MacBook Pro :: When Dealing With Genius Nagging Sometimes Needed
Jan 14, 2011
Figured I would share my recent apple genius bar apt. I went in due to a annoying line on my late 2009 15" macbook pro. Noticed it anytime that the screen was dark or dimmed. So I took in the MacBook pro and the genius look at the issue examined claimed he could not see a thing and made me feel rather stupid. Also pointed out that my mbp was making a crack sound ever since I installed my incase hard case. He sad that is too bad its the case nothing else. Funny thing is when it made the sound another genius look at the computer and said hey that's not normal. So he felt rather dumb, but continued on with his genius opinion that it was fine. He hand it back and says everything looks and works perfect sorry you wasted a trip. So I get the mbp back open it up in the apple store and go over and tell him the mark is right on the screen and he comes ever and says nope, so he calls over two more genius and they look at the screen and say yep write him up a repair order.
I smiled exactly when the guy said that from 30 seconds of observation. The other genius just walked away and ignored me after that happened. Today I went and picked up the MBP and they replaced the screen and found out they also replaced my super drive. I was not aware there was any issues with the drive at all, but they fixed it. Also my computer is under applecare if anyone was wondering. Trying this up has made me notice I need to work in sentence structure and I cant help to think how many people don't nag the genius after they get a deny from them. Its almost like a god complex they say no its a no. Repair bill came to just under 700 dollars and I was wondering if there is anymore issues with this MBP can I request a replacement system? My apple car expires in Nov.
I was used to sit in a dark room at night so this was never an issue but lately I like having at least one light on. The problem is that when I do that and try to read something on the screen like a CNN article for example, I keep seeing my reflection and find myself moving left and right. I've tried to sit away from the light so its not directly behind me but sometimes that isn't always possible. I've also turned the brightness up to deal with it better but that's just a battery drain. My next macbook pro will surely be a matte screen as much as I love the black glass bezel. I used it for the first time at the Apple Store on a 17" and it was beautiful! So how do you deal with glare?
I wanted to know how some of the rest of you who also have MacBook Air computers have been dealing with the fact that these machines only have one available USB Port. The single most inconvenient aspect of this is that, due to the mere 80GB hard drive I have installed in my MacBook Air, I use an external USB hard drive to store my iPhoto Library on and then when the time comes that I want to copy photos to my iPhoto Library, there's no way to do so because the SD card in my camera has to be plugged into my MacBook Air via USB.
I've found three solutions for dealing with this problem. 1) Copy the photos from the SD card to my MacBook Air's internal drive first, the disconnect the SD card and connect the external hard drive that has the iPhoto library on it, then copy the photos to the iPhoto library from the MacBook Air's internal drive.
2) Use a USB Hub to provide a means of connecting both the external USB Hard Drive as well as the SD card via a USB card reader. The one major problem with this approach is, to the best of my knowledge is, that it would have to be a powered USB Hub (in order to provide the power required to run two external hard drives - SD card & USB HD). This means that my ultra thin, uber-portable MacBook Air is now tethered to a power outlet.
3) The third and final method I've come across that I've most recently been playing with is through using the Eye-Fi Wi-Fi SD Card. This awesome little device, which Time Magazine has just listed as one of it's top 10 gadgets of the year, is truly incredible, you can read more about it here. This device would totally and completely solve my problem if it were not for one major detail, it's not compatible with RAW images (which for obvious reasons, I would much rather be using than JPEG). This one simple fact is most likely going to wind up being the deal breaker.
I have Bootcamp 3.1 installed and after I installed I updated to the more recent Nvidia drivers. However, every time I open Apple Software update, it asks me to install Bootcamp 3.1. Is this due to the fact I installed the updated driver, or is this just a known bug with the updater?
The next maintenance update to Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard will add support for the company's rebranded suite of internet services but also patch over a dozen other bugs that have withstood earlier updates to the operating system.
People familiar with the software say the Mac maker recently provided its vast developer community with a second pre-release build of the impending Mac OS X 10.5.4 Update labeled build 9E12.
Among the dozen or so code corrections baked into the latest build were fixes to a bug that would leave some Mac systems hanging on shutdown, and another that prevented applications from being assigned to Spaces via drag-and-drop from the application list.
As was the case with earlier updates to Leopard under testing, Apple has requested that developers evaluate the software broadly. Specifically, the company is alleged to have listed nearly two dozen core components that need special attention, including iLife compatibility, printing, networking, AirPort, and common applications such as Mail, iCal, and iChat.
Mac OS X 10.5.4 will also be required by Leopard users who wish to utilize the company's just-announced MobileMe service, a collection of online services and software announced at this week's Apple Worldwide Developers Conference as a more capable and advanced replacement for .Mac.
As such, the Leopard update, which currently weighs in around 150 megabytes, will be released within the next few weeks, ahead of the July 11 MobileMe launch date. [ View this article at ]
how to prevent Acrobat (Professional 8) from asking to be the default PDF reader EVERYTIME it starts? You'd think there would be a preference setting somewhere but no.
What is the best way to upgrade to SL from Leopard in terms of my Time Machine backups? Will Time machine try to restore from my backup and will this cause a problem? I am guessing that I should just manually copy files back across from my backup and then perform a new complete backup??
I am experienced in Excel VBA for the PC. I am finding my way around the Mac using Excel version 14.0.2. I am trying to rename files using Name oldpathname AS newpathname the files have .jpg and .pdf extensions. The files show up in Finder with and without the extension in the file name. I assume I will have to specify the entire file name including the extension. I am unsure what it means when I see files with and without the extensions in their names. On another but related subject, I have discovered the 31 character limit (truncated file names) in names as returned by the dir function. Does Name oldpathname as newpathname have the same problem?
My HDD had been clicking at me for awhile on my rev a macbook air but I never bothered to take it in. Recently disk utility reported my drive as failing, so I decided to make an appointment with a genius. I've used my MBA air pretty heavily, including international travel quite a bit so it has some wear and tear.
I get there and he takes it to the back, comes back and says because of of a dent on the back of the casing (knocked it against a wall on accident), the fact the button on my touchpad was clicking and I had a screw missing in the bottom of my air that they could replace to dive but I would not like the price. It would be $900.00 and that's because they had to get the air in it's original condition appearance wise before they could send it to apple for repair
The fan in my Alu Macbook has given up the ghost. Regardless of temp it never switches on, so I need to get it replaced. There's an Apple Store opening up in the town I work this week, so I was wondering if this is the sort of fault they can fix while I wait?
old macbook pro 15" on craigslist for 900. Bought it last week and the airport card went out already. They had the part in stock at the genious bar here at Vintage fair mall in modesto. Has anyone else had this problem in a new macbook?
I tried to update my OS to 10.5.6 but failed. the update stacked at 10% percent. I went to Genius bar yesterday evening. The guy tried to install combo update for me and the nightmare started. The combo didn't work too and it came out with fail updated, file damage. He verified the disk and it said " key length invalid" and he restart my computer. Then my computer never come back anymore. It can't start up and shows some words in black background and with 4 countries languages to let me restart my computer. I tried to use safe mode restart, try to select start disk(it shows my disk and network option) but the result is the same.
After bringing them both into the genius bar and setting them side by side, the genius agreed that there were faint lines visible on light backgrounds, and is having it sent off to have the whole top housing replaced. Here's to hoping that it works out..UPDATE: so despite the fact that I have some authorization from the genius bar to have my clamshell assembly replaced, I just checked the status of my order and it says "no issues detected." I'm assuming that apple is within their right to do this, but the paperwork clearly states that the lines are visible in store to multiple geniuses.
I have a genius bar apt today and will be dropping off my MBP to have the graphics card replaced. How do you guys feel about leaving your data (pics, documents, cracked programs) on your computer when dropping it off with Apple?
after a superdrive replacement at Genius Bar, this one is doing noise at start and when Macbook Pro 5,1 exits from sleep.
I check the firmware version and it's KA19.
I try to applicate the Superdrive Firmware Update 3.0 that i had from an old time machine bakcup (because i can't install it from this link : [URL] but it's annoucing that the Firmware is already applied (i did it 2 years ago with the old superdrive).
My system version is 10.7.3 What can i do and how i can apply this update to suppress this noise ?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
A few weeks ago I noticed my internet running incredibly slow on one side of my room. This side being the farthest from the router. To my knowledge nothing new had happened enviromently to cause this problem. I went through the motions of reseting my router and still the problem persits. I decided to take in my Macbook Pro into the Genius Bar and they replaced the Airport and Bluetooth components. Today I finally got it back and quickly my enthusiasim was dashed to find out that I'm still haivng the same problem. I'm only having this problem on my Macbook Pro since I have both a Nexus S android phone and an Asus Transformer tablet that runs perfectly fine on that side, well all sides, of my room.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Bought refurbished from Apple
My macbook pro 15 inch (i believe its a unibody) 2.66 ghz has been through **** and back. I traveled through 4 continents with it since I got it, dropped it numerous times, keyboard light doesnt work, upgraded to lion from Lepoard, screws missing on the bottom, macbook heats up like crazy and its starting to wear down. Im wondering if anyone has any kind of link or some kind of guide as to how much it would cost to fix my Mac. I know it wont be like new but it will be close. The genius bar and Apple may be crazy with pricing sometimes but they do the best job.
Safari suddenly stopped working today and would only give me an error message saying that it could not be opened because of a problem, and that it needed to be reinstalled. I tried reinstalling OS X Lion, with the built in Lion recovery in the macbook air, but it is still not working. Based on reading other discussion I'm thinking that it might be malware, but the error message they are reporting is not similar to the one I am getting now. Stupidly I didn't check it properly, so I don't know what the error message was before I resinstalled OS, but now it reads:
Dyld Error Message: Symbol not found: __ZN3JSC6JSCell11getCallDataERNS_8CallDataE Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit Expected in: /System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/JavaScriptCore.framework/JavaScriptCore in /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit
my mbp 15" won't install FT, kept getting msg saying need security update 2010-005. I did a software update and everything is up to date. and found that 2010-005 was installed a month back. i did a reinstall of that security update via apple site and try FT again. the same thing happen, same msg!
So I was swapping some hard drives around in my 12-hour old 15" June Unibody MBP and apparently I broke the hard drive cable. More like I tore 3/4s than broke it. Thankfully I was installing a SSD into the optical drive so I'm still up and running, I just don't have the stock HDD in there as a data drive.
I saw something on eBay for around $50 - I'll have to open the MBP back up and see precisely what the cable looks like - I'm wondering if there's a store that'll have the piece I require? I'd prefer to not take it to an Apple store and have them void my warranty because the HDD isn't user-serviceable part.
I thought my apple care one year expired on June 10 but it expires on May 10th. Which gives me only a couple days to get it. I am not near any physical apple dealers, I drove 2 hours today to buy one from a classified and it was for a 13 inch not a 15 inch, I am so upset. and today was the only day I had to find it. I have to buy the code so I can do it online. I was going to buy it from one of the sellers on ebay but I read how there are scams out there. Can anyone recommend a legit seller who they have purchased apple care from and had no issues. I called apple and tried to buy the code but they have to ship it and it won't make it in time and there is no grace period.
I going to buy 13" MacbookPro with Retina Display with 2.6ghz i5 dual core processor and 8GB RAM.I need to install Window 8.1 Pro and mutiple(a lot) of educational software inside Window OS.128GB or 256GB PCle-based flash storage should I choose to make sure enough capacity and smooth performance to me?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)