Mac Pro :: Crash Restarts - Varying Opinions From Genius Bar?

Feb 18, 2012

I'm experiencing intermittent Restarts and have been in to the Genius Bars several times and get different opinions on the issue. I've been told my hard drive was going, so I relaced it. Didn't fix it. I was then told it was a software issue caused by Dropbox, so I totally uninstalled it. I was also told that my video card might be the problem by one Genius Bar (haven't replaced this yet), but another Bar insisted it was software. I don't know who to believe or what to do to fix it. 

I've brought in to a Genius Bar print outs of my logs and also my Mac Pro another time and they ran tests to push my computer and that's when I was told my drive and possibly my video card were a problem, but at this time software was not said to be the issue. I got that diagnosis after replacing my hard drive. 

Here is the crash log from the Restart that just happened a little while ago, followed by data from my Kernal Log and System Log from the Console. If anyone can give me insight into what the issue is I would be completely grateful... 

CRASH LOG: 02/18/12 Interval Since Last Panic Report:  464827 sec


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OS X :: Genius Versus Genius Mixes - Finding Difference

Oct 29, 2009

I keep reading about this new ability to do "Genius Mixes".

On my iPhone I click the Genius icon (which is too large IMHO) and it makes a playlist. Are Genius Mixes any different?

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Laptops :: People's Opinions On Macbook Pro With SSD?

Oct 28, 2010

so i was just wondering people's opinions on macbook pro with SSD, im thinking about getting a macbook pro but im not sure if i should get a 250 GB HDD or the 128GB SSD. it will be for college and i have a TB too (external HDD) so i dont think it will be too bad for me.. 128 does seem like a lot, and my desktop is the one that will get movies and all so yeah. so what do you think get a macbook pro with/ without SSD like what are the pros/cons of SSD? also should i get the Air instead?? i dont like the air's battery life though soo yeah..

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Software :: Parallels 6 Has Been Out For A Bit. - Finding Feedback Or Opinions?

Oct 4, 2010

I admit I was pretty skeptical given the quirkiness and general flakiness I saw in Parallels 4. I used the demo for 2 weeks and ended up switching from Fusion 3. The feature set is now on par with Fusion, and it actually does seem quite a bit faster. I'm undecided if I like the snapshot/time machine setup yet. I'm wondering if anyone has had problems doing full restores using this setup?

The conversion was mostly painless with one two minor hiccups. A blue screen the first day I started using it with my work XP image, and the time zone was apparently set to Central America instead of Central Standard (apparently that bug has existed for a very long time...get on the ball folks, it looks bad).

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MacBook :: Opinions On Apple UK Repair Quality?

Jan 19, 2009

After many MANY issues with My beloved 7 - 8 month Macbook black 2.4ghz, 2gm RAM, 250GB HDD I have decided its time to take it in for a repair

The issues are as follows

1) Cracked Keyboard, right palm rest area where the magnet touches the palmrest area, this has led to:

2) Due to there being the crack, the magnet actually fits neatly into the crack when the lid is closes, this has scratched the right maget and the LCD bezel

3) The LCD has a purple horizontol line going through it, cant see it all when on net where there is a white backround like in Macrumors forum however when watching a film where it is black the purple line is highly visible making film viewing difficult

4) On the left bottom side where the two screws are located there is a "Bulge" as in the plastic housing is loose, this affects the entire left side where the ports are more or less but in between the two screws and to some extent up to the headphone jack you can practically push it in around 2mm, when doing this it makes a really annoying squeaky sound. Due to the bulging, there is a small crack forming under one of the two screws

5) This Baby has major overheating issues, right now Ive just got back from College and had this thing on for about an hour, just with simple Safari Browsing the CPU has temp of 55 degrees celsius and airport card is a whopping 64 degrees celsius, this will easily rise to a temp of around 60 for the CPU and around 68 for the airport card in the next hour again with simple internet browsing such as looking at forums and news

6) The Hinge is very loose, If I pick up my macbook and sort of shake it like thurst it forward the Hinge will come move and I could technically close it like that but cant as it hits hard.

Ive found it really disgusting that paying a small fortune for this laptop (Im a student and this Mac really required some hard work to pay for it) It has this many problems, I was going to give it in earlier but as this is my primary computer I didnt have the time to give it in but now as Exams are over I think it needs a major repair, even an upgrade which Im sure I deserve

So as a newbie to this Apple repair process what happens, Ive booked a genius bar appointment for tomorrow (can change if needed) Do I simply walk up to the genius and tell him my problems, and what to Apple do, do they repair it in store or send it out as Ive read some pretty bad stories about how Apple take care of your product, ive got a small few scratches on the bottom base which are unavoidable and one small hairline one the back but other than that its in tip top condition

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MacBook :: Weird Boot Issue, Opinions?

Jun 30, 2009

So i shut down my uMB (2.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD) earlier on with a DVD in the drive. I went to turn it on this evening and it wouldn't boot. I got a black screen saying, that no bootable drive was present. So after I calmed myself down from thinking I had lost my HD I tried to reboot, I held down the trackpad to eject the DVD, which it did. Then it booted fine.

My question is basically is there some way to change the boot order to prevent it trying to boot to a CD as the default?

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MacBook Pro :: Opinions On Incase Hardshell Case For Unibody

Oct 12, 2009

Anyone have one for the latest MacBook Pro's? I would be using it conjunction with your standard sleeve just for some more protection since I will be using it India/Asia whilst I travel.

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Mac Mini :: IPS Display For Photo And Video Editing (Opinions Wanted)

Feb 2, 2010

opinions wanted:
First, I'm not a gamer. This pc would be strictly for photo editing and video conversion. I'm using photoshop cs4/ lightroom for pictures. For video, I have two objectives. The first is to convert 8mm to dvd. This would involve iMovie to keep it simple. The second would be for new HD video. Since Apple doesn't support blue ray just yet, I just need a way to offload to avchd on a regular dvd. I think Toast would accommodate this.

IMac (27") and mini would both have 4gb RAm. Hard drive space isn't all that important since I'll have an external as well. 2.5ghz vs. 3ghz. nVidea 9400 vs. ATI radeon. So would the less processing power of the mini be offset by the better monitor (Eizo or NEC ~24")? Or is the iMac display good enough?

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MacBook Air :: Does This Sound Right Vs Genius Bar

Feb 17, 2009

My HDD had been clicking at me for awhile on my rev a macbook air but I never bothered to take it in. Recently disk utility reported my drive as failing, so I decided to make an appointment with a genius. I've used my MBA air pretty heavily, including international travel quite a bit so it has some wear and tear.

I get there and he takes it to the back, comes back and says because of of a dent on the back of the casing (knocked it against a wall on accident), the fact the button on my touchpad was clicking and I had a screw missing in the bottom of my air that they could replace to dive but I would not like the price. It would be $900.00 and that's because they had to get the air in it's original condition appearance wise before they could send it to apple for repair

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MacBook :: Fan Is Broken - Can Genius Bar Fix

Oct 26, 2009

The fan in my Alu Macbook has given up the ghost. Regardless of temp it never switches on, so I need to get it replaced. There's an Apple Store opening up in the town I work this week, so I was wondering if this is the sort of fault they can fix while I wait?

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MacBook Pro :: New System Already At The Genius Bar?

Mar 9, 2010

old macbook pro 15" on craigslist for 900. Bought it last week and the airport card went out already. They had the part in stock at the genious bar here at Vintage fair mall in modesto. Has anyone else had this problem in a new macbook?

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OS X :: Protecting Privacy And Genius Bar?

May 17, 2010

I need to send my MBP in. Rather than giving them my user account password, I've created a new account that has admin privileges. Is that all I need to do? Or can admin accounts access all the info on the computer? I've heard horror stories here of peoples' photos being looked at, FB profiles accessed, etc.

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ITunes :: Turn Off Genius In 10.6.1?

Jun 8, 2012

I have Genius playlists on my ipad2 that I do not want. I would like to get rid of all Genius suggestions and have viewed many suggestions; one being to go to the store tab and click turn off genius. This option is not available it only gives the option 'Update Genius'. I recently joined itunes Match and this seems to automatically think that you want to have Genius

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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PowerPC :: Will The Genius Bar Clean Keyboard

Oct 22, 2006

So, a couple weeks ago, I was biting my nails with the PB on my lap (yeah, I know...), and one fell underneath the Enter key on the right side. Now, I'm very OCD about all things relating to the PB, which is why that kinda pissed me off. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I went and bought some compressed air.

This was my first time using compressed air, and it didn't really help with the fingernail (if anything, it pushed it farther down and closer to the mini fan vents right by the keys). It did, however, bring a LOT of other crap up to the surface, and now I'm determined to get this sucker cleaned.

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OS X :: How To Restrict Apple Genius Access?

Aug 5, 2009

Problem: My Mac goes in to have a part replaced at the Genius Bar tomorrow and I have sensitive files on my computer for work that I can't allow anyone to look at. The tricky part is, Apple needs a log-in account on my Mac with Administrator access so they can run diagnostics. Problem is, even if I restrict the account I created called "Apple" to not be able to open certain files, since the log-in account "Apple" is an administrator account, all they have to do is click "Get Info" on the folder, click the padlock, and change the settings I put in place.

Is there any way to restrict access of another administrator account on my Mac? If so, how do you do it? I want to be able to essentially allow the administrator account "Apple" no access to my user files in my home folder.

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OS X :: ITunes 9.0 Won't Send Genius Info

Sep 9, 2009

I am trying to send my Genius info but it get stuck on step 2. "Sending Genius information to Apple." It has been going for 2 hours. I tried a couple times earlier for about 15-20 minutes each time.

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OS X :: Can Back Up Data At Genius Bar Appointment

Nov 15, 2009

I don't have an external hdd or even dvd's to back up data on. So will they do this for me or no?

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OS X :: Unable To Find Genius Mixes?

Apr 1, 2010

Where are the Genius Mixes?

I've tried doing Store > Update Genius.

I've also tried doing Store > Turn off Genius and then turning it back on.

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Applications :: Cannot Enable Genius Mixes?

May 9, 2010

I cannot enable Genius mixes. I tried updating genius, I tried turning it on and off.

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ITunes :: Genius Not Working With New Songs?

Apr 7, 2012

I got iTunes match just before Christmas 2011 and also for Christmas I got a few CDs, these were all added to iTunes and everything seemed to be fine. I would try an use genius to get a random playlist but most of the time it would just say: "You can update your Genius results, which may find new information. If iTunes is still unable to create a Genius playlist from this song or artist, please choose another one."  

So I'd pick another song and forget about it. I've been adding music to my iTunes for the last few months and today I went through every new song since adding iTunes Match and not one will work with Genius.  

I know there have been issues with iTunes Match and Genius on iOS devices but I can't find anything on problms with the Mac. 

Any thoughts on what is going on and how to fix it? 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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ITunes :: How To Stop Genius On Imac

Apr 26, 2012

I cant stop Genius from looking for music. Its locked up my imac

iMac, iOS 5.1

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OS X :: Dead System Shows Unsatisfied With Genius Bar?

Nov 2, 2010

I have an early 2008 Macbook Pro (the ones released just before the switch to unibody) with the model of graphics card (NVidia 8600) that was faulty. I've experienced graphic glitches and the machine freezing since I bought it.My timeline with this machine is:I brought the machine to the Apple store where I got a replacement logic board.I still had the same problems, so I had to bring the machine back to the store, where they said they would replace the logic board again.

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MacBook Pro :: When Dealing With Genius Nagging Sometimes Needed

Jan 14, 2011

Figured I would share my recent apple genius bar apt. I went in due to a annoying line on my late 2009 15" macbook pro. Noticed it anytime that the screen was dark or dimmed. So I took in the MacBook pro and the genius look at the issue examined claimed he could not see a thing and made me feel rather stupid. Also pointed out that my mbp was making a crack sound ever since I installed my incase hard case. He sad that is too bad its the case nothing else. Funny thing is when it made the sound another genius look at the computer and said hey that's not normal. So he felt rather dumb, but continued on with his genius opinion that it was fine. He hand it back and says everything looks and works perfect sorry you wasted a trip. So I get the mbp back open it up in the apple store and go over and tell him the mark is right on the screen and he comes ever and says nope, so he calls over two more genius and they look at the screen and say yep write him up a repair order.

I smiled exactly when the guy said that from 30 seconds of observation. The other genius just walked away and ignored me after that happened. Today I went and picked up the MBP and they replaced the screen and found out they also replaced my super drive. I was not aware there was any issues with the drive at all, but they fixed it. Also my computer is under applecare if anyone was wondering. Trying this up has made me notice I need to work in sentence structure and I cant help to think how many people don't nag the genius after they get a deny from them. Its almost like a god complex they say no its a no. Repair bill came to just under 700 dollars and I was wondering if there is anymore issues with this MBP can I request a replacement system? My apple car expires in Nov.

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MacBook Air :: Genius Bar Ruins System - How To Recovers It

Dec 19, 2008

I tried to update my OS to 10.5.6 but failed. the update stacked at 10% percent. I went to Genius bar yesterday evening. The guy tried to install combo update for me and the nightmare started. The combo didn't work too and it came out with fail updated, file damage. He verified the disk and it said " key length invalid" and he restart my computer. Then my computer never come back anymore. It can't start up and shows some words in black background and with 4 countries languages to let me restart my computer. I tried to use safe mode restart, try to select start disk(it shows my disk and network option) but the result is the same.

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MacBook Air :: Screen With Lines Can Be Replaced By Genius Bar?

Mar 3, 2009

After bringing them both into the genius bar and setting them side by side, the genius agreed that there were faint lines visible on light backgrounds, and is having it sent off to have the whole top housing replaced. Here's to hoping that it works out..UPDATE: so despite the fact that I have some authorization from the genius bar to have my clamshell assembly replaced, I just checked the status of my order and it says "no issues detected." I'm assuming that apple is within their right to do this, but the paperwork clearly states that the lines are visible in store to multiple geniuses.

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OS X :: ITunes Crashes When I Try To Update Genius Info?

Apr 2, 2009

This started to happen a few days ago after installed a SSD drive in my Mac Mini and putting the iTunes library on my external HD.

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Applications :: Genius Doesn't Work For All Songs?

May 2, 2010

I keep updating genius but it still doesn't work for any of my daft punk but it recognizes the lesser known band justice. I mean it works for nearly all my hip-hop and most of my rock.

I only have two imixes so far

Indie Rock- Phoenix,cobra starship, death cab for cutie, the dead weather, Lady Hawke ETC.

Hip-Hip mix- Kid Cudi,Kayne west, wale, etc.

But genius mixes and playlist don't work for certain artist.

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MacBook Pro :: Genius Bar Appt / Protect Data?

May 16, 2010

I have a genius bar apt today and will be dropping off my MBP to have the graphics card replaced. How do you guys feel about leaving your data (pics, documents, cracked programs) on your computer when dropping it off with Apple?

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MacBook Pro :: Superdrive Noise After Genius Bar Replacement?

Apr 13, 2012

after a superdrive replacement at Genius Bar, this one is doing noise at start and when Macbook Pro 5,1 exits from sleep.

I check the firmware version and it's KA19.

I try to applicate the Superdrive Firmware Update 3.0 that i had from an old time machine bakcup (because i can't install it from this link : [URL] but it's annoucing that the Firmware is already applied (i did it 2 years ago with the old superdrive).

My system version is 10.7.3 What can i do and how i can apply this update to suppress this noise ?  

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Wifi Slow Even After Genius Bar Visit?

Jun 4, 2012

A few weeks ago I noticed my internet running incredibly slow on one side of my room. This side being the farthest from the router. To my knowledge nothing new had happened enviromently to cause this problem. I went through the motions of reseting my router and still the problem persits. I decided to take in my Macbook Pro into the Genius Bar and they replaced the Airport and Bluetooth components. Today I finally got it back and quickly my enthusiasim was dashed to find out that I'm still haivng the same problem. I'm only having this problem on my Macbook Pro since I have both a Nexus S android phone and an Asus Transformer tablet that runs perfectly fine on that side, well all sides, of my room.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Bought refurbished from Apple

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