Hardware :: Sending Bluetooth Message To Large Crowd
Jun 4, 2009
I have experience doing this with a PC and it was an absolute chore. Do macs do it better. To fill in, I want to be able to send a 30sec video clip at a concert to a crowd of about 500-1000. Will I need to get a USB booster to send the signal? Can anyone recommend some software to use? Any one have any experience of doing something like this?
Me and my sister are looking for a way to swap files, between our Macs, over the Net.
I have no idea about FTP or Transmit and I'm not sure what our best method or app should be?
We're both running OS X- I'm on Snow Leopard, she's on Leopard*
My sister has two boys and a little girl. Shortly after buying our respective Macs, I bought an HD camcorder and my sister bought a very good DSLR. So I have lots of HD videos made with iMovie for her and she has tons of pics to send me. We both have our own back-ups of course but neither is proof against fire or theft to be honest. I know we could swap them on a large USB stick or a portable drive but we don't always see each other and she's very busy.
Yesterday I tried to send a Quicktime movie that I made with iMovie as an attachment to an email. I knew something was wrong when it kept "sending" for hours. I could not get it to stop, no matter what I tried. I used Force Quit on Mail: no effect on the spinning circles. I shut the computer down and then restarted. Signed into Mail--> still had spinning circles. I took the mailboxes offline and then put them back online: spinning circles remained.
I deleted all of the outgoing messages several times, but whenever I came back, they reappeared. I shut off my computer overnight. This morning the spinning circles are gone, and a static circle remains, and I am unable to send or receive email. What can I do? I have four Mac mail accounts and they all have important information in them. How can I unfreeze my mail? BTW, the gmail accounts that go to the mac account are ok--it is just the "@mac.com" accounts that are frozen. I cannot find this in a search.
I am trying to create a new image from a DVD and burn it to a new DVD using the MAC Disk Utility "New Image" option. The source DVD is 4 G and my target folder is on my external HD which has 298G.. plenty of space. However, whenever I attempt to SAVE the existing DVD to my external HD, I am getting the error message that the file is too large. I have tried the parameter for "Image Format" of both 'Read Only' and 'DVD/CD Master' and neither of them work. My "Encryption" setting is 'None'.
Does anyone know if Apple plans to create a bluetooth version of the larger keyboard? I have the small, bluetooth version - but it's too cramped. I'd much prefer the larger one.
Going off to school and in my room I have 2 ethernet ports, but no WiFi signals. School will not allow you to hook up a wireless router they only allow wired routers if you need to hook up more than one thing to the ethernet jack. Here's my question, Is there something that I can hook up to the ethernet port to send the internet signal over bluetooth so my MBP can connect without having to be plugged in the whole time?
Regardless of account used - all outbound messages are failing to reach recipient - and if CC'd to myself - not receiving them either. Have tried various test messages - and no luck.
Can other people using Gmail through their Mac desktop mail tell me if its sending? It appears I can receive but I cannot send. Maybe I did something wrong? Although I haven't touched the settings.
I use Adium 1.3.10 which normally could send message to offline user and my ex-girlfriend use Adium as well but I dont know which version. I sent really important message to my ex-girlfriend while she is offline and TWO HOURS later this message pop up to me.
"Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally happens when the user is blocked or does not exist." But I did not block her and she does exist So I'm not sure she will receive this message or not. the strange thing that I worry is it was bounced TWO HOURS LATER AFTER I SENT IT,Has anyone experienced this case??? What I really am worry is the message will be sent to her or not?
(Using OSX 10.5.7 on MacBook, Comcast cable modem):For the pst 24 hours I have not been able to connect to my Entourage email account, which denies every combination of letters and numbers, upper and lower case, of my formerly reliable password. System tries to log in, then gives me the error message "invalid username/password." I can't find a "forgot password" link or otherwise change the password. If I try Mac mail I get "system timed out." I can use webmail to get password but not Entourage or Mac Mail.
In Mail preferences I have message font set to Verdana and in the 'Composing' pane I have ensured that messages are sent as Rich Text, and yet I have a persistent and frustrating problem with Mail.app failing to apply font formatting to outgoing messages. When composing new messages everything looks fine (i.e. text displays in Verdana), but Mail isn't applying the formatting to emails; looking at the raw source of sent messages, Mail seems to be sending Plain Text messages with no formatting applied:
Code: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v936) Further adding to my confusion, if I append a formatted signature (configured in Mail preferences) to messages, the signature IS correctly formatted (in Verdana, no less).....
trying to intsall a firmware update for my camera. using stuffit and a .fir file.i am getting an error message that the destination folder is on a locked volume. have repaired permissions and looked at the folder and opened it up so everyone can change it and no joy.
I'm using a 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo imac with 3GB memory running OS 10.5.8. I've been using mac mail at home, work and on the move for years and have only ever had a couple of minor problems with it. However last Friday, after using it normally in the office, I went out, leaving the machine to sleep. When I came back my mail wouldn't download past message number 7 and it said there were 400+ emails to download when it should have been maximum 10. I tried to shut down mail but every time I tried to shut it down it wouldn't shut down.
I had to 'force quit' even though 'force quit' didn't say 'not responding' alongside mail. When I reopened mail the number of 'new' messages dropped to only 170 odd, but still I can't get past the 10th email and the download speed goes to zero. Also I can't delete some existing messages in my inbox. They go light grey but don't delete. I am able to use mail as normal on my home mac which uses mail with the same account settings as my office mac. I can also access my emails via my iPhone and webmail.
Somehow a setting got switched so now whenever I reply to a message, a copy of that message is automatically sent to my inbox as a "new message."
It used to be this would only occur when I hit "reply all" - but now it is all the time. I have looked through mail preferences, but am not seeing the fix.
On a Mac OS X 10.4.11. laptop. ISP provider is Comcast. Have successfully been sending and receiving emails at home no problem using Entourage for two years. Have now taken laptop to visit away from home and clicked into the host's house wifi system - AT&T u-vers.
Entourage will now receive but not send emails. Receive 3259 error message about timing out. However, can send fine by going to Comcast's site, therefore Comcast insists this is not their problem but an Entourage problem, probably with settings.
I would like to send email attachments as actual attachments rather than embedded in the body of the message. I tried typing "defaults write com.apple.mail DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -tool yes" in Applications/Utilities/Terminal which I thought had worked before, but no luck now.
Is there a size limit for importing an Excel File into Numbers? The error message says the file is too large. Has this been changed in i-work 09? The file has multiple sheets that refer to each other, but i can't even open at this point. It is 3.1 MB.
Is there a way to turn off the little bluetooth message box that pops up for a second or two on the screen when a bluetooth device is connected or connection is lost?
I have a bluetooth mouse and keyboard that I want to share between a PC and MBP via a DVI/USB KVM switch. I think I can do this by plugging a USB Bluetooth dongle into the KVM's USB input.
If I use the MBP's built-in bluetooth then when I switch from one computer to the other via the KVM, the keyboard and mouse will stay paired with the MBP; but if I disable the built-in hardware then the dongle can provide the bluetooth capability and be switched between the computers.
I've shied away from wireless keyboards in the past because I do alot of online baking and investment activities from my computer. I also love a clean workspace and a wireless keyboard could remove yet another wire from my desk. Do you consider wireless and/or bluetooth keyboards safe?
I turned off the bluetooth function and my keyboard and mouse wont now work and I cant get back into the system - how do I reactivate without the use of the keyboard ?
This isn't directly related to macbooks but if I want to use the bluetooth built into my computer to connect to my non bluetooth printer can I buy any USB bluetooth dongle to plug into the printer ( Kodak all in one 5300) or do I need some specific kind? All the ones I look at don't mention anything about printers just connection between computers and phones.
Hey guys..>I'm trying to set up my jabra bt200 bluetooth headset to work with my mac (osx 10.4.2, 15" powerbook 1.67ghz)...and I can get it to pair, but it won't stay connected for more than a split second. this is a problem i've seen a few people have, looking around on various forums and stuff, and i was trying various solutions when i decided to try doing a firmware upgrade on the internal bluetooth module. I downloaded the firmware updater (1.2), tried to run it and it came up with the following error:
"This computer does not have an Apple Bluetooth module installed. It cannot be updated by this application."
Why would my Powerbook not have an Apple Bluetooth module?!?!?! It's got bluetooth installed, it's internal, but looking at the system profile, it says it's the manufacturer is Cambridge Silicon Radio. So is this normal or what? Is the firmware upgrade even going to help me out in the end? Just to clarify...the powerbook came with bt installed factory...it's not something added by me!
When I want to REPLY to a message, I do not automatically get a 'send' icon after composing the message. I have to save it as a draft and then send it.