MacBook Air :: Screen With Lines Can Be Replaced By Genius Bar?
Mar 3, 2009
After bringing them both into the genius bar and setting them side by side, the genius agreed that there were faint lines visible on light backgrounds, and is having it sent off to have the whole top housing replaced. Here's to hoping that it works out..UPDATE: so despite the fact that I have some authorization from the genius bar to have my clamshell assembly replaced, I just checked the status of my order and it says "no issues detected." I'm assuming that apple is within their right to do this, but the paperwork clearly states that the lines are visible in store to multiple geniuses.
as you can see in the images attached below my MBP is having some video problems. The laptop was purchased about a week ago brand new, and it just started having these issues.
I am selling my MacBook as I upgraded to a MBP. I was cleaning the screen to pretty it up and realized that the screen was chipped or scratched. I am not sure what to do. It is going to be anywhere from $99-$200 to fix it. Do you think it is worth it? Below are the general specs of the MB:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo Model or Type: MacBook w/ APPLECARE!! Hardware Overview:
Model Name: MacBook Model Identifier: MacBook4,1 Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz Number Of Processors: 1 Total Number Of Cores: 2 L2 Cache: 3 MB Memory: 4 GB Bus Speed: 800 MHz Boot ROM Version: MB41.00C1.B00 SMC Version: 1.31f0 Serial Number: W88114Y20P1 Sudden Motion Sensor: State: Enabled
Now, I am seeing similar MBs go for $800-$850
I have attached two pictures. Please let me know if you feel it is worth the extra time and investment to get the screen fixed.
full screen
super close up
So, I ask, is it worth the extra money to get it fixed?
grey screen no apple followed by blue screen with vertical lines. Graphics and logic board replaced <6 months ago. What to do? I held down shift, it gets HOT HOT and makes noises. (for safety mode) followed by a blank grey screen and blue screen. Then tried the other way (I think it's command alt delete? I don't remember) and it turned from grey (no apple symbol) to blue blank. Then third time, grey followed by blue with vertical lines, not blocky clear lines that you can see if you are close to it.
I took my Late 2007 Macbook to the Apple Store to have the screen checked out (there were random burn marks on the screen). They sent it out for repair and when I got it back I noticed the screen was awesomely bright!
Is there anyway to see if they used an LED backlight screen as the replacement? System profiler didn't tell me much.
I had a problem recently where my bezel was falling off and I had problems with keyboard itself. My Applecare more than covered everything and I suspect they may have even given me a refurb Rev. A as a replacement. I am updated to 10.6.1 but everytime the computer restarts I get this weird black screen instead of the standard grey,
My mac screen is frozen with white fuzzy lines going across the screen. I shut it off and turn it back on but it still remains white fish lines on the start up screen. I've tried revolting it, it works sometimes but now its stuck at the starting screen. I have been at this for 2 hours to try and fix it but nothing has changed about the screen.
Spilled a vanilla latte all over it about 3 weeks ago. Screen immediately screwed up (lighting issues, pixels....the whole works). Apple wanted $800 flat to "begin" to fix it. If the logic board had one drop of liquid on it, it'd jump to $1240. Sent it to, and got the screen replaced and the whole computer diagnosed - with shipping included - for $325. Arrived today. Looks PERFECT. Kudos to that company. I'm really impressed.
Had my iphone 3gs for around 4 months now, it recently stopped turning on for some reason. I've tried everything but when I woke up this morning to turn on my phone it just didn't start... it looks beat up around the edges, is missing the volume button on the side, and has a crack, HOWEVER it has no water damage. The only reason it's so beat up is because I skateboard and I keep my phone in my pocket and for some reason the plastic doesn't hold up too well... The sensor is 100% white though and its not really my fault it broke they just built it .I think they might replace this is if I go and complain about it not turning on and seeing if they can fix it, if they can't hopefully they will give me a new one.
For the past few days, my screen has been going in and out of being entirely covered by 1px white lines that occasionally flicker blue or something. Like, when I'm typing (as I am now) if the window is positioned one pixel off, the blinking cursor won't appear (and on my black screensaver, it looks more like it's white/light grey because literally every other 1px line is white). Well, this morning it got weird again, but it hasn't gone back to normal!
I have a Mid-2007 Santa Rosa Macbook Pro, 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo- LED Screen, backlight works fine and if I turn it completely down ('off') the problem persists. I have Boot Camp installed, and the problem persists when booting into Windows as well.
I looked around and tried a few fixes to no avail (slept the screen, reset the PRAM, messed with the resolution a bit).
I took a screenshot and everything shows up normal. I had to finish a paper I was working on, and the screen was getting unbearable, so I tried plugging it into a mate's external lcd and the image came up completely fine, no vertical lines!
So, what could this be, and what could I do to fix it? Could this be the infamous problem with the Nvidia 8600GT M graphics card- so would I have to get the logic board repaired!? (UGH I hope not) Could it just be a connection issue? I did install a new hard drive, a new stick of memory, and Leopard, but that was months ago! Anything else I might be missing? and I hope this problem isn't too serious!
P.S.-on a side-note, has anybody done the upgrade to the latest firmware for the fans (SMC something)? Should I give that a try (or should I do it anyway, regardless of whether it could help)? When it was released, I heard of some bad experiences, so I stayed away.
I am getting these parallel lines on the right side of my screen green, red, blue color. When the screen is moved they go away and if there is any movement in the screen, They come back. If the screen is pressed in the left corner hard from the outside, they go away. I don't know what to do? Today have a appointment with Genius Bar. Lets hope what they say. I have personally well maintained the notebook, I think has Apple some quality issues. I am disappointed. This problem is quite common online with other user's
I've had my macbook air 13" 256GB for four days now, I had it shipped to me in Canada because I wanted the ram to be changed to 8GB. When I'm scrolling around on the internet I see a horizontal line appear in the lower half of my screen, it disappears quickly so I haven't been able to get a screen shot. I have apple care, should I take my laptop in? Is this normal? I've been very careful with my laptop, I haven't dropped it or anything (I even have it in the Tech21 Impact snap case).
I have a MBP purchased in late 2006 so it's fairly old.
Lately I've been having really random lock ups and freezing maybe once every week or so. Sometimes when I hard reset it, there's a few horizontal lines across the screen, usually just on the background. It'll go away if I restart it again.
I used the onboard disk checker and no problems are detected. Is this a sign that the hardware will fail soon?
Hi I'm connecting an external monitor to my macbook pro and am experiencing regular vertical lines throughout the external screen. I've tried DVI-D and VGA. I've tried changing resolutions. I have taken a screen shot of the monitor but this screen shot shows a clear image. Attached is a picture of what it looks like. Hard to spot as taken with my isight. (Ignore the cable hanging down).
I dont even know how to describe what's going on with my screen so i took some screenshots of me playing WoW since that's where the problem is more apparent and one desktop ss.
Specs: 2007 MBP, using a clear hard Speck case 15 inch 4mb RAM 160gb HD, 650gb external HD
I've had it sent into Apple once for the horizontal flashing lines, but these are new... it's like a gray vertically striped film covers the whole screen, and unlike the horizontal lines, shaking/hitting the screen does not help.
I turned on my macbook today and found these colored lines down the center of my screen: (sorry for the bad quality, but you get the idea) Is this from a crack in the LCD screen, and would it be possible to replace this myself so I don't have to spend a few hundred dollars on it at the Apple store?
My MacBookPro 15" 5.3 worked fine until today, All the blacks (rgb 0,0,0) on the screen become red stripes.
When I boot into Linux or Windows the same problem appears, so it's probably a hardware problem.
I have no expensive adaptor to connect to an external lcd screen, so I don't know yet if the problem is in the mac screen or in the cabling or somewhere else...
Here are 2 screenshots of black squares a drawed in Illustrator, one taken on the mac (cmd + shift + 3)
one taken with a camera (where you can see the red lines)
I want to avoid the MacStore as I want to avoid missing my laptop for a month...
The screen started by having the occasional 'white out' where it would be in use and a white screen would fade in for a few seconds then usually return to normal.
So at some point before, i noticed this line of colors on the left side of my mac, althrough its not bad it became bigger; still i ignored it anyway. Then just a while ago i saw another small colorful line on the right, its way smaller than the other line which has the length of the entire screen. But i want to get rid of the lines already, its only really visible when i have a white screen, but it is still noticable without a white screen. i don't know if its just a bug on my mac, or a hardware fail. The lines when i look at it is like seeing a hypnotic ray when i move...
I bought my Macbook Pro 13" in 2011 March when the line was refreshed. About 6 months later there were vertical lines running across the screen, and it hangs. Once I've rebooted by pressing the start button it all goes back to normal. I thought it was some random bug so I didn't check it out. A month later it happened again, and again and again, although it was so random that I couldn't pinpoint when it would happen. I brought it to Applecenter.They changed the logic board. I brought it back and reinstalled new applications – it happened again, this time with vertical lines and 3 beeping noises. (I've got videos and pictures to prove it -- even took videos showing the serial number because some of them were skeptical if it was the same laptop!) I brought it to Applecenter again. They reformatted the hard drive, and I took it back. The problem remanifested itself after a few days.I brought it back to Applecenter AGAIN. They did hardware testing, etc and couldn't find anything wrong with it. The engineers told the people at Apple to do a zero-out (because it might not be done right the first time) I took it back. They said it might be a software issue. So I was careful to have clean installs of everything.And then it happened again. And again. They did not want to replace my laptop and want to further troubleshoot although it's been 3 times at this point that I have returned back and forth to the Applecenter.Tech people told me to do a partition and watch out if it happens on the clean install. I think it's not a software issue at this point, but I am very frustrated. I can't just keep waiting for the clean install to mess up – I need to work and all my applications are on the other partition!
my macbook pro screen has two thin green lines running down the screen from top to bottom. i have run the apple hardware test and it has detected an error. unfortunately i am in a remote village for the next two months and unable to get my macbook to a repair centre. What the thin green lines indicate?, whether the error on the hard drive and the green lines are connected or something different? the lap top seems to be working fine however im concerned that as i cant get to a repair place for the next 2 months whether continued use will damage the computer further?