Software :: Parallels 6 Has Been Out For A Bit. - Finding Feedback Or Opinions?

Oct 4, 2010

I admit I was pretty skeptical given the quirkiness and general flakiness I saw in Parallels 4. I used the demo for 2 weeks and ended up switching from Fusion 3. The feature set is now on par with Fusion, and it actually does seem quite a bit faster. I'm undecided if I like the snapshot/time machine setup yet. I'm wondering if anyone has had problems doing full restores using this setup?

The conversion was mostly painless with one two minor hiccups. A blue screen the first day I started using it with my work XP image, and the time zone was apparently set to Central America instead of Central Standard (apparently that bug has existed for a very long time...get on the ball folks, it looks bad).

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Mac Pro :: Finding Feedback On New 8 Core?

Mar 28, 2008

Looking at buying the new 8core. where to find feedback

Anyone know of concerns...issues with these?

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Mac Pro :: Finding Feedback On HD5970 In Mac Pro

Jul 19, 2010

I've been following the news closely, and the threads on custom ROMs, reflashing, etc. I think netkas, cindori and the Rominator and others are doing fantastic work.

I've got a 2 x 2.8Ghz Quad Mac Pro 3,1 with a 8800GT, 4 hard drives and dual superdrives. I'm considering upgrading it with a 120 GB SSD and a HD5970. Mostly for gaming under Windows; having it work under OS X is not a priority.

As the current setup with the 8800GT uses one 6-pin PCIe power cable, and a non-OC HD 5970 needs one 6-pin and one 8-pin, I was considering taking the two molex cables from my superdrives (which I don't use) and adapt them (through an adaptor) to an 8-pin to fully power the beast card. The card should take about 3 slots, leaving room for my 8800GT.

The PSU should be able to handle the draw from the card. I accept having to switch the monitor on boot / reboot.

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MacBook Air :: Finding Feedback For LED Display?

Sep 28, 2008

i tried to use some software to test the display. I found when the screen goes to completely dark with the backlight on, the bottom side of my screen is brighter than other parts....

have u guys met any problem like that, or is this some problem with my MBA?

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Hardware :: Finding Feedback On An Iogear USB KVM

Sep 27, 2009

I'm in need of a USB KVM that will be used to control 4 Macs from a central keyboard, mouse, and monitor. I'm considering the MiniView USB KVM Switch and was wondering if anyone here had any experience with this unit.

These are the Macs that will be controlled:Intel-based Mac-mini (Leopard) PPC-based Mac-mini (Tiger) G4-based PowerMac (Tiger Server) G4-based PowerMac (OS 9.2) If there is another KVM that would work better, please let me know!

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Software :: Finding Apple Safari Feedback?

Apr 4, 2005

Does anybody happen to know if Apple has a feedback or suggestion page for Safari? I would like to request a feature that they seemed to overlook, the "Home Page" button. This is like my most used button in a web browser, and I miss it in such a great browser. I've tried searching to but no result.

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Software :: Finding Feedback Of The Mail Stationery Featuere For Me?

Aug 17, 2009

I am thinking of buying the stationerypack from equinux, but am not sure whether I should spend this money or not. can some body finding feedback of the mail stationery featuere for me?

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MacBook Pro :: Intel X-25m Versus Crucial C300 For A MBP 13' Finding Feedback

Oct 24, 2010

I would like to get some feedback on these two ssd drives.
I own a MBP 13' late 2010 and I would like to upgrade to an ssd

I'm considering two drives:

Intel x-25m 160Gb
Crucial c300 128Gb

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Software :: Finding Parallels Alternative?

Dec 5, 2008

I heard a rumor that there would be an alternative to Parallels for running Windows OS on a Mac. I like how Parallels runs at the same time but it does run slow on my Mac and makes all other programs slow down, too.

Anyone know anything about new software that is comparable?

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MacBook Pro :: Finding Recommended Way To Run VMFusion Or Parallels?

Aug 17, 2007

Trying to get my boss to agree to let me have a MBP. I will have to run Windows for access to Access and I just wondered if anyone could recommend which way to go: VMFusion or Parallels? Or perhaps Boot Camp.... although I would prefer, ideally, to have both Win and OX running at the same time, rather than having to choose at boot-up.

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Expert Advice - Using 7 (Bootcamp And Parallels)

Dec 26, 2009

I have a new 27" iMac with the i5 processor, Snow Leopard, and 8GB of Ram. Using the secondary display trick, I was able to successfully install Windows 7 (64 bit) with Bootcamp and it is working great. But I also have Parallels Desktop 5 (latest version) and am having troubles with it running Windows 7 from my Bootcamp partition.

I was able to get the virtual machine installed and Windows 7 will boot. However, it takes a LONG time to start the virtual machine and hard drive access is VERY sluggish. To be clear, Parallels itself loads fast but once I start the Windows 7 virtual machine, it takes 5-10 minutes to loads. But even after it loads, any time I do something to access the HD, it is very slow. For example, if I try to play a game, it'll take a long time to load the game but once it gets loaded, it runs great. So I know it's not a memory, CPU, or GPU issue. I have 4 GB or Ram dedicated to the virtual machine.

Now I thought I read something about Parallels having trouble with Windows 7 when using the Bootcamp partition - something about a HFS reading problem from a Bootcamp driving or something?

My Mac is booting into the 32bit kernel of Snow Leopard and the Windows 7 installation is 64 bit? Would that be causing a problem?

I also have Macfuse and Paragon NTFS installed on the Mac. Would those be causing a problem?

Specifically, what do you think could be causing the very slow hard drive access in my virtual machine? I wasn't able to find a solution at the Parallels website.

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MacBook Pro :: Finding Link Windows Bootcamp Partition To Parallels 5

Jul 2, 2010

I need install windows 7 on my mac (for some windows only programs). I would like to create a partition via bootcamp to run Windows 7 on my mac. I would also like to use that same partition on Parallels 5.

I am looking for a way to LINK the bootcamp partition to Parallels 5 so I can use Windows 7 on parallels when I am need of "light" programs and just boot to Windows 7 when I need more intensive programs. I have NOT installed windows 7 via Bootcamp or Parallels yet.

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Laptops :: People's Opinions On Macbook Pro With SSD?

Oct 28, 2010

so i was just wondering people's opinions on macbook pro with SSD, im thinking about getting a macbook pro but im not sure if i should get a 250 GB HDD or the 128GB SSD. it will be for college and i have a TB too (external HDD) so i dont think it will be too bad for me.. 128 does seem like a lot, and my desktop is the one that will get movies and all so yeah. so what do you think get a macbook pro with/ without SSD like what are the pros/cons of SSD? also should i get the Air instead?? i dont like the air's battery life though soo yeah..

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Run Parallels Via Virtual Image O Boot Camp Partition

Jun 3, 2009

I just purchased a new iMac (2.66 c2d & 4gb of ram), Parallels 4, and Windows XP.

I would like to get great performance whenever I use Windows XP and would like to know which installation procedure would help accomplish that.

Would Parallels provide me with a better user experience by installing Windows directly via Parallels OR by having Parallels utilizing a Boot Camp Partition?

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MacBook :: Opinions On Apple UK Repair Quality?

Jan 19, 2009

After many MANY issues with My beloved 7 - 8 month Macbook black 2.4ghz, 2gm RAM, 250GB HDD I have decided its time to take it in for a repair

The issues are as follows

1) Cracked Keyboard, right palm rest area where the magnet touches the palmrest area, this has led to:

2) Due to there being the crack, the magnet actually fits neatly into the crack when the lid is closes, this has scratched the right maget and the LCD bezel

3) The LCD has a purple horizontol line going through it, cant see it all when on net where there is a white backround like in Macrumors forum however when watching a film where it is black the purple line is highly visible making film viewing difficult

4) On the left bottom side where the two screws are located there is a "Bulge" as in the plastic housing is loose, this affects the entire left side where the ports are more or less but in between the two screws and to some extent up to the headphone jack you can practically push it in around 2mm, when doing this it makes a really annoying squeaky sound. Due to the bulging, there is a small crack forming under one of the two screws

5) This Baby has major overheating issues, right now Ive just got back from College and had this thing on for about an hour, just with simple Safari Browsing the CPU has temp of 55 degrees celsius and airport card is a whopping 64 degrees celsius, this will easily rise to a temp of around 60 for the CPU and around 68 for the airport card in the next hour again with simple internet browsing such as looking at forums and news

6) The Hinge is very loose, If I pick up my macbook and sort of shake it like thurst it forward the Hinge will come move and I could technically close it like that but cant as it hits hard.

Ive found it really disgusting that paying a small fortune for this laptop (Im a student and this Mac really required some hard work to pay for it) It has this many problems, I was going to give it in earlier but as this is my primary computer I didnt have the time to give it in but now as Exams are over I think it needs a major repair, even an upgrade which Im sure I deserve

So as a newbie to this Apple repair process what happens, Ive booked a genius bar appointment for tomorrow (can change if needed) Do I simply walk up to the genius and tell him my problems, and what to Apple do, do they repair it in store or send it out as Ive read some pretty bad stories about how Apple take care of your product, ive got a small few scratches on the bottom base which are unavoidable and one small hairline one the back but other than that its in tip top condition

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MacBook :: Weird Boot Issue, Opinions?

Jun 30, 2009

So i shut down my uMB (2.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD) earlier on with a DVD in the drive. I went to turn it on this evening and it wouldn't boot. I got a black screen saying, that no bootable drive was present. So after I calmed myself down from thinking I had lost my HD I tried to reboot, I held down the trackpad to eject the DVD, which it did. Then it booted fine.

My question is basically is there some way to change the boot order to prevent it trying to boot to a CD as the default?

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Mac Pro :: Crash Restarts - Varying Opinions From Genius Bar?

Feb 18, 2012

I'm experiencing intermittent Restarts and have been in to the Genius Bars several times and get different opinions on the issue. I've been told my hard drive was going, so I relaced it. Didn't fix it. I was then told it was a software issue caused by Dropbox, so I totally uninstalled it. I was also told that my video card might be the problem by one Genius Bar (haven't replaced this yet), but another Bar insisted it was software. I don't know who to believe or what to do to fix it. 

I've brought in to a Genius Bar print outs of my logs and also my Mac Pro another time and they ran tests to push my computer and that's when I was told my drive and possibly my video card were a problem, but at this time software was not said to be the issue. I got that diagnosis after replacing my hard drive. 

Here is the crash log from the Restart that just happened a little while ago, followed by data from my Kernal Log and System Log from the Console. If anyone can give me insight into what the issue is I would be completely grateful... 

CRASH LOG: 02/18/12 Interval Since Last Panic Report:  464827 sec


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MacBook Pro :: Opinions On Incase Hardshell Case For Unibody

Oct 12, 2009

Anyone have one for the latest MacBook Pro's? I would be using it conjunction with your standard sleeve just for some more protection since I will be using it India/Asia whilst I travel.

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Mac Mini :: IPS Display For Photo And Video Editing (Opinions Wanted)

Feb 2, 2010

opinions wanted:
First, I'm not a gamer. This pc would be strictly for photo editing and video conversion. I'm using photoshop cs4/ lightroom for pictures. For video, I have two objectives. The first is to convert 8mm to dvd. This would involve iMovie to keep it simple. The second would be for new HD video. Since Apple doesn't support blue ray just yet, I just need a way to offload to avchd on a regular dvd. I think Toast would accommodate this.

IMac (27") and mini would both have 4gb RAm. Hard drive space isn't all that important since I'll have an external as well. 2.5ghz vs. 3ghz. nVidea 9400 vs. ATI radeon. So would the less processing power of the mini be offset by the better monitor (Eizo or NEC ~24")? Or is the iMac display good enough?

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OS X :: Using Mac OS X Feedback?

Feb 17, 2009

I was wondering, after sending feedback on Apple's website it says...

" If we need to follow up with you on your ideas for improving Mac OS X, we will contact you directly."

Has that ever happened to anyone on this board, or do you know anyone who has been contacted?

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Windows On Mac :: Windows Vista Parallels/finding Network Drivers?

Apr 22, 2009

I recently installed Windows vista using going through parallels because my bootcamp failed a while ago. This partition also acts as my bootcamp. Well The internet on parallels works fine because it is using osx network, but when i boot into bootcamp the network drivers seem to be missing. I cant figure it out, but it says the ethernet and network drivers are not there. I cant find the drivers on the internet anywhere and when i use the vista disk i have it still does not want to install them.

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OS X :: How Do I Give Apple Feedback

Jan 29, 2008

I just became a mac user recently and loving it. I would just like to give apple feedback on some enhances and recommendations for futher improvement. Can I get a link or e-mail address to send feedback.

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Windows On Mac :: How Does Get Feedback From Their Win7 RC?

Jun 7, 2009

Is RC reporting back to M$ about problems, errors, etc?

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Software :: Any Feedback/reviews For CrossOver Mac?

Mar 3, 2010

who can offer some insight into this app that's supposed to allow you to run apps like MS Office et al and Quicken on your Mac, without having to install Win OS

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Applications :: How To Send Feedback To Microsoft

Jun 4, 2009

Everyone I work with Hates MSWord, but it is the industry standard and we're all stuck with it. But, perhaps "hate" is an inadequate despription?

Primarily writing proposals/reports. I'm not sure I can adequately describe how much my co-workers loathe MSWord. The way it constantly moves graphics to the edge of the page, the way it randomly reformats entire sections of the document, the utter incompatibility with the PC version - destroying graphics on every version, the menus that can't be undone and the way MS decided to reorganize the commands so nothing can be found. Very few things in life create a level of emotion that this software does to the team members. Maybe road-rage comes the closest, although I can't say I've ever seen anyone as mad at someone cutting another off as the team is mad at MS.

I guess my team feels like Michael Vick's dogs. They are trapped with no hope of getting out, forced to face the software every day. And no matter how hard they fight to make things work, they are destined to the pain and suffering forced on them by the MS developers. (disclaimer: analogy for dramatic impact, no dogs-of-proposal-writing were physically harmed in the making of this analogy).

My question is, how do we relate our dissatisfaction to MS? They appear to have no feedback mechanism (perhaps from this we can deduce why their product is so abysmal)? Or maybe someone has a suggestion to free me and my fellow team members from MS-Vick's kennel?

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Hardware :: ISub USB Feedback And Fade 10.6.1?

Sep 30, 2009

Odd this, Harmon Kardon isub worked fine on reconnecting after Snow Leopard upgrade, that is to 10.6 then 10.6.1 then maybe a day or two later for no reason they started to cut out and now I get total feedback or a high pitched whine when computer starts up.

imac 2.16 Ghz Intel Core Due, 2GB, 667 Mhz RAM, 10.6.1

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MacBook Pro :: Intel X-25M - Benchmark Feedback

Jun 2, 2010

Just installed Intel X-25M 80GB SSD into my new i7 MacBook Pro. 4Gb Ram. Stored SSD in Optibay and 500GB HDD in default position.

Repaired permissions and PRAM'd for safety net.

Confirming that below benchmark numbers are positive? A bonus if you have the same machine and SSD results Again I'm happy with the snappiness and speed of the SSD, just postings my results essentially.

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Applications :: What Is The Difference Between Parallels Desktop 6 Switch To Mac Edition And Parallels 6

Dec 28, 2010

What is the difference between Parallels Desktop 6 Switch to Mac Edition and Parallels 6?

Is the speed the same for both?

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Intel Mac :: 21.5" Speaker Damage Due To Feedback?

May 1, 2012

I transferred some Garageband files from my old iMac to my new one. I opened up a song to listen (it had been about 4 months) to it and I forgot that the monitor was on. I am assuming that feedback protection was on, as there was nasty and extremely loud feedback for about 2.5 seconds before the "feedback detected" message popped up. The volume on the Mac was at between 60 and 75 percent up. 

I am slightly concerned about damage to the speakers. Everything sounds ok, but I noticed a slight tinny, feedback sound (on the highs) on certain songs. It could have easily just been part of the songs I listened to, as some were self-recordings of not great quality. Others (acoustic) did not seem to have that problem. 

I understand feedback can be dangerous, but the fact that Garageband caught it fairly quickly, there was no pop or buzz, and I still have working speakers makes me feel a bit better. In short: am I just being paranoid, or does this warrant a trip to the Apple Store to have them take a look?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Unable To Uninstall Parallels / Certain File Types Still Associated With Parallels

Aug 28, 2009

i'm abit ocd with stuff on my computer, so stuff like this really bothers me. i had parallels one my computer for a little while whilst i needed windows. now i don't i got rid of the partition and uninstalled parallels. but, .exe files and some other files still show the parallels logo, as if it wants to open them in parallels.

is there any way i can change this? i've removed everything i can think of in preferences, application support, startup items, receipts, etc to do with parallels but to no avail.

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