MacBook Pro :: 13 - Network Interface Stops Responding
Jun 23, 2014
I work NOC Support / Operations for a decent sized provider in the midwest-ish area. I configure radios, routers, switches, etc CONSTANTLY. I need an ethernet interface. So I have the ThunderBolt Gig Ethernet adapters. Â
I plug one in every day, running DHCP, no issues. Then I roll it over to a private IP to setup a radio. At this point, the interface is dropping (because I am rebooting the radio over and over), and I have to change the IP on it consistently. After making four to six changes, the interface just stops responding. In the network prefs, its red, as if it doesn't have a good working connection. I open the network anaylizer, and it shows me that the interface is up, with no IP. Â
I've disabled the interface by turning it off, nothing. I have unplugged the adapter and the cable, network anaylizer still shows the port up and negotiated at 100/1000, but theres nothing there...
I've own an apogee duet for that last year, and have had zero problems. I just got the ensemble the other day for recording drums. I followed the install instruction carefully, updated all software, and firmware. And the interface wont show up in my system preferrences (the ensemble and the duet).
I swapped the firewire cables and still nothing shows up. I plugged the ensemble into my friends lab top, and it see's it right away.Â
So I thought maybe my firewire port isn't working...But when I go to the apple menu, and then "About this Mac" and hit "more info", "system report" under the Hardware tab at firewire... it says the ensemble is plugged in?
In the last few days I've had a recurring problem: Randomly and without any obvious context in terms of actions, apps etc, my trackpad simply stops responding. I have all options enabled on the trackpad, such as soft click+drag, and the problem has so far only occured when performing that: drop'n drag.
It get's stuck and I cant release whatever I've gripped. I am now only able to use the keyboard and have to reboot to be able to use the trackpad again. After reboot the problem returns randomly after a while. I can't think of any recent software updates or additions that have coincided with the problem, except installing Livedrive Briefcase recently.
The problem however does not specifically occur when working with that (though Livedrive is set to run in the background). The problem occurs more and more often, usually after I have closed the lid (sleep). Also, I am able to use my Magic Trackpad, which in turn brings the build in trackpad back to working!
MBP: 15" 2.4 Ghz Intel Core i5 (dual core) 2010 System: 10.7.3. HDD: 240 Gb SSD with 91 Gb of free space
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.4Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 240 SSD HD
My computer will start running really slowly and then the keyboard stops working, then after 30 seconds or so I lose the ability to click but the mouse still moves. Command-option-esc for force quit still works some of the time though but refreshing everything from there doesn't help. After I reboot everything goes back to normal. This has happened every other day or so for about a week.
Since I had to jump through all kinds of hoops of the actual apple support page, I eventually turned to the community now, which as ironically a whole lot easier. Anyways, My problem is basically with BootCamp.I'm trying to run the CryEngine 3 SDK on a late 2011 macbook Pro, and the specs including the graphics card should be enough to handle it easily.Yet everytime I try to launch it, it plays for a little while (2 minutes) then comes up with an error along the lines of "Display driver has stopped responding and has recovered".Â
I've checked and I have the latest drivers for the graphics card on the mac installed including the Catalyst Control Centre porgram. It seems like it should work, but it refuses to.I've read up on it a bit and it may be a problem with overheating, since when the mac beging running the CryEngine the fan starts going like crazy, basically at its maximum capacity, so It might be a problem with Over heating.Â
I've also heard that due to a few compatibility issues with Windows 7, the graphics dont switch properly which leads to this error and can be fixed by entering the windows BIOS and switching the graphics switching from dynamic to fixed, however i'm not sure if I really want to meddle with the BIOS.Â
I've checked both the CPU and the total RAM when running CryEngine however the RAM only gets to around 50% whilst the CPU barely tops 20%. Also the graphics card being a AMD Radeon HD 6770M is something that should be able to handle it.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Using BOOTCAMP Windows 7 64Bit
I've noticed after upgrading to 10.6.5 that my keyboard will not work when I come back after an extended period of time away from the machine. At first, after applying only the 10.6.5 update, neither keyboard nor mouse would work unless I unplugged and replugged the keyboard (the mouse is connected directly to the KB). Later, I installed the combo update, and then the mouse worked but the keyboard still wouldn't. This is after my display sleeps - as long as I continue to use the computer, everything works fine. I have a mid-2009 Mac Pro 2.66 GHz quad-core (Nahalem) but with the older (clear, G5) keyboard and a mighty mouse.
I just used an OSX Server v 10.5.0 DVD to upgrade a computer (1.6 ghz G5 tower, 1.5GB RAM) from osx 10.3.9 server. When I get to the 'Serial number' panel, none of the fields will accept any keyboard input. The keyboards worked prior to the upgrade. They work fine on another mac. The eject, volume, and caps lock keys all work. Just the fields themselves in the Serial Number (and the registered to, and organization) fields are ignoring input.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.06 GHz intel core 2 duo, 10GB RAM
My imac is about 18 months old. Latest software download.Will not start up properly. After the Apple Logo, sign comes up on the screen stating "startup disk is full".
I have a macpro 2008 Running Lion. Mouse stops responding to left click. Restart does not always solve. Have reset PRAM and installed a clean updated copy of Lion still regular problem Â
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mouse fails even after reboot. Rese
I have Mac Intel Base running OS 10.6.8. Finder seems to be corrupt. I have checked the system and it seems to be working properly. However, my Mouse and keyboard stop responding when I relaunch finder, and I have a very slow start up time (10 to 15 minutes till the mouse and keyboard respond). I ran Disk Warrior and got a lot of permission and file errors. Disk Warrior says they are fixed, but every time I run Disk Warrior or Disk Utility the same errors keep showing up. Trying to go to safe mode to check to see if extensions are an issue doesn't work because mouse and keyboard do not respond so I can't log in.
Just downloaded MacKeeper onto my 2011 MBP. Suddenly when I open safari, every page stops responding almost immediately after loading. The pages load from the bookmarks, so I know that the connection is good. Once a page hangs I can open another page, which then also hangs.
I am having trouble starting my 21" iMac running Snow Leopard after I had shared the HD with my MB-Pro. I had removed the "everyone - Read Only" rights on the HD (on the iMac) and opened sharing so my MB could attach to it. Grey Apple Logo and progress circle upon startup now.Can changing these rights cause the system to not boot? I can go into single user mode but I am not sure what to do then.
This has been happening on and off for ages, from half a year to a year. I have been trying to open a document for 4 hours now, it opens it and then freezes, i then have to force quit it and start over again. Some times i have left it for a while others i quit it after it stops responding. It is getting ridiculous now, i have also searched for ages on the internet, some problems are unrelated some seem related but the fixes don't work, I need to get word to stop doing this.Â
I thought maybe it was because it keeps opening all my previous documents that I had open, i unchecked the box so it doesn't reopen windows and it still freezes but on this document instead. I do not have a clue what to do and I urgently need access to these documents, the documents aren't damaged, i was working on them before, and had this problem with many other documents that also weren't damaged. What should I do?
I have a 27" iMac purchased in July 2011. I never had any issues with the trackpad before upgrading to Mavericks. I upgraded a few months ago and started having sporadic issues with the trackpad. When the iMac woke up, everything seemed fine at first. About once or twice a week, after it had been working for about a minute (just enough time to start web browsing), the trackpad would suddenly stop responding. It then progressed to being more consistent (every other day). The cursor was still visible and the keyboard still worked. The trackpad was still on but apparently not connected. I thought it was the batteries, but new batteries didn't work. I could get the trackpad to work again by using Spotlight to open the Bluetooth System Preferences. The trackpad worked immediately when Bluetooth preferences were opened (nothing needed to be changed; it would just start working).Â
However, it would stop responding after about ten minutes. It was interesting because even if I left the Bluetooth System Preferences open, it would still stop responding after about ten minutes. I could use the keyboard to make the preferences window active and it would immediately work again. It would then work again for a few minutes and then stop. I found that removing the trackpad and re-connecting it would cause the trackpad to start working again more consistently. It would only stop if the iMac went back to sleep for an extended period (overnight). Â
The useful keyboard shortcuts are cmd + spacebar to open Spotlight, type bluetooth, use the arrow keys to go to Bluetooth system preferences (hit enter), use the arrow keys to go down to the trackpad, press spacebar to unconnect, again to confirm, and then after the trackpad is automatically rediscovered, press spacebar again to pair it.Â
This went on for about a month, when I had what I suspect was an unrelated problem. The trackpad started acting as if it was being held down (left click was always being pressed). I took it into the Apple Store and they confirmed it was broken. At that point I had a brand new trackpad. Â
The issue had gone back to happening every other week or so. I thought it might be interference, but I've since physically moved apartments and all the objects around it. It's been a couple months now and it's back to happening every couple of days or so. Since the trackpad is brand new, I have to think this is a software issue. I've noticed the following consistently:Â
1) It only stops responding if I've put it to sleep (I usually do so with a hot corner, but I don't have any reason to believe that's related) and haven't used the computer for more than 12 hours.
2) It'll always work right when it wakes up. It'll stop fairly consistently 1 - 2 minutes after waking up.
3) Time Machine seems to be busy doing something when the trackpad stops (the little icon is spinning in a circle if I have a Finder window open). Uncertain if it's always doing something or if it's coincidence that I've noticed it more recently.
4) As mentioned above, opening the Bluetooth System Preferences will always get the trackpad to respond, but then it'll stop after a few minutes. Unpairing and reestablishing the pairing will fix the issue for awhile (at the very least until the next time the iMac sleeps).
5) I may be imagining this, but before upgrading to Mavericks, I think it used to show the message that the trackpad was connected when the iMac woke up. I no longer see that message unless I remove the connection and setup the pairing again.Â
I've seen lots of people with various issues with Bluetooth connectivity and Mavericks. I'm on 10.9.4.Â
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Magic trackpad, Bluetooth
Let's say I have my computer connected via Ethernet and WiFi at the same time. Is there any way to see which connection is the one that's actually being used, short of installing iftop?
I'm using 2 network interfaces. One wifi, which is fast, and one ethernet, which is my internal connection. I want to download and browse with the wifi one, and stream and sometimes browse through the ethernet one. How can I tell apps to use either wifi or ethernet?
Every time I plug in my cell phone to charge up using my Mac, I get the message, �A New Network Interface has been found...� Is there any way to remove/stop this message from popping up as it gets annoying?
1. Lion's (10.7.3) user interface becomes nonresponsive/'freezes': trackpad cursor moves, keyboard can be used for typing, BUT gestures stop working and "Dock" is not responding (it is hidden automatically).Â
2. Tere are frequent "nfs server localhost:/5pBJvp-jULTJrbfF3Hpvc5: not responding nfs server localhost:/5pBJvp-jULTJrbfF3Hpvc5: is alive again" error messages in Terminal while I am running 'find' command.
These error messages seem to be correlated witth the user interface 'freezes'.Â
On a day-to-day basis I run: Adobe PS, INDD, and AI, Microsoft Entourage, Firefox and iTunes. Just recently, after an upgrade to Leopard, I added Things and Simplify Media to the list.The problem that happens before (on Tiger) and now (on Leopard) is command+tab switching stops functioning and Expose hot corners and shortcuts stop working.
I'm pretty sure this isn't a Finder crash because before, on Tiger, I could quit+restart Firefox and everything would be back to normal. Almost as if some shortcut had causes the system to act differently or there was some app dissonance?
But now, with Leopard, nothing I quit will cause these two features to act properly until I do a restart. Both features (command+tab switching and expose) are very necessary for my work flow. I have checked SysPref to make sure keyboard shortcuts are default and Univeral Access to make sure assisted devices is turned off.
I got my computer yesterday, it's a iBook G4 OS X 10.5.8. The charger worked fine until around six o' clock. Then it wouldn't charge. We switched the power pack and it worked for an hour or so, and then the same thing. What can I do? I CANNOT take it to be fixed.
sleep the missing keyboard window decided to popped up, not something I'd expect from a laptop! And if you think that's bad, the mouse one appeared right after!! So I can only guess the damn trackpad packed in resulting to a non-functioning keyboard ; and to verify, the USB device has vanished from the system profiler along with the preference control panel!!! Thankfully Apple had some sense, they didn't wire everything through the trackpad as the blue-tooth and power button still functions
First of all, is the interface for the MBA HDD PATA or ZIF or is it the same thing? I'm looking to get rid of my 80GB HDD and would love to get a 160GB but I'm willing to settle for 120GB.
I bought a new MacBook yesterday, downloaded Logic 9 and installed the USB drivers for my Saffire 6 USB audio interface but cannot locate it in either the system preferences or the Logic 9 audio preferences. How do I get this working ?Â
Most of the results were OK but the "User Interface" one. It got a 13 at 61 refresh/sec.
This computer is a Macbook Pro (Early 2008) C2D 2.6 with 4gb of RAM and the 7200rpm HD, and comparing the results in the xbench site there is clearly something wrong.
The problem is that I don't have a clue of what exactly is "User interface" testing and how to fix it, does anybody know something about this?
I've recently purchased a spanking new macbook pro and am keen to lay some tracks down in garageband. I need a cheap but good quality audio interface so's I get get my guitar riffs onto the mac.