine

Jun 18, 2008

Hey guys, got a little issue here. I have had a MBA since about march of this year. Just recently I on two occasions the computer has all of a sudden had this loud high pitch whine. It has only happened twice and at both times (if I remember the 1st time correctly) I wasn't really doing anything on the computer. Today specifically it was just sitting idle on my desk. Not sure where its coming from maybe speakers? Any idea to what this is? Should I be setting up an appointment to see a Mac Genius?

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MacBook Pro :: Stop Hinge Plastic From Creaking / Black Plastic Hinge Cover Is Cheap And Creaks

Feb 15, 2007

Build-quality wise the unibodies are really as perfect as I've ever experienced any machine to be. Simply amazing. BUT, the black plastic hinge cover is cheap and creaks as soon as I grab the computer or open the display. I opened her up to see if there was anything I could do to reinforce it or something, but I didn't want to mess with it.

Quite a few seem to have this 'issue' and I thought maybe somebody has figured out a solution?Such a shame on an otherwise perfect machine. I would have preferred the same kind of rubbery plastic that was on the old generation MBP

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IMac :: Volume Too Loud On My System When Booting?

May 15, 2010

I boot the iMac, the volume of the single note that it makes when starting up is very loud. I've turned the volume down but when it reboots, it goes back to the original loud setting.

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IMac :: Turning Off Display And Keep System Running?

Sep 24, 2010

Windows user here that just ordered a 27" QuadCore iMac. Usually on my PC at home, whenever i'm not using it I turn off the monitor but leave the computer itself running most of the time (I run a lot of torrents, VNC, etc). Is there a way to turn off only the display and keep the computer running like I normally would on the PC?

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Access Without Turning Off System?

Jul 24, 2010

Can I have my OS X side of my computer running in the background while I use windows 7? Using bootcamp.

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IMac :: Extremely Loud Static Noise / System Crashes To Black Screen

Oct 13, 2009

Very occasionally the screen on my iMac (early 08 24") goes blank and it makes an incredibly loud static sound that's independent of the volume control setting. The power then needs disconnecting to restart the machine. Haven't been able to tie it to any specific program. Apple Care asked I leave it on logged in on a new user account (at the time I originally thought it only happened in sleep mode, but have since discovered this is not the case).

It's happened maybe 3 or 4 times in the same number of months. I've only found one similar case on the net, with someone suggesting it was Safari 4 beta, which I've found not to be the case with mine. It's on extended warranty. I think there's something seriously wrong with it (it's already had the hard drive and power supply replaced).

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PowerPC :: System Making Loud Noises / Gray Screen With The Apple Logo At Startup

Jul 12, 2006

I have a Rev A 12 inch Powerbook - 867 mHz, 640 RAM, 40 GB hard drive. The machine's always been reliable and has performed great over the years. I bought it the last week of July, 2003.

Yesterday, the Pbook was shut down, and I press the on button so it would boot up. Almost immediately, the hard drive makes a loud, whirring noise. The computer advances to the gray screen with the Apple logo, but it doesn't get past that point and the noise continues, as if it's a car engine that just won't start...

I'm going to take it to my local Apple Store in the morning, and hopefully the data, including my nearly 22 GB of music, can be saved. Any thoughts on how to get my computer working again? By the way, it's the original hard drive installed. Hopefully this is enough info to generate some ideas, I'm stumped.

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MacBook Pro :: Use Cracked Version Windows 7

Sep 24, 2010

I'm planning on running bootcamp win 7 on my MBP. Would it possible for me to use a cracked version win 7 successfully? or does it have to be authentic? Just trying to clear up this issue before I start anything.

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Plastic Part Cracked?

Nov 6, 2010

The plastic part connecting the screen and the keyboard in my MBP has a crack! i don't know were it comes from, i have never droped it or mishandled my computer in any way. Will a repair be covered by the warranty?

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MacBook Pro :: Cracked Screen - Repair It?

Jul 3, 2009

I took my MacBook Pro on holiday with me to do some work whilst away, and I have acquired an unwanted crack down the side of my screen.

It doesn't cause any problems with my viewing as the majority of it is offscreen on the black boarder, however whenever I catch a glimpse of it in my periphery it breaks my heart a little bit- no-one wants a huge crack on the thing they love the most.

Shall I get it repaired? If so, how much, where would be best/cheapest?

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MacBook Pro :: MBP 2.55 Screen Hinges Cracked?

Jul 7, 2009

i tried to make a post that was long and detailed but it did not take for some reason so i will try to make this one short and to the point.

bought a new MBP 2.5 (about 4 months ago) right before the 2.66 with the price drop was released.

had various issues and had to swap it out 3 times which my new local store had no problem doing. so i finally got a machine with no defects and working perfectly. was very happy.

the other day i had it sitting on the coffee table on with the screen open, i picked it up to move it a few inches and heard a loud CRACK. now my screen goes back further than it should and it slightly tilted to the left. the gap between screen and body is slightly larger on the right side than the left.

i had planned on purchasing apple care towards years end as i have done with the last 6 machines i have owned in the past. i am going to take it into the genius bar for replacement or repair but am afraid they are going to say i broke it somehow... i treat this thing like a baby and there is no reason the hinges should have cracked from just picking it up and moving it while open. it is still working, but i can not deal with the thought that the hinges are now weakened and are definitely going to break eventually (sooner than later now that this has happened) not to mention the gaps between screen and body and being a bit crooked. also, if i open it past 90 degrees, it falls all the way back to the point where it finally catches, which is a lot further than it used to retract. the hinges are definitely more loose and not as tight as they should be. i have never had more issues with a model in my life until i bought this unibody.

so what are your thoughts? what i am really worried about is them saying i broke it somehow and not honoring the repair or replacement (which is not the case) or when i do purchase applecare towards the end of the year that this will be noted and if not fixed properly or replaced then they will not honor the repair if it actually completely breaks. as i think it will eventually if i do not have something done about it ASAP. (if it is noted on the account when i bring it in today or tomorrow) i have never picked up one of my macs with screen opened to have the hinges snap (being only a few months old)

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MacBook Pro :: Cracked Screen Repair?

Jun 24, 2010

One of my employes dropped something on my new MacBook pro it dented the outside and cracked the screen. I was checking to see if anyone new the cost of repair. Also would it help any to by AppleCare I know it doesn't cover accidental but i am just checking on what I need to do.

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MacBook Pro :: Cracked And Unresponsive Trackpad?

Jul 7, 2010

A few days ago I posted about a bit scratch that appeared out of nowhere on my brand new iPad, now this: Spilt tiny quantity, maybe 3 ml, of coke onto the case of my mbp and little of it drained into the bottom edge of the trackpad. It became unresponsive and made only a dull click for the next 15 mins. Whilst tapping harder to see if I could get a click out of it (it ofc happened whilst doing something important) the glass of the track pad cracked beneath my finger. Wasn't even tapping that hard.

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MacBook :: Finding Wrist Pad Cracked 2006

May 7, 2009

So my macbook's wrist pad (right side) has been cracked for awhile now. Started out with a small crack, then growing almost 4cm and then snapping off part of the plastic. I tried superglueing it back on (im resourceful ) but it didn't hold. Now I have a 4cm long piece of plastic missing from my wrist pad, and crusty superglue residue left where my wrist goes.

The left side is starting to crack as well, although, not as bad.

Figured I would ask here before I take it to the apple store:

What will all need to be replaced? Will just the wrist pad be replaced or is it attached to the keyboard

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Screen Cracked In Two Different Places?

Apr 10, 2012

My macbook pro screen just cracked in two different spots basically where my fingers were touching it as I was rying to close it, The screen and the base were very hot, will this be covered by Apple ?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Casing Cracked On The Palmrest / Requires Repair?

Apr 26, 2009

I have a 2,1 White MacBook from 2007. Early last year, 2009, my casing cracked on the palmrest. I know this is an extremely common problem and the repairs are fully covered by Apple, regardless of warranty. My case also has a few of the hairline cracks near the exhaust vent and hinge.

I have yet to have these problems repaired. At first I just didn't feel like going to an Apple store. Now that the MacBook casing has changed to the unibody design, I wonder if the future repair will be affected for better or worse.

I have AppleCare for four years, until 2011.

Does anyone know how Apple is fixing these casing problems in 2010 now that the unibody MacBooks are out? I expect it is very likely that Apple has plenty of the old hardware on hand, but I would like to think I could get a very nice uMB upgrade for free, even if I need to wait longer to get it.

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MacBook Pro :: Cracked - Dented - Damaged Screens But Working

Jan 12, 2010

Let's start a thread of damaged but working MBPs! I'm sure this has been done before, but let's start a new one. Cracked, dented, damaged screens... Let's see some pics. Who has the worst damaged but working MBP?

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Care - Cracked My Screen On The Corner?

Mar 29, 2010

I am going to buy my first mac when they release the arrandale MBPs. I will get the 13", I was wondering about applecare, lets say I cracked my screen on the corner and I can see everything else fine, but not the corner, how would they fix it? Send me a new one, or change the screen? I guess, what I am trying to ask is, if I break it, but it is still usable; will they replace it or fix the broken part?

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