After many MANY issues with My beloved 7 - 8 month Macbook black 2.4ghz, 2gm RAM, 250GB HDD I have decided its time to take it in for a repair
The issues are as follows
1) Cracked Keyboard, right palm rest area where the magnet touches the palmrest area, this has led to:
2) Due to there being the crack, the magnet actually fits neatly into the crack when the lid is closes, this has scratched the right maget and the LCD bezel
3) The LCD has a purple horizontol line going through it, cant see it all when on net where there is a white backround like in Macrumors forum however when watching a film where it is black the purple line is highly visible making film viewing difficult
4) On the left bottom side where the two screws are located there is a "Bulge" as in the plastic housing is loose, this affects the entire left side where the ports are more or less but in between the two screws and to some extent up to the headphone jack you can practically push it in around 2mm, when doing this it makes a really annoying squeaky sound. Due to the bulging, there is a small crack forming under one of the two screws
5) This Baby has major overheating issues, right now Ive just got back from College and had this thing on for about an hour, just with simple Safari Browsing the CPU has temp of 55 degrees celsius and airport card is a whopping 64 degrees celsius, this will easily rise to a temp of around 60 for the CPU and around 68 for the airport card in the next hour again with simple internet browsing such as looking at forums and news
6) The Hinge is very loose, If I pick up my macbook and sort of shake it like thurst it forward the Hinge will come move and I could technically close it like that but cant as it hits hard.
Ive found it really disgusting that paying a small fortune for this laptop (Im a student and this Mac really required some hard work to pay for it) It has this many problems, I was going to give it in earlier but as this is my primary computer I didnt have the time to give it in but now as Exams are over I think it needs a major repair, even an upgrade which Im sure I deserve
So as a newbie to this Apple repair process what happens, Ive booked a genius bar appointment for tomorrow (can change if needed) Do I simply walk up to the genius and tell him my problems, and what to Apple do, do they repair it in store or send it out as Ive read some pretty bad stories about how Apple take care of your product, ive got a small few scratches on the bottom base which are unavoidable and one small hairline one the back but other than that its in tip top condition
Can some of you give me your opinions on the quality of Apple RAM v. OWC, etc. RAM? I'm buying a new UMBP to replace my 2.93 Ghz UMBP. The 2.93 has 8GB RAM (which I purchased from OWC). I'm giving the 2.93 to my wife (whose Powerbook is showings signs of mortality). The point is, my wife is not opposed to me getting the new UMBP with 8GB already installed by Apple. But she doesn't need 8GB, so I could just swap the new computer's 4GB with the old computer's 8GB. But if the Apple RAM is better, I'd just as soon buy the Apple RAM.
Would the Apple RAM perform better than the OWC RAM? Whenever I do XBench, I get 203 for memory score. I see a lot of the new i7 and i5s getting 300+ Does anyone know whether there is a reason for that (other than that my RAM might just be bad)?
I took my late 2007 macbook in because the case was cracked. I read that this was a known issue and they would repair for free.(I had no warranty) also my battery was expanding and bloated, so much that it will no longer fit in my comp.
When I took it in, the tech said that my bottom case was cracked and he said that wasn't part of the known issue. He said it was caused by accidental damage (it was cracked clean through, so much so that it could be physically separated from the comp.(I informed him that the comp had never been dropped or damaged in anyway, he apparently didn't believe me but said he would see what he could do.
Anyway, he said he could fix the top case ( but they would not fix the bottom case)and give me a new battery although he had never seen a battery with the problem that mine had. He said it was probably expanded cells. I agreed to that as something is better than nothing but then, I asked him if the battery expanding could have caused the bottom case to crack since it was cracked near the battery compartment but on the side of the comp. After he tinkered around for a bit with the battery and the cracked part, he said he wasn't sure but he would send it in for repairs and I would not be charged.
First he said he would quote me a repair price and I told him that I had no intentions of paying for anything. After several instances of him running to the back to talk to people, he agreed to send it in. On the repair form it is listed as tier 4 accidental damage and I know that the tier 4 comes with a hefty charge for repair. Anyway, I am out of town and my comp is scheduled to be returned to me today. I dropped it off at the apple store on the 30th, it was received by the repair center on the 1st, repaired today( the second) and shipped back to me today and scheduled to be delivered today as well.
I was trying to find out if they actually repaired the bottom case or not as I will not be home to receive my comp until next week sometime. The repair form also said call if additional repairs are needed to quote a price. I have not received any calls at this number and do not know if they left any messages on my home phone. The repair turnaround seems rather quick and I was just wondering if they actually repaired it or sent in back in the same condition.
Apple support has no details of the actual repair just the time it was received, repaired and sent back to me. Also will they just leave it outside because no one is home to receive it?
[URL:..] As our current MacBook Pros are assembled & manufactured by Foxconn, Apple is shifting to have Quanta Computer in 2010 to assemble and manufacture the next Macbook Pros. Somehow, Foxconn has a hit or miss on quality control, especially the issues we encounter like warped lids, dust under the glass, dead pixels, bad ram, black screen of death, video artifacts, etc. Does this CHANGE of manufacturers mean better quality control?
I was just wondering if this has happened to anybody,
A couple weeks ago I closed my Macbook Pro because the battery was low and I needed to plug it in. So I plugged it in and opened it back up...Nothing. I pressed the power button and I could hear the SuperDrive move and the hard drive spin, but that's it. No chime, no gray screen, no POST, nothing. So I did some research and found out that the same thing had happened to a LOT of people with my model. So I assumed it was the whole NVIDIA issue.
So I took it into Apple and the Genius right away told me that the NVIDIA chip/card was the culprit but he still needed to test it with their NVIDIA test drive. He comes back and tells me that they were not able to test it because it cannot boot up that far. So he tells me that since they can't tell for sure if it is the NVIDIA, my computer doesn't qualify for the free replacement. And since my AppleCare is 211 days out of warranty, he can't do anything about it. I could have it shipped out and repaired for $360 (which is better than $1000+ in-house). (BTW.. I even had the logic board replaced a couple years ago for a different reason, so the logic board is newer than my MBP)
I understand where they're coming from, but my computer should be covered in the warranty because it has a faulty part on it, NO MATTER WHAT.
so i was just wondering people's opinions on macbook pro with SSD, im thinking about getting a macbook pro but im not sure if i should get a 250 GB HDD or the 128GB SSD. it will be for college and i have a TB too (external HDD) so i dont think it will be too bad for me.. 128 does seem like a lot, and my desktop is the one that will get movies and all so yeah. so what do you think get a macbook pro with/ without SSD like what are the pros/cons of SSD? also should i get the Air instead?? i dont like the air's battery life though soo yeah..
So i shut down my uMB (2.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD) earlier on with a DVD in the drive. I went to turn it on this evening and it wouldn't boot. I got a black screen saying, that no bootable drive was present. So after I calmed myself down from thinking I had lost my HD I tried to reboot, I held down the trackpad to eject the DVD, which it did. Then it booted fine.
My question is basically is there some way to change the boot order to prevent it trying to boot to a CD as the default?
I have a w7 dual-booted early 2010 macbook pro, and it has been exhibiting some really strange behavior for a while now. Basically, it crashes randomly. It doesn't give me the bluescreen in either mac or windows when this happens, it simply turns black, locks up, and often makes unpleasant sounds (anything from a clicking like a harddrive to bizzare sounding sound loops if I have been playing music). The weird thing is is that it doesn't seem to have a trigger. It can happen when I'm playing games, when I'm listening to music, or even when I have absolutely nothing running but Microsoft Word. It doesn't seem to have any dependancy on how long I have been using the computer, or even what time of day it is. It started out relatively infrequent--maybe once a month? But now it happens once a day, if not more.
I have still under my applecare agreement, and so I went ahead and sent it in to apple. They only had it for 24 hours before the sent it back with brand new memory... but this (maybe obviously?) didn't the problem at all--it crashed withen an hour of using it. I called apple back, and they said because sometimes it won't crash for many hours, they recommended I send it to an authorized repaire shop. I took it to the shop, and they wouldn't even look at it after I described my problem because, they said, "for problems like these, we never find solutions."
So now I'm stuck with a great laptop that runs BEAUTIFULLY.... except when it crashes. It's even still under applecare, but no one seems willing or capable of fixing it.
Does anyone have an advice? If apple can't find the problem, do I have grounds to ask for them to replace the whole MOBO, or even the whole computer? It's kind of a frustrating situation, because I bought applecare for this exact reason, but it doesn't seem to be doing me any good!
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), dual-booted with w7
Anyone have one for the latest MacBook Pro's? I would be using it conjunction with your standard sleeve just for some more protection since I will be using it India/Asia whilst I travel.
Do the older macbook pro's like the Santa Rosa have liquid damage detection sensors? Or is just in the newer ones?
A year ago I spilled a tiny amount of beer on it and only a few drops got under 2 or 3 keys. I quickly popped them off, dried the area and everything was fine. My gpu failed recently due to the whole Nvidia thing and I had to ship it off to Apple. So I was wondering if they will be able to tell there was a spill and void my apple care warranty even though the failure was not caused by this?
I'm really worried because it was only a few drops and it did not leave any residue...
I had an issue with the 9600m GT Graphics card a few weeks ago where the graphics card wouldn't display anything when plugged into an external monitor. The apple store checked it out and said the logic board was faulty and that it would need to be replaced under warranty. (Late 2008 15" macbook pro).
When I received the laptop back, they not only replaced the logic board, but they also replaced the SSD with a 250gb 5400rpm hard drive. I called in and, after being upgraded to the top level supervisor, he said that all of the hard drives being replaced were sent to be refurbished or recycled and that my hard drive had a fault in it so they replaced it. He says that they restore it to the apple original condition and originally they sold it with a 250gb hard drive in it so that's what they replaced it with. Their policy is that only if they replace aftermarket ram with apple ram will they return the aftermarket parts back to you. This repair was conducted yesterday, the 15th of January by apple Tech ID #612525.
I don't expect to get my data back, but if anyone has any idea on how I can get my hard drive back, I'd be willing to reward $100. A new Intel SSD X25-M G2 would be around 250 so I wouldn't want to do that.
I've been on the phone all day with the apple support so I am very frustrated right now.
Anybody know who makes the memory Apple sells? If Apple's memory is more reliable, better quality than I'll pay the extra instead of buying from OWC or from Crucial. How would you rank the quality of 3rd party memory. OWC better than Crucial?
So, I screwed up a couple months ago and stuck my MBP in my backpack's padded laptop compartment within a SECOND case, only to pull it out at my destination and immediately notice this:
The way out of line upper case was like that before, but the bent optical slot was new. I guess I had too much in my bag, even though it was all clothing and, again, the laptop was inside TWO cases. Anyways, for about a month I got by getting discs in and out only when I really needed to, with various techniques to get the gap open just enough to let it slip out. More recently I opened the computer up to see what I could do. I removed the optical drive, but absolutely could not find a way to bend the aluminum back into shape. I thought it would be easy enough with some care, but there's a piece of steel, probably to support that very part of the case, glued to the case there - and it won't budge.
The situation right now is that I have a disc in the drive that I can't get out (it's gone past the point of tricking it into just barely making it), which would be okay except for a few points: (1) I can't use optical media any more, and while I don't usually do a lot of that, I do need to once or twice a month minimum. (2) The computer has to spin up the optical drive every few minutes while moving around the operating system, which takes a few annoying and unnecessary seconds. (3) I'll never be able to sell this machine in a year or so for what it's worth without this damage.
I've done about all the communication I can with Apple, including trying the sjobs@apple(..) route, which has worked in the past for other issues. I am covered by Apple Care, I'm about 6 months into the two years, the laptop is about 18 months old. I was told at the Genius Bar twice that it would not be covered, but I forgot both times to get an approximate cost, but I'm thinking expensive.
So I'm looking for a few tips...How much is the repair cost typically for a bottom case? Where is the best place to find either a new bottom case (i.e. not used), or a used one that is in good cosmetic condition (i.e. not scratched and dented)?
If I do choose to do the repair myself (likely the plan if Apple is going to charge over $400), it seems like a very extensive and somewhat risky job. I know there are iFixIt guides to get me through it, but I have had big problems in the past with messing up screws (guess I just need a better set of small screwdrivers). I also can't seem to get a decent Torx T6/4 that can handle some of the more serious case screws - I've twisted the head right off one and malformed another pretty badly. Is doing the repair myself realistic? How would you rate the risk, and any suggestions for a kit that will let me do the job as best as possible?
If I buy a MBP online (say Macmall) and it shows up with a problem (dead pixel, etc.) can I take it to an Apple store for repair/replacement? Or do I have to return it to where I bought it?
So my MBP was really making horrible clicking noise and I figured out that my start up Lion OSX disk partition is corrupted. I have three partitions. One for Lion OS X, another for Documents and another for Movies and Downloads. When I run disk utility and verify other two partitions(documents and movies/downloads), they appear to be okay but when I do the same with Lion OS X then it says:
The volume Lion OS X was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.Error: This disk needs to be repaired....then use Disk Utility to repair this disk. Is my hard drive gonna die soon? Or will it be okay if I just format my 500gb hard drive completely and install the fresh copy of Lion OS X again? I don't have a recovery disc or what so ever provided by Apple anymore. I have a DMG installation file of Lion OS X and a USB flash drive(4 GB approx). How can I repair the disk partition without the recovery start up disc?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2009 17 inches
Last Saturday (March 21st) it had a major system failure, would not boot and had vertical line across the screen, and I took it to the Apple store. They said it was either a HD, LED, or video card problem. The "genius" said I should have it back in 3-5 days.
So today is either day 5 (business days) or day 7 (calendar days) I called them yesterday and they said it was the video controller and no ETA on when it will be ready but they will call me when it is ready.
My question is : Is it me or is this a little ridiculous customer service for a 13 day old iMac? Would I be a little out of line going to the store and either demanding a "new" iMac or my iMac today ? A broken video card should take about a day or two to get back to the customer in my opinion...
I admit I was pretty skeptical given the quirkiness and general flakiness I saw in Parallels 4. I used the demo for 2 weeks and ended up switching from Fusion 3. The feature set is now on par with Fusion, and it actually does seem quite a bit faster. I'm undecided if I like the snapshot/time machine setup yet. I'm wondering if anyone has had problems doing full restores using this setup?
The conversion was mostly painless with one two minor hiccups. A blue screen the first day I started using it with my work XP image, and the time zone was apparently set to Central America instead of Central Standard (apparently that bug has existed for a very long time...get on the ball folks, it looks bad).
I'm experiencing intermittent Restarts and have been in to the Genius Bars several times and get different opinions on the issue. I've been told my hard drive was going, so I relaced it. Didn't fix it. I was then told it was a software issue caused by Dropbox, so I totally uninstalled it. I was also told that my video card might be the problem by one Genius Bar (haven't replaced this yet), but another Bar insisted it was software. I don't know who to believe or what to do to fix it.
I've brought in to a Genius Bar print outs of my logs and also my Mac Pro another time and they ran tests to push my computer and that's when I was told my drive and possibly my video card were a problem, but at this time software was not said to be the issue. I got that diagnosis after replacing my hard drive.
Here is the crash log from the Restart that just happened a little while ago, followed by data from my Kernal Log and System Log from the Console. If anyone can give me insight into what the issue is I would be completely grateful...
CRASH LOG: 02/18/12 Interval Since Last Panic Report: 464827 sec
I bought a mid 2010 imac 27 inches beginning of 2011 and the screen already have some greyish color,it takes 300yrs to boot.Apple won't take some of the responsibilities n give a new imac or repair my imac,THEY SAY IS TOO EXPENSIVE TO REPAIR...
Started archiving all my old photos and creating dvds. started off using iphoto which is great for compiling a quick slideshow to a couple of music tracks. i then imported these to idvd and created my first dvd project which i was pretty pleased with for a first attempt. The only thing i found annoying was that i could not link all the slideshows together in idvd so that they played one after another, instead you had to come back to the menu and start the next i thought i would import these slideshow movies into imovie and create a complete movie with chapters, titles etc. but when i did this i noticed that the quality of the slideshow in imovie was very noticeably worse.
being new to mac i wasnt sure what was up so i thought about importing the photos directly into imovie and working with them there. but once again the quality was really poor compared to the iphoto and idvd slideshows. after this i though maybe its just a preview problem and all will be well when i burn them to dvd and watch them on i burnt a dvd with one slideshow created in iphoto and imported into idvd and also put on a movie of the same slide show that id imported into imovie and back.
anyway long story short quality still better in slide show created in iphoto.
In FCPX 10.1.3 I was able to set in Preferences the Playback Quality to High Quality. I just purchased FCPx 10.1.4. It has NO such High Quality Option for Playback Quality.
Now all my still clips are blurred badly. Is there an option to set a High Quality Playback Option. Or can I download 10.1.3, the level where that worked ?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I have a 27" iMac that I recently took to the Apple Store to have the LCD replaced. When I got my machine back and started it up, the fans kicked on full speed and will not stop...this didn't happen prior to me taking it to ran nearly silent.My firmware and so forth is all up to date.... I downloaded SMC Fan Control to see what was going on... my computer is operating at 97 degrees farenheit. but my CPU fan is spinning at 4035 rpm. That's crazy over the top. Optical drive fan (with no disk in it) is spinning at 3736rpm...and my HD fan is at 1098rpm (which is probably about right.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 27" i5 2.66 Ghz, 8 gb RAM
opinions wanted: First, I'm not a gamer. This pc would be strictly for photo editing and video conversion. I'm using photoshop cs4/ lightroom for pictures. For video, I have two objectives. The first is to convert 8mm to dvd. This would involve iMovie to keep it simple. The second would be for new HD video. Since Apple doesn't support blue ray just yet, I just need a way to offload to avchd on a regular dvd. I think Toast would accommodate this.
IMac (27") and mini would both have 4gb RAm. Hard drive space isn't all that important since I'll have an external as well. 2.5ghz vs. 3ghz. nVidea 9400 vs. ATI radeon. So would the less processing power of the mini be offset by the better monitor (Eizo or NEC ~24")? Or is the iMac display good enough?
My MBP recently had a bunch of problems with the logic board and speakers. I brought it into the Apple Store (on Monday) and they gave me the option of them sending it into a repair center, or them repairing it locally in store. I requested that they sent out just because I was curious to see how long it would take. To my surprise, my MBP arrived, fixed and as good as new on my doorstep today. That's amazingly fast for sending it out to a offsite repair center. The repair center is in Philadelphia. I live in Maine. You do the math. When I've had things repaired locally in the Apple Store it's taken weeks to repair instead of days because they need to order the parts.
Anyways, the point of this thread was to suggest to people that they choose the offsite repair option. It's amazingly fast, and it saved me a trip to the Apple Store (they shipped my MBP directly to my house).
Does anyone suspect that a dead hard drive in a 20" iMac G5 could somehow be related to the component failure described in the iMac G5 Repair Extension Program offered by Apple?
Although the article does not list hard drive failure as one of the symptoms caused by this component failure, I am still concerned that it could possibly be related, based on the fact that it was purchased during the date range specified, and the serial number falls within the range specified.
So here's the story: A short while back, the iMac suddenly stopped booting. It only got as far as a gray screen with a small folder image in the center, alternating between a question (?) mark and the Mac Finder face. After asking around and checking a few forums, the ultimate consensus was that it was unable to detect the hard drive. So I took it to a Genius Bar; the fellow who was helping me tested the startup, then took out the hard drive and put it in an enclosure to test it, and concluded that the hard drive is dead. He pointed out that, even in the enclosure, it had no power at all; the only solution would be to buy a new hard drive.
I did some more online searching after coming home, and found quite a few forums discussing the above warranty extension, several of which cited the logic board as the problem component referenced in the article from Apple, and that there were bad caps in these models that were overheating. Sadly, I don't really know what any of that means... But should I be hesitant to simply replace the hard drive, for fear that the same thing could happen again? And does the fact that the article references power issues, combined with the fact that the Mac Genius told me that there was no power in the hard drive, mean that it could perhaps be related? Do I have a case to try and pursue the extension repair?
Every-time I repair permissions using the disk utility it says that the permissions are repaired, but then I click to verify permissions and it is all as it was before... What can I do?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)